Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 280 Hypnosis is the best! (Half Annoyed) (2-in-1)

Chapter 280 Hypnosis is the best! (Half Annoyed) (2-in-1)

When a shounen manga leads from one story chapter to the next, how is it usually done?

Sure enough, we still need to establish a new goal, or new enemies appear, right?

New enemies are often mountains that the protagonist group cannot reach at the beginning, such as the Four Emperors, Princess Kaguya, or the rich and powerful school board.

It's useless to have money in general. You have to be a wealthy capitalist like the school board.

Capital is the strongest, so capitalists are the strongest, so school boards are the strongest.

Too scary!

However, bosses often do not end directly. Instead, various mini-bosses are sent out so that the protagonist group can barely defeat them, but needs to use all their strength to fight against them.

Masashi Toyama is not very clear about his role.

He just focused on communicating with Fujimaru Ritsuka, and tried his best to use his professional skills to confirm from the girl's micro-expressions whether the other party was lying again and what was going on inside him. He also let the girl play the Hakodeni game to test the other party. deep psychology.

The conclusion is--

Mr. Toyama patted the report with a warm expression on his face.

The girl is an unconditional super good person, with a lively and cheerful personality with almost no dark side. Although she may complain on her lips, which seems cynical and optimistic, she will control her EQ, IQ, appearance, etc. to a level that is completely acceptable to both parties in the conversation. Comprehension, a perfect superman with all the elements needed by human beings.

Could she even have a baby? !

So what else can't be done? !

What a joke!

Looking at the test results in front of him, Toyama Masashi couldn't accept it.

As if his decades of life had been denied, he, who was still preparing for his pension yesterday, was told that his spiritual energy had revived today, and that the old Wang next door had awakened the Dou Emperor's bloodline, and he became immortal and ascended.

What he couldn't accept even more was——

My first reaction to this conclusion was one of conviction.

The reason is very simple. Before Fujimaru Ritsuka, Zero and Chu Zihang had also received consultation from Mr. Toyama. The process was very easy to summarize.

Masashi Toyama spoke, Chu Zihang said something, and then fell silent.

Masashi Toyama spoke, nodded, and then fell silent.

The so-called dialogue is actually very difficult, but also very simple. As long as the two parties can talk, you raise the topic, I answer the topic and raise the topic, and then just continue to cycle these processes.

The difficulty lies only in how much the language construction ability overlaps with the cognition of both parties.

By the way.

The language construction skills of Miss Ling and Chu Zihang are really terrible.

It is simply the Siberian Snow Mountains, Mount Everest, the center of the North Pole, and the highest peak on earth.

After experiencing the Ice Age, Toyama Masashi and Fujimaru Ritsuka both revealed a sense of redemption when they spoke.


I am a doctor and a psychiatrist, and I will never waver! Absolutely no favoritism!

Just at this time, Guderian came in to greet them and said that they would not arrive at school for an hour or two, so they could just relax and take their time.

Take it easy?

Masashi Toyama looked at his own psychological tests. Although he had indeed completed a series of processes and it was enough to fool the school board, he himself was very satisfied, but...

The psychiatrist suddenly felt suspicious.

Toyama secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was looking around with a smile on his lips, feeling confused.

How can there be someone who doesn't have a dark side at all?

No, I have to risk the honor of my doctorate in psychological medicine to find this woman's weakness!

He was on fire.

"Fujimaru, that's all for the basic consultation. Congratulations, you are mentally healthy. On behalf of Kassel College, I welcome you. I wish you smooth sailing in your next student life."

"Of course, if you encounter any problems, you can come and discuss it with me." Toyama Masashi folded his hands on his knees and said gently.

This is the first step.

The first step is to use "It's basically over here" to create an environment where the other party can relax their vigilance.

The second step is to use the words "come and discuss with me" to create a presupposition that you and the other party are on the same side.

While the sense of intimacy is getting closer, let the atmosphere drive the other person's thinking.

This is the psychiatrist’s go-to.

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't seem to notice anything, he just smiled and said hello repeatedly.

Masashi Toyama saw this and followed the trend.

"Well, then let's try to complete the last step, Fujimaru-san——"

Toyama Masashi also smiled, he took the cup with tea in hand and said.

