Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 255 Anyway, let’s eat the fish head with chopped pepper first (seriously) (two-in-one)

The death of the Black King symbolizes the end of dragon rule and the eve of the rise of mankind.

But now, that so-called rise has become a joke.

Humanity never wins.

"Although it may be cruel to you to say this, in fact, this world has experienced at least three doomsdays before you." Xia Mi touched his elbow, with some lingering fear in his tone.

"That's not an exaggerated description, it's just the end of the world."

"The dark sky twisted into points, and purple fragments floated out of the torn holes. Wails, cries, and desperate roars. The black king flapped his wings, and the outer ring of the storm scraped thick blood. Civilized The monument burned out, and the extinguished red fire was lost in the dust."

"The Elf Country, the Divine Race, and the Fantasy Race, each of which is a civilization composed of different creatures, once reached a height that rivals today's human civilization."

"That's why they are qualified to be destroyed by the king."

That is a shocking reality.

Indeed, even Ritsuka rarely thinks about this matter on the way to human salvation——

Civilizations before humans.

For her, the Age of Gods, an era when gods and humans coexisted, was the biggest alien.

But now, Xia Mi told her——

Of course there were other civilizations before humans, and even before the gods.

Just like in human history records, dinosaurs once served as the overlords of the earth, fairies, gods, and fantasy species, and they also occupied dominance in the world respectively.

Like humans, they continue to reproduce and evolve, giving birth to monuments of civilization.

But all of this was denied by the black king.

"As I said, dragons don't really care about creatures other than themselves, but the Black King is different." Xia Mi said solemnly. "That guy has a clear tendency to destroy all creatures except dragons, but that impulse is extremely difficult to explain, if anything."

——Killing intention without hostility, that is the attitude of the Black King towards other creatures.

Before the emergence of the human species, the last thing to be wiped out was the resistance of the indigenous gods on the earth.

Most of the gods met their demise, and some fell into the inner world, never to be seen again.

In this battle, the Black King did not die as the outside world said, but he also fell into inexplicable weakness. He also fell into the inner world due to the involvement of some gods, and fell into a deep sleep.

It falls asleep not because its functions are damaged, but because civilization is extinguished.

His existence is just to wake up again and again, until another civilization rises, enough to threaten the existence of dragons.

It will wake up and burn the world to the ground.

The above is everything the Black King remembers in Xia Mi's memory.

After that, it was a vulgar drama of seizing power.

The Black King's brutal dragons are obvious to all. Although there is no dragon that wants to directly rebel like the White King, everyone is afraid that one day he will attack his own kind.

In order to protect oneself, the safest way is naturally to strengthen one's own power as much as possible.

Dragons will become stronger as long as they annex their own kind. This is a reality that was set when they were created. Perhaps it is because everyone is a split part of the Black King. The more they come together, the closer they are to the prosperous King.

Especially the four dragon kings, the power gained from devouring their own clan will surpass any sweetness in the world.

Xia Mi felt that this setting meant to restrain each other, but no one would listen to such words.

In this case, she had never heard a similar statement until modern times——

Prisoner's Dilemma.

As long as you can't trust each other 100%, the only thing you can do in that situation is betrayal.

And as long as one person starts, it's the end.

Odin took advantage of the Black King's absence and raised the banner of rebellion, involving the entire world in the war. He also involved humans in this war without authorization, which can be regarded as changing the direction and forcing them to evolve.

After that, the four dragon kings fell one after another, Odin faded into the background, and humankind began to develop.

A large number of details in this part were tampered with by Odin, but it would be too troublesome to explain them one by one. As far as the results are concerned, the next step is the end of the Age of Gods.

Greek, Indian, Nordic, Sumerian, Celtic

Basically all myths are created by dragons.

Of course, doubts will arise at this time.

Even if the dragon kings are all twins, there are only eight dragon kings in the race. How can they come up with so many gods?

One of the reasons is of course the existence of the second-generation species. The powerful second-generation species can even rival the first-generation species. It rivals Jormungandr, so it is natural for it to occupy a place in the myth.

In addition to humiliation, there are actually other factors.

That is a very important conclusion, but humans have never reached a clear conclusion——

The growth period of the Dragon King.

