Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 349 You are also a younger brother! (2-in-1)

The light of the knife enveloped the entire small space, and the monster's roar continued to be heard, followed by the sound of the sharp blade unfolding the steel and cutting through the flesh, smooth and sweet.

The depths of the Akagui River were narrow and hot. Kazama Ruri had no intention of driving, but was just describing the topography of the fissures near the crater.

The smell of rust overflowed in the nose, and the high temperature clung to the upper layer of the skin, and the irregular flesh in the chapped wounds revealed a dark red color.

“Easier than imagined.”

The sound the monster made from its throat was no longer within the range of human voices, and Weng Ran's roar was as heavy as mountains and cold steel.

The scales were all covered with blood, and not a drop of it came from Kazama Ruri himself. All of them were the flesh, blood and residual limbs of the Deadpool in the Red Ghost River.

Able to tear apart buildings and gnaw on alloys, the hordes of Deadpools gather in numbers that are enough to make the gastric juices of trypophobics surge, and the high temperature here can even cook the creatures into mature meat.

But for Kazama Ruri, who has entered the final stage of the imperial-level hybrid species, these are nothing more than chopping melons and vegetables.

For the royal hybrids, what violent blood brings is almost 99% of dragon blood, as well as the re-washing of the already excellent dragon genes, combined with the alchemy field of the double swords and its own otherworldly abilities. fencing.

The royal hybrid that was originally capable of fighting at supersonic speeds evolved to its current state——

The skin on the back cracked, and ferocious and "tattered" bone wings grew out. The wings were not really tattered, but because of their too twisted posture, they could not be described as gorgeous, neat, or beautiful.

It's like overgrown and multiplied meat, cuticles and excrescences that mutate and twist into black steel. It may not be beautiful, but it is bloody and cruel. Just the wind pressure caused by flapping its wings can kill you. The waiter's bones were broken, and its sharp part was able to tear the bank door into pieces at will like the Youth Digest of a newspaper.

The handsome young man disappeared. His thin, delicate and white body was completely surrounded by an armor-like keel and light gray muscles and exoskeletons. The whole person had grown several times.

Kazama Ruri has been watching a lot of Japanese movies and comics recently, and there is an image in them that is very suitable to describe Kazama Ruri's state at this moment.

The final form of the boss of "Slaughter City".

Tsk, it’s really Fujimaru Ritsuka’s fault for reading too many comics that don’t suit my temperament, Kazama Ruri thought to herself.

After the big devil-like Ruri Kazama entered the Red Onigawa River, he was greeted by a large number of deadpools and ghost-tooth dragon vipers as expected. However, the ghost-tooth dragon could have broken steel and was even used as an execution tool for dragons. The viper bit Lonely with a loud bang, almost breaking his tooth.

And Kazama Ruri held two Japanese swords that were a bit petite for him in his current form, and killed seven in and seven out of the group of Deadpools.

Kazama Liuli lifted a corpse into the sky and nailed it to the water with a knife when it landed. Then, she no longer considered any grace or glamor when dancing the knife with both hands, but turned her hands and wrists to exert force, as if mincing meat. A machine-like silver light exploded.

The water of the Akagui River has been dyed silver-blue by the blood of the Oni-toothed Dragon Viper, and the Great Demon King of Slippery is walking through the water as if it is a real boss that comes to kill the players, leaving behind violent storms and broken silver. Blue waves.

He didn't stop even half a step, as if he were in a deserted place.


Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ——————

A shattering roar came from the closed cave. The war roar of the giant creature was enough to shatter military bulletproof glass. The endless power of the dragon when it roared was a weapon that could affect reality. It rushed towards them. No matter how precise or well-protected electronic devices are, they will fail.

For humans, any physiological activity in the body will be disturbed and enter a state of chaos until they surrender.

But Kazama Ruri didn't.

He just instantly confirmed the identity of the creature in front of him.

Second generation species.

A lineage of the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

In the mission report, the last second-generation species appeared in Japanese waters.

