Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 256 The Seventy-Eight Rule! ! !

Speaking of which, when writing essays all his life, Ritsuka would hesitate whenever he encountered a moment when he needed to quote famous quotes.

Because I really can’t tell the difference between what those famous people said and what they said in history.

Sometimes, being too familiar with those powerful guys is a bad thing. Without that filter, you will find that everyone is just "that's all" human beings.

Rather, from this perspective, I can actually write like this, right?

——Escape is shameful, but useful.

by the savior of mankind. Fujimaru Ritsuka.

I'm obviously very capable, but why should I put the words "Fujimaru Ritsuka" higher on some writer's list of priorities? If you see my name and quotations, give me a lot of points for writing!

Once upon a time, Fujimaru Ritsuka jokingly thought about that kind of thing while taking a nap.

Coming back to the subject, although my name cannot be used to add points, I can still appreciate my "famous sayings", which are the experiences I have summed up from countless successes.

For example, now——

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all." Ritsuka's face was filled with wisdom, and his eyes were full of knowledge. He held his temple with one hand, and his whole body except his head was pressed against the ground. He lay on his side and relaxed. It's as relaxing as sunbathing on a bikini beach.

"Instead of thinking about that kind of thing, it is better to consider whether there is a way to help the world cope with the crisis that may come next. If we know that the crisis of annihilation is close at hand, even humans can unite to show extremely strong cohesion and innovation. of."

"You mean to expose the history of dragons to humans?" Xia Mi frowned and began to think.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's thinking is indeed extremely agile. Natsumi is actually quite wary of the speed of human development in the field of science and technology. If there is external pressure, he may really be able to create something incredible.


Just as Xia Ya was weighing the pros and cons, Ritsuka raised a finger and said in surprise.

"Okay, let's do this. I'll graduate and run for Prime Minister!"

Xia Mi raised his head and spread his brows.

Oh, it turns out she wasn't thinking.

Natsumi looked at Ritsuka's eyes, which were hollow and glowing black, and said something in an emotionless way——

"In short, I will first turn Liben into my puppet country, use it as a springboard to influence the whole world, complete the united front of mankind, and become the commander of the earth! Then use the dragon's alchemy technology and the physical ability to cross the stars to search for aliens Resources, feed back the earth!”

"Oops! This is simply a genius idea, isn't it? As long as I become the president of the earth, the war and resource problems will be completely solved! Is this enough to win the Nobel Peace Prize?!"


Xia Mi: "Take a big-headed ghost. Ten of the nine words in a sentence are delusions. It's really hard for you to do it."

Xia Mi, who was watching the girl going crazy, covered his head with a constipated look on his face. He knocked on the blackboard behind him and severely questioned how his student could come to such a conclusion after listening to the history lesson just now.

Li Xiang nodded with deep understanding.

"When I become president, I'll raise my taxes by 300 points first! Use the money immediately to invest in the Touhou Project, force Giyuu Togashi to draw comics, and, yes, Gundam Industries! Since we are going to the sea of ​​​​stars , No matter how you think about it, it’s a Gundam, right?!”

"You are completely unfit to be president! We will never let you succeed! Stop that delusion quickly!"

Hearing that taxes were going to be raised, Xiaya couldn't sit still at all, and quickly tried to bring the possessed Ritsuka back to reality.

It will be a long time before Ritsuka exits the state of [human evil].

There is no way. In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned doubts, Fujimaru Ritsuka also feels that there is a lot of violation. However, in fact, besides knowing more information than Ritsuka from the end of the Age of Gods to modern times, Natsumi also does not know much about the underworld. King's affairs.

In her words -

That king has never taken the initiative to get close to his own heir, and the one who knows the truth about the Black King is probably the King of Bronze and Fire named Norton among the four dragon kings. Even Odin may not know the whole story. He can only know the truth through snooping. Can understand.

As the king in charge of the supreme realm of alchemy, there is almost a huge gap between the King of Bronze and Fire and other kings.

Not even Jormungandr knows the secrets it masters.


Just an outsider (sad)


And when Ritsuka regained her senses, her first words were——

"Okay, since it's useless to worry about it, let's change the direction of thinking."


Putting her hands together, the girl ended the previous topic with a confident look.

Sure enough, this kind of reasoning that requires a lot of professional knowledge as an association is not suitable for me. It is better to wait until Sherlock Holmes and Da Vinci are summoned to discuss it together.

So the question is, what is Fujimaru Ritsuka good at?

Of course it is——


The girl's energetic voice echoed throughout the Nibelungs, including Ruri Kazama who was concentrating with her eyes closed, Eri who was playing a guessing game with Fenrir, and who was half lying exhausted after comforting Ritsuka. Xia Mi on the ground couldn't help but look at her.

Although this new Chaldean organization has no resources, no buildings, no foundation, and no manpower.

However, they have organizational capabilities.

This has nothing to do with any other factors, purely because this new Chaldea was pulled out by the woman Fujimaru Ritsuka. Everyone centered on her and built an absolutely trustworthy network.

So of course, when she speaks with EX leadership, she says, whether she says "she looks disgusted but actually likes it", "likes her heart and body very much", "pretends to be reserved but actually likes her very much", "I don't know what happened but I like it anyway" The team members will all focus on her.

And the second issue of the new Chaldea also started.

Ritsuka sat cross-legged on the ground, her hands hanging on both sides of her thighs, but her expression was very serious.

"In short, everyone has already felt the purpose of bringing everyone together. The exchange of intelligence can produce powerful effects. This is the power of the organization."

"And in order to further expand this power, there is only one thing we have to do, isn't it?"

The girl's eyes flashed with red light, which was a sign of extreme concentration.

“That’s what we have to do in order to fight side by side——”

Hmm (swallows saliva)

Xia Mi stood aside nervously with his arms crossed, his back leaning against the cold wall, his forearms pressed against Fenrir's paws.

"That is"

"That is to say."


The girl snapped her fingers.

"Anyway, how about introducing yourself first?"



"Ha~~~Fuzhou City is considered to be in the south, and bathhouses are indeed relatively rare~~~"

The heat was rising and white mist filled the air. Ritsuka leaned against the edge of the pool. Her long orange hair, which had grown to her waist, was now tied up with a white towel and tied behind her head. She leaned back with her hands, looking like she was thirty. Year-old office workers have a comfortable look when they come to the Holiday Inn to relax on Sunday.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr. Pfft!"

In front of her, half of Eri's face was buried in the water, revealing only a pair of plain eyes. The water in front of her nose was constantly bubbling with bubbles. At a certain moment, the girl would put her hands together and press hard. A bunch of water splashes jumped up high, and the girl's eyes followed the arc, amusing herself.

"Don't spray, Hui Liyi, don't spray~"

Ritsuka spoke slowly, instructing Eri on bathhouse etiquette for her first time in a bathhouse.

The two of them were in harmony, and in a corner about ten meters away from them——


Xia Mi stood at the edge of the bathhouse in a daze, as still as a pine tree, as dazed as a daze.

What happened?

ps: I forgot to time it.

Uh, um.

Um. Since even Academy City has become an antique, let me explain.

The seven-eight rule refers to the phenomenon that anime, especially campus anime, will always break into the swimsuit chapter when it reaches the seventh or eighth episode.

Although it is said that no clothes are worn in the bathhouse ()

. . . . .

If you don’t wear it, don’t wear it! ! !

If the following chapters are banned (even though I didn’t write anything, the reviewer may not think so), please don’t be surprised.

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