Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 350 The boss battle begins! (triple)

[Yan Ling·Black Flame Prison]

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The monster set off a fire wave of war, and the samurai drew out his double swords. The sword light, which was enough to overturn the surface of the earth, began to dig upward from the depths of the Akagui River like waves.

The muscles made a jumping sound, like steel bars being twisted into a tight twist and then clenched tightly again, and the blade roared in the wind.

In an instant, the ground was broken through!

The pure white sword light cut into pieces the deep layers of the Akuki River that could not be shaken even by large-scale excavation tools. The soil splashed in the air like flowers blooming, but at the same time, a strange and crimson realm expanded. Covered the heaven and earth.

It was a cube-shaped translucent field in which flames burned, but unlike the normal situation, the black fire was not in the form of attachment, but seemed to be "floating", or in other words, "swimming" in the cubic field. move".

Like a living thing.

Because of the distance problem, Kazama Ruri and Norton were the first to be enveloped.

The role of the spirit is unknown, but Fengjian Liuli ignored it and instead attacked Norton with the force of an angry sea.

No matter what the effect is, as long as the enemy is hacked to death, it will be fine!

The second generation of the Dragon Attendant opened its big mouth to bite and tear at Fengjian Liuli, and spread its spirit in order to protect its king.

Different from before, it was just to delay the collapse of the Red Ghost River to give Norton time, but at this time Norton and others had already hit the ground from the ground to the sky, so there was no so-called scruples.

Junyan, the best word spirit of the Bronze and Fire King lineage, directly gathered into a huge ball of light, rushing towards Fengjian Liuli with a temperature that could tear the sky apart.

The pillar of fire that penetrates the sky and the earth is comparable to the Noble Phantasm released by Fujimaru Ritsuka when he was in Tokyo Tower. If the thunder and lightning can be explained as the weather, then such a thick pillar of fire was seen.

gas leak

Well, that probably won’t work.

After this battle, either Kassel College relies on the United Nations to put pressure on Japan, and at the same time uses Norma to block the entire Japanese network, and then sends Professor Toyama to brainwash the Japanese one by one, or...

Completely expose the existence of the Dragon Clan to the world.

It doesn't matter, that's not what I should care about.

Fengjian Liuli faced the flames and rushed into the red ocean without fear.

The high temperature burned away the superficial bones, but the condensation and explosion of the air flow caused by the man's wings flapping was like a bomb, blowing open countless holes in the red light beam. The violent wind blew away the sparks, and almost instantly passed through The next generation of Yanling.

The sword light was like rain, falling quickly and suddenly, and countless wounds appeared again!

The next-generation species was killed instantly in almost a single encounter.

After Kazama Liuli broke through the enemy's defense, he aimed his golden eyes at Norton and groaned softly.

The spirit of speech unfolds.

【Dream Tapir】

That was the Kotō Spirit that once worked on Fujimaru Ritsuka. This Kotō Spirit was an absolute surefire move. It had no attack power at all, but it was also the most dangerous!

A battle at the level of an emperor-level hybrid involves dozens or hundreds of confrontations every minute, and sonic movement is even more common for them. The reason why Angers' Time Zero is called weird is because He can create a completely different time difference from others in an instant.

For an assassin of this level, one second?

Half a second was enough for him to slice Norton's head into sukiyaki.

Even with the resilience of a dragon, Kazama Ruri is sure to kill it as long as it is still in human form.

As for whether the emperor-level hybrid's word spirit will work on the Dragon King?

Yes, but the effect is also terrible.

The word spirit itself is just the rule of the world and has nothing to do with the hybrid or the Dragon King. As long as the strength of its own word spirit is high enough, the dragon king may also be suppressed by the hybrid's word spirit. But the problem is that the dream tapir completely depends on the relationship between the user and the enemy. differences in mental attributes.

Ruri Kazama's spirit can be said to be a weirdo among hybrids, because his experience in the fierce ghosts is enough for him to grow, but even so, the first time he used this ability on Fujimaru Ritsuka, he was still directly counterattacked, if not Being helped by an inexplicable person in the other party's spiritual world, it is estimated that in the real world, he will be bleeding from all his orifices in less than half a second to see Herzog.

Therefore, he had no intention of "letting Norton fall into dreams and hallucinations" from the beginning.

He just wanted to create that moment of confusion. As long as he could give Norton a pause of less than a tenth of a second, he could create an opportunity.

