Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 246 Open the door! Open the door!

The Dragon King is a very, or even very twisted creature.

Because of their inexplicable self-esteem, even if humans have begun to threaten the living environment of dragons, they do not bother to take the initiative to hunt humans on a large scale. Instead, they sit on their own mountain peaks and wait for others to challenge them.

If they find it troublesome, they may even hide and not go out at all - of course, they themselves will not admit that they are hiding.

It is even more difficult to cooperate with the Dragon King.

Before coming to Shilan Middle School today, Xiao Longnu originally wanted to communicate with Fujimaru Ritsuka as a human "Natsuya", and tell Fujimaru Ritsuka the historical truth when she had an absolute advantage. She watched the girl tremble. , he stepped forward to comfort him, and then decided based on the other party's attitude whether to take Fujimaru Ritsuka under his command or to erase his memory and release him.

But if the identity of "Jormungandr" is awakened, everything will change.

If it's "Natsuya", even if he cooperates with Fujimaru Ritsuka, the two can only maintain a state of superficial incompatibility. No matter how much they like each other, they will never be able to talk to each other when their own positions are involved. Communication and cooperation break down in an instant.

Xiao Longnu had all her lines thought up in her mind.

[The person who agreed to cooperate with you is Xia Mi. What does it have to do with me, Jormungandr? 】

If the two of them are facing each other with swords one day, he can only kill Fujimaru Ritsuka, and then watch the girl fall into his arms. He holds her and asks the other party what his last words are, and Fujimaru Ritsuka will reply 'Yes' To deal with Xia Mi or Jormungandr?

And I will say——

[To Xia Mi, you don’t understand what Jormungandr is. 】

Cry, it’s so artistic!

But now everything is ruined!

Fujimaru Ritsuka not only forced herself to say Jörmungandr's name personally, but also forced herself to use the "dragon way" to determine the leadership of the cooperation between the two parties, using the dragon way to oppress her own dignity, and even deliberately let I gradually unified the attitudes of "Shami" and "Jormungandr"

Yes, that was a person.

A considerable part of Xia Mi's "personality" is "pretended", but who can deny the so-called "acting skills" born to cater to others?

In order to make humans like him, he puts on a lively and cheerful appearance in order to disguise himself, but is the deepest part of himself completely unwilling to communicate with humans?

Even Xia Mi himself didn't know about this kind of thing.

She didn't know that the so-called "Xia Mi" was a pure lie, or that the dragon king named Jormungandr had an illusion about how she would live if she was born as a human being.

But now, it doesn't seem to matter anymore.



At this time, only Fenrir and Shami were left in the Nibelungs.

Fujimaru Ritsuka had left here early on the grounds that there were still people at home waiting for her to go back to cook. During this process, Fenrir reluctantly waved his wings as a wave to say goodbye, while Jörmungandr remained silent. Looking embarrassed.

From entering the Nibelungen to running out intact, he only suffered a few superficial injuries. One of the two dragon kings was even beaten and the other was scolded. Jörmungandr felt that he had lost all face as a dragon king.

But when she thought about it, Odin was the same, and she felt relieved again.

The Dragon King is a compromise.

That's right, after training and fighting, Fujimaru Ritsuka had already told Xia Ya everything about Odin. Xia Ya was surprised and didn't know what to do with Fujimaru Ritsuka's honesty.

After all, the "historical truth" she relies on most has been speculated by Fujimaru Ritsuka himself, which makes her position really embarrassing.

On the other hand, Li Xiang didn't dwell on these matters. He just said that he would ask some questions later. After all, they were all partners and there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Jormungandr didn't like to hear this. It seemed like she was a woman who could come and go as soon as she was called.

Just... Even if he is forced by the pressure of the situation, the most he can do is be manipulated by Fujimaru Ritsuka! She is not cooperating with humans, but with Fujimaru Ritsuka, and she is the only one qualified to do so.

If that woman dares to reveal her affairs, for example, to the secret party, then I will kill her even if I hunt her to the ends of the earth.

But there is a saying, there is no need to worry about this.

After all, if nothing else, Shilan Middle School was left here. With so many hostages, how could Fujimaru Ritsuka breach the contract.

Moreover, although that person likes to use language traps, he doesn't lie much.

The only thing that made Natsumi hesitate was the last words Fujimaru Ritsuka said to him.

【Um? Only work with me? Am I the only one qualified for this? Not. 】

[There are still human hybrids who are as powerful as me, ah~ don’t look at me like I’m lying, it’s true, I’ll bring it to you tomorrow. 】

Bah, it's full of nonsense, I'd better retract my sentence "Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn't lie much".

If there are a few hybrids as lethal as Fujimaru Ritsuka in the world, then the dragons don't have to play around. They should quickly resolve their internal conflicts and form a united front, otherwise they will really die.



Natsumi lowered his head, holding something in his hand to grind the stone, and kept cursing Fujimaru Ritsuka in his mind.

Damn it, if I hadn't been knocked unconscious, if Fenrir could have been more mature, I wouldn't have ended up like this today!

Damn, damn.

Or have I relaxed my education on Fenrir?

A filial son emerges from under a stick, and a wise disciple emerges from a strict teacher. Is it time for me to be ruthless?



The scythe of Hela, the God of Death, made a sharp sound and became smoother and sharper under the rubbing of stones. Behind her, Fenrir watched silently, hearing the sharp sound of stones rubbing against each other.

I don't know why, but I feel a little timid.


And at the same time——

"There is probably no problem between Ming Fei and the president. Will senior Chu Tianjiao be more inclined to listen to me or Principal Ange~"

"In this case, there are only four people. Counting Xia Mi and Fenrir, there are quite a few people. Even the Akatsuki organization can't make up the number of people."

"Ah~ I really want Miss Sakura to come and help, but it's probably impossible. Mai can't pry the corner of the wall, right? Who else can be the principal? No, no, no, now is not the time."

"Master Yue, that person doesn't want to leave the mountain at all, right?"

"Uh-huh. It's quite subtle to look at the available resources, but——"

Downstairs, the sounds of children playing with wood to save others could be clearly heard. The evening breeze blew the dry landscape pots beside the bed. The light from the mobile phone screen dissipated in the dim corridor of the residential building. The girl's gentle face also cast a layer of gloom. s color.

But the corners of her mouth were raised, and her slender fingers were tapping rhythmically on the back of the phone.

Not a big problem.

Plan passes.

I still have two SSRs at home!

She looked up at the door of her home. Under the crack of the door, a layer of warm yellow light had come through.

So she took a step forward, entered the password, and twisted the handle with a smile——

"I'm back! My dear family and friends, you miss me~!————"



Fujimaru Ritsuka twisted again.


【wrong password】

The girl frowned and squinted.

She thought for a moment and knocked on the door.

"Deliver a courier."

"Just leave it outside the door." Qing Lie's voice came from inside the house.

"." The girl was silent and gritted her teeth.

". Check the water meter!"

"Thank you for your hard work." He said again in the room.

The girl lowered her hands.

The girl was hysterical.

"Kazema Ruri! Open the door!"

"If you have the guts to rob my house, then you have the guts to open the door!!!"

ps: Successfully reunited, the next step is! yes!

I have no idea! Not ready yet!

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