Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 247 I Have a Dream (The Avengers!)

When Fujimaru Ritsuka lost her grace and bombarded Kazama Ruri's newly created QQ account outside the door, the man was wearing loose pajamas just bought from the supermarket in the lobby.

Kazama Ruri looked as coquettish as ever, the branches of the flowers were like rose-red water entwining the blue-white background. The white of her clothes was not as good as the cold white skin of a man, and the wine glass gently raised in her hand was filled with cranberry juice. It is a 100% pure mixture of bitterness and sourness, just like the taste of life, heavy and unforgettable.

By the way, the wine glass itself was a screen package that was given when buying a house, and Fujimaru Ritsuka had never used it.

The man shook the cup, feeling the pleasure of getting revenge, and ignored the clanging sound outside the door.

But this enjoyment soon ended.


The bathroom door was opened, and the girl with long red hair was slowly wiping her hair. There was a white towel wrapped around her shoulders. A thin layer of steam was rising on her head. Her face was slightly red from the hot water, and she looked healthy and happy. Delicate color.

"Outside, someone is knocking on the door." Eriki said softly.

"Well, there is."

"It's Ritsuka who's back."

"No, delivery boy, it's late. You should go to bed and remember to wipe your hair."

"Liar, Ritsuka's voice is right outside the door."



It was already more than ten minutes later when the girl used her words to curse Boss Minamoto on the other side, threatened Ruri Kazama in the room with violence, and begged Eri in the room to open the door for her with her good words. .

As soon as she opened the door, she originally planned to use the Diamond Star Fist to capture the evil thief Kazama Ruri, but she was unexpectedly hit by Eri Yi.

"Oh oh oh oh——"

The soft little bird fell into his arms, and Fujimaru Ritsuka could only reluctantly hug it back.

The long red hair was squeezed against Ritsuka's chest, tilted up in an arc due to the twists, and touched Ritsuka's chin and side of her face. It was wet, itchy, and carried a familiar shampoo scent.

The girl hugged her tightly, as if she didn't want to let go.

Titsuka Fujimaru, who was restrained, had no choice but to pause his offensive. He paused for less than a second before putting his hands up and began to rub Eriki's head with both hands. At the same time, he looked directly at Kazama Ruri angrily and began to verbally abuse her.

Don't think you can get me to forgive you by using such despicable means!

"Don't look at me like that, this house doesn't belong to you either." Kazama Ruri said lightly.

The girl glared, then looked anxious. She held Eriyi with one hand while maintaining the hugging posture, took a step forward, and shouted every word like the Lord of the Thunder Palace——

"You fart!"

"Boss Yuan said that as a reward for this task, this house was given to me. What's wrong? Could it be that the childish brother was jealous because he couldn't get a gift from his biological brother, went crazy, and acted so badly? Then? It's not that I can't understand it!" The girl raised her hand, and a golden drill appeared out of thin air on her head. Her body looked like a blue dress, and her hands were covered with pure white gloves. She slightly raised her fingers and said in a long voice. : "Oh~oh~oh~oh~oh~oh-after all, who made you the brother of Boss Yuan for more than ten years? Your favorability is not as good as the brotherhood between Boss Yuan and I!"

You stinky bitch!

If it were the second dimension, then Kazama Ruri would definitely have a tic-tac-toe on his forehead at this moment. Unfortunately, he just had a gloomy face and twitching at the corners of his mouth for a few seconds, and then suddenly twisted his cheeks and continued.

"Hehehe, you said it well, you said it very well, but unfortunately, does this house really still belong to you at this moment?"

"What are you talking about?" Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Her pupils contracted and dilated, as if they were that fully intelligent robot that automatically adjusts its focus. The words of the man in front of her made the entire space fall into a mystery of thought, like the abyss of the seabed, so clearly glowing with beautiful blue, but also revealing a fascinating... The black that people are afraid of and dare not look directly at.

