Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 281 The heroine appears!


The door on the train was opened, and Fujimaru Ritsuka walked out of the psychological consultation room. Guderian, who had also finished chatting with Lu Mingfei, greeted him with bright eyes.

"Oh! Fujimaru-san, you're here too, uh, where's Professor Toyama?" Guderian shook his head left and right, trying to find his colleague.

Ritsuka said naturally: "Oh, Professor, he said he stayed up late yesterday and went to catch up on his sleep."


Although Guderian thought what Ritsuka Fujimaru said was weird and her smile was weird, but seeing that there was no need for her to lie to him, he was so nervous that he stopped pursuing the matter and muttered something. Young people should still pay attention to their health. If you stay up late at the age of thirty, you will get it again in the future."

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't say much, but returned to his seat after saying hello to Lu Mingfei and others, looking at the scenery outside the window, thinking about something in his heart.

School board?

It can be said that the information obtained from Toyama Masashi is basically consistent with the results of Fujimaru Ritsuka's own guess.

Except for those daring guys, no one dares to test S-level hybrids like Fujimaru Ritsuka over and over again.

After all, it is a very large chaebol group that controls the lifeblood of the entire world economy. At this point, self-confidence will never end. Unlike the kind of rich people who always appear in front of the TV, each of the school board of directors is Rich and powerful beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

They are not on the rich list not because they can't make it, but because they don't deserve to be on the rich list - that's probably what it feels like.

However, which school director it is is again debatable.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's headache is getting worse.

As she said before, she is not very good at dirty political struggles. It is not so much that she is not good at it, but that she is not willing to become good at it. Therefore, she was able to overcome the difficulties in the Sheqi Ba family only because of her. Capture the thief first and capture the king first, directly designing it in the hands of the opponent's originally safe trial, and overthrowing the opponent's hometown.

That kind of opportunity is rare.

If it were now, Fujimaru Ritsuka would probably have no choice but to rush into the school board's house, grab the other party by the collar, give him a big mouth, perform a trick in front of the other party of turning toner into diamonds with his hands, and then force the other party and himself Signing a security agreement is the way to go.

Oh, what a hassle.

Leave it all to Teacher Angers.

Leave the troublesome matters to him, I don't want to do any work.

The very irresponsible savior lady said this with a straight face.



When the train arrived at the station, Fujimaru Ritsuka got off the train and read the contents of the so-called freshman brochure.

The moment I got off the train, my first reaction was one of grandeur.

The college is located on a mountain, close to the edge of a steep cliff, and the clouds and mist are so low that they seem to be within reach.

The entire academy is painted in high-profile gold and elegant cabbage, as sacred and noble as a palace where heroic spirits live.

In front of them were red brick walls, ancient but not decaying iron fences, and a stately gate in Gothic style.

——Gate of Kassel.

The medieval castle-style school is located deep in Chicago, which is close to paradise. Without the school's exclusive train batch, they would not even be able to reach this place.

The entire academy is located on a super large alchemy array. The alchemists rely on their powerful bloodline and alchemy skills to forcibly suppress the flow of elements in the entire campus with precepts.

Just standing here, you can feel the elements flowing and converging, forming a fortress-like barrier.

Brilliant, sacred, that is the last cradle of hybrids in this world.

However, I always feel that compared to the mysterious and dark Hogwarts, this place is just a simple ditty for the rich. It is not difficult to see that this military school does not intend to completely separate the concepts of hybrids and ordinary people.

When they arrived at the school gate, they vaguely saw rows of guards stationed there.

Unlike the janitors of most universities, these big brothers have a capable and steady body, and a burly and heavy feeling. They are basically five-to-three-thick men with strong arms. They greeted Guderian skillfully and brought business with them. The public office began to check the information of Fujimaru Ritsuka and others.

"Little girl, school status information."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, a freshman in the Alchemy Department of Level 07, come to school in advance to report."

"Uh Fujimaru huh?"

I don’t know why, but the elder brother in front of me who was helping him register his student status was suddenly stunned.

He hurriedly raised his head to look at Fujimaru Ritsuka, as if he wanted to compare this face with some portrait. The intensity of his movements made Fujimaru Ritsuka think that he was on Chicago's wanted list, with a reward of 30 million Baileys.

"You just waited, so this train is-"

"Oh, yes, yes, don't talk too much." The guard seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Guderian, who laughed and said to Fujimaru Ritsuka. "They are also responsible for the daily security of the school. They are all people of an age who have made outstanding contributions to the SEAL team. But they are nothing. When you meet the cadres of the execution department, you will find that these are ordinary people. Oh, You’ve already been to the executive bureau, right? Then it’s okay.”

Neither Chu Zihang nor Ling had any reaction to Guderian's statement. Fujimaru Ritsuka was a super elite who had adapted to the work content in advance. Lu Mingfei actually looked at him with admiration, so the more Guderian looked at Lu Mingfei, the more he liked him. .

As I said before, today's people came to the school in advance to report. There are not many new students in the whole school, but you can still occasionally see a few young people walking through the campus in casual clothes. They should be seniors and senior sisters here. Get busy with a project or task.

Entering the gate, Kassel College is surrounded by green lawns, crimson cobblestone roads and classical buildings. In the distance, there are pigeons rising and falling on top of the church-like building.

This place is full of a peaceful and peaceful scholarly atmosphere, even with a hint of holiness. Even an aristocratic school is nothing more than that, like a royal back garden.

The people walking around here are also different from those in a normal university.

