Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 198 Odin! This is my escape route! !


The body fell into the pool formed by the condensed rain. Ritsuka rolled on the ground several times before barely stopping. Angers also fell down in an almost inelegant way, and his whole body was completely soft and turned into a puddle of mud.

However, both of them stood up almost at the same time and looked at the God King beside them.

Under the rain curtain, the ivory-white God-King already looked like a ferocious painting, or a broken sculpture.

The sculpture was bleeding profusely at the moment, and the originally hard white armor had been cut with countless damaged gaps, from which the scarlet wounds and wriggling granulations inside could be seen.

Like a leaky kettle, the blood continued to flow downwards, even making the white horse beneath him wet and red.

Only then did Sleipnir realize it and let out a shrill scream. With its ability, it was only now that it could barely realize what had just happened.

The combat power is not inferior to that of a three-generation fierce horse. Even such a creature is completely unable to match the fatal blows of the two top hybrids in the world just now.

Just like Ritsuka said——

Everything is calculated.

Whether Angers broke out first and attracted Odin's hatred and was injured first, using this method of gradually increasing his strength to make the God-King relax his vigilance and underestimate the two of them, and let Ritsuka face Odin alone at the last moment to ensure that the magic gun It only marks itself, and uses the legend of Shuten to transform its unique skills into a high-purity dragon (ghost) body that even surpasses the S-class hybrid species like Angers, and uses its recovery power and vitality to save its life.

Everything is calculated before the battle begins.


There is one last step left.

"Have you cut it down?"

"But it didn't kill."

The girl looked at Angers and saw the old man's unwillingness.

The cooperation between the two just now was so perfect that even Odin had no chance to escape. The most powerful slash in the world was simultaneously attached to the body of the God King, but he still could not feel confident about "killing" it.

If I have to say it, it is still armor.

That armor, which I don’t know what the material is made of, must be an alchemy tool or noble phantom that surpasses most of the alchemy tools, at least the boy’s Qiangang.

Even though it was attacked from the front so many times, it was still not broken.

Because they had to attack at a specific location in the gap, whether it was Ange or Ritsuka, they could only cut Odin's wound as deeply as possible, but they were unable to achieve certain killing methods such as beheading or blocking the waist.

Odin is not dead yet. Even though the Shuten Noble Phantasm and the folding knife are extremely poisonous, with the dragon's recovery ability, he must be able to move in just a while, right?

On the other hand, Ritsuka and Ange were both close to exhaustion, and Ange was almost on the verge of quitting the third-level bloodshed state.

It won't take long for the two of them to be pierced by the restored God King with a magic spear. No, they will even be captured alive and used as so-called collections to become residents of the Kingdom of God.


"It's still the same as planned."

The girl held her hands on the water. The broken ground could not support the weight and almost dented, but Ritsuka finally stabilized her figure and yelled at Anger beside her.

"Principal Angers!"

At that moment, Angers naturally did not hesitate and stood up according to the "plan".

And just as the two stood up, the God King also raised his head and stared at the two of them with his broken golden eyes——

【Yan Ling. Time Zero】

The invisible realm spread again, penetrated Odin's body, and flew towards the boundless world with transparent wings.

At that moment, Odin was confused.

Why turn on time zero?

Even though most of his physical strength has been exhausted at this moment, being immune to Time Zero is the Dragon King's instinct. Even without special treatment, Time Zero cannot cause any harm to the Dragon King.

Could it be that the girl's [Oracle] still left time?

The God King's mind quickly reached the truth that he believed to be correct. He quickly focused all his attention on Fujimaru Ritsuka, the flames in his eyes boiling like the lava of the Doomsday volcano.

With the divine spear in his hand, and the girl's delicate blood flowers lingering on it, the God King raised his arm high again, not for throwing, but for defense.

This time, he didn't want to give it any chance.

And sure enough, Ritsuka, who had stabilized his body, used the [Spiritual Shadow] in the last few seconds to its limit. The thunder light wrapped around the whole body, and spread like a thunder god, as ferocious as a ferocious beast.

Her spiritual elements were mixed with lightning, leaping and slashing high.

The God King had no choice but to hold on to the bleeding wound on his body, stop repairing it, and choose to face the sword directly.

The lightning and water flow collided again, and the raging heat suddenly exploded——

However, at that moment, the God King felt a little inconsistent.


There is no weight on that knife.

The knife and gun touched the surface, but the girl's arms in mid-air were as soft as mud. The arms that must not be bent when vibrating the knife naturally relaxed at this moment, allowing the gun to be pushed in her direction.

And at the moment Kungnir's strength began to weaken, his arms suddenly tightened!

throat! ! !

It was like catching a swing that was flying towards her, catching it and throwing it high, but the girl did it more naturally and perfectly.

The God King's attack was turned into pure thrust, and the girl flew backwards suddenly under the blow. Although her arms were shaking, she remained steady.

Is this an attempt to escape?

Odin looked at the figure walking away from him, and then he noticed this reality.

Indeed, they should run away.

After all, this Nibelungen was brought in by Odin intentionally. For those hybrids, there is nothing wrong with being able to run out of here and make long-term plans.

The Nibelungen cannot be unfolded at any time. It requires a medium. It is not a heavy rain or a specific occasion like today. Odin can only enter reality by himself, or send his subordinates to capture the two people.

