Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 199 Lu Mingze: I’m done paddling

Although it was very sudden, when Angers was young, he was once asked such a question by his good friend, best friend, and benefactor Meineke Cassel——

[Ange, in what state do you think the Dragon King is the strongest? 】

Angers felt that the question was unclear at the time, but he still tried his best to think about it.

The most standard answer is that the Dragon King got rid of the larval stage, returned to his full strength, completely awakened his memory, and then obtained his own alchemy tools.

But that answer was well-meaningly laughed at by my friends.

Because Angers' answer seems correct, but in the answer to this question, Angers missed the simplest, but also the worst element.

Regardless of his maturity, the Dragon King actually has the fighting ability to crush humans even if he has just awakened.

What really affects their strength is the fighting will of the Dragon King himself.

When people compare the strength of things, most of the time they like to refer to their power and destructive power.

But in fact, for dragons, their abilities are already enough to be called the destruction of heaven and earth. Even if they just raise their hands to breathe, the dragon's breath is enough to destroy villages, burn down kingdoms, and make human cities fall.

For dragons, the things that limit them are as mentioned before——


In other words, the way of looking at things, the perspective of looking at mixed races, and that stupid self-esteem.

Angers was still a newcomer at the time. He had not yet experienced that rainy night when he lost everything, nor had he experienced the past of fighting dragons for hundreds of years.

So he didn't understand his friend's words.

Until he personally fought against the Dragon Clan.

Ah, that guy Menek, so that’s what he meant.

Angers looked at the countless remains under the knife and finally came to a conclusion.

Among the dragons that the old man had killed, those guys, even the third generation, or even the fourth generation - those dragons actually didn't bother to use their power against the hybrids.

To dragons, humans are fire thieves, just like humans view monkeys. Very few people actually pick up fully armed body armor and steel helmets, carry vibranium shields, and hold Thor's battle axes to attack zoos. Skinny monkey.

Dragons will not use their full strength against humans, and the most direct manifestation is——

They almost never use speech spirits on humans.

This is Angers' experience. When the commissioners of the Executive Bureau met with the Dragon Clan, they rarely saw those monsters using their own powers. At most, they used their own bodies to crush the elite mixed-race troops.

Generally, only when Angers personally takes action, those third- and fourth-generation guys will finally gain some energy, but they will only use their speaking spirits before they die.

Referring to Ritsuka's speculation on the history of hybrids, it may be because modern hybrids are too despised by dragons who have lived for thousands of years.

A considerable number of dragons will not face real death, so they can witness the real history, and naturally they can see how weak modern hybrids have become.

Perhaps for them, using words and spirits on modern hybrids is an insult to themselves.

So, let’s go back to the beginning.

——In what state is the Dragon King the strongest?

The answer is of course——

"Compared with me, Ritsuka Fujimaru, in wisdom, you are still too young!!!"

Along with this voice, irony fell to the ground.

Desperate situation, breakthrough——


No, this is just a show of rhetoric. Even this step is just part of the girl's plan.

Of course Ritsuka knows that even if human wisdom is exhausted, it does not mean that the last hurdle can be overcome.

The last difficulty still stands in front of everyone, that is.

Angry winds began to sweep across, and Odin's body and armor trembled.

So he started singing.

——[Yan Ling. Time Zero]

That was the Dragon King's first explicit chant since the battle began.

From that moment on, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically.

"Ritsuka, if you fan the flames of a guy who's been pushed to the end, you'll end up like this."

Angers was leaning against the back seat of the car. His dragon-like shell had not faded away at this moment, but anyone could hear the weakness in the old man's words, which were almost as inaudible as the breeze.

No, that's not the whole picture.

At this time, Lu Mingfei, who was sitting in the driver's seat instead of Mai Shutoku, was sweating. He glanced at the entire car through the front mirror and kept repeating the line in his heart——

Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck

No, it should be

It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over

In the car, sitting in the passenger seat, Mai Shutoku was covered in blood at this moment, and her face was even more pale. Just now, in order to prevent Deadpool from interfering with the frontal battlefield and from hurting Lu Mingfei and others, Mai Jutoku forced herself Use the backhand the boss left for her.

