Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 18 The hope of bloodline upgrade

Chapter 018 The hope of bloodline upgrade

The purple-horned cat demon watched with his own eyes as Yunfei's two short legs moved rapidly, instantly bursting out at a speed even faster than that of a monster whose survival capital was agility.

Then Yunfei's dragon claw was mercilessly slapped on the face of the purple-horned cat demon, and even the lightning power condensed on the purple horn was scattered. The purple-horned cat demon was even more stunned by the slap, and his body was like The boat, which was overturned by huge waves, rolled and hit the mountain wall.

Yun Fei's power is not in vain at all. He has the power to match his speed. How can the purple-horned cat demon bear it? With just one claw, he took away most of the purple-horned cat demon's life. What's even more helpless is that , if no one helps the purple-horned cat demon, it is estimated that it will not be able to come down from the mountain wall by itself.

Because it is completely embedded into the mountain wall.

Yunfei looked at the purple-horned cat demon and felt a little proud. He had been hunted down since he came to this world. This time he felt relieved. Is this an instant kill?

Moreover, the one who was killed instantly was from a monster. Twenty days ago, he could only let others slaughter him without being able to fight back.

Just when Yunfei was feeling proud of his beauty, the purple-horned cat demon on the mountain wall suddenly erupted into a sharp howl. This was a very penetrating cry that spread a very long distance in an instant.

"Holy crap, what the hell." Yunfei took off and jumped high. He reached out with a claw and ended the life of the purple-horned cat demon.

"Ding, kill the primary monster and get +5 bloodline value."

The bloodline value is very high, but this cannot make Yunfei happy anymore, just because of the purple-horned cat demon's voice before his death.

The purple-horned cat demon is not just screaming, it is conveying information. The meaning expressed in the cry is to tell other creatures Yunfei's location.

This is a typical attitude of I won't make it easy for you even if I die.

Yunfei felt really bad. He didn't even pack up his inventory in the cave, but only took the body of the purple-horned cat demon and started running away.

The Machine Tribe is a behemoth that he cannot fight against right now. There is no doubt that the Purple Horned Cat Demon's voice can definitely attract the Machine Tribe.

With the speed of action of the mechanical tribe, Yunfei had to run immediately, otherwise he would not be able to get very far and would be discovered by others.

Yunfei's decision was naturally correct, but the time was not so tight. After surviving for half an hour, the machine clan's aircraft landed in front of 56387's cave.

At this time, Yunfei had already run far away. He did not run around, but ran back to his Dragon Cave Jungle along the direction of his previous escape.

However, it was impossible to return to the Dragon Cave. Yunfei chose to go to the seaside. When he drove away the Sea Clan, he found that the Sea Clan had dug a lot of holes in the ground along the coast. That was a suitable place for the Sea Clan to hide. .

And when you’re at the beach, you don’t have to worry too much about the source of food. You’ll be hungry for seafood.

"This is the trace of the dragon clan's life. It has the smell of the black dragon. He also stored food here. He must not have gone far to look for it."

The two mechanical fighting teams met in the cave. Looking at everything in the cave, they made a judgment.

"Search separately. We must not let him escape this time."

A new round of search began, and this time the mechanical clan did not miss anything. They searched for Yunfei with almost the spirit of digging three feet into the ground. A layer of the land was scraped off, and all the creatures living here were wiped out.

"Do you want to gain the friendship of the giant dragon?" After half a day, Yunfei carefully ran to the beach and successfully got into a pothole.

Moreover, Yunfei met the big crab family who lived here in the pothole.

The big crab family is at a loss. They don't understand why the black dragon that has been driven away has come back.

Yunfei shook his head when he looked at the Crab family who were obviously shouting for help. If they could coexist peacefully, Yunfei didn't want to provoke the Hai Clan for the time being, but if you wanted to shout for help, that would definitely not work, so Yunfei took action.

The big crab family was lucky enough to be able to fill Yunfei's stomach with food. As for the purple-horned cat monster, it had already entered Yunfei's stomach on the way. At this time, Yunfei's whole body was burning, and the flesh and blood of a monster beast was very powerful to Yunfei. It's very complementary.

Because after killing the big crab family, Yunfei didn't notice any action from the nearby sea tribe, so he hid in the hole and slept peacefully. To quickly decompose and absorb the energy of the purple-horned cat demon's flesh and blood, he must Just need to sleep.

After a good sleep, I felt refreshed. The purple-horned cat demon's flesh and blood energy was very abundant. After it was completely digested, Yunfei's size increased by a few centimeters, and all of his attributes also increased a little.

At this time, Yunfei began to envy the young dragon with parents. People with parents must eat like this every day, right? You have to decide on your own. Eating such a meal of monster meat can at best improve your diet. You don't know when the next meal will be.

"Forget it, let's eat some seafood to satisfy our craving first." Yunfei woke up and was hungry again. The family of big crabs lined up in a row naturally became Yunfei's best food choice.

The crab meat was very delicious, but there wasn't much meat. Yunfei was only half full for a family of five.

But Yunfei also had other gains. He found a few white beads in the big crab's house. They were pearls. They were bigger than pearls. The small ones were four or five centimeters in diameter, and the big ones were ten centimeters. about.

If not, this thing is really like a pearl.

"What is this? It's not in the inherited memory."

Yunfei doubtfully picked up a bead that looked like a pearl.

When Yunfei picked up the beads, he suddenly had the desire to eat the beads.

Yunfei understands this feeling. He knows that it is the instinct of eating. When he first came to this world, he also had this feeling about his own eggshells.

But are these beads really edible?

"Eat it, just in case it's something good. The dragon won't die that easily anyway. Even if it's poisonous, it probably won't be a big deal." Yunfei was very confident in his body, and at the same time, he also believed in his own instincts.

The beads looked like they should be very hard, but when they were put into his mouth, they immediately turned into water-like objects. Yunfei could eat them directly without chewing them.

"Ding, swallow the clam beads, and the blood value will be +0.5."

The system prompt made Yunfei's dragon eye shine. He could not get bloodline value by killing crabs, but he could get it by swallowing the clam beads, and the value obtained was not small. This made Yunfei once again see the hope of upgrading his bloodline.

He found 4 clam beads in the big crab's house. It would be so beautiful if all these big crabs had clam beads, because there are so many big crabs living on the seaside, and they have dug holes underground. It stood up, and the passage was very spacious, so it was not a problem at all to accommodate Yunfei's current size.

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