And the reality is——

At the moment when [Word Spirit. Dream Tapir] took effect, Norton was actually stunned.

Not only was he stunned, even Norton, who had never shown any weakness since his appearance, turned his face twisted and sad at this moment, as if a tsunami of pain turned into a knife and acted on him.

Although Kazama Ruri didn't expect that the Dragon King would have such a fragile side in his heart, he didn't intend to let this opportunity go.

Throwing a katana with one hand like a spear, holding the pistol in the cuff with one hand, he fired a shot and then hung the gun on his waist, while he leaned sideways and tightened his waist in the direction of the force. The body, the golden pupils of the eyes light up, and the fire is like a torch!

That was enough force and violence to completely destroy the earth and cut the warship in half.

The body bowed down, the thighs and calves were at 90 degrees, the muscles exploded and bounced, and a series of bone explosions flowed and exploded from everywhere on Kazama Ruri's body, and then - drew the sword.

Because he slashed too quickly, even the light of the blade was pulled into a half-arc like a bright moon. The cherry-red long sword that once brought huge pressure to Fujimaru Ritsuka was like a peerless ferocious blade, cutting it in the middle!

If you look carefully, you will find that the front of the sword light is mixed with red.

That was not the cherry red color of the blade itself, but the red color of Frigga's bullet.

Da Vinci had prepared alchemy nuclear bombs and shock bombs for Yanling for the dive team, so how could he not prepare them for Kazama Ruri, the combat team who might be responsible for the aftermath.

Just now, Kazama Ruri threw one of his katana swords, and at the same time, he switched out the pistol in his cuff and fired simultaneously, and he exploded at a speed that was almost synchronized with the bullet movement speed of Da Vinci's special pistol. Enter.

Amidst the huge cracking sound that was several times the speed of sound, the bullets fired by Kazama Ruri, a katana thrown, and his own sword-drawing slash, which was the pinnacle of Japanese swordsmanship, also followed.

Kazama Ruri is a genius in swordsmanship and fighting.

Although I haven't practiced the so-called swallow-cutting technique, I can't use the so-called space folding technique like Finn, but if you just want to attack multiple points at the same time, there are as many methods as you can!

The number of bullets is two, and the directions are in front of his knife.

Kazama Ruri had already fought with Norton under the Akagui River. His high-speed slashing was not even able to break Norton's defense. Instead, he was slightly injured by the opponent's space ability.

Therefore, he already has a rough understanding of the activation conditions of the opponent's ability.

If it’s just spatial ability

Nothing to worry about.

The alchemical matrix of Norton's watch case was instantly pierced by Kazama Ruri's blade. The long and narrow katana smashed the golden matrix into pieces, and the flowing particles stagnated in mid-air. At this time, the blade was already approaching the opponent's neck.

Just in case, the head must be beheaded.

Being cautious and bold at the same time, Kazama Ruri's assassination should have been foolproof.



tear! ! .

There was severe pain in the wrist, the muscles between the finger joints cracked and twisted in an instant, and a large amount of blood spewed out from the tiger's mouth.

Kazama Ruri spared no effort, and the sword-drawing slash that was supposed to be a sure win actually not only failed to touch Norton's painful area, but actually shocked him to the point of serious injury.

It was as if his attack had returned intact.

But no, the spirit bullet should have taken effect.

Even if it was just to tear open an extremely small gap in the algorithm surrounding the opponent's body, Kazama Ruri's knife was cut with an error of microns, so there could be no misjudgment.


Not alchemy.

Isn’t this the ability of [Space Opening]?


"Forget it about the alchemy doll, but use alchemy weapons to try to kill me?"

When Fengjian Liuli's attack failed and he retreated, Norton finally retreated from the influence of [Word Spirit. Dream Tapir].

"Most of the White King's Word Spirits are extremely mysterious. After all, even the four dragon kings have not seen all the combinations. However, it has the ability to sting the most painful scars in people's hearts and force others into dreams."

As he spoke, Norton seemed to be analyzing the verbal spirit attack he had suffered, as if he had deliberately allowed Kazama Ruri to successfully launch the verbal spirit attack on him just now.

The Dragon King never paid attention to Kazama Ruri's attack from the beginning.

He deliberately fell into Kazama Ruri's speech spirit, and the purpose was just to experience the other party's ability!