Sure enough, I hit the jackpot.

If it is such an important combat power of the next generation, there is no reason to stay here and wait. Obviously, this dragon is staying here to protect something and is unwilling to leave from the Akagui River.

The Red Oni River connects to the sea, and what can the Dragon Warrior of the lineage of the King of Bronze and Fire protect...

Needless to say?

Kazama Ruri lowered her body, and then exploded in the next moment.

The space seemed to be compressed and folded. In the eyes of the next generation, the insect that was already extremely small actually jumped in front of him at a speed much faster than he imagined. Not only that, he also pulled out a knife.

There was a flash of white light, leaving no room for hesitation or conversation.

The fight begins within three seconds of meeting.

Draw your sword and cut.

The blood seals the throat.

The frantic blade tore the skin apart like a silvery storm, and each cut was painful enough to tear the flesh apart. The Dragon King surged his body and tried to use the word spirit, but found that the space was too narrow to use the large-scale output ability. .

But there are words and spirits that are suitable for this space.

[Yan Ling·blazing sun]

Immediately chanting, the Dragon King summoned the illusory blazing sun. The light exploded from the darkness and robbed the eyesight of all living creatures with a ferocious attitude. The light was bright and powerful enough to be used as a destructive weapon to destroy human eyeballs. The remaining Ghost Tooth Dragon The viper couldn't help roaring.

In such a space, dragons' vision will not be affected due to the special structure of their eyes. Even if the situation is bad, they can use the Kotōreikama Itachi to assist in their actions, so——


The next-generation species once again suffered a few wounds on their flesh. Under the "stupefied" gaze of the next-generation species, Kazama Ruri

Closed his eyes.

Then he closed his eyes and chopped off the next generation until he could reach it.

Not only interstellar players, but also emperor-level hybrids do not need eyesight.

The huge body of the dragon became an obstacle, and every time the opponent slashed with a knife, it would disappear from the field of vision as if the space was compressed. It was so fast that the blast of air would take a long time to slow down, and it was so fast that it was just the air flow caused by the swing of the knife. And the speed difference can create an air pressure difference for the Dragon King that "seems to be attracted by the knife".

Not only that, the next-generation species suddenly discovered that as a dragon, its powerful self-repair ability showed no signs of working.

The two knives in the opponent's hand are alchemical weapons, and the function of the alchemical matrix seems to be to apply continuous damage to the wound, which cannot stop the bleeding at all. Of course, if there is healing ability, or long-term cultivation, the wound may be repaired.

What a coincidence.

[Dragons do not have healing speech spirits]

So the next generation, a dignified dragon with a title, was so suppressed by a hybrid that he couldn't even lift his head, kept retreating, and was squeezed out of the fighting space.

Actually this is not surprising.

The next generation is very strong.

But the royal hybrid is stronger.

Back when Eri Yi was not the complete body she is now, if she was letting off steam and playing games, it would be enough to kill the King of Corpse Guards in one blow, whose physical abilities were even higher than those of the regular next-generation species.

Although Kazama Ruri itself lacks the decisive lethality, her actual combat ability has never been weaker than Eriki's.

Not to mention the dragon bone mode, the bonus of violent blood, and the current state of completely growing dragon wings.

I have to use the data that Ritsuka Fujimaru is familiar with to describe it, it’s probably——

The hand-to-hand combat level of T0-level heroes is at least the level of the top three in mythology.

Nowadays, in terms of hand-to-hand combat, Ruri Kazama is probably the only one in the world who can beat Ruri Fujimaru.

That doesn't count as a human being, so Kazama Ruri is the number one person in the world.

Ling Chi was in a desperate situation, and there was such a big difference in height, but Fengjian Liuli seemed to be overlooking the creatures in front of him. Facing the mutilated limbs and the flowing blood, he showed no mercy at all, and his closed eyes were filled with molten iron. of gold.

And just when he was about to chop a next-generation species to death——

"Although it's a housewarming, it's really noisy in front of our house."

