Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 357 Flower of Blood (Five in One)

At the moment when the weapon stabbed Fujimaru Ritsuka's side and was about to make contact, Fujimaru Ritsuka just raised his knees slightly and struck down with his elbow. He used his core ability to twist the power point of his body and press the weapon to his elbow. and between the thighs.

Then, in a moment of surprise, the next generation used a little force to smash the opponent's weapon.

At the same time, Zero, who was standing aside, also reacted.

The girl has a petite body, but is extremely fast. The alchemy pistol at her waist is directly close to the skin of the next generation, preparing to empty the magazine.

And at this moment——

"Old Tang!——"

Amid Lu Mingfei's unbelievable exclamation, Norton forced himself to stand up.

His movements were slow, almost like an old man about to be buried, so slow that even Lu Mingfei could react.

But Old Tang didn't seem to hear Lu Mingfei's words and just raised his hand tremblingly.

The palm of his hand was aimed at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

There, the brilliance of the matrix began to condense.

How is it possible that Norton still has physical strength? !

At that moment, Ritsuka was slightly surprised, but she got the answer the next moment.

She immediately looked at the next-generation Dragon Attendant, who was in critical condition after being injected with several alchemy bullets by Zero.

The girl's vision, which had become different due to the oracle, allowed her to see something deeper, the abnormality in this dragon attendant.


The status is wrong.

This next-generation dragon servant didn't simply turn into a human body, but degenerated from the adult stage?

At that moment, the answer emerged——

[It’s not that there’s still any left, but it’s been replenished? 】

There are two situations when a dragon attendant dragon degenerates into a human body. One is just a transformation of form. The dragon king in the adult stage can change into a dragon body and a human body at will. After all, the body is just a carrier for them.

But there is another possibility, that is, the dragon directly degenerates from the adult stage to a sub-adult.

That is the degradation of the level of life.

For dragons, every evolution requires a lot of energy, just like Jormungandr - it takes a lot of energy to become a sub-adult, and once it reaches the sub-adult stage, its strength begins to increase significantly.

Well, the opposite can also be said—

[If a dragon takes the initiative to degenerate from the adult stage to a sub-adult stage, it will be able to draw out a considerable amount of energy. 】

Do you remember what just happened?

The White King has the ability to be parasitic, and Constantine is also capable of parasitism. In other words, dragon parasitism is essentially the ability to unilaterally absorb the vitality of the "host" to improve his own life level.

This ability actually often occurs between the next generation and the Dragon King they are loyal to.

Because the dragon king's physical body will be extremely weak when he wakes up from each reincarnation. If there is danger, he will often choose to use the physical body of the next generation of his own lineage to condense the dragon body for emergency response.

Dragon attendants, the king's attendants, would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

As for Norton, the reason why he was lying on the ground just now was not only due to exhaustion of physical strength, but more importantly, by touching his hand to the ground, he was covering up the use of the alchemy crown of [Space Opening] to link himself with the Dragon Attendant.

Even though Fujimaru Ritsuka's physical strength was close to the limit and his mental power was completely exhausted, his perception at least covered about dozens of meters around him. In order to hide the next generation species, Norton placed it in the ground beneath him.

The overlapping breaths made Fujimaru Ritsuka unaware for a moment. At the same time, Norton pretended to have no physical strength and swallowed the life elements in the Dragon Warrior's body.

This should not be very efficient. After all, the next generation species and the Dragon King cannot be generalized. Even if the dragon body is directly swallowed, the energy obtained will only be "barely used".

But just this "barely used"——

When necessary, it will become a killer move. "

"It's a shame you can do it!"

At that moment, the girl immediately understood the situation.

At the same time, there was cold sweat on her forehead, and she began to grit her teeth and think.

(It’s really interesting~ Although I realized that “there may be traps” and guessed that the next-generation species might sneak up and fight to the death, I didn’t expect this trick.)

There is still too little understanding of dragons.

At this time, Norton began to rush towards Fujimaru Ritsuka, and at that moment, three figures began to block him.

Lu Mingfei was the fastest one.

Although he was still thinking about his friendship with Old Tang just a second ago, Lu Mingfei was not the heroine of a romantic drama. He was ready when he was willing to get close to Old Tang.

The person in front of him was the King of Bronze and Fire. In order to avoid the situation of "being captured by Norton as a hostage and threatening his eldest sister," he had always asked Finn to prepare.

Even though he didn't have much physical strength, Lu Mingfei entered the synchronization state immediately, took out his spear, and hit Norton with the force of a meteor.

But there is a misunderstanding.

In the battle, Norton didn't use "space-type" alchemy against Fujimaru Ritsuka because the other party had a spiritual oracle that could change reality, so it was useless. However, facing people other than Fujimaru Ritsuka, there was no such boring thing. of scruples.