The hand holding the blade continued to tremble, and Kazama Ruri took a moment to glance at her wrist. The wrist that should have been white was now a mass of blood and flesh, a wound that would make any tough guy call mother in pain, but Kazama Ruri could still manage it. Hold the knife.

After transforming into a dragon, the body of the emperor-level hybrid is harder than any metal or alloy in the world, but it is his own strength that hurts him.

It was not a pure reflection, but something more simple, as if it had struck a piece of material that could not be cut.

Materials that I can’t cut now?

The Dragon King's body can never be that hard, even if the ability to increase the hardness is turned on such as [Word Spirit·Bronze Throne].

Comparing his previous battle with Jormungandr and the data he collected in the communication channel about Fujimaru Ritsuka's battles with Constantine and White King.

That's not a problem with the physical hardness of the Dragon King.

But it’s Norton’s particularity.

as if

As long as it is a weapon, it cannot penetrate the body.

Could it be that? !

The real names of the Bronze Fire Kings, Norton and Constantine.

The pinnacle of alchemy, the initiator of all mysteries.

He mastered the fundamentals of all alchemy.

Based on this, it extends——

[Yan Ling]

【Alchemy Weapon】

【Alchemy formula】

All are just flowers blooming on the great veins of the tree.

Just like it is impossible for a person to go back in time and kill his grandfather, the founder of alchemy, how can his descendants do harm to his foundation? This itself violates the principle of the circle.

Alchemy weapon, the original code of the Noble Phantasm.

In other words, this is [quan]

The Lords of Bronze and Fire separate [power] and [power].

Among them, Norton took control.

————As the [King of Bronze and Fire], as the [Ancestor of Alchemy], as the [Creator of the Original Codex of All Alchemical Weapons].

[Norton is immune to damage from any alchemical weapons. 】

Therefore, the backlash just now was a manifestation of the weapon "resisting" harming Norton.

That is to say——

bass! ! !

The demonic sword in Fengjian Liuli's hand was twisted and released in an instant before Fengjian Liuli could react, and even stabbed towards himself.

"Cheating! This is it!"

After roaring these words, Kazama Liuli didn't even hesitate for a moment. He tightened the dragon wings spread out behind him, and then burst out with hurricane-like power.

While Kankan dodged the edge of the blade, he suddenly hit Norton with the help of the air flow from his wings!

After thinking for a few seconds, I came to the conclusion that——

Since the alchemical weapons cannot be used, replace them with siblings.

Although this is completely inconsistent with Kazama Ruri's character, if you insist on speaking, it is completely within Fujimaru Ritsuka's domain.

Damn it, come and change the line!

Kazama Ruri cursed secretly in his heart, but his hand movements were not slow. Japanese jujitsu attached it, and at the same time, he clamped the alchemy bullet in the center of his palm, intending to capture Norton with a surprise attack again.


"Speaking of which, you've been delaying a lot of time since just now?"

Norton witnessed the whole process of Kazama Liuli's expression suddenly changing to a face as dark as water. He also guessed that the other party had already made his own judgment at this time, and he seemed to be deliberately waiting for the student to think independently and come up with the answer in order to improve his ability. The head teacher who later revealed the truth explained gently.

"The response was quick, but it took such a long time—"

"In your words, I'm waiting for the CD, what about you?"

A heavy pressure suddenly crushed Fengjian Liuli's body, and the giant-like ferocious body suddenly twisted. Fengjian Liuli looked quickly and realized that the dark red field that had just spread was now as deep as blood.

[Yan Ling·Black Flame Prison]

Word spirit effect: Create a cubic space with a theoretical upper limit of ten kilometers * ten kilometers * ten kilometers. All living things and non-living things within this range will be forced to self-immolate under the user's will.

This word spirit is a mandatory domain expansion type. It requires charging and also sets conditions to allow the enemy to escape. In exchange for it, it has the ability to kill any target without distinction.

Unless you also have the ability to master the elements, you won't even have a chance to resist.

Once the organs in the body are burned, there is no way to escape

Fight to the death.

Kazama Ruri immediately realized his problem. He forcibly suppressed his instinct to take a big breath of air, and instead turned his head and shot towards the boundary of the domain.

No matter how powerful a creature is, its internal organs are relatively fragile.

The lungs were the first to turn into ashes, breathing became a problem, the stomach, heart, and brain.

