Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1217 Let’s go, where do you want to go?

Chapter 1217 Just leave, you decide where to go

"And you, you are so ridiculous. I didn't expect that you are actually the same species. You devil cultivators, you will not die well."

Liu Si didn't care about anything. He was going to die anyway, so he had to be happy before he died.

Before you die, you will only show it to someone.

At this moment Liu Si felt himself standing up.

No matter how many god-level rules and powers you understand and control, I'm here to say that they're all rubbish anyway, so I'm going to scold you. What's going on?

Yunfei is lying on his back.

Which of your eyes saw this handsome dragon smiling?

"You followed me and wanted to kill me, but you cooperated with them. How come you turned around and made it seem like it was all my fault?"

Yunfei decided to correct this person's thinking. Besides, I am not treating your illness and injuries just to make you happy.

"Yes, I'm just following you, and I just want to kill you. You killed my brother, why don't I take revenge? As for what method I use, it's none of your business?"

Liu Si admitted it generously.

I just want to kill you, what can you do?

Yunfei raised his leg and kicked it.

Whose child is this? There is definitely a parent who spoils his children. Look, a very nice person, how can he talk nonsense?

Since parents don't educate, Yunfei felt that he had to help out.

As for whether this kick could kill someone in the past, that was not within Yunfei's consideration.

Yun Fei kicked out with all his strength, could Liu Si hold on?

The man in black can withstand Yun Fei's palm because he is very powerful, and Liu Si is only the bottom among the Holy Gods. He can become an inner disciple only by relying on connections. How can you imagine this strength? Know.

So, the result was that Liu Si was kicked by Yun Fei and sent to the west.

Moreover, his remnant soul did not escape and was ruthlessly devoured by the blood beast soul body.

Holy God level remnant souls and blood beast souls still like to eat.

"Sure enough, it's a good method, just like us cleaners should be."

The man in purple's eyes widened when he saw Yun Fei releasing the blood beast soul body.

What kind of beast is this?

Surprisingly, he survived in the form of a spiritual body. This was the first time the purple-clothed man had seen such a beast.

But it cannot be denied that Yunfei's behavior is indeed very similar to that of their cleaners.

"I haven't said I want to join you."

Yun Fei's kicking Liu Si to death was just a trivial thing. Too many creatures died in Yun Fei's hands. The Holy Spirit was currently dying in piles. What was one Liu Si?

As for this organization of liquidators, Yunfei will definitely not join.

Just kidding, the task given by the system is to clear out the demonic cultivators, not to join the demonic cultivators.

But Yunfei didn't immediately tell the man in purple the destined answer.

Yunfei was ready to learn about this very powerful organization.

"You will join. With your terms, it would be a shame not to join us."

The man in purple smiled and spoke, looking very confident.

"Guess, how many god-level rules do I control?"

Yunfei looked at the man in purple and wanted to scold him, "You seem to be sick."

Guess what, uncle, if you don’t talk about knocking me down, do you think I care about it?

"I don't think you can guess it. I now control a total of six god-level rules."

The man in purple showed a very proud expression.

Yunfei, on the other hand, was really shocked.

Is this why you feel in danger?

Damn it, this grandson actually controls six god-level rules?

This seems to be different from the legend.

It is said that Tiandao Academy does not have such awesome disciples, right?

"There are no such powerful people in Tiandao Academy. Do you think I will believe it?"

Yunfei said he didn't believe it.

"Humph, what is Tiandao Academy? My abilities are all obtained with merit. If you join, you can also redeem them. With the power you control now, you can control nine god-level rules at the Holy God level. It’s not that difficult. If you grow up to dominate the Nine Realms by then, tsk tsk.”

Tsk your sister.

Are nine kinds amazing?

By the time this handsome dragon controls the rules of light, the power of the rules that this handsome dragon controls will already exceed nine types. You ignorant person knows nothing.

Yunfei is not just bragging, this is all true. Currently, the rules that Yunfei controls include nine types: earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, space, darkness, life, and destruction. Light is currently only an attribute resistance and cannot control the rules. strength.

But this is not difficult. In Yunfei's view, as long as he finds a special substance with light attributes, he can activate the rules of light.

"What? Isn't this exciting? I didn't lie to you. All my god-level power of rules was obtained in exchange."

The man in purple continued to persuade.

If the persuasion is successful, he will get a lot of credit this time.

If he didn't have merit to follow him, he wouldn't waste his time on Yunfei.

Yunfei still didn't believe it.

His own body system is already very abnormal, but this also requires his own efforts and fight.

And what did the man in purple say?

The entire power of god-level rules is like cabbage, and it is sold at a low price, so you can change it at any time.

"Forget it, I will take you there, and you will naturally believe it."

Having said this, the man in purple didn't want to waste his time.

Didn’t I believe this lie at the beginning?

Precisely because he didn't believe it at first, he could understand Yunfei's thoughts.

It’s just that I can’t cry until I see the coffin.

Anyway, since I am here, I can't let Yunfei make the decision on his own, so I can just take him away and be done with it.

The man in purple took action.

As soon as he made a move here, Yunfei stopped moving.

All the hairs on his body stood on end.

The man in purple actually used the rules of destruction and a god-level power of destruction.

Surrounded by this kind of power, Yunfei did not dare to move at all. Although he also controlled destruction, his control degree was too low, only 36.

This kind of control is definitely not comparable to other people's, and the several powers he has displayed seem to be simply not enough in the face of this destructive power.

Yunfei tried to attack with water, fire and wind, but in the end all three powers Yunfei used were destroyed into nothingness.

This rule of destruction is of course very unreasonable.

"Stop trying, it's useless. Just follow me and you won't get hurt. If you insist on going against me, you will die."

Yun Fei is a little distrustful of evil. Even if ordinary rules can't help destruction, what about life and darkness?

They are both the seven supreme rules, who is afraid of whom?

If he really releases Devouring Heaven, he really won't necessarily be afraid of the destructive power used by the man in purple.

"If you have anything to say, just leave. You tell me where to go."

Yunfei gave in temporarily, because it sounded like this person was going to take him to their headquarters, right?

Even if you have no intention of joining, it is still good to identify the door first so that you can attack it later.

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