Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 228 Kazama Ruri, you are still Bucky!

Wang Dahai, 43 years old, is a Japanese company technical consultant and accompanying translator.

Because he often travels between Japan and mainland China for professional reasons, Wang Dahai thought he was used to everything he could see on a plane.

There are powerful people who are angry because they are dissatisfied with the airplane food, internet stars who look very bad because they did not sleep well, and workers who are traveling around the world just like me.

Tall, short, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly.

In his twenty-year career, he thought that the girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka he met a few months ago was already an insurmountable mountain in his life, like Mount Everest and the Vatican. , is a statue of Jesus, the star at the top of the Christmas tree.

But he didn't expect that the scene would happen again a few months later.

CX509, first class.

The destined flight, the destined first class cabin, and even the seats were almost the same as last time. The only difference was that the orange-haired girl sitting next to him was no longer the orange-haired girl, but a pair of beauties who looked quite charming and charming.

In fact, I had been paying attention to this man and woman as early as the airport waiting room in Japan.

Mainly because of that handsome man, when he first saw him, he couldn't even tell whether he was a boy or a girl, Japanese or Thai, until he saw the boy's Adam's apple and saw that the boy was wearing underwear with pictures of Mount Fuji cherry blossoms. Every movement has the charm and beauty of a geisha, and I have a rough conclusion.

And that beauty is also very unique. She is wearing a red witch costume. She is exquisite and graceful, and the exposed swan neck has a pure and graceful look. I looked left and right at the airport. After entering the first-class cabin, I sat next to the window and stared blankly outside.

Although there was no resemblance in appearance between the two, Wang Dahai still classified the two as brother and sister, given that their appearance was beyond the reach of cosmetics and scalpels.

It's interesting to say that the handsome boy brother doesn't seem to be in a very good mood, and he always seems to be extremely fooled by his fellow travelers. When he was in the waiting room, he ignored the girl next to him, eating chive-flavored biscuits, crossing his legs, and occasionally reading books.

The content is classic Japanese mourning literature, such as cherry blossoms, dead bones, etc., which satisfies Wang Dahai’s stereotype of Japanese people.

The girl didn't seem to mind on the surface. She couldn't help but raise her toes while sitting on her seat, struggling with the handheld device in her hand. The game characters inside started laughing and laughing, which was so lively.

There was almost no communication between the two, and Wang Dahai even saw the girl handing a note to her brother.

Do you even use notes when talking? How bad is this relationship?

However, when he entered the first class cabin, he saw that the witch girl was unable to stuff her luggage to the upper floor because of her height. The boy sighed and took action. Looking at the thin body, he threw the half-person-high suitcase up with one hand. Wang Dahai was stunned for a while.

So, is their relationship good or bad?

Wang Dahai looked over there cautiously, because the two of them did not have the attractive and close temperament of Fujimaru Ritsuka. This time he did not choose to talk, but just thought silently in his heart.

They are so good-looking, they must be family.

At this time, under Wang Dahai's gaze, the "brother and sister" were——


Kazama Ruri lifted a corner of her blindfold and let out a tired sigh from her thin lips.

(How long are you going to keep looking at that man? I didn’t show any skin today.)

The handsome young man who was often harassed by middle-aged uncles and aunts with eager glances on the subway sighed sincerely. Knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to sleep, he simply pulled the eye mask to his hairline so that his long hair would not be covered. The white face looked around boredly.

Finally, the man focused his gaze on the slender back of the girl beside him.

(Could it be that you are looking at Eri Yi? Really, you must not be a crazy person, and you have to take the trouble to beat her up. Otherwise, if my brother is held accountable, it will be very difficult for me.)

Kazama Ruri looked at her "sister" and her thoughts gradually returned to a few days ago——


"Huh? Going to China?"

In the nursing home, on the white hospital bed, two teacups were placed on a stack of dinner plates. The mist rose upwards and twisted into an enchanting shape. The two teenagers sitting on both sides were leaning against the wall, with their legs curled up and their hands He hugged his knees and looked at the rare entertainment machine in the room - a TV set - in a rather well-behaved manner.

What is playing on the TV is the classic horror movie "Saw 3". This series of movies has been criticized by moviegoers since this one. The reason is that the boss of the first movie dies, and the next one... The following movies gradually began to move closer to pure bloody horror, and lost the discussion of human nature——

Of course, neither of these men knew about this kind of thing. After all, even "Saw 3" was just a new movie released this year to them.

It is a conventional entertainment project for males to gather together to watch horror movies. The more people there are, the happier they are.

In a dark small room, when many people watch a horror movie together, a contrasting sense of security will be born inexplicably. It may even feel funny and warm. It is an alternative way to enjoy it. But after watching the movie, you can go back to sleep by yourself. , or when you get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, that's another story.

This kind of entertainment is something that 90% of boys will experience when they are in high school, but Yuan Zhisheng and Kazama Ruri are working hard to make up for this shortcoming.

From time to time, Yuan Zhisheng would come to his brother to communicate with him, and this time too, he said that he had never seen this horror movie and wanted to watch it together.

The old jigsaw man in the center of the picture had his neck cut open by the angry "hero". The blood was pouring out so much that it looked a bit bloody. However, both Kazama Ruri and Yuan Zhisheng were used to similar scenes, so There was no sign of retreating during the conversation.

