Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 17 Opportunities for the Purple-horned Cat Demon

Chapter 017 Opportunities of the Purple Horned Cat Demon

The consequences of misestimating the enemy's strength are fatal. It didn't take long for Yunfei to dismantle the tiger-shaped mecha. When the tiger-shaped captain was pulled out of the mecha by Yunfei, the captain was still in an awkward position. A state of belief.

The mechas of the mechanical clan are the basis for the survival of the mechanical clan. Can they be dismantled so easily?

Although their patrols are all wearing relatively poor mechas, it's not something that a newborn black dragon can dismantle and move, right?

However, the fact is that Yunfei easily dismantled their mechas into parts.

"Hey, it's really an octopus." Yunfei looked at the tiger-shaped captain's body and said.

This guy is a large octopus, the size of a washbasin, with a nose and eyes. Its tentacles were still connected to the mecha, but they were ruthlessly torn off by Yunfei.

The tiger-shaped captain was very sad and angry, because the true form of the mechanical race would not be easily revealed to others. How could he not be sad and angry when he appeared so nakedly in front of a foreign race.

"Damn black dragon, what are you going to do?"

"It's so silly and cute. You want to capture me and enslave me. What do you think I want to do?" Yunfei poked the tiger-shaped captain's body several times with his dragon claws. Even if it was a light poke, every time it hit him, A bloody hole poked out of the tiger-shaped captain's body.

"You can kill me directly, why do you want to humiliate me?" The body of the mechanical race is soft and unable to resist at all.

"because I like it."

Of course Yunfei doesn't have this kind of hobby. He just wants to see if the mechanical tribe really looks like an octopus.

After seeing it, it was nothing. Just when Yunfei was about to kill the tiger captain, he suddenly felt dizzy.

The machine race itself has little combat power, but the machine race's mental power is not low. They control the mecha with mental power. The tiger-shaped captain used a mental attack on Yunfei.

If it were replaced by an ordinary black dragon of Yunfei's size, its mental power would naturally not be that high, but the tiger-shaped captain used the wrong target. Yunfei's mental power was not worse than itself at all, so the mental power impact it used was only It just made Yunfei feel a little dizzy.

Just when the tiger-shaped captain wanted to take the opportunity to leave, Yunfei recovered.

"Where do you want to go?"

The tiger-shaped captain wanted to turn back in fear, but Yunfei didn't give it a chance to live anymore and stabbed its head open with one claw.

"Ding, kill the machine race and get a bloodline value of 0.7."

"The Machine Tribe is indeed a more advanced monster. By the way, there is another one in the swamp." Yunfei did not forget that there was another one in the swamp.

The correspondent who passed out in the mud did not escape Yun Fei's dragon claws in the end, and was easily penetrated through his body.

It's shameful to waste food.

Octopus has delicious meat, high nutritional value, and is not small. Two of them can fill half of Yunfei's belly. After enjoying the delicious food, Yunfei left the swamp where he lived for a few days and returned to 56387. Living cave.

Because 56387 has been captured by the mechanical tribe, the cave is empty, and the slightly intelligent beasts around have already run away.

56387 was captured by the Machine Tribe. In this place where nothing matters, what does the Machine Tribe represent? Any beast with some intelligence knows that no one wants to be captured by the mechanical tribe, so they ran away without a trace.

This has enabled Yunfei to occupy this place with peace of mind, without fear of anyone tipping him off. However, disguise is necessary. Yunfei decided to stay here and develop with peace of mind for a period of time. As long as he has enough strength, Just go find trouble with the mechanical tribe.

Yunfei's method of disguising himself was very primitive. He used his claws to cut the mechas of the mechanical clan and made a 5-meter-long and 2-meter-high frame. He then filled the air raid with branches and leaves to form a mobile tree house.

After that, you can go out hunting and hide in the tree house. Even if a mechanical aircraft arrives, Yunfei will not be easily discovered.

The method is indeed good, and the idea is also good. Yunfei is preparing to leave here when he reaches 5 meters in length and transforms into a larval dragon.

But less than half a month later, someone came to the door with no open eyes.

After half a month, Yunfei's length had grown to 2 meters. What came to his door was a monster. This guy was a cat, as big as a tiger, with a purple horn on his head.

"Purple-horned cat monster." There is a record of this monster in the inherited dragon ball.

Among the monsters at the same level, the purple-horned cat monster moves quickly and is slightly weaker. The purple horn can inspire not too strong thunder and lightning power.

Seeing Yunfei, the purple-horned cat demon was also very different. It came here not to deal with Yunfei, but to seize territory.

The purple-horned cat demon had been observing for several days. When no mechanical clan was found, it ran over. But as soon as it arrived near the cave, it discovered Yun Fei.


The newborn giant dragon, he was not captured by the machine clan, but he still stayed in such a dangerous place. This was his opportunity, right?

The purple-horned cat demon thought that if he could obtain the essence and blood of the giant dragon, it would be conservatively estimated that it would be able to increase its strength by two levels.

Demonic beasts are also divided into levels. In the level of demonic beasts, they are divided into junior, intermediate, and advanced. The strength of the junior demonic beasts is similar to that of a 5-meter-long dragon. The intermediate ones can reach the level of larvae. As for the advanced demonic beasts, that is already The existence of hard steel that can reach the peak of the larval body.

This purple-horned cat demon was only a junior monster and had no territory of its own before, so it focused on this more dangerous territory belonging to 56387, but it didn't expect to meet its own opportunities here.

If the strength can be raised to the level of a high-level monster, then it will not be afraid even if it faces the mechanical tribe. At worst, it will be defeated and run away. In contrast, the mechanical tribe will also give a certain amount of respect to the high-level monster.

It's just that the purple-horned cat demon has a good plan. It thinks that Yunfei is not its opponent. But the reality is that Yunfei's strength exceeds that of the purple-horned cat demon because Yunfei has already upgraded his bloodline level twice, and With his talent, his body is his disguise.

However, the purple-horned cat demon's understanding of Yunfei was too limited. After it discovered Yunfei, it pounced on Yunfei. Two cat claws popped out sharp nails, and the purple horn on its head was also shining with traces. Electric light.

This is an all-out offensive stance. The purple-horned cat demon wants to kill Yunfei as quickly as possible, then suck out the blood in Yunfei's body and eat all of Yunfei's flesh.

When he thought that he could be promoted to a high-level monster, the eyes of the purple-horned cat demon began to glow green.

"This monster should be worth a lot of blood points, right? The meat should be quite delicious too." Yun Fei was also rude. He already waved his dragon claws and went straight to the door of the purple-horned cat monster.

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