The young and angry Yuan in the memory is shocking, but the situation in reality is not optimistic either.

Kazama Ruri, who had taken off her blindfold, originally wanted to do something, but found that her book was also in the suitcase, and it was quite troublesome to take it out.

At this time, most people will choose to look at the flight attendant’s calves or look at the scenery outside the window. But the stewardess Ruri Kazama's calves were not interested because his own curves were not bad either.

As for the scenery outside the window, in order to take care of her sister, Kazama Ruri generously gave up the window seat to Eri.

With a hidden glance at the back of Eriki's head, Kazama Ruri thought about the time when she didn't know Fujimaru Ritsuka and was being controlled by the king. She was obviously still a twisted brother-controller, but she only wanted revenge on her brother.

My dislike for Eriki probably started at that time.

Seeing Minamoto taking care of a woman he didn't know and doting on her like a family member, and looking at Erika Kazama Ruri, she couldn't help but think of her old self, that small town in the mountains, and the many things she had done in her life. What a happy time, the past between myself and my brother.

He felt sick when he thought that Yuan Zhisheng would forget everything about himself, eat low-quality meal replacements, and happily pretend to be a family drinker with the girl named Eriyi.

Disgusting, disgusting! (refer to)

At that time, Kazama Ruri's impressions of Eri were probably "his lower-ranking meal replacement", "her brother's follower", and "a stupid woman who looks very weak and has no ability to manage herself".

Later, after meeting Fujimaru Ritsuka and understanding the truth about the Jaki Hachi family and the Oni clan, she became a "meal substitute that will soon be abandoned", a "has-been female character", and "a person who is related by blood but It has nothing to do with me" and the like.

Then he witnessed with his own eyes Minamoto's prejudice against Eriki, and understood that his brother was no longer a younger brother but a younger sister and younger brother. He had a strong desire to protect Eriki until everyone and Uesugi The more they recognized each other, Kazama Ruri could only hold her nose and admit that she had such a sister.

But if you want him to completely eradicate those stereotypes and treat Eri with the same childish attitude he treats Fujimaru Ritsuka or Minamoto, that is also a fantasy, and he will just become a "self-centered silly sweet mafia lady"

Painted pear clothes?

It’s just my brother’s mission ()

When I go to China to reminisce with Fujimaru Ritsuka and cooperate a little bit with the so-called dragon-slaying mission, it will be over.

What should I buy as a souvenir? I heard that the tea in Yunnan, China is quite famous, but the tea in Fujian is also very good, right?

And at this moment——


Kazama Ruri suddenly noticed the pulling sensation coming from the side of his body. He turned around and found that at some point, Eriki had moved her eyes away from the window.

Those beautiful burgundy eyes looked at her quietly.

What are you doing? You're so scared.

"What's wrong?" Although her heart was full of malice, Kazama Liuli didn't show her emotions, so as not to be sued by Eri Yi when she went back, and she would have to be pressed to the bed by Yuan Zhisheng to have sex with her.

So he just didn't have the emotion to ask.

"Can't open the Coke?"

No matter how weak the emperor-level hybrid is, he won't be able to open a Coke bottle, but Kazama Ruri believes that Eriki won't be able to hear such subtle ridicule and bad words.

There is a kind of cold violence aesthetic.

But facing the man's indifferent face, Eriki just responded with the same expressionless expression, gently shaking her head in denial as if looking paralyzed in the mirror.

She raised her arms, and the wide sleeve curtains were tugged on. Her white hands reached out from the bloated kimono, pointed at the scenery outside the window, and spoke softly.

"Yun, it's beautiful. Do you want to see it?"


Eriki usually doesn't talk much, and Kazama Ruri knows this. Even though Fujimaru Ritsuka used a command spell to restrain the overly violent dragon blood in her body, the habits left behind in the past are not so easy to change.

Just like someone who has cut his hand with a fruit knife, it will leave a psychological shadow no matter what, thinking about what to do if it happens again.

So in a sense, when Eriki is willing to speak, it is an act of recognition and kindness towards outsiders.

——At this time, most people will choose to look at the flight attendant’s calves or look at the scenery outside the window.

It turns out that she is not so self-centered.

Kazama Liuli pursed her lips and struggled for a long time, her face changing expressions, and her mind filled with strange melodies.

[Black, white, red, yellow~purple, green, blue, gray~yours, mine, his, hers~]

After all, he sighed and moved slightly closer to Eriki.

"Take a look."


At this time, the perspective shifted to Shilan Middle School again.

After Fujimaru Ritsuka left, within a few minutes Natsumi had changed from "Hey, look, how can I trick this little brother named Lu Mingfei so that he can't stop talking" to "Why the hell is this man still talking?" I’m still talking, that’s enough! The story about Fujimaru Ritsuka is enough!”

"Speaking of which, the first time I met the monitor was on a sunny first day of school——"

Enough is enough, enough tasting has been done!

Xia Mi bared his teeth and wanted to interrupt him, but at this moment——

"Well, it's just right~ It seems that the person Xiaoqiang is looking for is reliable."

The door to the student union room was opened again, and Ritsuka Fujimaru, who had just left, came back. However, at this time, she had already put on the so-called deacon uniform, and her whole person had a completely new look.

If Fujimaru Ritsuka usually loves loose sweatshirts and sports trousers, then at this moment, she seems to have returned to her heroic appearance when she was a member of the Seraki Hachi family.