According to Jormungandr, the Dragon King also needs to grow, and is divided into larvae, sub-adults, adults, and super-evolved bodies that only the original hybrids of the Age of Gods have witnessed in human history.

Super evolved. I thought it was Agumon.

But in conclusion, the title of Mortal Serpent was a title that Jörmungandr gained only when she was at the highest level of life, and now she is only at the level of a larvae.

In order to keep track of Odin while hiding herself, she really didn't have the energy to evolve.

Fenrir's is an adult. There is a huge difference between the dragon king with a dragon body and the king without a dragon body. The use of power is not on the same level.

Human mythology only consists of dragons, so why there are so many gods? The reason is that dragon kings behaved differently in different periods, and eventually replaced different gods. Therefore, there are often quite a few gods in a myth representing a king. exist.

The story of the Age of Gods has come to an end, and the modern and modern times will naturally usher in next.

Xia Mi didn't know the movements of the other dragon kings, but according to her induction, the four dragon kings were either completely dead or had revived in modern society.

Although he didn't know where they were hiding, in order to protect himself and avenge Odin, Xia Mi also thought about strengthening his own power.

He came to Li Xiang to be his minister, so he naturally had this intention.

And the memories end here.

"Do you understand, students?"

Natsumi, who borrowed plain glasses from Ritsuka, used a broken pink ruler to tap on the wall, and sketched several ghost drawings on them, like a teacher's blackboard writing in class.

Teacher Xia Mi glanced at the audience solemnly and asked.

The monitor was the first to cheer.

"I see."

Snap, snap, snap.

With orange fur bouncing around, Ritsuka sat cross-legged on the ground, applauding quite understandingly.

"I have a question!"

"Very good." Xia Mi nodded like an intellectual and good teacher.

"But I won't answer."


Xia Mi put away his "teaching stick" and said calmly: "Anyway, I can't answer the question you asked."

This is getting worse.

Ritsuka didn't show it on her face, but she felt contempt in her heart.

This teacher is not as friendly as Leonardo da Vinci.

It’s so shameless!

But luckily, I can tune myself into Leonardo da Vinci's voice in my head.

Regarding the topic just now, the conclusions and the doubts that came to Ritsuka's mind were as follows.

According to the timeline——

[Conclusion 1: Chaos before the creation of the world]

Natsumi himself could not explain the "chaos" here, but Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately thought of the knowledge he had learned to explain back.

Chaos, no rules, no laws.

Da Vinci himself said——

[In our world, after the age of gods ended, the original mystery came to an end. Human beings have become the representatives of this planet and the leader of all spirits, and the rules of the planet have become "the laws most suitable for human survival." Dragons and fairies are illegal according to human rules, so they moved to the back of the world and gave up the ground to humans.

However, the world that humans live in is just a layer of Texture attached to the surface of the planet. The cognition of the intelligent life form that controls the hegemony of this planet is, in other words, the laws of physics. The Texture established by this physical law is the human world. The Texture that wraps the planet is like a thin skin that peels off at the slightest touch, or a tablecloth that can be blown away by a gust of wind.

In order to maintain the Texture and prevent it from falling off, several "Land Anchors" fixed the Texture and tied it to the planet. 】

The "Anchor of Arashi" here refers to the holy spear that anchors the world. As far as Ritsuka knows, King Arthur will carry that weapon in his lancer state.

The so-called chaos refers to a period when no good laws have been established for the entire planet.

Then the following question arises:

[What is the Black King? 】

From Xia Mi’s narration, it can be seen that the existence of the Black King is similar to the creation god in mythology, and is the original fantasy species, or...

Something higher?

Question two:

[The purpose of the Black King? 】

He keeps killing creatures other than dragons, but he doesn't show any affection towards his fellow dragons. So the problem is————

Why a dragon?

[Conclusion 2: The decay of the World Tree]

First of all, we must understand the concept of World Tree, which Fujimaru Ritsuka would never have thought of.

But coincidentally, she had received similar information just recently.

——Humanity Freeze, Lostbelt.

After that journey to save humanity, the story continues on its own. Although only a small part of the memory was restored, Ritsuka remembered that it did involve a completely new concept.

