Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 528 Say it boldly

Chapter 528: Speak boldly

"Don't talk nonsense!"

The head of the deacon hall blew his beard and glared.

"I haven't given up on you, and you shouldn't give up either. Even if you really lose your hands, you will still be a useful person. Okay, go down and rest, and heal your wounds."

The head of the deacon hall waved.

The Eighth Elder burst into tears of gratitude, bowed and retreated.

However, after leaving the Deacon Hall, the Eighth Elder spat hard.

He was so captivated by his performance that all he wanted was for the Master of the Deacon Hall to help him get some genius treasures that could regenerate severed limbs.

Unfortunately, the head of the Deacon Hall did not agree and only said that he was a useful person.

This is of no use, I will chop off your hand to see if you can say such a thing.

The Eighth Elder had no respect for the head of the Deacon Hall.

He was thinking about the position of the deacon hall master, so how could he truly respect the deacon hall master?

The Eighth Elder left, but the Ancient Head stayed.

The head of the deacon hall needs the ancient head to follow him to meet the head of the family.

To be honest, Gutou was a little nervous. The head of the family, I heard, was an emperor.

Madhu, your Majesty, this is going to happen, will you find out that you lied?

"As soon as the announcement is made, I, Ye Pengyun, would like to see you."

Outside the study of the head of the house, Ye Pengyun, the head of the deacon hall, raised his hands and spoke.

What he faced was the personal bodyguard of the family head.

"Yes, Hall Master Pengyun, please wait a moment."

The personal guard has a lot of power, but it is definitely not as powerful as the powerful leader, so this guard is very polite to Ye Pengyun.

Not long after, the guard appeared again: "Master Pengyun, please come in."

"Good work."

Ye Pengyun didn't waste any time and quickly walked into the master's study.

In the study room, Ye Kang, the head of the Ye family, was reading a book very seriously.

"Peng Yun, sit down and tell me if you have anything to do."

After hearing this, Ye Pengyun sat on the chair in the study.

"The head of the family, Ye Rou, has rebelled."

Ye Pengyun didn't mince words, he spoke directly.

It can be seen that Ye Kang's hand used a lot of force when turning the book, and the book he was about to turn was wrinkled.


Ye Kang's words were simple and clear.

Ye Rou is the junior whom Ye Kang is paying attention to.

Will she betray the Ye family?

To be honest, Ye Kang didn't believe it.

Ye Pengyun did not hesitate and told what he knew objectively.

"What do you think?"

After Ye Pengyun finished narrating, Ye Kang closed the book in his hand.

"If all this is true, then Ye Rou will be expelled."

Expulsion is a very serious punishment for a family member.

This means that the person who has been expelled can no longer use the surname Ye, and this person will become the enemy of the entire Ye family.

"Are you expelling me? Let the pharmacist come in first."

Ye Kang rubbed his forehead. Deregistration was a big deal and had to be confirmed.

Just like what Ye Pengyun said, only if everything is true can the person be expelled.

It's time for Gu's performance. Although Gu's acting skills are a little worse than those of the Eighth Elders, he can still get a title with both voice and emotion, and his performance is really good.

Even Ye Kang didn't find anything wrong.

"Go down and settle the people down. I still need to discuss this matter with the elders."

Ye Kang waved.

Then Ye Pengyun left with his old head.

The elders Ye Kang mentioned were not the kind of elders in the Deacon Hall.

He was talking about the elders of the Council of Elders. They are all very young, but without exception, they are very strong.

In fact, the discussion was just a formality. In the afternoon of that day, the Ye family had already informed that from now on, Ye Rou would be expelled from the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce in Shangjuncheng.

The reason for the expulsion was that Ye Rou colluded with outsiders, framed the elders of her clan, and took away a very valuable pill recipe.

This reason is convincing.

While the news was fermenting in Ye City, the team responsible for hunting Ye Rou also headed to Shangjun City.

No family will be lenient when dealing with traitors, and they will never stop fighting.

Otherwise, any random person would dare to betray the family. Is this okay?

It's just that these people are destined to return without success.

Although the direction they were going was opposite to the route Yunfei and the others were taking, what kind of spiritual power did Yunfei have?

Isn’t it easy to find out the Ye family?

This time they actually sent three A-level warriors, which Yun Fei couldn't deal with right now.

So, let’s take a detour.

But even though it was a detour, Yunfei gained a lot.

The Ye family members who captured Ye Rou were not only on the road, they were also chatting along the way. The thing they were talking about was Ye Rou's betrayal of the family.

Yunfei listened very clearly to the conversation between them. After these people left Yunfei's perception range, Yunfei came to a conclusion.

That is, Ye Rou was expelled from the family, and now they are the targets of the Ye family.

Do you want to tell Ye Rou about such an important thing?

Well, Ye Rou is here as a client and has the right to know.

"Aunt Rou, I have something to tell you."

Yunfei looked embarrassed. If possible, he wouldn't want to talk about this kind of thing.

"Xiao Fei, just say what you have to say without any psychological burden."

Ye Rou could see Yunfei's embarrassment, so he probably gave up, right?

This is good, this is exactly what Ye Rou wants.

Ye Rou was a little impulsive when she decided to come to Ye's house before. It was like a young daughter-in-law being misunderstood by her parents' family. She had to go back to her parents' house to explain the misunderstanding.

But my natal family is too strong, and I will be in danger if I go back.

Ye Rou feels that Yunfei has helped her enough, and she doesn't want Yunfei to take risks with her.

The closer she got to Ye Cheng, the more nervous Ye Rou became. She couldn't think of an excuse to let Yun Fei leave.

Now, is this kid going to speak for himself?

Okay, kid, speak up.

Your Aunt Rou will definitely agree, and she won’t blame you for anything from the bottom of her heart.

"Okay, Aunt Rou, I'll say it then."

Ye Rou nodded.

"You have been expelled from the Ye family. We just took a detour to bypass the people who were chasing us. Among those people were three A-level experts."

Yunfei's words were truly shocking.

Not only Ye Rou was stunned, but the other three old women, Xiao Tao and Xi Mu, were also stunned.


These two words hit Ye Rou's head like a bolt from the blue.

She never thought this would happen.

Seeing Ye Rou's face turning pale instantly, the old woman couldn't help but speak: "Xiao Fei, you can't make a mistake, right?"

"No, this is absolutely correct. What I told Aunt Rou was that I wanted to ask Aunt Rou, Ye Cheng, are we still going?"

"Go, I have to go, but I will go back by myself, so don't follow me."

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