No creature can accept such a cruel punishment. Even if Kazama Ruri could endure the pain, she would not be able to fight in such an environment.

He was right.

This guy named Norton is definitely not something anyone else can deal with. Any Dragon King is good, but only Fujimaru Ritsuka can deal with Norton.

The compatibility is too bad.

Even if Kazama Ruri, with full firepower, cannot protect the entire people of Tokyo like Fujimaru Ritsuka, he can suppress Constantine on the frontal battlefield even in a one-on-one situation.

But not Norton.

This guy's power is a matter of another dimension.

Only Fujimaru Ritsuka can use the ability to control elements to resist the field without using alchemical weapons.

(Must. inform her immediately!)

The emperor-level hybrid in dragon-wing mode exploded with a propulsion force that far surpassed any supersonic aircraft in the world. It reached the boundary of the domain almost instantly, and its arms had already stretched out the barrier.

But at the moment when Kazama Ruri was about to escape——

The knife penetrated his chest from his back.

He lowered his head and looked at the blade protruding from his body. The demon red blade looked so familiar.

That was the knife that Kazama Ruri threw out at the beginning. After it hit Norton, it was bounced into the air. After leaving Kazama Ruri's sight, it was fixed at the boundary of the domain by Norton, who could control alchemical weapons at will.

Because it was expected in advance that Kazama Ruri would try his best to escape from the area, no matter how fast he escaped, he only needed to fall vertically and at high speed in a straight line to penetrate Kazama Ruri's body with absolute timing.

Everything is expected.


Kazama Ruri, who had half of her body left the realm, just stretched out a hand, but was shocked by the ripples emerging in the air.

That's what the intelligence said that Constantine had used——

[Yan Ling. Heaven and earth are furnaces]

The quantity is one hundred.

If it was in its normal, complete state, then Kazama Ruri would definitely be able to knock off all the weapons.

But at this time, even just seven or eight alchemical weapons generated out of thin air would be a cross of judgment for Kazama Ruri. The sharp tip of the knife pierced Kazama Ruri's extremely hard exoskeleton like tofu, penetrating it from the front.

The steel penetrated the flesh and bone, passed out from the gap in the ulna, and penetrated the connection between the wings and the shoulder blades, then the abdomen. The center of the chest, thighs, calves, and ribs.

Like crucifying a sinner, the surging kinetic energy pushed Fengjian Liuli into the dark red realm.

The blood blooms like a flower, bright and dazzling.

The man leaned back helplessly.

[Realm escape failed]

Looking at Fengjian Liuli falling away like a bird with broken wings, Norton raised his hand.

The high temperature burned the human form into black charcoal, and the damage from the inside out could not be sustained for even a moment. The exoskeleton collapsed into a nearly liquid state, and then instantly turned into gas and dissipated.

Looking at that scene, Norton raised his hand.

If we want to use game values ​​as an analogy, Constantine's justice value is probably 0, while Norton's justice value must be a negative number.

There is no need to kill humans.

But it doesn't matter if you kill him.

And more importantly, the other party hurt his dragon attendant.

So as a king, it is natural to punish rebellious ministers with death.

The crimson field began to compress and collapse, and countless golden ripples also oscillated.

The quantity is thousands.

It is completely merciless and leaves no room for possibility. It is absolutely guaranteed to be a winning move.

This time, there weren't even any words.

Dead silence, tinnitus.

The prolonged and sharp sound hovered in the eardrums. The body had lost the ability to move, and the cerebellum could not even provide a correct sense of balance. There was only the fear of falling.

The vision was spinning, the colors were blurry, and the coldness and numbness in the whole body were increasing.

Fengjian Liuli looked up at the sky that was constantly moving away from her, watching the golden stream of light penetrate the door and shoot down to herself. It seemed that the outcome was doomed.

The golden light passed on the man's fair face, and for some reason, he remembered what happened a year ago.

[Hey, why do you have time to call me? Don't you have to be busy with Miss Sakurai? Don't you have to think about what birthday gift to buy for Ms. Sakurai's birthday soon? By the way, girls generally like gifts that are gorgeous but practical and can reveal their partner’s true heart through the surface. 】

That was right after the Tokyo Disney incident.

He had to call Fujimaru Ritsuka because of Master Koshi's matter, but the girl opened her mouth and had sex without caring about her own feelings.

That irritating voice echoed in my head like a vile requiem.

