Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 69 Stop watching and come together

Chapter 069: Stop watching, let’s go together

Will the machine race reason with Ruili?

Not at all. People come here just to kill dragons. Killing one is killing, killing two is killing. As for arresting, forget it.

An existence at the level of the Golden Holy Dragon is something that is unthinkable.

Because after the golden holy dragon is born, it has a kind of power from the ancestral dragon in its body. As long as this power is stimulated, no matter what level the golden holy dragon is, it will disintegrate and die.

This is also the last resort of the Golden Holy Dragon to protect its dignity. It is impossible to be caught if caught.

Over the years, there has been no example of the Golden Holy Dragon being clawed.

So there is no need to think about catching this team of golden holy dragons, they can just kill them.

Facing the powerful Yunfei, both Ruili and Brier chose to escape.

It's just a matter of losing face by running away in front of your fellow tribesmen, it's no big deal.

But in front of foreigners, they didn't run away. Even if Ruili was wailing in his heart, he didn't run away. The five golden holy dragons formed a circle, and they were ready to fight.

Even if the Golden Holy Dragon dies, he will die in battle.

"This feud has become big. There hasn't been such a big conflict for a long time. It seems that you have really forgotten the dragon's anger." The wind dragon boss laughed angrily in the air.

No need to look at it, the five golden holy dragon cubs can't be saved.

How many golden holy dragons are there?


Not much at all.

There are only about twenty golden holy dragons in the human castle. The more noble the dragon, the lower the birth rate.

How big a deal is it to have five cubs die at once?

This matter is definitely not over.

The mecha boss also had a headache, and he didn't expect this to be the case.

Naxide only talked about Yunfei's situation, but did not tell him that he could encounter five golden holy dragon larvae here.

But they have already been encountered, so there is no reason to let him go. He must be killed, even if he starts another war with Longcheng for this.

Otherwise, these golden dragons will become more difficult to deal with when they grow up.

The mecha boss ignored the Fenglong boss, and the fierce battle between the two sides continued. The death of the five golden holy dragons was destined, but the matter on Yunfei's side was not over yet.

Can Yunfei escape?

If there was no presence at the level of the mecha boss, Yunfei was confident that he could easily run away.

Want to stop Yunfei with a bunch of broken aircraft?

What a dream it was.

Yun Fei rushed to the front of the formation, as if he was in charge. As soon as he came face to face with the machine race's aircraft, Yun Fei opened his mouth before the machine race's aircraft could fire its laser.

What does he want to do when he opens his mouth?

Of course it's to release the breath.

Adult dragons do not have dragon beads in their bodies and cannot store dragon energy, but they have blood essence in their bodies, and the blood essence is the fuel for releasing breath.

Does Yunfei have a lot of essence and blood in his body?

Of course there is a lot. Although his bloodline has just been promoted to the seventh level and the new menstrual blood has not been brewed yet, the previous blood essence is still there, a full ten drops.

A drop of blood essence is enough to make an adult dragon release about ten breaths.

This is just an ordinary dragon.

Yun Fei is unusual. The quality of his blood essence reaches the eighth level. One drop of blood essence is enough to make Yun Fei vomit twenty times.

Let's talk about Yun Fei's Chaos Dragon's Breath. Not to mention the passive increase in attack power as a talent, the power of Chaos Dragon's Breath itself is also explosive.

The breath of other giant dragons is single. Even the breath attributes of the fully developed Golden Holy Dragon are not so comprehensive, and each has its own focus.

But Yunfei's chaotic breath is different.

Visual inspection shows how many kinds of energy there are in Yunfei's essence and blood, and how many attributes are contained in his breath.

These attribute attacks are connected to Yunfei's various attribute resistances.

In other words, the attribute resistance increased by the Chaos Dragon Bone absorbing attribute ores can not only increase the resistance, but also allow the Chaos Breath to carry various attribute attacks.

Because all the essence and blood in Yunfei's body are made from the Chaos Dragon Bone.

This is outrageous.

After Yunfei breathed out, even if the mechanical aircraft activated the protective light shield, it would have no effect.

Even the light shield couldn't even do the most basic blocking.

It shattered as soon as it touched the Chaos Breath.

A series of explosions followed.

Various attributes of power are raging. What can an ordinary mechanical aircraft do to resist?

Are they fireproof or waterproof?

Even if you can defend against fire and water attacks, there is still light, wind, and thunder. How can you defend against them? Moreover, there is also the impact and squeezing force of the breath.

If you can't prevent it, it will explode and disintegrate, and no mecha inside will be able to escape.

"Ding, kill the machine race and get bloodline value +0.0001."

"Ding, kill the machine race and get bloodline value +0.0001."

A series of prompts sounded, which made Yunfei excited.

The mechanical tribe is great. Although the blood value obtained by killing one alone is not much, the mechanical tribe is so dense, is it okay?

At this time, the aircraft of the mechanical race were gathered so densely that Yunfei could explode seven or eight aircraft with one breath. Based on the fact that there are ten mechanical race in one aircraft, this value is okay.

In an instant, Yunfei turned on the killing mode and breathed as if for free. He would spit wherever there were many mechanical aircraft.

He breathed out twenty times in a row without even taking a breath.

The giant dragons following Yun Fei were all dumbfounded.

How did something that was originally quite tragic develop into this?

According to the script, shouldn't they stand in front of Yunfei and use their bodies to fight a bloody path for Yunfei? Shouldn't future generations of dragons have to look up to their heroic deeds?

But why does the current situation look like they are surrounding and killing the mechanical race?

But it feels quite comfortable.

Why is it so exciting to watch the machine race's aircraft disintegrate and explode in the air?

"Brothers, stop watching and come together."

What else is important at this time? Follow Yun Fei and let a newly grown up Yun Fei show off his power in front of these giant dragons with a body length of more than 18 meters. Will they look good?

In fact, these giant dragons were worried that Yunfei's body was running out of blood essence, so they wasted two drops of blood essence in one go. Yunfei probably ran out of stock.

Therefore, they have to fill the gap and seize this opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

As long as he breaks out of the encirclement, Yunfei will be more than half safe.

All kinds of breaths were flying all over the sky, and coupled with the lasers stimulated by the mechanical clan's reaction, the entire sky suddenly became colorful.

Yunfei's eyes rolled around, Chaos Breath was still being released, there was a lot of essence and blood, he had never thought of saving, harvesting blood points was the main business.

As for the mechanical laser, I'm really sorry.

On Yunfei's aircraft, the mechanical tribe didn't even install a forbidden device, so they really couldn't break Yunfei's defense.

Even the defenses of those adult dragons cannot be broken. The only function of those lasers is to bloom and render the sky more beautiful.

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