But being able to capture Fujimaru Ritsuka and Ange's subordinates alone is not easy.

The conclusion is that as long as these people run out of this Nibelungen, it will indeed be their victory.

The question is, how to escape?

The reason why the few people faced Odin before was not because they had no ability to escape from each other in Odin's domain, so they had to fight separately.

Now, Odin is indeed seriously injured, but Fujimaru Ritsuka and Anger are even more so.

It was only possible to allow a few other people to escape. How could Fujimaru Ritsuka and Ange still have the energy to run?

How many others are there?

Odin was suddenly shocked. He waved his magic gun, dispersing the surrounding heat and shattering the field of angry thunder. Only then did he see - in the direction of the girl flying out, no, directly below her, I don't know where. At that time, there was a Maybach driving at high speed! !

There are three key points to this plan, and they all stem from Time Zero in Angers.

1. [Time Zero] signal transmission.

Angers once used Time Zero at the moment he chopped down Odin. This word spirit essentially accelerates the user's own time, so there is no concept of "boundary".

Therefore, at that moment, Angers included Mai Shutoku and others in the distance into Time Zero.

Not to speed them up, but to give a signal!

Treat "Whether Shutoku Mai and others in the distance are included in the zero range of time" as a variable, as a beacon!

If you plan ahead, it's possible -

That was a prepared signal, and the content of the signal was - [When the next time zero comes, use the time difference between time zero and the outside world to rush to Odin quickly. 】

Do you still remember what Jiude Mai said to Lu Mingfei——

[Don’t run too far, just circle here for me! 】

Of course, this is to keep the Maybach from being too far away from the battlefield, so that the Maybach, which is growing at a hundred times speed, can quickly approach a few people!

Two, that is naturally Ritsuka's cover.

Using the last few seconds of [Magic Release], the loud thunder light covered up the hum of the Maybach, and used Ritsuka's own aura to attract Odin's attention, preventing him from noticing the existence of the Maybach.

At the moment when Ritsuka and Odin fought, they were exiled outside the realm of [Time Zero].

Odin's time perception was unable to detect abnormalities due to the battle with Ritsuka. The fog caused by the high temperature made it difficult to see clearly, and the time left at this moment was enough for Angers to climb onto the Maybach.


Time difference.

This was a question that came up many times during the battle.

Question, since Time Zero is immune to the God King, is it meaningless?

Answer: No.

Anger has been fighting with dragons for hundreds of years, and countless Shura fields have crossed over. The moment he realized that the God King was immune to his own abilities, he had already made corresponding tactics and responses.

There is a loophole in the immune mechanism of the God King.

The flaw lies in

The God King is immune to Time Zero, but Sleipnir is not.

Yes, it's such a simple question.

Because Odin no longer uses the dragon subspecies that symbolizes his power all the time, his actions are limited to some extent. Although he can use [also open time zero and include Sleipnir in time zero] ] to deal with this vulnerability, but of course this will also cause a time difference.

From [Angers opening time zero] to [Odin opening time zero], there is a gap in this short period of time.

For reality, that would be -

A hundred times the difference!

The Maybach was running at full power, and Odin, who only reacted after a moment, almost missed the distance by hundreds of seconds or several minutes!

This period of time is enough for Maybach to rush to the battlefield, pick up Angers, and dash all the way to where Ritsuka needs him!

The steel beast created by humans surpassed Sleipnir and flew madly into the distance, but Odin was powerless.

At this time, Odin was seriously injured, and all eight legs of his eight-legged horse were damaged.

Everything is not meaningless.

What finally resulted in the official scene at this moment——


The girl flew backwards in mid-air, with blood flowing from her body, but her face looked happy and contented. On the ground dozens of meters below her, Maybach used unprecedented driving skills to shuttle over the almost broken ground and avoid it. All the potholes, almost in the form of stunts, were heading towards her landing point in this battlefield that could collapse at any time.

That's right.

"Odin! This is--my escape route!!"

The girl screamed wildly, showing off her wisdom as if man could conquer the heavens, and opened her arms in the air.

"Compared with me, Ritsuka Fujimaru, in wisdom, you are still too young!!!"

ps: Damn it, everyone really looks down on Odin!

Odin: I am really looked down upon too.jpg!

Let me put it more emphatically. If I were to completely refer to the expressiveness of Odin in the original work, I would not have the confidence to write this book well. I would kill a second-rate heroic spirit.

That’s why I specially created a moon-shaped background, in order to attract everyone’s attention. Today’s Odin “contains the mystery of the world into one”, and his personality is almost comparable to the existence of the three pillars of a religion. , the big boss behind the scenes who has been lurking in the world for thousands of years.

What I originally thought was that you should complain about why Odin doesn't look as strong as I thought (of course, it's all foreshadowing, so I can't say it was foreshadowing. Anyway, it was written like this on purpose, for a reason)

There are still characters who have not appeared, and the plot is not over yet. I just don’t want to break the chapter and make my brothers and sisters uncomfortable on the last day of the month.

I'm really sorry that this fight will take a long time, but as a boss battle, I have to consider every detail.

Shushu, I just want to make money and write the works I want to read at the same time!

This may be the so-called difference between what the author wants to see and what the reader wants to see. It can also be called the pretentiousness (sadness) of the weak.

You can raise books, punish, and whip me as you like! ! (

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