Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1218 Fear spreads

Chapter 1218 Fear spreads

In the end, the man in purple did not answer Yunfei's question. He used his own power to force Yunfei to leave.

The way to leave is very sci-fi.

There was no need to leave, they just created a space barrier. When Yunfei and these two people were all within the space barrier, the space barrier shrank instantly.

The next moment, the entire room returned to its original appearance, as if nothing had changed.

Yunfei was forcibly taken away.

By the time Huangfu Yiyun and the guardians of the Yin tribe discovered that Yun Fei was missing, it was too late.

Tu Qin, who came later, could not find Yun Fei's shadow.

But all the fingers are pointed at the people from Tiandao Academy.

It has been determined that the person who took Yunfei away was from Tiandao Academy, and the person who disappeared with Yunfei was also a student of Tiandao Academy.

But who has the guts to ask people from Tiandao Academy to give a reasonable explanation?

Even if Xiao Mo had the courage to ask, he would not be able to ask because people from the Yin tribe would stop Xiao Mo.

With the ability of the Yin clan, Xiao Mo would have no problem making trouble in the nine major sects, but it was really difficult to do it in front of the Tiandao Academy.

Did Yunfei really go to Tiandao Academy?

It really is.

The movement method used by the man in purple is exclusively controlled by Tiandao Academy. It is said that it is a method taught by Tiandao himself. It uses the method of space folding to achieve the purpose of allowing creatures to move quickly.

This is very high-end. In theory, Yunfei can actually do this. Although the space power he controls is mainly for killing, he is also good at space power.

"What is this place?"

"When you join, you will naturally know where this place is. As your guide, I want to advise you not to struggle and resist in vain. Joining will have endless benefits for you. If you don't join, you will die. .”

The man in purple said this very straightforwardly.

Yunfei frowned, no other choice?

"I've seen you, Anhou!"

Before Yunfei could give his opinion, the man in purple saluted behind Yunfei.

The place they were in was not a teleportation array, but a very open place. The mental power was blocked here, and Yunfei had no way of knowing where this place was.

Seeing the behavior of the man in purple, Yunfei turned his head and looked behind him.

The man called Anhou by the people in purple is a middle-aged man. This man has very thick body hair and can be said to have a hairy face.

However, this man's eyes were very aggressive. When Yunfei was stared at by this man, he felt as if he was staring at him like a jackal.

"Your mission is completed, go get your reward."

The hairy-faced man spoke.

The man in purple nodded in agreement and left quickly.

"Let me answer your questions. This is Tiandao College. I am a teacher at Tiandao College. You can call me Anlehou or Anhou."

Are the Cleaners related to Tiandao Academy?

In other words, Tiandao Academy is the base camp of demon cultivators?

Yunfei felt a little dizzy. Isn't this Tiandao Academy a holy place in the vast world?

This is a place that everyone yearns for. Now you tell me that this is the home of the demon cultivator. This can no longer be described as an accident. It is simply too unexpected, okay?

"Your understanding of the entire world is too one-sided. You will know some things soon, but the prerequisite is that you want to join Tiandao Academy. You are the student I have designated to take. After you join, I will take care of your affairs in the future. Be responsible, now you can express your own opinions."

Yunfei understood what the hairy-faced man said. This means that after joining Tiandao Academy, you will be the instructor of this handsome dragon, right?

By the way, after all this, you have already told me such an important secret, do we still have the right to say no?

If I say no, will you exercise your rights as a liquidator?

"I'm joining."

"Very good, you made a wise choice, but if you want to really get started, you still need to pass the test."

Na Yunfei entered Tiandao College. This was Anlehou's own wish. As the Marquis of Tiandao College, he was naturally qualified to recruit into the college.

In Tiandao College, there are two types of people who control power. One is the teacher, which is a position, and the candidate is a title.

Hou is divided into three types, from top to bottom, they are Wuhou, Xinhou and Anhou. Even though Anhou is just the lowest rank, he has great power and enjoys much higher benefits than a teacher. .

It can be said that Yunfei will be protected by a marquis after entering Tiandao Academy. This is already a high level, and he is more awesome than the man in purple.

But whether Yunfei can join Tiandao Academy depends on whether he can pass the test.

"Please wait for your orders."

"To destroy a world."


Yunfei never expected that Anlehou would give such a task to Yunfei.

This does not conflict with the system tasks at all.

But the question is, how to destroy a world?

"You take this. You just need to enter the inner world and implant this into the origin of the world. Then the world will naturally be destroyed."

"Will it be destroyed soon?"

Yunfei is most concerned about this. If it is the boiling frog mode, then Yunfei will be very disappointed.

"Yes, it will be destroyed quickly, but this process will never be easy. You will be rejected by the will of the world, and you will be attacked by all the creatures in the small world. Also, regardless of whether you succeed or not, your external identity is just Demon cultivators are not students of Tiandao Academy, nor are they cleansers, do you understand?"

An Lehou was warning Yunfei not to reveal anything about Tiandao Academy.


Yunfei nodded quickly.

"Go ahead and use your own method to complete this task. If you can complete it within five years, you will become a member of Tiandao Academy. If you cannot complete it, I will personally clean you up."

After Anlehou finished speaking, he waved.

A space barrier instantly appeared and enveloped Yunfei.

"Anlehou, what are you doing?"

Just when the space barrier wrapped around Yunfei, a voice appeared behind Anlehou.

Anlehou turned around quickly when he heard this.

"I've seen the message."

Originally this was just a meeting between two princes from Tiandao Academy, but the appearance of this letter caused such a huge impact on Yunfei that he was completely stunned.

Who is this guy?

If Yunfei heard correctly, this person is definitely a demon.

How come he is here?

How could he become a disciple of Tiandao Academy?

Anlehou is already powerful enough. According to Yunfei's estimation, Anlehou can dominate the Eighth Realm or even the Ninth Realm.

Now, he also wants to salute Mo Fei, so what is Mo Fei's strength?

At this moment, Yunfei was very worried about Zulong. Zulong, are you okay?

Just before the space barrier was about to shrink, Mo Fei looked at Yunfei and smiled at Yunfei.

Fear spread in Yunfei's heart.

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