Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 66 Come piece by piece

Chapter 066 Come piece by piece

The bosses would definitely be furious if Yun Fei died, but that had nothing to do with Brier, because it was an internal matter within the human fort.

Even if a boss wants to get angry, he can only cause trouble with Ruili.

Ruili nodded, it understood everything Brier said.

However, facing only five golden holy dragons, what should Yunfei have to be afraid of?

It is not difficult at all to educate these guys on the principles of being a dragon.

After all, Yunfei's attributes were there. Even without the talent bonus, Ruili and the others couldn't match them.

But they don’t know about these Ruili.

Their understanding of Yunfei comes from Ruili's words, and Ruili's understanding of Yunfei is limited to the previous battles. Ruili simply cannot imagine how much Yunfei's strength will be in this not too long period of time. How much has been improved.

If it knew about it, even if it had some courage, it wouldn't dare to trouble Yun.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Yunfei's attack didn't have any skills at all. He just pushed it all the way across. It was like an out-of-control bulldozer, heading straight for Ruili.

"This speed?"

Seeing Yunfei pushing forward, Ruili realized something was wrong.

Because Yunfei's speed exceeded its expectations.


Ruili wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide, because Yunfei was pushing the earth much faster than it could run.

Then it can only be blocked.

"I'll block it, you go up."

Yunfei's first target must be Ruili. Ruili thinks he can block Yunfei. As long as it blocks Yunfei, Brie'er and the others will have a chance to attack.

As long as Brier and the others succeed, Yunfei will be doomed.

Brière is actually a bit square.

The behavior of this little black dragon seems to be different from what Ruili said.

It’s just that we’ve reached this point, and everything has to be done.

However, reality soon slapped Brier in the face.


Fuck your sister.

How to do this?

Just when they were about to take action, Yunfei bumped into Ruili.

I thought Ruili could stop Yunfei, but the reality is that Ruili is like a weightless kitten in front of Yunfei, while Yunfei himself transforms into a buffalo.

What kind of déjà vu would it feel like if a buffalo hit a kitten?

Anyway, Brier saw it. Ruili's body was knocked to the ground and kept rolling. Not only Ruili's blood was left on the ground, but also broken pale golden scales.

Is this a flash sale?

Brier thought so.

So the question is, do you still want to take it?

Damn it, why don’t you run away in a hurry?

Brier was very single. Face was worthless at this time. Life was the most important thing.

Although there must be a big boss watching here, and everything should be fine, you can't rely on the big boss. If the big boss is too late to rescue you, you will be injured.

One ran away and three were stunned.

The unlucky ones are the three dazed guys.

With his tail sweeping, his back feet kicking, and his front paws pressing, the three dazed guys were pushed to the ground and rubbed by Yun Fei without any resistance.

Xiao Jin looked at it in a daze.

His boss is really fierce. He feels that the golden holy dragon, which is extremely powerful in his heart, has become a toy in front of his boss.

This picture was too unreal for Xiao Jin.

"Yun Fei took the initiative to attack us, kill him." Ruili was hit badly, but it was not fatal.

By the time its body stops rolling, it has basically bid farewell to reason.

At this time, who cares about the boss's reaction? Ruili's only desire is to kill Yunfei.

The adult dragons brought by Ruili were not good at dealing with each other. Except for the cannon fodder Berry, the others were all 18 or 19 meters long and had good combat capabilities.

But at this time, these adult dragons are in trouble.

They do think they are powerful, but fighting Greymon is not for nothing, right?

Look at that arrogant posture, standing like a flamethrower, spraying fireballs continuously. They are Warcraft. Even if they can kill BattleGreymon, it will only be after BattleGreymon is exhausted.

Now let them take out their hands to deal with Yunfei?

Sorry, they really can't do it. Yunfei is not afraid of breathing. This has been spread, so they can only fight Yunfei hand to hand.

That was a physical fight.

If they dare to land on the ground, they are seeking death, and BattleGreymon will tear them into pieces.

"Berry, kill him."

Seeing that the other adult dragons didn't move, Ruili opened his mouth to greet Berry.

Hearing the name Berry, Yunfei stopped and let go of the three golden holy dragons that had been tortured by him.

There's no point in torturing the Golden Holy Dragon. Killing Berry is the real deal. Upgrading the bloodline depends entirely on Berry.

Where's Berry?

Hearing Ruili's call, it had no choice but to run over. As for flying down, Berry didn't dare. It was also afraid that it would be torn apart by the BattleGreymon.

Who knows what kind of luck Yunfei had to find such a powerful monster as his subordinate.

"Why don't you come down and have a heart-to-heart talk with me?" Yunfei stepped on the golden holy dragon at this time, his eyes full of mischief.

The once aloof Red Dragon Beili was now just a weakling in front of him, a coward who didn't even dare to face him.

Berry was speechless, what to talk about? Let’s talk about why I didn’t die a few months ago, right?

Damn it, it’s really scary to think about it. How long has it been? How could this guy grow to where he is now?

Even if it is a different species, even if it is named in advance by the ancestor dragon, it cannot be so good, right?

"If you don't come down, I won't go up. Then, Xiao Jin, get to work."

Such instructions were very familiar to Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin didn't think much about it and subconsciously stuck out his butt and started digging out rocks.

Stones of different sizes flew up and down, and most of them flew towards Yunfei.

Yunfei is already familiar with the dragon smashing, and his accuracy has been greatly improved.

Where has Berry ever experienced this?

Seeing the rocks hitting him, Berry was stunned.

Not to mention Berry, except for Xiaojin and BattleGreymon, the other dragons present were all confused. They had heard about this scene, but they didn't know how shocking it was until they actually saw it.

It turns out that throwing stones at dragons is like this?

Don't throw them away one by one, but come in piece by piece.

Can ordinary rocks break the bones of a giant dragon?

Facts have proved that it is possible, as long as the impact of the stone is large enough, this is completely possible.

Berry was flying well in the sky, but only a handful of people were able to dodge the rocks that were thrown at him. The impact of the rocks was too wide, and there was nowhere to hide. He resisted hard and could not bear it, so in the end he just had to do it. Neng was so miserable that he was hit by rocks and fell to the ground, with at least half of his bones broken.

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