Norton stepped over Lu Mingfei's attack with just one glance, and gently placed his hand on Lu Mingfei's abdomen.

Stiff, everything happened in an instant, the light and heat enveloped it, directly turning into a pillar and penetrating Lu Mingfei's body. The tens of meters of light pillar pierced Lu Mingfei's body like a sword forged from optical fiber. , and knocked it away from the battlefield.

With one blow, the S-class hybrid's combat power was defeated.

Tell everyone on the battlefield so intuitively.

——Don’t put me on the same level as you.

The reason for the fierce battle is only because you have the monster Fujimaru Ritsuka.

That is not a gap in combat power, but a gap in "concept".

Without the oracle to break through the limits of "biology" and reach "life", it would be meaningless.

In other words, everyone except Fujimaru Ritsuka——

No threat.

At the same time, Chu Tianjiao and Ange made preparations to activate the spirit of speech at the same time.

【Time Zero】

The invisible word spirit is the domain of assassins. The two top assassins in the world swung their swords at the Dragon King in different directions.

Of course, the two also knew that the "reflective" alchemical matrix existed on each other at all times, so they took out alchemical bullets at the same time, preparing to defeat the matrix. They relied on time zero to infinitely extend the moment when the "alchemical matrix was destroyed", and then Cut down the opponent.


"In terms of your human attainments, do you know what is the most essential difference between word spirit and alchemy?"

His pupils dilated, and a heart-clenching fear suddenly swelled.

In that world that was infinitely slowed down, the two of them heard Norton's voice directly.

"The Flamel of this era should have told you."

"It's a difference in complexity."

"To put it more simply."

Norton calmly announced that the parallel chants were faster than Angers and Chu Tianjiao's spiritual chants.

"It's the difference between finished products and components."

That is the realm of contemporary Flamel. The releaser forms a realm with himself as the center, suppressing the telepathic abilities of all dragons and hybrids in this realm.

It was the black shelter, the shadow under the lamp.

Yan Ling——


Ange and Chu Tianjiao's movements did not speed up at all. Their expressions became ugly at the same time, but they continued their actions without hesitation.

Bloodshed three times!

The bodies that were always prepared reached their peak state in an instant. The middle-aged men and the elderly took out their ability to press the bottom of the box, intending to rely on their physical strength to at least intercept the Dragon King's movements, giving Fujimaru Ritsuka time to prepare. .

However, even such a simple action is a luxury.

Angers and Chu Tianjiao are definitely not weak. The fact that both of them can engage in close combat with Odin head-on proves the concept of an S-class hybrid going crazy to the extreme.

However, the compatibility is really bad.

Norton, who has mastered the concept of [space], is a nightmare for all pure melee warriors even when his power is weakened to the point where there is no one left. Even with alchemy bullets, if there is not a good enough opportunity, it will be difficult to break through the defense.

On the other hand, Norton could attack the two of them at any time.

It was different from when Lu Mingfei, Caesar and others took action.

At that time, it was because there was no need to kill people, and it was also because those who went to the United States were just Norton's dolls. But at this moment, in order to pay attention to efficiency, the simplest way to use space abilities was as a certain lv4 space ability user once said.


"Speaking of which, Lao Chu, you said that I still owe you a life, so——"

Golden ripples appeared directly on Ange and Chu Tianjiao's bodies!

"Stop moving."

Then, the spear appeared directly in the bodies of the two people and pierced them both.

It penetrated from the lower back of the two men, leaving a large hole in their abdomen. The golden weapon penetrated the stratum melted by the high temperature and penetrated deeply into the surface. After the sound of penetration was so silent that it was almost inaudible, the two men were nailed to death. land.

Of course, after all, it was the two top hybrids who reacted immediately, distorting the position of the internal organs and avoiding fatal injuries.

As Fujimaru Ritsuka expected, Anger and Chu Tianjiao could at least keep their lives safe.


On the other hand, the two of them were completely unable to stop Norton.

The warning to Chu Tianjiao was an ultimatum, and in the process, Norton didn't even look at Chu Tianjiao and Ange.

Those golden eyes captured the "future", and everything was heading in the established direction.

He waved his hand gently, and a vague force field fell from the sky, washing like a waterfall, suppressing Angers who was still struggling.

[Yan Ling. Moment]


Royal power, in a sense, is the unique spirit of King Bai.

Although it is often ridiculed by people as "Huh? Isn't that the special effect of all Dragon Kings' appearances?", but in fact, its essential alchemical structure is much more complicated than imagined.

At least, the four dragon kings who had never seen King Bai use this word spirit did not know how to use it.

