Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 65 Destroy first, then kill

Chapter 065 Destroy first, kill later

Of course, it's to harvest prey. You don't have to be a fool to have strong thugs, and CombatGreymon knows the situation nearby, so it's best to have it lead the way.

With local creatures leading the way, the process would undoubtedly be much smoother. In less than ten days, Yunfei and his two younger brothers swept across multiple hills and drove away N adult dragon groups.

Successfully provoked the anger of heaven and dragon.

The resentment in the heart of the adult dragon that was driven away was not ordinary.

You, a young body, come to our adult body's territory to steal monsters, what is this?

And he would take action whenever he disagreed, either by letting the sub-dragon beast out to spit fire or by throwing stones himself. Do you want to lose face?

Yunfei made such a big noise, and Ruili soon got the news.

Ruili, who was looking for Yunfei, heard about Yunfei's location and immediately headed here with the partner he found.

The existences that can become Ruili's partners are not simple characters. The most powerful one is the young golden holy dragon in the bunker. He was also named Brier early, and his combat power is firmly superior to Ruili.

Because they are both golden holy dragons, although they are not in the same dragon castle, they have a very good relationship with each other.

The most important thing is that they all hate the alien species, so when Ruili found Brie'er, Brie'er immediately agreed to Ruili's request and wanted to work with Ruili to destroy the alien species Yunfei.

Of course, the young bosses of the two forts are on their way, so they don't need to run on their own legs. It's just a normal operation to find a few adult bodies to fly with them.

Berry was on Rayleigh's team.

To be honest, Berry is a bit weak right now.

Because it heard that Yunfei was accompanied by a monster.

Warcraft, its combat power is equivalent to that of an adult dragon. How can it be played?

Berry really didn't want to appear in front of Yunfei, but it was ridiculous that he had already promised Ruili, could he go back on his word?

Of course it can regret it, but after this incident, it will no longer have to hang around in the human castle.

Therefore, even if he didn't want to, Berry could only bite the bullet and go along.

Fortunately, Ruili's team is also very strong, so it won't be their turn to face off against that monster.

After two days of traveling, Ruili and his group of more than 20 dragons arrived at the mountain range where Yunfei was.

Fortunately for Ruili, Yunfei had not left in the past two days and was still in the mountains.

Yunfei had also discovered Ruili and his party a long time ago.

Yunfei had long expected their arrival.

If Ruili doesn't come, it will be beyond Yunfei's expectation.

But Yunfei didn't expect that he would see Berry in Ruili's team.

If he remembers correctly, Yunfei remembers that his most urgent task at the moment seems to be to kill Berry, right?

Thinking of this, Yunfei quickly took a look at his attribute panel.

In the task item, this task is clearly recorded.

Therefore, Yunfei looked at Berry and smiled. This guy was really anxious to die.

Thinking about the time when this guy was chasing him, and thinking about being able to kill Berry right away, Yunfei felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

As for whether Berry can be killed, is there any suspense about this?

"You guys came later than I thought."

More than twenty giant dragons landed on the ground, with obvious hostility on their bodies, but Yunfei was the first to say hello, as if he was not facing an enemy, but a friend.

Ruili didn't bother to give Yunfei a good look: "You know what I want to do with you, right?"

"I know, I know, but what do you mean by bringing this trash here?" Yunfei stretched out his dragon claw and pointed at Berry.

Barry cursed in his heart, you called me a waste in front of so many dragons, what do you mean? Even if you really think so in your heart, you shouldn't say it out loud.

My red dragon, Beili, doesn’t want to lose face?

"It belongs to me. I heard that you two have a grudge. I helped my little brother out. Is there anything wrong with it?" Although his face was torn, he still had to find a reasonable reason, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to the superiors.

"If you want to fight, let's fight. How come there are so many problems? Tell me, how to play? Is it a group fight?"

Yunfei didn't show any fear, as if his side had the numerical advantage.

In fact, there are only three on Yunfei's side including Xiaojin, and twenty on Ruili's side.

Xiao Jin wanted to tug on his boss and remind him of his current situation, but he held back in the end.

The boss always has rules and regulations when doing things. Although he has always been arrogant, he never seems to suffer in the end.

Fighting Greymon doesn't matter so much, its life was saved by Yunfei, and whatever level it can reach in the future will probably depend on Yunfei, so Yunfei can do whatever it wants it to do, even with a dozen adult giant dragons It's not useless to fight it.

You must know that it is not its former self, it is now a Fighting Greymon.

Ruili looked at Yunfei as if he were a fool.

Gang fight?

This is what you said, don't regret it.

"Okay, it's up to you."

"Then what nonsense are you talking about? Come on."

Yunfei had a bad temper, so after saying that, he took the initiative and rushed towards Ruili.

The five young golden holy dragons on Ruili's side are all of the same color, and their combat power is absolutely overwhelming.

Ruili asked himself that he had figured out Yunfei's strength. Not to mention there were five of them here, even two of them could defeat Yunfei.

As for BattleGreymon, the fifteen adult giant dragons that follow him can just deal with it.

Fifteen adult giant dragons can take down a monster, no problem.

As for Xiao Jin, no one took him seriously.

Xiaojin himself was happy to roll aside. He didn't want to participate in this kind of battle because he would really die.

"BattleGreymon, keep that little red one for me, the rest can be anything you like." Yunfei is not worried about BattleGreymon.

Over the past few days, Yun Fei has watched CombatGreymon's performance. After absorbing his own blood, CombatGreymon's combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

And I don't know if it's because of the Chaos Dragon Bones that BattleGreymon has some resistance to the dragon's breath.

So even if those adult giant dragons want to smash the Battle Greymon to the ground, it will take time.

BattleGreymon stood on the ground with a violent attitude. It raised its head and kept spitting fireballs from its mouth. It was a fight of fifteen, but it was not weak at all.

"It's a pretty good sub-dragon beast." Ruili glanced at the battle greymon and said.

"Destroy first, then kill." Brier whispered in Ruili's ear.

Because Brier knew that there was a big boss secretly watching here. If they made up their mind to kill Yun Fei from the beginning, the big boss would definitely intervene.

If this side only intends to destroy Yunfei, it will be too late even if the boss intervenes.

As long as the boss is careless, they will have a chance to kill Yun Fei.

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