What did I say at that time?

Seems to be.

[If I encounter any desperate situation where I am about to die, I will never call you. 】


What a shame

The mutilated human form holds a burnt cell phone in his hand.

At that moment, half of his body left the realm, and his first reaction was to call that guy for help?

I've really fallen.

Forget about the tasks that delayed the time, it can be considered completed, right?

Sure enough, if you're going to attack the Dragon King alone, you'd better let me go.

As far as favors are concerned, this is even a favor.

Even if you haven't paid it back, if everyone is dead, there will be no credit but hard work.

So, that's it.


"If there is a next life, I really don't want to meet that guy."

Along with the low murmur, golden light enveloped the man's body.

Without any surprise, blood splattered out, staining the noble gilded color dirtyly.

Everything is expected.

Looking at the matters fixed in his [Future Vision], Norton turned his head.

Nothing has changed——

"You step on the horse and get punched by me!!"

boom! ! !

Suddenly, a black shadow slammed into Norton. The speed was so fast that it could be said to be frightening. It arrived at his side almost as soon as it appeared within the range of perception!

Even so, Norton, who had already used alchemy to cover the battlefield to improve his reaction speed, immediately turned around. Just when he was about to use the word spirit to destroy it, he discovered that——

It was a human figure, a human figure that was almost invisible to the eye.

a boy.

That is his younger brother, Constantine.


The gesture that he originally intended to attack was immediately replaced by a buffering gesture, but this was the next choice, because as soon as his fingers touched Constantine, he was suddenly enveloped in a heart palpitation.

There are people.

Others have broken through their own fields.

But because it was too fast, I didn't even react at this moment.

His eyelids trembled, and for a moment without moving even a micron, Norton could only capture the crazy pupils, which were vertical and glowing with noble and furious gold.

Buzz! ! ! ! !

My mind is broken.

It was a panic without warning, an explosion without any reason.

Norton was suddenly enveloped in this emotion, as he found that the scene before him was blurry.

The blank space is a momentary pause, as if it were the last frame of a screen cut in a ghost movie. Two completely mismatched images are forcibly pieced together, creating a strange sense of dissonance.

Immediately, there was a blur of color.

Black, red, and white dragged out a long tail, and the simple and cold colors began to spin in front of him like a whirlpool, and he was a sea fish being ravaged in the whirlpool.

Then, there was a huge explosion.

The sound came from his ears, no, more accurately, it started to explode from the back of Norton's head.

The pain came immediately, hot, burning, sore, stinging, throbbing, painful, and suffocating.

And, like an abyss, an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Ah~~I really miss it."

Vaguely, Norton heard a voice.

"Dr. Herzog was like this before. He almost took away my important partner from a guy as cautious and sick as you."

There was a stabbing pain in his neck, and a burning sting in the back of his head. Norton suddenly realized that he had just been held down by his head and thrown directly into the mountain peak a thousand meters away, and his head was embedded in the Akagui River. in the deep geological structure.

And the person who pushed his own down.

"You! You'd better really consider whether to kneel down and apologize to me - after all, I hate you to begin with."

"If you don't have a more sincere attitude, even for a good old guy like me."

The orange-haired girl's forehead was stained with blood, and her golden pupils were dotted with a deep red like a beauty mark.

Like the flower on the other side, charming and charming.

Fujimaru Ritsuka pinched Norton's face. He was obviously smiling, and the corners of his mouth were obviously raised, but the most obvious and idiosyncratic smile that caught his eye was the girl's hollow, spiral eyes.

"I can't help but kill you."

ps: Fight, fight, fight, fight~

Defeated, I want to see the invincible Ritsuka-chan defeated! ! ! ! ()

[Black Flame Prison] The title of Long San is not my own idea - I hate myself for thinking of the second name! You will definitely be complained about!

The effect was my own idea, because it was canceled by Lu Mingze in the original work.

[Never call Fujimaru when he is about to die] From Chapter 149.

That's right! It spans two hundred chapters!

I’m not just shaking my bag without thinking about anything! Every seemingly useless sentence is all the foreshadowing I expected! (Complaint: Isn’t this called foreshadowing?!)

There are many more that I am too lazy to list, but this picture was indeed thought up at that time.

Whether it’s thinking about how to defeat Norton from Fujimaru’s perspective, or how to defeat Fujimaru from Norton’s perspective, it’s very mentally draining.

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