The slender but not thin body forms a tall and elegant figure, as if the curtain has been opened, the stage is rising slowly, and a lonely figure stands in the shadow.

All the lights went out, leaving only the girl in front of her. Her orange hair was as messy as silver threads, and the wind caused the corners of her clothes to fly, revealing some of her fair wrists.

The playboy magazine that had been in his mind for ten minutes just now was fed to the dog. Xia Mi only felt that the girl in front of him was the origin of everything and the center point where the light focused.

The girl lived up to expectations and gently bent down, with her elbows slightly bent on the side of her shoulders, and performed a pretty butler's salute. Her pure white gloves were a dazzling color that made people unable to take their eyes away.


The deacon approached gently, and the breeze blew the hair on her forehead, carrying a citrus-colored fragrance, and Xia Mi's eyes swayed.

It was a European-style courtyard, with green grass and a tranquility like a picture scroll. The wind comes from afar, flowing long and melodiously through the sea of ​​flowers and trees, staining the portrait with wind and dust, adding a layer of ignorance to the halo, and adding an elusive delicacy to the mottled lines on the blue-gray villa walls. .

He curled up in a spherical cradle of black branches, with piles of brown blankets under his body and behind his back. The girl stood beside her, her white gloves gently holding one side of the cradle, exerting a slight force. The just-right angle and force made her body sway, filling her arms with romance and floral fragrance.

Antique, pure and beautiful, what flows in her orange eyes is a spring water with floating cherry blossoms, and a golden tide of sand flowing towards the skyline humming a brisk tone.

Natsumi was almost sucked into the scroll, and his vision began to distort with Fujimaru Ritsuka as the center, and finally he sank.

"I am your personal butler, you can call me Sebastian!"

Black Butler, you? !

With a bang, the illusion shattered.

With the girl acting weird, she flipped up her hair, and her originally stylish iron-T hairstyle was suddenly transformed into a rock band style. The girl was as exaggerated and loud as a stage actress, and a contradictory feeling emerged spontaneously.

And this move finally allowed Xia Mi to escape from the hallucination.

As if a drowning person had been rescued, she gasped for air, but her mentality also changed.

Well, I should have known better.

Xia Mi can attack others like a precise machine. For her, interacting with humans is a galgame. Everyone's favorability is visualized, and the things she can do are all fixed options. .

Before she met Fujimaru Ritsuka, she "met", "understood each other", "showed off that she was a mixed race", "gained trust", "created a crisis" and "then risked her life to save Fujimaru Ritsuka in the "crisis"".

She is the Dragon King.

Whether it's the suspension bridge effect or the contrast effect, she plays them all very well!

No one can deny themselves.

But when conceiving these plans, Miss Long Wang did not take her own emotional fluctuations into the influencing factors of the plan.

After all, how could I, Jörmungandr, fall in love with humans! It’s not like those shameless and lecherous dragon kings from my brothers and sisters.

——When these thoughts flashed through her mind, she felt a little guilty.

Miss Xia Mi's thoughts began to change.

If what she was thinking just now was - as the Dragon King who knows the truth of the world, for the sake of his own peaceful life, he must unite with all forces to kill the damn Odin, so he had to compromise and get a little closer. Humanity.

So now it’s——

Okay, I'll show my hand.

I'm a little bit (with my fingers) greedy for this woman named Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It’s so easy to use and looks good. If you put it in a galgame, Gao Luo would be a five-star character!

People always compromise, and so do dragons.

The honest and tidy way of King Arthur's courtiers made Fujimaru Ritsuka feel the charm of being a king - this road may not work anymore.


How about taking the Gilgamesh type?

The extremely arrogant king always thought that he was a noble man and was nobler than a dragon, but in the end he got involved with the alchemy doll that Norton made out of some unknown source.

So even an arrogant guy can say it smells really good, but I, Jörmung, can’t do that? !

Just kidding! (half annoyed)

I'm going to grab this woman today, I said it!

Now that the decision had been made, Xia Mi was of course immediately planning to change his plan.

As a smart Dragon King, she certainly knows how to adapt, so how can she quickly formulate a plan?

The answer is to refer to similar cases.

So where can you find similar cases?

The answer is to learn from human technology.

Wikipedia - Search how Gilgamesh conquered Enkidu!

Xia Mi moved his fingers quickly, then lowered his head to check the content searched on his phone.

The first step is to take a beating.

This is simple. Can I, Jörmungandr, still not be able to defeat a hybrid?

The second step is to invite the other party into your royal city and let them see the prosperity of your rule.

I have also moved the Nibelungen here. Although there is nothing to rule, so it is not prosperous, but it is empty and it is very free.

The third step is to invite Enkidu into the room, big do special do.


After all, in the legend, Gilgamesh's desires are extremely strong. Dragon nature is inherently lustful, and this is also true for hybrids if the proportion of dragon blood is high enough. The so-called right of first night is an extremely ridiculous thing done by that king.

In records that are no longer known to be accurate, it is said that Gilgamesh's desire was so powerful that only Enkidu could satisfy it. This was even misinterpreted as Gilgamesh and Enkidu fighting in bed for seven days and seven nights.

Isn't desire the desire to fight? !

Although that’s still considered a battle!

Natsumi secretly looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka's gentle face and good figure, and secretly touched his waist.

After all, we want to select wise men.

Me. A little sacrifice?

ps: I couldn’t find any historical facts about Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s special DO, so I used this skeptical statement, but basically every fan fiction I read had similar comments.

Does anyone have a link to the original text?

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