【Cloud Tree】

The gist of Lostbelt. Initialize the planet and create a new myth. Absorbed magic power (Mana) from the earth's veins, a bane planted by alien gods.

It is a key stone in forming the Lost Legacy phenomenon. It exists in the center of the Lost Hearing Zone and is the key stone that enables it to establish the phenomenon of filtering the Lost Hearing History.

The definition of the Fantasy Tree is so complex that Ritsuka cannot summarize it, but as far as the conclusion is concerned - it was planted by alien gods as a medium for their own birth on Earth.

The world with the Fantasy Tree is an abandoned world that has been selected as one in which "there is no room for the development of human nature".

The existence of this kind of world will affect the survival of pan-human history, so in order to survive in his own world, in Ritsuka's memory, he will go to that kind of world and cut off the existence called the World Tree.

The World Tree is the key point of the Lostbelt. Once it is cut down, the existence of the Lostbelt cannot be maintained, and the history of pan-humanity is safe, and the corresponding Lostbelt will also be destroyed.

The overall appearance is a huge white pillar with cracked skin. In the Russian Lost Belt where Ritsuka went, the Utopian Tree Orochi was evaluated as "slow-growing", but it still has an unusual size of hundreds of meters in thickness and thousands of meters in height. And proud.

This is quite close to Xia Mi’s description of the World Tree.

Moreover, "the existence of several worlds can be glimpsed from the World Tree", which may also correspond to the Milky Way inside the Fantasy Tree. In Ritsuka's knowledge, there is indeed a "Galaxy" inside the Fantasy Tree.

The two can definitely match up.

Then the following question arises:

[Why do fantasy trees naturally dry up? And once the fantasy tree is cut down, shouldn’t the world die with it? Why can it continue to modern times? 】

After all, is this world really a Lost Belt?

Based on Ritsuka's current knowledge reserves and intelligence summary, the conditions that can be seen now are -

If this world is a Lostbelt different from the history of pan-humanity, then its unique point must be the individual [Black King]. The Black King was born because of [unknown factors], and the entire world took a different but similar route.

Leonardo da Vinci himself said that the relationship between parallel worlds is not completely parallel. All worlds are like ribbons, entwined with each other, bound to converge at a certain node, and then diverge again, becoming parallel. , waiting for the next closing.

In human terms, there are inevitable nodes in human history.

For example, the fall of the Gods, the death of King Arthur, etc.

As it happens, the world fits this concept perfectly.

The only difference is that the "Age of Gods" is not the age of indigenous gods, but the dragons who replaced the gods and created myths.

What was supposed to happen happened, but almost every detail was falsified.

The Black King killed fantasy species and even indigenous gods for [unknown] reasons, but the world unexpectedly developed in a normal direction.

Considering that dragons have the existence of [Word Spirit. Prophet], a dragon at the Dragon King level will definitely have an effect equivalent to ex clairvoyance when using this word spirit. And if it is the Black King himself, it will only be more powerful than this. fear.

Then consider the other party's behavior of eating the World Tree.

So it's intentional?

It’s really confusing.jpg

Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his head and sighed.

The answers come one after another, and there are really enough scenes that make people feel like they have seen it before.

It was the same with the Doctor at that time, and it was the same with Odin at that time.

Why don't you come and tell me everything?

The more Ritsuka thought about it, the angrier she became, and she subconsciously froze.

When people who "can tell themselves all the truth about history" think of this kind of thing, they will naturally think of a certain black-haired dwarf who can only tell riddles.

Question four:

[Boss, what exactly is he after all?]

He said he was not the Black King.

On the contrary, the Black King got closer to him




Suddenly, Ritsuka opened her eyes, turned her head, and whispered to Kazama Ruri, who was also thinking next to her.

"Do you want to eat fish head with chopped pepper tonight?"

"You guys have given up thinking, haven't you?"

ps: 4,000 words, I’m thinking about not updating it today

Damn it, there are exams and internships, a physical temperature of 44 degrees, and ultraviolet rays of 11 degrees. Is this a human life? ! ! ! !

The Earth of Steel is here! ! ! (madness)

In this chapter, if the world on the World Tree is original, then so are the super-evolved entities, not my second creation.

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