Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 70 Thief Sun, just wait.

Chapter 070: Thief Sun, just wait.

"This is something wrong, Yunfei, leave quickly, we can't stay long." Soon, the adult dragons discovered something was wrong.

It seems that this guy Yunfei has no intention of leaving at all. His breath is still like free stuff, spraying everywhere.

You must know that now is not the time to kill the enemy, the most important thing now is to escape.

The big boss may not be able to hold on for long.

They have to leave the battlefield before the boss can withstand it, and it is best to leave the shielding area created by the mechanical clan.

"Yunfei, hurry up, now is not the time to kill the enemy."

The adult giant dragons all know something about Yunfei and know that he likes to kill. Now it seems that he is sick, right?

To be honest, Yunfei is not very keen on killing, but he is very interested in harvesting blood points. He is indeed a little out of control now and wants to kill all the mechanical tribe here.

But I can only think about it. Yunfei is not afraid of the mechanical clan chasing after him, but he is really afraid of the big boss above him. Just looking at the aftermath of the battle, Yunfei is not able to withstand it now.

What else is there to say?


Yun Fei ran away, and the adult dragons were naturally happy to follow him, but they only suffered a lot from the mechanical tribe.

The superiors ordered them to block Yun Fei, but what could they do to stop this guy?

You can't even block it with your body, right?

The aircraft's desperate suicide attacks have no effect.

what to do? Let's serve it cold.

Fortunately, the mechanical race that caught up behind them was not slow in flying. They were specially left to deal with Yunfei, and they were equipped with all kinds of powerful weapons in this wave.

If it hadn't taken some time to kill the five golden holy dragon larvae, they would have caught up with them long ago.

That's right, Ruili, Brier and other five golden holy dragons have fallen.

They died tragically, not even a single scale was left on their bodies, and all their blood, essence, and blood would evaporate. This was the dignity of the Golden Holy Dragon. They did not disgrace the reputation of the Golden Holy Dragon. They shot down the mechanical aircraft in the first battle. Hundreds, and also destroyed some forbidden weapons.

But that's all, and they didn't stop these mechanical tribes for a long time. After all, they were just larvae. The machines dispatched by this batch of mechanical tribes were all ferocious beast-level mechas and aircraft.

Yunfei noticed the aura of Ruili and others' death.

To be honest, although they were hostile before, with the performance of these adult dragons, when Yunfei felt the death of Rilibrie'er, there seemed to be a voice whining in his blood.

Does this come from the hatred in the blood?


it is necessary.

Even if we can't kill all the pursuers behind us now, we can't make it easy for them.

"You lead the way, and I will lead the way." Yun Fei gave instructions and quickly turned around to the back of the team.

The leading dragon opened his mouth to speak, but in the end said nothing.

Yunfei's strength has been recognized by them. Although Yunfei is in the rear, it is dangerous, but after thinking about it, it is better than Yunfei messing around at the front of the team.

What if this guy stops running?

So of course it's okay to take the lead, just make sure Yunfei can run with them.

"Look at him. If he goes crazy, take him away by force, even if it means death."

The golden holy dragon died tragically, and the other giant dragons were not afraid. As long as they could keep Yunfei alive, they would die a worthy death.

The giant dragons from the two formations behind them nodded and were ready to take Yun Fei away by force.

The first team is naturally responsible for opening the way.

Will Yunfei go crazy?

Of course not, he is very sensible, and taking the initiative to rear is also for the safety of other dragons.

To put it bluntly, although Yunfei is the smallest here, he is the most powerful, and he is the least dangerous when he comes to the rear.

What happened to the mechanical tribe with the forbidden weapons?

The mechanical tribe didn't even estimate that Yunfei would be so powerful, so the equipment they brought was one level lower. It would take a lot of effort to hurt Yunfei.

With Yun Fei's Chaos Breath present, it would be even more difficult for the mechanical tribe behind to catch up.

The breath continued to fire like a machine cannon. With the intensity of the pursuers, there was no need for any accuracy at all, just spray.

The mechanical tribe that caught up was miserable, and their defensive weapons were activated with all their strength. Unfortunately, the effect was really limited. It was because the Chaos Breath was too unreasonable.

In the pursuit group, there will always be aircraft exploding into a cloud of sparks.

However, this time the mechanical clan really spent a lot of effort on Yunfei, and the number of aircraft far exceeded what Yunfei had seen before.

What Yunfei had seen the most before was when the mechanical tribe wanted to snatch Vera's children, but how many were there at that time? Compared with the current situation, it is far behind.

However, this also indirectly shows how powerful Yunfei is, so many aircraft cannot do anything to him.

"If he bites them to death, I don't believe how long he can hold on."

The Machine Clan who was responsible for commanding the operations of the brigade was furious. Even for City No. 2, it was very painful to face such a loss.

But it believes things are almost over.

How much breath can a dragon that has just grown into an adult body spray?

As long as Yunfei's side is silent, they can kill Yunfei or capture Yunfei.

If Yunfei knew what the commander was thinking, he would probably just smile and tell him, "Thief Sun, just wait."

There was a lot of energy from the ores stored in the Chaos Keel before. This energy failed to become Yunfei's attributes at the time. Yunfei was still confused about it, but now Yunfei knows that that energy has become Yunfei's energy reserve.

At this time, Yunfei used a large amount of essence and blood power, and the Chaos Dragon Bone was not weak at all. It accelerated the speed of condensing essence and blood. Even if Yunfei breathed out non-stop, it could still supply it.

Because the blood essence level it provides has reached the seventh level, one drop of blood essence is enough for Yun Fei to spray thirty times.

The consumption was directly proportional to the recovery, and Yunfei immediately transformed into a dragon-shaped Gatling, operating as fiercely as a tiger, with no intention of stopping at all.

When the number of breaths exhaled by Yun Fei exceeded a hundred, the commander of the mechanical tribe became uneasy.

No matter who this thing was, no one would be able to calm down.

Even the mecha boss above him is like this.

What kind of monster is this thing?

Yunfei broke through and became an adult dragon right under his nose. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, others wouldn't have believed it.

Can a newly grown dragon be so powerful?

"Don't hesitate, kill him, leave no one alive."

Mud, at this time, you are still scratching your ass. Looking at the situation, if you can pin this little guy to death here today, you can burn high incense.

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