Once upon a time, Minamoto Chisheng said this to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

——Her mission in China has a long mission cycle and a high degree of difficulty. As a member of the Sheqi Eight Family's work abroad, she will enjoy almost unlimited funding management and a set of fixed real estate. Awesome investment.

But - he didn't say whether the house was given to her permanently, or whether it was limited to the duration of the mission.

Think about it carefully, why did you install an electronic door specially for yourself in 2006?

Is it just to invalidate my spare key? !

Damn it, whether it’s the rare electronic door in this era or the strokes in this mission, are they all waiting for this moment to frame me? !


As if she had awakened her geass, the girl covered her face with her slender hands. Her expression was terrifying and ferocious. She was half-kneeling on the ground, holding her other hand on the ground in a miserable posture.

Her gaze spanned thousands of miles, as if the long river of the universe crossed the stars at that moment. The stream of light crossed the strait, jumped over the cliff, passed through the dense forest, crossed the snowy top of Mount Fuji, and looked at the man on the other side.

The girl's mind turned the wheel of the timeline and gradually found the breaking point of the sense of dissonance.

The superior who looked tired and kind a few months ago suddenly showed a foul-smelling evil smile in a secret corner unknown to anyone.

This...is this the so-called blackened strong three-pointer!

"Yuan Zhisheng, you are so despicable!" the girl shouted.

It seems that when I return to Japan, I must crack down on gangsters and eliminate evil, and restore a bright future to Tokyo!

The girl gritted her teeth.

No! Revenge, I want revenge now!

She yelled, and then quickly pulled Eri out of her chest with Kazama Ruri's shocked expression, picked her up and kissed her on the cheek, then quickly took a selfie and uploaded it to [ Love each other, family] in this group.

mixi, a group chat interface.

Group name: [Love each other as a family]

Number of people in the group:【5】


Guda: [picture.jpg]

Guda: [Great! 】

In the next life, I will wear a short skirt for female college students: [? 】

Number one on the Cowherd newcomer list: [You? 】

Turtle: [You! ! ! ! 】

Injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred, the battle came to an end. Kazama Ruri had achieved what he wanted and naturally he would not ask for trouble. He sat on the single sofa and waited for his defeat.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was also sitting cross-legged on the sofa cushions drinking tea, which was so comfortable.

Eriki didn't have any big reaction, but after seeing the two of them talking, she obediently sat on Fujimaru Ritsuka's lap and rubbed her head with a towel.

"So, let's talk about something serious?" Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at her phone. Although it had been buzzing since just now, she threw it aside coolly.

"You are still as confusing as before." Kazama Ruri also closed the group chat page on her phone. After all, the screen was scrolling too fast and it was hard to understand, so she simply chose to answer Fujimaru Ritsuka's question. question.

"Isn't there a buffer zone between messing around and doing things seriously? I don't know whether to praise you for being vigorous and resolute or because you are mentally ill."

The girl touched the back of her head and smiled sheepishly.

"It's not as good as you said, hehe."

"I'm not complimenting you."

Fengjian Liuli answered immediately and brought the topic back after finishing speaking.

"So, why did you specially bring Eri here?"

"Huh? Didn't you come here by yourselves?" Fujimaru Ritsuka blinked.

"Stop playing those boring tricks, that's just on the surface." Kazama Ruri said with disdain.

"Even if I don't get along with Eriki much, I can tell that she is not as naive and self-centered as I thought. At least she has changed after getting to know you well."

"She will definitely not take the initiative to come here without knowing the status of your mission, because it will undoubtedly cause trouble for you, and her voice control is also a big problem."

"There is at least some element of your persuasion in this, right?"

After listening to Kazama Ruri's words, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not answer immediately. Instead, she lowered her head and scratched Eriki's chin like a kitten.

"Your brother praises you."


Eriyi didn't show it on the surface, but she was happy inside and out. She looked directly at Kazama Ruri and spoke softly.