Compared with the horror of flesh and blood, the test of human nature, the sudden sense of horror created through rhythm control, and the fear formed by being entangled like a spider's thread are more worthy of the audience's emotion.

Even Kazama Ruri couldn't help but feel that this movie was well shot. From time to time, he would be surprised and frown. On the contrary, Yuan Zhisheng next to him was calm and confused, showing off his big brother style.

The man spoke.

"Well, Fujimaru Ritsuka's high school is said to be holding a school festival and can allow outside intervention."

"School Festival? In China?"

"She's always been able to do this kind of thing."

"Okay, then why go? Although Fujimaru Ritsuka is not yet an adult, you don't really treat her as a high school student, right? With all due respect - I feel that you, brother, are not as mature as Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"You don't need to tell me this kind of thing, and that's a wrong perception. As for why you should go -"

The clown face in the picture made a deep voice and began to explain the truth of the story. At the same time, the familiar suspense tune also began to play. Yuan Zhisheng turned a deaf ear, raised his hand and clicked the pause button, then turned around and said.

"The mission over there seems to have entered the second stage. A slight increase in manpower is also the sincerity of the Japanese branch. As the Dragon King who was once a fierce ghost, why don't you consider committing crimes and meritorious service instead of wasting your skills in a mental hospital?"

This was a nice thing to say, but Fengjian Liuli was too lazy to listen.

"Those who commit crimes commit crimes. Even if I am mentally controlled, my sins cannot be erased. There is no such thing as being acquitted by serving a crime." He sneered at this.

The sins committed cannot be forgotten if you want to.

He had long been prepared to die, and he had done so much just to watch General Wang Neng die in front of him.

Even if he survives now, he has long lost his goal and does not dare to pursue so-called happiness.

At least, now

Regarding this profound topic, Yuan Zhisheng just shook his head and retorted.

"Yes, Bucky, the one from Marvel."

"Brother, how many comics and animations have you read under the influence of Fujimaru Ritsuka?"

The corner of Kazama Liuli's mouth twitched, and Yuan Zhisheng, who found out that he was exposed, didn't want to be questioned about his personal matters, so he immediately changed the subject.

"And Eri is clamoring to go to China."

When he said this, Yuan Zhisheng's face looked a little tired for some reason. Kazama Liuli felt a little relieved when she saw this, and at the same time, she couldn't help but look strange after hearing the words "Eriyi".

In fact, his relationship with his newly recognized "sister" is quite delicate.

"Wasn't she quite calm at first?" asked Kazama Ruri, pretending to be fine.

"Haha, when they are in elementary school, every child will feel that they can sleep away from their parents and go to and from school alone. After the market internship and production internship, they feel that they are mature and can endure hardships, but in fact it is only temporary. It's just bubbles and phantoms." Yuan Zhisheng said with emotion, bringing back his past self.

He is talking about the part where he feels mature.

Yuan Zhisheng manipulated the remote control to turn off the advertisement and said casually: "In terms of mental age, that child still has a long way to go."

"Even if this is the case, let's take a step back and ask why you asked me to take care of the child." Kazama Liuli stopped pretending and defended with his chest expressionless on his face.

"Don't look at me like this. I am also a VIP user of eight nursing homes in Sheqi. Do I need to show you my mental illness certificate? The doctor said that I am of great scientific research value."

Are you quite proud or what?

Yuan Zhisheng didn't want to discuss this topic further, because he knew that if Kazama Ruri was insane, then he might not be a high-level scientific researcher at the same level.

So he changed the subject and said: "I know that you and Eriki are not that close, but that child is easy to talk to. As long as you really want to make friends with her, there is almost no threshold."

"What if I don't want to be friends with her?"

"How long has it been since you were taught a lesson by your brother?"

"I don't think you can beat me."

"Then you are willing to hit me?"


Kazama Liuli suddenly turned her head to look at Yuan Zhisheng, who said such outrageous words with a calm face. She suddenly felt that the other party had been persecuted too much by a certain orange-haired girl. How could he even say such words and still face him? Does not change color.

What made you become like this? Is it Fujimaru Ritsuka or the head of the Sheki Hachi Family?

But he also knew that he probably couldn't refuse this job.

"I'm not good at talking to her." He was making a final struggle.

"I know, but we have to overcome it. We are a family." The man said it in a righteous way, and he always said family.

Kazama Liuli sighed, knowing that she really couldn't run away this time.

Although it was true that she had nothing to do with Eriki, Kazama Ruri still stood up resolutely for the sake of the peace of the Uesugi family. It was really commendable and brave.

The only thing that made him unhappy was the happy expression of his brother next to him, "The people in my family are really twisted. Fortunately, I'm here."

In the final analysis——

"Why don't you ask Master Yue to accompany Eriyi."

Fengjian Liuli's sharp edge suddenly appeared.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression remained unchanged and he answered calmly:

"Because I'm not good at talking to that person."

Damn you! ! ! ——

ps: Speaking of horror movies, which one do you think is the scariest?

To be honest, when I was a kid, I couldn’t fall asleep even after watching The Immortal. When I grew up, I didn’t feel anything when I watched The Shining and The Conjuring. Ah, I mean I didn’t feel it when I was watching it. I still feel scared when I sleep alone. (Americans don’t know that. The author is more afraid of ghosts than people)

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