Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1383 The old routine of the divine world

Chapter 1383 The old routine of the divine world

Yunfei did not stop the people from Chenglong World. He rushed into the portal of the tomb, and his figure seemed to be swallowed by the huge mouth of the abyss and disappeared without a trace.

The other Tiandao Academy students did not hesitate. Time was fleeting. If we didn’t rush in now, it would be too late.

Moreover, even if the people from Chenglong World were prepared, they only came with a few hundred people, and they rushed into the two tombs, with no more than 200 people in each.

There are thousands of people on each side of them. Will they be scared if thousands of people fight against two hundred?

Besides, we don’t dare to brag too harshly on the Destruction side. With the killing god Yun Fei here, it’s hard to tell whether these two hundred people are enough for him to kill himself.

So, if you are afraid of a bird, just rush and it’s over.

Yunfei rushed into the tomb. Different from the darkness that could be seen with the naked eye, there was no death at all in this tomb. There was not even darkness that he could see. There was life everywhere. Wanru entered another world. .

"Is the suppression of mental power so strong?"

Yunfei frowned slightly.

I don’t know what happened now. As long as it is a high-end place, there are ways to suppress mental power. It’s really annoying.

A person who used to be able to see everything within hundreds of thousands of miles suddenly becomes someone who can only see a few thousand meters away. This is as uncomfortable as being suddenly blind.

But if you are unhappy, you still have to live your life.

"This is really a big tomb full of creative rules. What kind of weird things are these?"

Yunfei felt as if he was in a primeval forest at this time. Tall vegetation was everywhere around him, with different postures, and it seemed that there were no identical species.

Various little beasts were playing happily in the jungle, and of course there were bloody scenes.

From all indications, this place does not look like a big tomb, but like another world.

"Isn't this just a small world?"

Yun Fei raised his body and flew into the air. There was no portal behind him at all. He must have been randomly teleported into the tomb after entering it.

The range that mental power can perceive is only a few kilometers, which is not as far as Yun Feifei can see in the air.

Yunfei wanted to see where he was.

It was a little uncomfortable to fly this time, and I couldn't tell the direction at all. The sky above my head was like a man-made pot lid, and it was only 10,000 meters away from the ground. There were jungles in front, back, left, and right, and I couldn't see anything special at all.

As a result, Yunfei had only two options. One was to lift the sky, and the other was to choose any direction to move forward.

In the end, Yunfei chose the second path.

This is a large tomb created by the seniors of the God Realm. If Yun Fei lifts this place, Mo Fei will probably be able to lift his Heavenly Spirit Cap after getting out and see how his brain circuit works.

However, choosing a direction is not a matter of random choice. Yunfei carefully felt it in the air before choosing a direction.

The direction Yunfei is heading is the direction with the strongest creative rules.

If nothing else happens, everyone who enters the tomb will go to a place where the rules of creation are strong.

"This place is really not small. You haven't seen anyone in such a long time?"

Yunfei thought to himself as he moved forward.

This didn't last long as he soon sensed something was wrong.

Although they didn't have that many people coming in, there was no reason why they couldn't see anyone for more than an hour, right?

Yunfei is not walking on the ground. He is flying in the air. He can see far away. The search radius is so large that it is simply too strange to see no one.

"This place won't be the same as that place, right?"

This is not the first time Yunfei has entered the tomb.

He went there once when he first arrived in the divine world and tricked many people to death.

Thinking about that experience, Yunfei suddenly wanted to understand why he couldn't see anyone.

Here, it should be just a passage, belonging to Yunfei's own passage.

"What a generous move."

After understanding this, Yunfei no longer hesitated. He rushed in the direction he determined as fast as possible. He didn't care about any strange things he encountered on the way. He didn't even look at them, he just rushed forward.

He wants to be the first to rush to the end to prevent others from disturbing Chuang's rest.

As for whether he can be the same as he was in the tomb of the divine world this time, Yunfei feels that it is definitely not possible.

Apart from anything else, this senior Chuang who came out of the Divine Realm is definitely a well-known figure.

Because Yunfei discovered that he can only move forward according to Chuang's wishes now, otherwise no matter which direction Yunfei chooses, he will not come to the end. This is different from the ordinary charming mind that makes people spin in circles.

The means of creation are even more superb.

Yunfei is moving forward if he chooses another direction, and will not stay where he is at all, but his journey is also endless. As Yunfei rushes on, everything in front of him will be created endlessly, which is very unreasonable. .

It was precisely because of understanding this that Yunfei went on his way with all his strength. As for the opportunities Chuang left on the road, Yunfei did not search for them.

You are already rich and don’t need to know anything about it?

Of course, if Yunfei discovers the aura of world power, he will not hesitate and must take it.

In addition to killing people, he also came to find the boundary weapon during this trip.

There must be some kind of boundary weapon in this big tomb, but it definitely won't appear in the first level.

There was no one to stop him, and he quickly reached the end at Yunfei's speed.

"Sure enough, all the big guys in the divine world like to play this trick."

When he saw a ball of light at the end of the portal, Yunfei grinned and thought that he had seen through the heavy fog to see through the essence of the tomb.

But is this senior creation looking for a successor?

In fact, this was Yunfei's misunderstanding. Everything here was not created by creation at all, but by Heaven.

The place they want to reach in the end is the resting place of Chuang and the place where Chuang's legacy is placed.

Yunfei smiled and accepted the light ball. He didn't even look at what was in the light ball and threw it into the storage space.

According to Yunfei's guess, after passing through this obvious portal, he will enter the waiting hall connecting the first and second levels.

Unfortunately Yunfei guessed wrong.

He did not enter any waiting hall at all, but entered the same place as before. There were vegetation everywhere, but there were many more beasts in this place.

"Do you want this handsome dragon to take a good look at these strange creatures?"

Yunfei felt like he had entered some kind of expo.

But Yunfei was not in the mood to visit at all.

Others are different from Yunfei, including the people in Chenglong World, who are not so fast. They are all searching in their own spaces.

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