"Don't interrupt." Kazama Liuli felt uncomfortable and quickly changed the subject. "I'm asking you why you have to pull Eri over. Is the enemy this time so difficult? No, if it's a difficult enemy, you can just mention it in the mission description. And Eri is not mature yet. If the situation is enough to cooperate with the dragon-slaying mission, then forget about the regular Deadpool crusade. She may not be called in the battle involving the Dragon King."

Fujimaru Ritsuka lowered her head and said to Eriki.

"Your brother said you were immature."


The expression is still unclear, but the brows are curved down in an almost imperceptible arc.

Kazama Ruri: ".Fujimaru Ritsuka!"

"Oh oh oh!" Li Xiang straightened his posture and said seriously with two dry coughs.

"As you said, if the regular Deadpool can't use Eriyi, and the Dragon King battle can't use it for the time being, then why bring Eriyi out? In fact, the result is very obvious——"

The girl suddenly stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers.

"The Avengers!"

Kazama Ruri: "What is this?"

"Bgm, don't worry, I want to get down to business."

The girl raised a finger.

"Actually, I had an idea -"

The girl suddenly stood up and walked to the window, her back facing the night lights of the city.

It seemed to be an endless black deep sea. Without taking a step, it was like the heavy rain curtain in the kingdom of the dead seeped out from the sky. I wanted to get out of the transparent forest but was trapped.

The steel and concrete were coated with a layer of black haze, and most of the moon was covered, but the little bits of faint light already illuminated the girl's exposed white neck, which was as thin as an ice flower.

"Form an alliance. I want to bring together a group of people with unique skills to see if we can achieve the effect of 1+1\u003e2."

"Let's see if they can work together when we need them to win the wars we can't win."

The girl turned her head and looked at Kazama Ruri.

“The world needs more British—”

"I read Marvel comics."

Kazama Liuli interrupted and added with a frown.

"It's all your fault for forcing my brother to look at those things."


Fujimaru Ritsuka pursed his lips and suddenly stopped talking. He lowered his head for a few seconds, raised it again and sniffed. Suddenly he pretended to be fine and walked around with his hands behind his back. He simply walked back to his sofa and hugged him again. Painted pear clothes.

It was obvious that she was really uncomfortable not being able to say her famous lines.

But for the sake of the great cause of mankind, she finally held her nose and continued.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I just want to build a team that can completely trust each other, with me in charge of operating the organization, so that we can exchange information at any time and face disasters at the level of the Dragon King."

The corners of Kazama Liuli's eyes trembled slightly, but to be honest, this was within the scope of his guess.

Why did Ritsuka Fujimaru and Ruri Kazama come to China?

To be honest, there was no way he hadn't expected something like this.

rather say--

"Expected, so what?"

"What's the reason?" Fujimaru Ritsuka asked feebly, not knowing the reason.

"Name, since you want to form a team, you have to have a name. Doesn't it fit in with your aesthetics?" To be honest, Kazama Ruri's molars were sore when he said this. He didn't care about this kind of thing. Not at all interested.

But because Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed really disappointed at not being able to say the famous line just now, Kazama Ruri had no choice but to give the other party a chance.

Sure enough, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes lit up immediately.

Then she said the name she had been holding back for a long, long time.

That name is——


The girl raised her hands high and replied——

"Reincarnation in Chaldea Another World, New Planet Marking Point, Reset Timeline Steins;Gate 2!!"

"It's too long, make it shorter."


The full name is: Caleb. No life limit, no shit machine. Xiaoxin’s underwear the day before yesterday, Xinpachi’s life stool pills, Balmonk, Fezal, Sac Schnaida, one-third of the pure love, the remaining three points. The second one is about the feelings that care about the thorns in the flesh. I know that it seems that I can't break away. In fact, I can break away from the betrayal. I can break away. Fried bonito in oil. Fish plate print. Septic tank. Pan-fried bonito in water... This bonito is different from just now. This one is Ikeno bonito. Xiongdi Palace Wang Kimura Huang bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah stool pill. Bottom.

If anyone doesn’t know this meme, I’d be heartbroken! !

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