Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 405 Go to Pepsi Rat to buy information

Chapter 405: Go to Pepsi Rat to buy information

"Just remember, you can go."

Yunfei waved his hand, indicating that the two of them could leave.


Do you really think that you can do whatever you want when you are older? Do you want to stay and make a living?

Don't even think about it, it's impossible.

What can the two sages of the Huo family do?

The white light just happened in front of their eyes, Bai Yue's words still lingered in his ears, take action against Yunfei?

Mud, that's asking for death.

Well, I can only withdraw.

The two venerables turned to leave.

"Hey, you Huo family are really ruthless, what? Are you going to leave this garbage to feed the monsters?"

There are many monsters and beasts living in the wild in Xiantian Continent. Even if humans are the mainstream in Xiantian Continent, there is no way to kill them all. It is normal to encounter monsters and horses in the wild.

If there was no one to collect the body of this dead Huo family member, he would probably become a delicacy for monsters in a few scenes.

And it's very nutritious.

Humans eat demonic beasts, and demonic beasts also eat humans. Humans with A-level strength are a great supplement.

Of course, compared to Yunfei's blood, it's still a little bit behind.

"Thank you Mr. Yun for the reminder."

The two sages' lungs were almost bursting with anger, but they still had to speak politely.

Just wait, you bastard, wait until we kill you.

The Venerable is indeed very capable. Yun Fei didn't even know how he operated it. The body on the ground disappeared without even a wave of his hand.

Then, the two venerable figures disappeared.

But they didn't dare to stay any longer, for fear that they would be angry and something went wrong.

Take a look at what that bastard said just now? And he even said that our children are trash.

Damn it, what others said seems to be correct.

A descendant of the Kamui family with A-level strength was beaten by a B-level one to the point where he had no ability to fight back. Isn't this garbage?

Yes, it's garbage.

However, what they gained from this line of work was not just a sense of anger, they also figured out Yunfei's strength, and most importantly, they figured out the attitude of Yueshen Pavilion.

This attitude is very tough.

You must act in accordance with the rules given by the Moon God Pavilion, otherwise the consequences will not be something the Huo family can bear.

Okay, so what if you have to follow the rules?

Is there anything the dignified Huo family can do against someone with B-level strength?

Just kidding, a group of emperor-level juniors are coming in turns. The younger ones are the younger ones, asking you to pretend. Just wait.

Yunfei didn't know that the minds of these two venerables were so active.

He just missed this tea shed.

A good tea shed has been destroyed like this. What will happen to the people who rely on the tea shed?

It was out of Yunfei's kindness that he left two Xiantian coins in place as compensation for the tea shed.

"Sir, what is this?"

Zuo Qing left and returned. He felt the fluctuations of the battle here and was puzzled, but why didn't he see the enemy?

"It's okay, it's just a little thief from the Huo family. How's your inquiring about?"

Yun Feihun spoke nonchalantly.

Zuo Qing was in awe.

Well, what is a giant in my own eyes is just a little thief in the eyes of the young master.

This man, it’s okay if he’s not capable enough. As long as he follows the right master, he can have a bright future.

"I have found out that this batch of evil dragon blood has attracted a lot of attention, and the Honghao Chamber of Commerce has also vigorously promoted it, creating a big battle. The sales location is not in the capital of Honghao Kingdom, but in the border town of Honghao Kingdom. Haocheng.”

"Haocheng? Where is it?"

Yunfei only knew the approximate location of the Thirty-Six Kingdoms, but he didn't know which city or something.

"Sir, with our pace, it will take two days."

"Then let's go."

The scenery along the way had no appeal to Yunfei.

This thing really aroused Yunfei's curiosity when he first came to Xiantian Continent.

But now it seems that that's it. Generally speaking, the biological strength is higher and the vegetation is more lush.

Take the surrounding vegetation as an example. Some of them have medicinal value, but their value is not high. Even if they see it, Yun will not pick it.

You have to leave a way for others to survive, and Yunfei comes from a wealthy family, so it's not enough to waste time picking up small things.

The two set off again and headed straight for Haocheng.

Haocheng is a border town between Honghao Kingdom and other countries. It does not occupy a large area, but its offensive and defensive capabilities are very strong, because it is located right next to Haocheng, Tianguang Kingdom, the strongest country among the thirty-six countries in the western border.

Tianguang Kingdom does not belong to the Vulcan camp. It has just been established and has not been penetrated by the Kamui family for so many years.

In fact, if it weren't for the Shenwei family and the Huo family, Tianguang Kingdom's combat power would have unified the thirty-six Western Frontier Kingdoms long ago.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Huo family that Tianguang Kingdom can only protect itself now and cannot expand outwards.

Haocheng has been very lively in recent days.

All because of this batch of evil dragon blood, most of the new faces in the city came to buy the evil dragon blood.

No one can have too much of this kind of good stuff.

Even Tianguang Kingdom sent people here.

At this moment, Yun Fei had already sneaked into Haocheng with Zuo Qing.

The reason why the word "mixed" is used is because both Yunfei and the others are disguised.

Yun Fei didn't come to Haocheng to buy evil dragon's blood. He had plenty of it, and it was more advanced. What he wanted to do was to dig out where the evil dragon was imprisoned.

If possible, it is better to inquire quietly, and do not use force if possible.

As the general of the Li Kingdom, Zuo Qing knew a lot about the Thirty-Six Kingdoms in the Western Border. At least he knew everyone who could be named.

"Are there any Pepsi rats in this city?"

Walking on the streets of Haocheng, Yunfei suddenly asked.

"Sir, there are some."

"Okay, go to Pepsi Rat to buy information and see if they know where the evil dragon of the Honghao Chamber of Commerce is."

If you can spend money to do things, then spend money. Yunfei is a boss who doesn't care about money.

"Yes, sir."

Zuo Qing quietly disappeared and followed Yunfei's instructions.

Yunfei himself was wandering around Haocheng.

Actually, Yunfei is not just wandering around. He is using his mental power to detect the entire city. As long as there is a place that cannot be detected with his mental power, he will go and take a look himself.

Places that cannot be detected by mental power cannot block Yunfei's eyes.

You don’t know this by looking at it, but you’ll be shocked when you see it.

Basically, in places where mental power cannot penetrate, people are having secret conversations.

The Eye of Truth can see these people talking, but Yunfei doesn't know what they say. After all, his ears are not that good.

Of course, what Yunfei was actually looking for was the place where the evil dragon was kept, and he was not here to see these people.

Unfortunately, after wandering around the city, Yunfei could not find the dragon's enclosure.

In other words, the Honghao Chamber of Commerce does not raise dragons in Haocheng.

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