The influence of Yan Lingzhi gradually dissipated. Kazama Liuli opened her eyes, took a little time to adapt, and then cast her sight towards the source of the sound.

The inside of the deep black cave is filled with flowing lava, and what flows out from the cracks in the mountain that were split by the sword just now is a mixture of red and black. The creatures operating deep in the Akagui River at this moment are, without exaggeration, Just taking a bath with lava.

Kazama Ruri's physical strength at this moment is already comparable to that of the next-generation species in the adult stage, and only at this level can she survive.

According to the report, there seem to be only three dragons with next-generation strength.

Among them, the Corpse Guard King and Samson have both been defeated by Fujimaru Ritsuka on the sea.

The last one was lying in front of him.

So, this is extra.

"Are you finally willing to show up, Lord Dragon King?"

"You can also call me Norton. I don't care about the title. Of course -" In the darkness, the man slowly walked out. The curve of Ronald Don's standard sloppy uncle's face has gradually changed. Perhaps it is like the theory of the soul. As discussed in the book, the appearance comes from the heart, and the recovery of memory is a large-scale expansion of mental elements, which also modifies the facial features.

Different from the former comedian Old Tang who made people laugh even though he was sassy, ​​the Dragon King named Norton always had a plain face. He seemed to be exactly what he said, a pure scientific researcher. .

Dragons are brutal, dragon kings even more so, and Norton is undoubtedly the best among them.

However, people change, and maybe dragons do too.

As long as it has the element of [spirituality], it will continue to change due to the trajectory of life.

The so-called dialectical materialism has long told us that matter is always in motion, right?

Norton is the pinnacle of alchemy in the world. He is definitely not a reckless man who lives in a cave in a ravine, builds seven or eight swords and then goes out to fight with people in the name of the king of alchemy.

Eyes that can transcend time, talents that can see through the makeup of the world.

With such specifications, such experiences, having seen so many things, and gone through so much time, it would be strange to still chatter like a grumpy old man, right?

Of course, the encounter with a certain Italian genius in a certain era also has something to do with it.

In this life, the man named Ronald Tang, or what he did, made friends with the boy named Lu Mingfei, and working with Chu Tianjiao changed Norton's personality.

Therefore, he was able to talk calmly to Kazama Ruri at this moment, and even praised the other person's body at this moment with great interest.

"It is deeply transformed into a dragon, but there is no sign of breaking through human will for the time being. It is very powerful, whether it is the blood-blasting technology itself or you personally."

"Superb martial arts and physical strength, but also abnormal bloodline. So, can the blood left by that guy Bai Wang have such an effect?"

When Norton waited for the Dragon King to be born, the white king was already dead, so he did not know its existence, because the white king's personality was almost the same as the black king. Norton's trinity [clairvoyance] could see through the future, present and past. EX] It is also impossible to observe the existence of the White King.

So as a "scientific researcher", he is still very curious about Kazama Ruri.

"But the most amazing thing is you."

"Although Fujimaru Ritsuka must have used the Word Spirit to [bind] you, your own spirit is also amazing." Norton nodded affirmatively.

"It's amazing."


Kazama Ruri's face was wrapped in an exoskeleton at the moment, so her expression couldn't be seen clearly.

But at this moment, all he can say is...

Oh oh

Very polite Dragon King.

Are all you Dragon Kings like this?

When Kazama Ruri thought of the Dragon King twins she met in China, she felt that her previous image of the Dragon King was too superficial.

He originally thought that the Dragon Kings were all hot-tempered brothers and sisters. They killed only when they were killed, and when they were alive, they got up and killed. They had supreme power, but they did not intend to engage in positional warfare or sneak attacks. They would rush in when they were weak. At the human headquarters, they showed off their trump cards with a lot of nonsense, and then fought bloody battles to kill them on the weapons stolen by humans that originally belonged to the Dragon King himself.

But if you think about it carefully, it really shouldn't be like this.