The girls are all fair-skinned and beautiful with long legs, and the guys are basically strong-bodied and handsome-faced. No matter what angle they take the photos from while talking and laughing, they can capture the beauty of a magazine cover.

Handsome men and beautiful women don't seem to be a rarity in this school.

But even so, when Chu Zihang walked through the campus, he still attracted the attention of many people.

The eyes of the senior students, who were probably in their early twenties, shone at almost the same time, thinking that Cassel was finally willing to purchase, and a super S-level high-quality male ticket candidate came in.

I hope you don’t have a bloodline level that is too powerful, otherwise you won’t be able to lower it.

As for Chu Zihang and others, you look at me and I look at you. After looking at it for a while, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally made the decision.

First go to the dormitory to report, and then go out to have a meal together in the evening and taste the style of the cafeteria of Kassel College.

No one had any objections. By the way, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang didn't get to live in the same dormitory. Lu Mingfei's roommate was a senior named Fingel, while Chu Zihang was with a guy named Lancelot. The man became a roommate.


Ritsuka couldn't help but complain after hearing this.

What an unlucky name ()


In the dead of night, Fujimaru Ritsuka tidied up his bedroom.

Although I don’t know why Cassel is so rich, the dormitory is designed as a double room, and it must have bunk beds, but Fujimaru Ritsuka has never cared about this kind of thing. She has done this kind of thing sleeping with others a lot.

The girl turned her head and looked at the huge moon wheel outside the window in a daze.

She was placed in student dormitory area 2, which was an ordinary double dormitory. Her roommate was a girl named Chen Motong.

Kassel is an international place. Not to mention people from China, the United States, Britain and France, there are even people from India, no, Azerbaijan, Cyprus and other countries.

The name Chen Motong is very nice, I feel like she is a Chinese girl.

Oh Chinese?

Then I'm familiar with it!

Fujimaru Ritsuka has always been confident.

When people come, she can show the temperament of an international friend and shout loudly that China is half of my hometown.

Japanese ***, no.

Chinese ***, OK!

This set usually won't fail.

By the way, every country in the world is half of Fujimaru Ritsuka’s hometown.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is not Japanese.

She is from Earth! (convinced)

What a shameless bitch.

And just when this girl finally cleaned the dormitory and prepared to go to the cafeteria for dinner——


The door was opened, revealing women's purple-striped sneakers.

Until a pair of dark purple jogging shoes suddenly appeared in front of her.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was slightly startled. She looked over subconsciously and found that the person who opened the door was a girl. From bottom to top, she wore a pair of jogging shoes, a pair of tight-fitting jeans, a white vest, and a blue vertical t-shirt. A striped short shirt and a baseball cap on top of his head.

A tall and bright girl looked sideways at Fujimaru Ritsuka. The sterling silver four-leaf clover pendant on her earlobe was dangling, and the diamonds embedded in it were dazzling.

She also saw Fujimaru Ritsuka, and the two looked at each other like that for a few seconds.

The difference was that Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes were full of curiosity, while the tall girl was a little cold and indifferent, like a proud princess.

But the princess's eyes seemed to be inexplicably confused and stunned.

Maybe he is a roommate who doubts his future years?

Thinking of this, Fujimaru Ritsuka grinned cheerfully and smiled brightly.

"Hello, my name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, a native of Earth ~ Fujimaru whose rattan and flower branches form a circle. If [H(F)ujimaru Ritsuka] is homophonic, it can be seen as [Hajimari origin] and [Tsukuru production], very Cool~"

"Ah, so why don't you use the honorific and just call me Li Xiang~"

"As friends in life, study, and relationships in the future, let us get along well, Chen Sang!"

The girl extended her hand enthusiastically, smiling.

Chen Motong just pulled the suitcase and looked at her. After hesitating for two seconds, he still stretched out his hand. What was inadvertently revealed was a silver diamond-embedded Omega watch.

Her eyes were very pale, as if she was not looking at the person in front of her, but she seemed to want to imprint this scene in her mind, and she opened her lips lightly.

"Well, hello, my name is Chen Motong."

Chen Mo Tong, hey, the starting point of the quarrel between the dragon clan members.

To be honest, I didn’t like this character in the original work (it’s clear)

But it’s not because of what readers said about Lu Mingfei’s appetite, green tea, etc., it’s just because of the intention of writing that I don’t like her.

I am the kind of person who will subconsciously pay attention to the creator's thoughts through the pictures and the voice actors' on-the-spot performance when watching anime. It's like watching Lonely Rock. What I see is not only interesting pictures, but also moved by the enthusiasm of the production team. You can really feel the joy of the production team through the screen.

So when I saw the role of Chen Motong, I wasn't very comfortable.

An unknown phantom, a phantom that swings all the time, an outsider that doesn't advance the plot at all, but there are so many riddles in the fortress.

This character makes me feel very disconnected. When I see this character, I don’t see a red-haired witch. What I see directly is the author’s own feelings.

What I want to see is the author's enthusiasm and happiness, not something that I can't even describe!

But I have answered a reader's question before, why do I feel like most of the characters in the original work are clowns (in a pitiful sense), but I want to write a fanfic about Dragon Clan?

Because when I see a clown, my first reaction is to save him, not to step on him?

It’s still the same point of view. If you have any resentment, don’t vent it on the characters. Let’s focus on the plot of Nono.

Alas, I just need to bury some foreshadowing, but there is no guarantee that it will be written well.

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