Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 527 The witnesses and physical evidence are all there

Chapter 527: All the witnesses and physical evidence are there

"Xiao Fei, go to Ye's house, Xi Mu may be able to use it."

Ye Rou spoke.

Decide where they are going.

Ye Rou still has some hope in her heart.

Not all of the Ye family are shameless guys like the eighth elder, there are still many upright people like the Law Enforcement Hall.

Therefore, Ye Rou wants to return to the Ye family, and she wants to seek justice for herself.

It is not false to say that Xi Mu may be used.

If you really want to meet the person who is causing trouble, you must have someone who knows the truth.

Using outsiders to refine elixirs is far less reassuring than Xi Mu.

Moreover, Xi Mu was a pharmacist trained with great difficulty by the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. If he just let Xi Mu go like this, he would suffer a big loss.

"Okay, then take it with you."

For Yunfei, one more person is not too much anyway.

It doesn't matter if the speed is slower, it is slower. With this time, you can just adjust your body.

After Yunfei and the others left Shangjuncheng, they became more leisurely. They couldn't always let Yunfei and the old woman fly with a few people while walking along the way. This would consume too much energy.

So when the roads were easy to walk, everyone walked on their legs. When they encountered difficult places, Yunfei and the old woman would fly with a few people.

This kind of driving speed is very slow.

Anyway, it is not as fast as the eighth elder of the Ye family.

The eighth elder returned to the Ye family ahead of Yunfei and the others.

The Ye family is just a small family in the world of Shengyin, but to Shangjuncheng, it is already a very powerful existence.

The Ye family has been entrenched in Ye City all year round. Although it is called Ye City, it is not a city belonging to the Ye family. There are four major families in the city.

Shangjuncheng is a country subordinate to Yecheng, and the four major chambers of commerce in it are the epitome of the four major families.

"Baby, what happened? Where is your hand?"

After the Eighth Elder returned to Yecheng, he went straight to the Deacon Hall.

When he met the master of the Deacon Hall, the master was shocked.

Although the eighth elder's strength is not outstanding among A-level, A-level is A-level. He is already a strong man. Who can make him lose two arms?

"It was Ye Rou. She actually found powerful foreign aid in advance. I was caught off guard and lost both arms in a sneak attack. I managed to escape in the end. All the people in the Law Enforcement Hall who went with me died."

"Master, they are all dead."

The Eighth Elder is the only one who is in trouble.

He really suffered a big loss this time.

Let’s not talk about credit or anything else, just losing both arms is not something the Eighth Elder can bear.

So what if I give you a lot of credit?

His hand is gone, and this will be the case for the rest of his life. Perhaps, he cannot even maintain his current status.

It's a very sad thing to think about.

All dead?

The head of the Deacon Hall was a little dizzy.

There were more than ten people who went with us, and all of them died?

"Which family is it?"

The head of the Deacon Hall was angry. In his opinion, those who could oppose the Ye family in this way must be the other three families.

Or maybe they joined forces.

Because for the next city lord battle, the Ye family has already reserved the position of city lord.

The four major families are jointly in charge of Yecheng Dui Nian, and they have already had their own set of rules.

Every five years, the four major families will hold a battle for city master. The winner can become the city master and rule Yecheng for five years.

In the past five years, both the older and younger generations of the Ye family have performed very strongly.

If nothing else happens, the next city lord will definitely belong to the Ye family.

"It's not them, it's an outsider."

The eighth elder's answer made the head of the Deacon Hall stunned again.


"It must be that outsiders learned about the existence of D-grade Yuquan Dan, so they had their own thoughts. They never thought that Ye Rou would collude with outsiders to frame me. If I hadn't escaped, I'm afraid this matter wouldn't have been known to my family so quickly. ”

The connotation of the eighth elder's words was that it was good that he escaped, otherwise Ye Rou would have run away.

"By the way, I also brought a witness back. He is the chief pharmacist of Yuquan Chamber of Commerce, and his surname is Gu."

The eighth elder took out his trump card.

He grabbed Gutou casually when he was leaving, because Gutou was wearing a white robe. In the Chamber of Commerce, the only ones who would dress like this were the pharmacists of the Chamber of Commerce.

On the way back, these two old guys had already discussed how to work together.

Gu Gu originally disliked Yunfei, and even hated the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce.

He would be very happy to have the opportunity to push Ye Rou and Yunfei into the abyss, and this is also a credit, right?

As long as things are done, he will be able to gain a foothold in the Ye family.

"Bring people up."

The head of the deacon hall called for someone immediately.

After Gu Gu entered, he knelt on the ground spinelessly.

"Master Hall Master, don't kill me. Whatever you want to ask, I will tell you everything. I will tell the truth."

The head of the deacon hall frowned when he knelt down when he saw Gu Gu.

But even though he wasn't happy, he wouldn't do anything to the old man.

"Tell me, who is that outsider, and how did he know about the D-grade Yuquan Dan."

"I know, I know, that outsider is a young man, very powerful. As for the Grade D Yuquan Pill, it was left to the little old man by this elder. The elder said that he would let me use the Grade D Yuquan Pill to turn the tide. Unfortunately, Even before the D-grade Yuquan Dan was launched, something happened."

The witnesses and physical evidence are all there, even if the head of the Deacon Hall doesn't want to believe it.

The certification is naturally the ancient head, and the physical evidence is the eighth elder's lost hands.

Even if the Eighth Elder wants to trick people, he won't make it so miserable for himself. This will ruin his future.

Therefore, the head of the Deacon Hall believed what the eighth elder said.

"Hall Master, what happened with Grade D Yuquan Dan is my fault. I admit that it was my selfish motives. I wanted to keep Rou girl, but it's a pity, it's a pity..."

Not to mention that people become better with age, but the Eighth Elder, who has never been to a film and television school, is really awesome when it comes to acting.

Look at those little tears and look at the expression on that person’s face, it’s so sincere.

He successfully performed the role of an elder who takes care of his younger generations.

People are already like this, how can the leader of the Deacon Hall still say something to blame?

Moreover, if it were the Master of the Deacon Hall himself, he would probably do the same thing.

Because Ye Rou is pitiful enough. She has lost her parents since she was a child. For so many years, she has been working conscientiously for the family. Any elder would take care of her.

"I don't blame you for this. If I do, blame Ye Rou. The Eighth Elder will go and rest first. I will report this matter to the head of the family. Don't worry, the family will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

The head of the Deacon Hall is already providing guarantee.

This means that you go back first, I will report it, and then apply for benefits for you. You will definitely be satisfied with what you apply for.

"Thank you very much, Master, for working so hard for a loser like me."

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