Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1384 Instinct reaction is too slow

Chapter 1384 Instinct reaction is too slow

Where did they come from?

This is a place that has existed since the fall of Chuang. Not to mention that there are treasures everywhere, that's about it.

Those little beasts and the like have no effect, but there are a lot of things like elixirs here.

Although many elixirs look strange, their pharmacological properties are not strange, so these are valuable.

Yunfei moved forward and finally came to a different place after passing through five levels.

It is also a different space, but this place looks like a place where everyone wants to gather together.

Wherever there are people, there will be fights. The big tombs left by Tiandao cannot be just for people to collect elixirs and pick up cheap ones.

Fighting is the main theme of this world.

"The creative rules in this place are very strong. Unfortunately, I can't absorb them. I don't know where those guys have conquered."

This is a blood-colored space. Standing where Yunfei is, you can clearly see the entrance on the other side. This means that the space here is not big. It is more like the inside of a round sphere. Those who are glowing with blood are The inner wall seems to be real flesh and blood, and it can also squirm and roll, which is very magical.

In such a strange place, let alone Yunfei himself, even if there were others, Yunfei still wanted to see what was strange about the inner wall.

The key is that if this thing can absorb energy by itself, even if it can only absorb a little bit, that is still good.

Unfortunately, Yunfei's wish was destined to fail.

The inner wall seemed to have no protection, but when Yunfei approached the inner wall and was only ten meters away, it became a gap that Yunfei could not cross.

No matter how Yunfei advances, he will always maintain this ten-meter distance and never even think of touching the inner wall.

"Good guy, can this thing hide on its own?"

Yunfei glanced back, and he could see the blood-colored channel behind him, which was pulled out by the blood-colored inner wall he approached.

Seeing that he could not approach the inner wall, Yunfei's curiosity faded away.

However, just when Yunfei wanted to turn around and go back, the blood inside rebounded at high speed and actually hit Yunfei.

Yunfei didn't retreat but advanced, just in time to see how he would touch the bloody inner wall. It's a good thing that you rushed up yourself.

But this time Yunfei only reached a distance of 7 meters from the blood-colored inner wall and could no longer move forward.

His body was oppressed by huge force.

Although the body can bear it, it is absolutely unable to move forward.

Yunfei is unable to move forward, but the bloody inner wall can.

The inner wall was trying to return to its original state without giving Yunfei a chance to explain. The squeezing force was getting bigger and bigger.

This is really in line with the saying, how strong the oppression is, how big the backlash will be.

If you really have to resist stubbornly, it will be a thankless task.

So Yunfei gave up the resistance. He didn't exert so much force, and the pressure on the inner wall became smaller. In the end, Yunfei was ejected from the blood-colored inner wall and crashed into the opposite inner wall.

But before the collision, Yunfei took control of his body.

"This thing is a bit evil."

Yunfei looked at the bloody inner wall and muttered.

Next, Yun Fei did not continue to test, nor did he leave. He was sure to kill with the power of the bloody inner wall, and he didn't know who would be the first to face Yun Fei's wrath.

This wait is just one day.

Yunfei kept complaining in his heart that these people were too slow, all of them were powerful, but no matter how they acted, they acted like old ladies who hadn't eaten, grinding and whining.

Fortunately, Yunfei finally welcomed his first customer.

"Not a student of the academy?"

When Yunfei saw a person's head suddenly appear in this space, he recognized the person's identity.

Yunfei may not know the names of everyone in Tiandao Academy, but he can still distinguish the students from Tiandao Academy from the people in Chenglong World.

"This way of appearing is a bit scary. Isn't this handsome dragon the same way he appeared before?"

The way this person from Chenglong World appears is indeed a bit magical.

He should have been teleported by a powerful force. His head appeared first, then his upper body, and then his lower body.

Only when his body finally appeared did the man open his eyes.

"Eternity? Yunfei?"

"Huh? It looks like you've done a lot of homework?"

Yunfei watched this man appear and heard what he called him.

This is very cool, isn’t it?

Yun Fei's name is so resounding. Before this happens, his name has already spread to the enemy camp.

"You know, our mission this time is to kill you."

People in Chenglong World ignored Yunfei's teasing.

They entered this tomb to seize the opportunity, and also to kill Yun Fei.

They had already investigated Yunfei's situation, and in time for the opening of the tomb, they had received inside information early.

The appearance of a number one person like Yun Fei in the vast world is something Chenglong absolutely does not want to see.

When Yunfei grows to Mo Fei's strength, he will become the number one enemy of Chenglong World.

Now that the enemy has not grown up, and they know where Yunfei is going, if they don't send someone to kill Yunfei, then the people in Chenglong World will be fools.

So, here they come.

The people sent out by Chenglong World are naturally quite awesome.

After all, what they have to deal with is the man who controls Chaos, which is quite difficult to deal with.

"Kill me? Just you?"

The corners of Yunfei's mouth rose even more.

Nowadays, cats and dogs are really daring to jump out, and anyone will kill themselves. Isn’t my life a bit too cheap?

"I'm no match for you, but don't try to kill me easily. When all our people are gathered together, you will die."

The guys in Chenglong World are so arrogant.

"Can't kill you? Who gave you the confidence?"

Yun Fei suddenly appeared next to this man, and his hot breath finally hit this man's face.


The man raised his hand and shouted at Yun Fei's face with a big mouth.

This is just a human reaction.

But even the instinctive reaction was too slow.

Yun Fei's figure disappeared long ago, and he even kicked this guy before leaving.

Compared with Arrogance, who can compare with Yun Fei?

He didn't even use elementalization, he just used the rules of space. That kick only had the power of the physical body, and he didn't even bother to burn any blood.

Now Yunfei is in a state where he can't burn his essence and blood again. Burning his essence and blood to fight in front of Heaven is asking for his own death.

Calculating that now that Tian Dao is not around, he should pay attention.

And this guy right now is really not qualified to make Yun Fei act real.

"You? Mastered space folding?"

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