Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 67 You can’t save him

Chapter 067 You Can’t Save Him

Xiaojin covered his eyes and secretly said to Brother Berry, you can't blame your brother for digging too many rocks. Practice makes perfect, you know. If you keep digging like this, you can still reach this speed. As for you being smashed down, I can only say that you deserve to be messed with. My boss.

What will happen to Berry who loses his ability to fly?

There is no need to think about it at all. Yunfei is so eager to kill Berry, how can he let go of such a good opportunity?

Is it possible to improve bloodline?

"Yunfei, what are you going to do? Stop it." Ruili was almost furious after seeing Yunfei's actions.

It turned out that Yunfei had already pounced on Berry. Looking at that posture, he was going to kill Berry.

As the saying goes, when it comes to beating a dog, it depends on the owner. If you kill my little brother in front of me, have you ever thought about how I, the boss, feel?

Yunfei glanced at Ruili contemptuously, stop?

Who are you?

Are you very proud?

Let alone you, even if a certain big boss came in person, Berry would be dead today.

Yunfei was not wrong when it came to breaking the sky. Moreover, he still killed the adult body with his young body. If Zulong was still alive, he might even give Yunfei a reward.

As for what the bosses think, they can think whatever they want. The Berrys can kill their mother, so he naturally has the right to take revenge.

"Senior hasn't shown up yet? This is hunting."

When Ruili saw Yunfei's appearance, it was clear that he wanted to kill Berry.

You can't expect Yunfei to stop, so you can only ask the secret boss for help. Fighting is not prohibited during the hunting period, but killing of your own clan is prohibited.

Yunfei's current behavior is already killing his own people.

The big boss in the dark is qualified to step in and stop it.

Ruili just wants to keep Berry now. As for whether Berry will live or die in the future, that is Berry's own business. Now Ruili can't let his younger brother be disappointed.

You are a boss who can't even protect your subordinates. Who will hang out with you in the future?

Unfortunately, Ruili miscalculated.

The boss guarding this area is currently very busy.

There is no time to take care of things on the ground.

"Machine clan, rebellious White Dragon, are you crazy?"

High in the sky, above the clouds, a 60-meter-long adult body wind dragon stared coldly at a mecha and a white dragon in front of him.

White dragons are known as the shame of the dragon clan. They rebelled against the giant dragon clan and actively joined the ranks of the sea clan. They were spurned by the ancestor dragons.

But since they chose to identify the giant dragon clan, they naturally got enough benefits from the sea clan.

"This airspace has been blocked by us. The choice is yours, whether to take action or watch the show." The mecha from the mechanical clan spoke out.

This mecha is in the shape of a human, like a normal man. If you look carefully, it doesn't look like a mecha. It seems to be a real mortal body. And this is what makes this mecha awesome.

You must know that this is a B+ level mecha, and there are only three of them in No. 2 City of the Northeast Frontier Mechanical Tribe. They are truly top-notch products, and their real combat power is comparable to that of a 70- to 80-meter-long adult dragon.

The white dragon is not fuel-efficient, etc. Its size is about the same as the wind dragon, and its combat power is also about the same. In a two-on-one situation, the wind dragon will naturally not be favored.

"I really want to see what gift you have prepared for us, and I don't know if you can withstand the dragon's anger." Fenglong did not make a move.

Why did the other party appear?

This is already obvious, it must be because of the little guys below.

What Fenglong has to do now is not a fight of will, it has to find a way to protect the little ones below, especially Yunfei.

Yunfei looked up after hearing Ruili's words. Is there really a senior?

Sorry, didn't see it.

Whether it was a wind dragon or a mechanical clan armor, Yunfei couldn't see their flaws, so it was normal that he couldn't see them because of the white clouds.

No one is going to stop you, so what are you waiting for? Just kill.

Ruili lost his mind, what's going on?

Have the superiors already indulged Yunfei so much? Let Yunfei break the rules of hunting?

What if Yunfei wants to kill him later?

Ruili thought of a very scary possibility.

If there are no seniors in this area, then if I die under Yun Fei's claws, wouldn't my death be in vain?

At this moment, Ruili was afraid.

How can it still manage to get to Berry? Let's escape first.

Just when Ruili was about to escape, Yunfei took action.

"No, you can't kill me, let me go, please."

Berry murmured in despair, but in his despair, Yunfei's dragon claw descended. Berry's scales seemed like fragile paper in front of Yunfei's dragon claw, breaking into pieces at a touch.

His internal organs were torn apart, and severe pain swept through Berry's body.

Soon, the whole world became gray.

"Ding, complete the bloodline mission, the bloodline level will be improved, strength +30, agility +30, constitution +30, intelligence +30."

"Ding, the bloodline level has been raised to the seventh level primary level, and the seventh level bloodline talent, Chaos Breath, has been awakened."

There seemed to be an unknown force pouring into Yunfei's body, and Yunfei's body was undergoing huge changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

First, the size instantly expanded to ten meters, and then the wings began to grow, and scales appeared on the fleshy wings.

In just ten seconds, Yunfei completed the growth process that would take other adult dragons a year or even longer.

A normal juvenile dragon, even a golden holy dragon, will go through a process after growing into an adult body. Shouldn't scales grow out piece by piece as the normal way to open them?

But Yunfei is so different, he took shape directly.

All the dragons present have heard the story of Yun Fei. It is said that he is a murderous little guy, and killing can help him grow.

But is this too much help?

Even the wind dragon above the white clouds was confused. The dragon bosses all knew that Yunfei had high potential and had the potential to become a top boss, but now it seems that they have underestimated Yunfei.

not good.

Now Yunfei is still a weak scum in front of the real strong man.

He is now exposed in front of these guys, so what will these guys do?

Feng Long knew what the consequences would be without thinking too much.

If other hostile races had such outstanding backs, Fenglong would definitely strangle this junior in the cradle when he saw it.


The wind dragon suddenly moved, and it launched an attack on the mecha of the mechanical clan.

You can't give the other party a chance to take the lead, otherwise the little guy underneath will have no chance at all.

"What a delusion. You can't save him. We are here just for him. Today, he is dead." The mecha did not dare to be too aggressive and hurriedly defended, but it was also sure that Yunfei would definitely die.

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