As the origin of hybrids and super-intelligent creatures, Dragon Kings themselves transcend the concept of time, and some even master the concept of space, and even touch life, concepts, and cause and effect. Their vision is different from that of humans, and their experiences span thousands of years.

How could such a being have no thoughts of its own and only think about killing and killing? Are you just thinking about fighting for the so-called dragon throne?

Whether it's a human being or a dragon, according to Fujimaru Ritsuka's philosophy, the birth of all living things is meaningless, just to pursue the so-called "pleasure".

The touch, joy and satisfaction of life.

So, what exactly is dragon contentment?

Norton, for what purpose did he plan this encirclement and suppression of the White King?

Perhaps because his dialogue was able to restrain Norton, Kazama Ruri did not attack immediately, but simply used his best swordsmanship stance, and at the same time expressed his inner doubts.


——Why are you trying to take away the White King’s body?

——In order to ascend the throne of the Black King? If that's the case, why let Constantine do the devouring?

——Even if he swallows the remains of the White King, he still can't defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka. So what are you going to do at this moment?

why why?

What is the purpose of Norton and Constantine?

Faced with these questions, Norton did not answer immediately.

He turned sideways to the two swords that could kill a dragon as well as a dog, and gently stroked the veins of the Red Ghost River with his hands. It was obviously a high temperature that could directly carbonize materials, but it passed through Norton's hand so naturally like running water, leaving no trace behind. A little trace.

The man spoke.

"Do you have a brother?"


Fengjian Liuli never expected that he would ask such a question. What did the Dragon King want to discuss with him? Family relationship? Or modern ethics?

After all, you even know my name, so isn’t my family background obvious enough? ! Don’t ask knowingly!

Kazama Ruri replied.

".I am a younger brother."

"Ah, that's what it sounds like."

Norton nodded.

"But in this case, you can actually understand it, right? The relationship between brothers, elder brother and younger brother, is definitely not something that can be explained by blood ties."

"The so-called brothers are simply because we have spent too long in a narrow family, so long that we will expose our ugly sides in each other's eyes, so long that we can't help but share joy with him, Sad, and touching.”

"In such a long time, only a few or even one person would be willing to stay by your side. No one can hate such an existence."

Kazama Ruri nodded nonchalantly in agreement, but actually she was counting the time.

He seemed to be listening to Norton's words, but in fact he was preparing to go up and give him a knife at the right time.

And Norton continued without a care.

"Me and Constantine are the same."

"I hope he can live and be with me in the future. I also hope there will be traces of him in my world."

Just such a wish.

Yes. The Dragon King has only one purpose from beginning to end.

Norton slowly closed his eyes, as if recalling what he once said to an "acquaintance".

A wish that was tacitly granted by Leonardo da Vinci.

".Want the right to live."

"to this end--"

Norton opened his eyes.

"I want to destroy this world first."

In this regard, Kazama Ruri’s statement is——

boom! !

The cave shattered, magma splashed everywhere, dark black monsters broke through the ground and burst in, and red light fell from the sky like a cross of judgment.

"What nonsense! I can't understand."

bass! !

The light of the sword circulated, and Fengjian Liuli cut off the sword.

"Eat this knife and then die!"

ps: Anyway, I feel that the goal of killing, killing and seizing the throne is too low. After living for thousands of years, I wonder if your throne will not give you any pleasure. This is not scientific.

Anyway, I didn’t understand the purpose of Norton and Constantine in Long Yi. I felt that Constantine was purely “Where has his brother gone?”, while Norton’s purpose was “You give me back my brother!!!”, and he was pushed away by Lu Mingfei. The Tool Man can't see the strength of the ancestor of alchemy, or even the strength of the Dragon King. In the Dragon One version that I read the most, Lu Mingfei killed Norton in less than three paragraphs.

Damn it, I also want to speed up the progress, but I haven’t saved the manuscript. I’m afraid I won’t update it one day after I publish it.

Forget it.

Breaking news!

Today’s update, there will be a three-in-one in the afternoon

It's the end of the month. Can I get a monthly ticket?

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