"Fujimaru-san, have you ever heard of -'hypnosis'?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and immediately replied: "Huh? The lewd kind?"

"Cough cough cough!!" Toyama Masashi opened his mouth and closed his eyes, coughing violently and quickly defended.

"It's not astringent! This is a very sound psychological term! You, you kids..." Toyama Masashi sniffed, feeling as if there were tea leaves stuck in his nasal cavity.

"In short, I just saw from your psychological profile that you seem to be a little worried and agitated about the current mixed-race situation. Meditation or hypnotherapy may be effective." Toyama Masashi pinched his nose and explained.

"Oh~~~" Fujimaru Ritsuka agreed with a nasal voice, and the tone was close to that of Nohara Shinnosuke. "So it's the kind of technique in TV dramas where people can be hypnotized by shaking a perforated coin from side to side!"

For some reason, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes shone, as if he was very eager for this skill.

"Why are you so excited?" Masashi Toyama took another sip of tea and asked doubtfully.


Girl crescent smile.

"I'm not excited at all, and I don't want to use these to do bad things." The girl grinned, there was no wavering in her smile, and she spoke without hesitation.

But Toyama Masashi frowned. The intuition of a professional psychiatrist told him that there seemed to be something abnormal just now, but after thinking about it, he still didn't doubt him. After pondering for a moment, he explained.

"Well, in an academic definition, hypnosis means that the hypnotist provides suggestions to the subject to awaken some special experiences and specific behaviors in him. Many psychologists believe that hypnosis is similar to other general states, including relaxation, Absorption and association. While under hypnosis, a person may experience "some changes in perception, thinking, memory, and behavior," including temporary paralysis, hallucinations, and forgetfulness "in response to the hypnotist's suggestions."

Li Xiang listened very carefully, covering her mouth during the process, and sighed in a low voice: "Oh"

"Just the sexy kind."

"It's not bitter!"

Masashi Toyama couldn't help but complain, and his face turned red.

"You always look at things with yellow glasses, so you see yellow!"

He seems impatient, but in fact——

The third step of hypnosis is to synchronize the topics of both parties. It can be a joke or step by step. As long as the other party has the same concept of "friends".

about there.

Masashi Toyama invited Ritsuka Fujimaru to sit on the sofa next to him, and then started the process.

"Teacher, did you ask the president and Zero to do this step?" Ritsuka asked seemingly unintentionally.

"No, to be honest, communicating with those two classmates is a chore. It requires a lot of effort. It's not like the type who can use this kind of therapy." Toyama Masashi laughed.

"Hahahaha, indeed~ But actually those two people are very good."

"I can tell."

"If you need help, I can take the lead. I'm very good at making friends~"

"I completely believe what you said."

"Where's the teacher~ Do you want to be my friend?"

"Huh?" Toyama Masashi replied as he thought there was something strange but couldn't put it into words. "Ah, of course."

"Hehehe, will you add a mixi later?"


The two chatted for a few words before officially entering the treatment. Masashi Toyama dealt with it very relaxedly, but he didn't know why.

Something feels wrong.

Toyama Masashi: "Relax first."

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Relax - I don't understand this step very well. Do you need to take a deep breath?"

Masashi Toyama: "Of course, anything that makes you relax will do."

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Hmm, it's a bit difficult. Mr. Toyama, can you give an example or demonstrate it?"

Masashi Toyama: "Of course."

The Yamato man smiled gently, then put his hand against his chest a little, concealing the breathing rate of relaxation in front of Ritsuka, and the girl followed suit.

"Then, imagine the sea, the blue sky, a broad scene like this, the wind blowing your hair, gently lapping on your cheeks, it's dusk now, the temperature on the beach is very warm, and the grains of sand fall from your fingers. It slides down, no tingling, just a light wrapping feeling.”

"As long as it's a scene like this, is it okay?" The girl's voice was lazy after she lay down. Toyama Masashi was relieved to see the other party being so cooperative.

"Of course, Fujimaru-san, do you have any clues?"

"Well, when I was a kid, my family and I went to the beach in Iwamori Prefecture. The beach at Jodogahama is very beautiful."

