Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 406: Follow whoever gives you money

Chapter 406: Follow whoever gives you money


In a restaurant, Yunfei was sitting near the window on the second floor of the restaurant, enjoying a meal.

"Sit down and talk."

Yunfei pointed to the opening of the seat opposite him.

Zuo Qing was actually a little uncomfortable with Yun Fei's approachable attitude.

In Zuo Qing's opinion, this young master is easier to talk to than the king.

But it was this attitude that touched Zuo Qing even more.

Could it be that all real big shots are so approachable?

It should probably be like this. A figure like the God Son of the Huo Family may appear humble and polite on the surface, but in fact, there is an air of repulsion in his bones.

On the other hand, my son doesn't have so many rules on weekdays, and his speech is not even modest, but he is really close to the people he is close to, and he also expresses his dislike very directly to the people he doesn't like.

Just like the current situation, if it were that guy Huo Bai, could he let the guard sit with him to eat?

It's simply not possible.

Because the Shenwei family has taught them since childhood that they are superior to others, and only when they face equal people will they interact as equals.

"Yes, sir!"

Zuo Qing had followed Yunfei all the way and knew Yunfei's temper, so he was not polite and sat down directly.

"Does Pepsi Rat know the specific situation?"

If Pepsi Rat could know, it would save Yunfei a lot of trouble.

"They know it, but the price is high."

"Oh? How much does it cost?"

Yunfei gave Zuo Qing a lot of power. Zuo Qing could make his own decisions as long as the amount did not exceed one million innate coins.

Now Zuo Qing is back, but he hasn't come back with any news. Does that mean that the asking price of Pepsi Rat exceeds one million?


Zuo Qing said a very scary number.

Do you want to know how many Xiantian coins Yunfei spent to buy rare earths? ,

Just 13 million.

What news is this? Actually worth 50 million?

At this price, Yunfei was moved.

He is rich, but he is not the one who took advantage of him, right?

"They have let out the news. They will only sell this news once and never twice. It is said that they spent a lot of money to find out. It is also because they found out the news that Honghao Chamber of Commerce will get it this time. Offering so much evil dragon blood to trade.”

"It's probably because they are afraid that they won't be able to protect the evil dragon in their hands."

After Zuo Qing finished speaking, he remained silent and waited for Yunfei's decision.

In fact, Zuo Qing did not recommend that Yunfei buy this news.

Because even if Yunfei's strength is explosive, he is only B-level. Zuo Qing is an emperor-level. He may be quite famous in the Ancient Continent, but in the Xiantian Continent, he is really average. With the two of them, If you want to fight against the Honghao Chamber of Commerce, it is simply a dream.

Therefore, if the money is spent, it will be wasted.

"How many offices does Pepsi Rat have in Haocheng?"

"only one."

"That'll be easy."

Yunfei smiled and nodded.

There is only one good thing, I just need to watch it in person.

As long as we know who bought the news, won't we be able to find it by following them?

Zuo Qing didn't know why Yunfei was laughing, let alone what Yunfei was going to do.

But Zuo Qing soon understood.

Because they had already moved to another place to eat, one facing the Pepsi Rat office.

"Ouyou, this place is very lively."

After arriving at this restaurant, Yunfei was surprised.

This small restaurant is already full, which is very unusual.

It seems that they are all here to stare at the Pepsi Rat office. There are too many people who want to get something for nothing.

"Sir, are we?"

Zuo Qing wanted to say whether we should change places.

"Take a look and see if there is anyone related to the Huo family."

Yunfei doesn't know about these interpersonal relationships, but Zuo Qingmenqing is right.

As for the colleagues who were said not to be repaid in the past, they were all working with the Huo family to earn a living, right?

This is the territory of the Huo family. Are there not many people related to the Huo family left?

Zuo Qing is also smart. If Yunfei causes trouble for other people, he will definitely get unfair treatment. For example, if you cause trouble for Tianguang Kingdom, people don't know who Yunfei is, but they can still spoil you?

But the Huo family is different. The Huo family knows how powerful Yunfei is and doesn't dare to do anything to Yunfei.

In this case, you have to choose carefully and see if you have any enemies.

Well, there really is.

"Sir, those people leaning against the second window are subordinates of the Huo family."

"Okay, it's them."

After hearing this, Yunfei walked towards the people Zuo Qing mentioned with a smile.

"You guys can get lost."

Yunfei thought it was troublesome, so he started by asking people to get out.

Everyone present was stunned.

Where did this stupid green guy come from?

If I read it correctly, it only has B-level strength, right?


One of these people was so impatient that he was ready to curse.

But as soon as he said a word, the people at the same table tightly covered his mouth.

This man didn't recognize who Yun Fei was, but he recognized Zuo Qing next to Yun Fei.

As an enemy who once had a grudge, even if Zuo Qing was disguised, others would be able to tell.

"I've met Mr. Yun. Mr. Yun likes this seat. It's your honor."

Seeing that the person coming was Yun Fei, what else could the people at the table say?

But they have already received the news, don't mess with Yunfei.

Especially the powerful men from the country under the Huo family were clearly told not to take action against Yun Fei, not anyone.

The Huo family didn't share the affairs of the Moon God Pavilion, so why did they instruct their subordinates to do so?

Aren't you afraid of being overtaken by your subordinates?

What if someone really kills Yunfei without opening his eyes, then he is the son-in-law of Yueshen Pavilion, is this still possible?

So, the current situation is that all the people under the Huo family have to stay away from Yunfei and serve him like their ancestors when they meet him.

Anyone who dares to disobey will have to bear the wrath of the Huo family.

"Oops? Get on the road!"

Yunfei patted the shoulder of the person who spoke.

Express your appreciation for what the other person did.


You were praised by Mr. Yun, right?

Should I be happy?

But why can't you be happy?

Hey, forget it, let’s just leave.

The Huo family members nodded and ducked away.

As for the task of monitoring Pepsi Rat.

Surveillance is nothing, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t, because even if you do, you may not be able to get any useful information.

Do you really think everyone in this room knows anything?

Stop dreaming, neither those who sell information nor those who buy it are fools.

How can someone be so happy after buying something that you can tell?

Yunfei disagreed with this. Others couldn't see it, but that didn't mean that he, Yunfei, couldn't see it.

You always have to give money when you trade, right? Whoever gives money, I will follow.

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