The consequences of forcibly transforming her bloodline are of course unpleasant. At this moment, it is already very difficult for her to maintain consciousness.

But this was the easiest, at least there weren't many wounds on her body.

In the back seat, Chu Zihang, who was injured while trying to save Lu Mingfei, was leaning against the window with his head, his lips had lost the color of blood, and there were still raindrops on his face, like a heartbroken person in a melancholy youth campus drama. She is as melancholy and beautiful as the second male lead.

But Lu Mingfei knew that Chu Zihang was either depressed or dying!

Look at the squad leader who just fell from the sky and had a fierce battle with the gods. It is said that his heart was stabbed through. It's a miracle that he didn't die. How could he be in perfect condition?

And Principal Angers whom I just met.

Hey, hey, hey, who are you? Show your face. The entire human form is wrapped in an exoskeleton-like alien shape. When Lu Mingfei first picked up Ange, he almost screamed and threw him out of the car.

There are also wounds all over the body of this alien. Although it can be seen that it is recovering, the number and severity of the wounds have long exceeded the limit that normal creatures, and even abnormal creatures, should endure. It is estimated that there is not much left.

And under such circumstances, why is the God King behind him still pursuing him! ? !

【Time Zero】

This is the Word Spirit that Odin will use after he is determined to keep a few people behind. It has the same ability as Angers, and it is a Word Spirit that can accelerate its own time.

When it is driven with all its strength, the magnification factor it can amplify far exceeds Angers' normal state, is the same, and even vaguely exceeds Angers, which has suffered three bloodbaths at this moment!

That sharp yellow light flashed across the sky like a flash, and God struck with an absolutely unmatched speed!

If it weren't for the time difference that widened the gap, these people would have been caught up by Odin long ago.

But even so, the dangerous one-eyed king still didn't give up on arresting him. Almost no one could stop the monster who had completely put down the dignity of the Dragon King.

The distance is infinitely shortened, and what's worse is...

"I can't last much longer." Blood flowed from the bone seams that were as crisscrossed as plant roots, and Ange's voice became weaker and weaker.

"The restoration of the physical body and the opening of Time Zero are contradictory. What's more, even in its peak state, if I want to include other hybrids in the field, I can only continue Time Zero for five minutes at most."

With a hoarse voice like a broken organ, Angers spoke his final words.

"I know."

The girl did not deny what Ange said. Lu Mingfei almost trembled with anxiety as he listened. No, if it weren't for the fact that his foot was still on the brake, he would have been shaking like a sieve by now.

He felt that he and others were going to be hopeless, and his emotions were complicated, but he didn't know what he should say as his last words.

At this moment, the girl spoke again.

"I know, that's why I do it."

When the conversation changed, the girl leaned her back against the car cushion, looked at the golden light behind her, and sighed.

"In the final analysis, even if he is not forced, with the cautious character of the God King, the only option is to use the word spirit."

Rather, it would be weird to only use Word Spirit Time Zero.

The girl focused her eyes, exhaled, and relaxed on her face.

"So, this time, no one can stop me from coming to break up the queen, right?"

"Monitor! You——"

"Well. This scene is what I expected now. It's better to say it's better than at the beginning. After all, because you were crying and making trouble to stay with me, I was able to hurt that person more severely than I expected. God King."

Ritsuka explained.

"So it can't be said that it was a reckless decision. I probably still have a way to come back alive."

The Shuten and Minamoto Yorimitsu in the body have dissipated.

However, even if the single target is summoned again, it probably won't help.

Ritsuka looked at the knife in his hand and simply put it at hand, which was the cylinder holding the umbrella.

There is only one way to end everything.

That is--

"I advise you not to do that~"


【despair. 】

The originally infinitely still time came to a complete standstill at that moment, and the infinitely slowed water droplets were completely fixed in the air. The most obvious change was the fading of color, as if everything was stuffed into a black and white freeze-frame photo, only Gods can move in such a world.

And false gods are not qualified either.

Ritsuka looked at Odin hanging far behind the car, still in mid-air, and couldn't help but let out a breath and turned around.

Of course, she saw that familiar figure.


The boss looked back with a smile in his golden eyes.

"Long time no see, Guda."

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