Masashi Toyama, who was listening carefully, suddenly paused in his thoughts and asked in surprise.

"What a coincidence. My hometown is in Iwamori Prefecture."

"Oh~~ Speaking of which, the teacher and I are fellow villagers, hehe, this is what is called a fellow villager meeting a fellow villager, and tears will come to your eyes." The girl's voice had a hint of hoarseness as if she had just woken up in the morning, giving people a feeling of tiredness.

But she began to speak slowly.

"I remember"

"Jomichi Beach is very close to Miyako City and sits at a sheltered inlet. I remember it being surrounded by jagged white stones and supported by dark green pine trees. The walking path winds around the bay, and the beach It has crystal clear waters.”

"The clear sky releases the purest brightness, clear and soft. The pale red petals pass through the tree body and ripple through the sea of ​​flowers. The wind and dust embellish the fragrance of the flowers. The flowers are entangled with the melodious wind, and the golden light of sunset breaks into pieces. Their arms were full, and people’s skin was glowing with a thin warmth.”

"The beach is slightly sunken, the waves are washing, and the golden ripples are blooming around the feet, gently touching the ankles, taking away the dust and melting the gasping sound into the warm air, scattering the brilliance."

The girl's voice was very low, as if it came from a far away place. I don't know if it was because it was his hometown, but Masashi Toyama was suddenly stunned involuntarily.

He couldn't help but start to remember those words.

The golden beach, people's laughter, the cool watermelon, the lazy tree slightly lowering its eyebrows, the rustling of leaves, the girl's warm and moist palms, the generous and rough palms of her parents caressing her head and making a gentle promise. A promise to come back here next summer.


He suddenly felt a little tired.

Masashi Toyama is already in his thirties this year.

He has been aware of the difference between himself and others since childhood. With his keen mind, he did not reveal too much about this matter. Instead, he tried his best to please the people around him.

Japan is an "atmospheric" place. Anyone who does not side with the "majority" will be swallowed up and bullied by the crowd. In terms of school violence and suicide rates, South Korea and Japan are really competing for hegemony. No one obeys anyone.

In order to be able to stand in the right position, Masashi Toyama learned to disguise and hide his special features since he was a child.

He could have been freed earlier, but because as a mixed race, Toyama Masashi's bloodline is not very good, even if the Sheqi family knew that there was such a mixed race in the wild, they would not think of recruiting them, so the man did not accept it Too much outside help.

Look at yourself, manage yourself, and treat yourself well.

I don't know when he became a psychiatrist, maybe because of his interest, maybe because of his rich experience.

However, psychiatrists are a profession that can easily breed the dark side. If they are just a gangster and their salary is fine, if they want to abide by professional ethics and try to resolve the patient's inner melancholy, they must put themselves in the patient's shoes no matter what. Coupled with the confidentiality agreement, they are often unable to report to the patient. Anyone to talk to.

If people with mental problems can talk to a doctor, who should the doctor go to?

Time seems to have carved scars on the rough wooden wheels. One by one, sawdust like dust particles accumulate on both sides of the wound. With a gentle blow, they disperse with the airflow.

The accumulation of negative information gradually overwhelmed the man's shoulders.

He is very tired.

really tired

——It’s okay, it’s okay to take a little sleep.

Is it really possible? But I seem to have some important things that I haven’t finished just now.

——No one will blame you, right?

That, a little


As soon as Toyama Masashi closed his eyes and opened his mouth, he leaned his head back and slumped on the office chair. A slight snoring sounded almost at the same time. And at the same time——

"Well, is this hypnosis?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was originally "drowsy", suddenly opened his eyes, his expression clear, and there was no trace of "wanting to sleep" at all.

"In order to prevent the other party from detecting the traces of the word spirit left by the word spirit oracle by some means, I used such a gentle method, but isn't this quite simple?" Fujimaru Ritsuka sat up and tilted his head to think. "Maybe I'm actually a genius!"

I'll try it with Xia Mi later.

Thinking about it, Fujimaru Ritsuka walked to Toyama Masashi, looked at him, and said with a smile.

"Then~Teacher, please answer——"

"Who asked you to test me~"

Afternoon, maybe, maybe another chapter

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