Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1602 Do you still want my body?

Chapter 1602: Still want my body?

The beginning of this game is very unfriendly to the Wuxiang tribe.

Everyone who was tricked by Yun Fei into his room became a tourist in the Eighteenth Level of Hell. Regardless of whether they were willing or not, they had to experience all the projects several times.

After the Spirit Tribe was almost imprisoned, Yunfei was in a bit of trouble.

Because Yunfei from the human race doesn’t know what to do with them.

In Tianyue's perception, these human beings actually do not know Wu Xiang's true identity.

"Forget it, let's arrest him too, lest something bad happens later."

Yunfei made a decision. After Yunfei strolled around the Wuxiang Department, the Wuxiang Department immediately became much quieter.

All the ancient gods have disappeared, and those who have not been arrested are all the spirits who are doing big things with the Wuxiang Yang God.

After taking care of these guys on the periphery, Yunfei took Tianyue into his inner world.

The battle that awaits won't be so enjoyable, and there will be dangers. Yunfei naturally doesn't want anything unexpected to happen to Tianyue.

It is very easy to find the place where Wuxiang Yangshen is. After Yunfei arrived here, he did not enter rashly.

Why is he waiting for Wuxiang to summon everyone from the Spiritual Tribe?

This is for the sake of his own strength.

Every spirit clan can become Yunfei's nourishment.

So the more spiritual races, the better.

Yun Fei was counting the time on his fingers outside the formation, and the Wuxiang Yangshen inside the formation was also full of excitement.

"Coming soon."

The light in the traction formation is getting brighter and brighter. When the light reaches the extreme, the traction will be successful.

Under the gaze of the Wuxiang Yang God, the light that pulled the formation quickly reached the extreme. After reaching the extreme, the light instantly converged. The sudden dimming of the light would make people's eyes very uncomfortable.

But this is no problem for Wuxiang Yangshen.

"How many sun gods have come?"

Wu Xiang asked excitedly.

Facing the five items are the spirits of the spirit race. These spirits have no fixed form. Each one of them is erratic in the air like a ghost.

The form generally maintains a human shape, but this is only a rough outline, and the face, limbs, etc. can change at any time.

"There are only two Yang gods."

One of the hundreds of spirits stood up.

He is one of the two Yang gods.

"Very good, I have already selected the body for you. As long as you are familiar with their living habits, you will be able to integrate into the human race immediately."

Wuxiang was very happy.

These spiritual tribes he summoned will be his subordinates from now on.

The more of these things you have, the greater the credit you will get in the future.

And being able to have two Yangshen at one time is already very flattering to Wuxiang.

"Yes, sir, we will definitely not disappoint you."

"From now on, in the human race, you will call me Wuxiang Yangshen, and you will do it at all times."

Wuxiang Yangshen's tone was very stern.

The human race actually knows that the spirit race has been infiltrating the human race.

Therefore, the reconnaissance of the Eldar has never stopped, and from time to time, some unlucky ones will be caught by the Humans.

It's just that the human race is the same as the beast race, and they can't ask anything.

Only in this way can the power of the Spirit Clan continue to grow and develop here.

"Yes, Wuxiang Yangshen, we understand."

The warned Eldar readily agreed without any hesitation.

"It's good to know. There are ten people in this department who can become your body. Choose the ten weakest ones to keep."

The Wuxiang Yangshen entered the role of his boss.

He began to direct these Eldar to do things.

The ancient gods of the tribes he left behind were among the bodies he prepared for these spiritual tribes.

And to keep the weakest, Wuxiang Yangshen is afraid of the hidden dangers these weak spirits will leave behind if they devour the bodies of other tribes and humans.

Keep the weakest by your side, and even if there is any problem, others will not find it.

"Bah bang bang."

"The Wuxiang Yangshen is really very calculating, but it seems that I, Feiyun, didn't come at the right time."

Yunfei took the time to appear in the formation.

The level of protection of this formation was nothing in Yunfei's eyes.

Wuxiang Yang Shen was somewhat surprised.

He gradually frowned as he watched Yun Fei walking into the formation, clapping his hands.

"What? It doesn't look like you welcome me?"

As Yun Fei walked, he used the power of Sealing Heaven to seal the entire formation.

There are a lot of spirit tribes here, and Yunfei doesn't want them to run away.

Although the five-clawed golden dragon gave many soul-binding chains, there were not as many as a hundred.

Therefore, this method to prevent the Eldar from escaping is necessary.

"How did you find out?"

Wu Xiang didn't pay attention to Yun Fei's little move, or it could be said that he was not afraid of Yun Fei's little move at all.

There were hundreds of Spirit Tribes present. How could Yunfei, a foreign ginseng himself, go against so many Spirit Tribes?

Stop dreaming, even the most powerful Yang God among humans does not have such ability.

The ancient gods of the Eldar can also cause heavy attacks on the Yang gods of the human race.

Because the spirit clan's attack methods mainly target the soul, the Yang Shen will also feel very uncomfortable if the soul is damaged.

"Me? I've discovered it a long time ago. I knew it when I saw you."

Yunfei was telling the truth.

"And I even know what you are going to do, otherwise how could you appear here by such a coincidence?"

Yun Fei's words were a bit mysterious, and Wu Xiang Yang Shen's confidence was slightly shaken.

If it is true as Yunfei said, then Yunfei should have such absolute confidence to do such a thing, right?

Otherwise, if he ran here like this, wouldn't he be sending himself to death?

"Hmph, you want to lie to me? It's not that easy. Your body should look very good, and your experience is also very good. Whether you mind or not, we will accept your body."

Wuxiang Yangshen was already plotting against Yunfei.

Now Yunfei appeared in front of him so nakedly. If he didn't laugh at Nake, he would be a little sorry for Yunfei's stupid behavior.

After Yun Fei's body is taken over by the Spirit Tribe, the Spirit Tribe who occupies Yun Fei's body will be able to know all of Yun Fei's past. At that time, whatever inheritance Yun Fei has received will belong to the Spirit Tribe.

"You still want my body? Your idea is really too much."

Yunfei tightened his clothes.


The Wuxiang Yang Shen felt like he had eaten shit.

Damn it, do you think I want to have a gay relationship with you?

Bastard stuff.

"kill him."

Wuxiang Yangshen commanded his men to attack Yunfei.

Yun Fei had had enough fun, and a bunch of sky-killing spears appeared behind him. There was a trace of light of destruction hidden in these heaven-slaying spears.

"Kill me? I just hope you don't run away."

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