Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1603 Who allowed you to leave?

Chapter 1603 Who allowed you to leave?

The Spirit Clan is a great supplement to Yunfei, and it can make Yunfei very happy just casually.

The energy in Gu Xin's body can allow Yunfei to break through the bottleneck. So many spirit tribes can't be too shabby, right?

Yunfei has been looking forward to it.

The spirit tribes are also looking forward to it, especially the Wuxiang Yangshen.

But when the Heaven-Destroying Spear arrived, Wuxiang Yangshen's expectation turned into panic.

Ordinarily, ordinary methods will not have much effect on the Spirit Clan.

It can be said that the Eldar are immune to 80% of physical damage and about 50% of magical damage.

In other words, he is always fighting for his life.

But why doesn't this thing work well when it comes to Yunfei?

Look at the screams of this group of spirits, what is going on? A slaughterhouse?

After a wave of attacks, Yun Fei single-handedly suppressed all the Spirit Tribes. No one could come to Yun Fei's side. Long-range attacks were useless. They were interrupted before they could be used. The Heaven-Destroying Spear was given to the Spirit Tribes. The damage caused is not something they can resist if they want to. Anyway, these ancient god-level guys cannot stop it.

The three Yangshen, including Wuxiang, had no problem, but they were very arrogant and did not attack Yunfei.

By the time they wanted to take action, it was already too late.

To deal with Yang Shen, you must use professional means. Can you understand the light of destruction?

One light fighting three spirits is so domineering.

Moreover, these three spirits must be prepared and do not dare to let the light of destruction attack their bodies, which is a bit frustrating.

Yunfei himself felt very comfortable, because the Heaven-Destroying Spears had successfully returned.

What they brought back was also the energy from the spirit clan, which was a great supplement to Yunfei.


After receiving a wave of energy, Yunfei could clearly feel that his bloodline had become stronger.

The intuitive manifestation is the enhancement of attributes such as strength.

But Yun Fei doesn't care much about these anymore. At this stage, blood is the most important thing.

As the bloodline becomes stronger, the blood energy becomes more powerful, and the power of the moves is naturally stronger. It can be said that Yunfei continuously improves himself during the battle.

"Damn it, who the hell are you?"

Wuxiang Yangshen was very upset. He didn't expect Yunfei to be so difficult to deal with.

No, this is no longer difficult. He feels that his small team may be wiped out here.

"You don't know me even if you tell me."

"How do you know if I don't recognize you if you don't tell me?"

"When I catch you, I might be kind enough to tell you."

Yunfei continued to take action. Yunfei would not be merciful to these new spiritual tribes. He only left Wuxiang and the two guys who were in the Wuxiang tribe.

The main reason is that Yun Fei is afraid that if these guys die, other lurking Spirit Tribes will know about it. If the Spirit Tribes within the Ancient Clan are alerted, it won't be great.

As for these newcomers, I'm afraid no one knows about their existence, so they will die if they die.

Under Yun Fei's brutal attack, a group of spiritual tribes were like lambs to be slaughtered, with no ability to resist at all.

The spirit clan methods they used were basically ineffective against Yunfei, and it was unrealistic to leave because Yunfei had already been prepared and had banned this place.

Besides, they really couldn't withstand Yun Fei's attack. These spiritual tribes were much worse than Gu Xin.

"Stop, we can give you whatever you want."

Wu Xiang saw that his men were about to be destroyed. He couldn't stand it anymore and had to make Yunfei stop.

But this thing doesn’t stop just when you say it. Do you think you are the referee?

Yunfei had no intention of respecting Wu Xiang at all, and just went his own way. The attacks continued and the screams continued.

After several waves of attacks, the screams became very few.

It's not that these spirits have adapted to Yun Fei's attack, but that their spirits have been scattered by Yun Fei.

The energy in their bodies became the nourishment for Yunfei to nourish his blood.

"It's your turn."

After Yunfei finished taking care of the Ancient God-level Spirit Race, he turned his attention to the two new Yang God-level Spirit Race.

In other words, these two spirits have no hair, otherwise they would definitely have to stand up to show respect.

"Are you not a human?"

Shall I wipe it?

This guy can do it, his guess is pretty accurate.

Yunfei took another look at Wu Xiang and felt that this guy was quite capable of being a small leader, and he could see this.

"Say it as if you are human."

It was not difficult for the Eldar to avoid the light of destruction, but when the other two lights of destruction joined the battle group, the two targeted Eldar became troubled.

At the same time, they also knew why the guys they had just screamed so miserably, because it was really too painful.

"I'll fight you."

Wuxiang began to burn his spiritual body, which would greatly enhance his strength. Moreover, he also had the physical amplification of the human race, and his combat power was also top among the Yangshen.

Unfortunately, Wu Xiang met Yun Fei.

Wuxiang is just the top Yangshen, Yunfei is the inhumane.

Invincible at the same level, without any surprises.

Besides, Yun Fei no longer needs to fight Wu Xiang with real swords and guns. He just needs to see the opportunity and throw a spirit-binding chain over to tie Wu Xiang up immediately.

This is what Yunfei thought and did.

Moreover, Yunfei still used the spirit-binding lock of the Jishi God-level spirit clan.

Soul-binding locks also have levels.

Low level, intermediate level, high level.

The low-level one corresponds to the Ancient God, the mid-level one corresponds to the Yang God, and the high-level one corresponds to the First God.

If you use low-level ones to deal with Yang Shen, then it is possible that the opponent will break through the shackles of the spirit binding lock.

Yunfei can use the advanced spirit-binding lock to deal with Wu Xiang, which is already a great honor to Wu Xiang.

You must know that the five-clawed golden dragon was given such a high-level spirit-binding lock, so that Yunfei could use it to deal with the First God-level spirit clan.

Wu Xiang didn't know this at all. If he knew, he would definitely advise Yunfei not to go to such trouble and just use the intermediate ones. The high-level spirit binding chains would be too painful.

"Ah, let me go, let me go, you are an orc, you are an orc."

Wu Xiang went crazy. He already knew Yun Fei's identity when Yun Fei used the spirit binding lock.

The human race does not have spirit-binding locks. This thing is something tinkered with by the orcs.

"Since you know, then stop yelling and save your energy. If I hadn't kept you useful, do you think I would be so merciful?"

"Damn it, how did you find out who I am?"

Wu Xiang yelled, he really couldn't figure out where he showed his weakness.

The corners of Yunfei's mouth rose, and he had no intention of telling Wu Xiang the truth.

"Hey, who allowed you to leave? Come back here."

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