But Norton obtained Yuan Zhisheng's information and observed the opponent's domain expansion, so he was naturally able to do similar things.

Everyone is unable to move under the Dragon King's [royal authority].

So he finally accelerated.

Yanling pushed his body and approached Fujimaru Ritsuka at a very fast speed. Golden ripples appeared again. Norton rushed towards Fujimaru Ritsuka with a dagger in his hand.

The dagger is the most advanced alchemy tool, highly poisonous, probably a remnant of a certain myth, and has the ability to kill if touched. Of course, for Norton, it is just a small toy in his treasure house that just fits the current situation.

Anger and Chu Tianjiao were restrained, while Fujimaru Ritsuka was exhausted.

It's almost over.

And all of this just happened in an instant.

Lu Mingfei was defeated and sent flying, time unfolded and shattered, and then the two of them were defeated by Norton, everything happened in an instant.

For Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was so exhausted that he almost lost consciousness, it was difficult to just notice what happened just now.


It doesn't matter.

The girl laughed.

The five senses and intuition replaced thinking. Even though the physical eyes could not operate as usual due to fatigue, at that moment, she made the most perfect judgment.

At the ninth level, captured at 512 times the speed, Fujimaru Ritsuka held Norton's knife-wielding wrist with one hand.

Then, he kicked out.


With the fierce wind pressure and the blast of sound, the girl kicked Norton in the abdomen until his skin was torn apart and his flesh was bloody. The body that had recovered slightly due to absorbing the energy of the next generation of seeds returned to its miserable state in an instant.


Weakly speaking harsh words, the girl strengthened her arms, and sharp fragments flew out of the carapace covering Norton's hands.

"Don't do anything to the old man, I'll kick you in the stomach~"

Even if it's a sneak attack, even if it's unexpected.

The girl could react instantly and crush Norton's wrist to pieces.

Norton's expression changed, but he still remained stalemate and growled.

"Didn't you already kick me? What a madman. Don't you know how to write the word "down"?

Looking at the human in front of him, Norton was left puzzled and slightly annoyed.

Obviously, I put down my self-esteem and used future vision to calculate thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even more futures. I included every possibility into the observation results and designed the best strategy to make Fujimaru stand up. Xiang's physical and mental strength were exhausted to the limit.

But why, in the end, was this guy able to unleash this ability?

Where did Ritsuka Fujimaru get the strength from the trump card that he had drawn from the next generation after so many calculations?

"Practice makes perfect, brother Norton."

The girl stuck out her tongue and pretended to be cute, but she used more force on her hands.

"Although I didn't want to be so violent, but - since you still want to resist, I will break all your limbs and drag you back."

These are not arrogant words. In fact, with just a little force, the dragon's shell was shattered, and the heterogeneous bones inside could have survived the frontal RPG bombardment without any damage, but at this moment they began to twist and deform, and could break at any time. .

Norton and Fujimaru Ritsuka were in a stalemate like that, but each knew that the other was close to exhaustion. The former relied on the ultimate algorithm of materialism, while the latter relied on the puzzling idealistic energy like the "power of love".

No - that's not simple idealism.

[As long as you understand it, you can imitate the other person's ability]

Fujimaru Ritsuka's Word Spirit Oracle can generally only simulate light cannons, or very few abilities that he is familiar with, and the simplest example of so-called "familiarity" is nothing more than "actually used abilities."

For example, Fujimaru Ritsuka has been attuned to the heroic spirits in this life.

Shuten Doji, super high-standard [Battle Continue]!

Even if the body has reached a state where it cannot fight, it can still function.

Coupled with [Iron Will EX], the girl barely has the right to use martial arts.

Sorry, I, Fujimaru Ritsuka, am not a Nika Fruit user, so this is not some unreasonable sit-ups!

Compete with me for scheming——

Don't even think about it, brother Norton!

The trump cards are intertwined with each other, and both sides are worried about whether the other party has any possibility of coming back. The calculation continues until now. The moment he grabbed the opponent's wrist, Fujimaru Ritsuka confirmed a reality.

——Norton has no ability to resist.

It was by no means aimless, but she actually felt the emptiness of this physical body.

The energy of the next generation's transformed life level is far from enough to be used by the Dragon King, not to mention that the transformation efficiency is extremely poor in this situation. The instantaneous use of multiple Word Spirits is already the limit.


All clues pointed to victory, but even so, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not let down his guard.

Once upon a time, a certain Soviet doctor came to Liben and hid his identity under a pseudonym. He called himself a wise general. At this moment in the battlefield called Tokyo, he boasted that he was the second most cautious person in Tokyo.

Then, naturally there will be such a doubt.

Who is the most cautious person in Tokyo?

Perhaps, there is only one answer to this question——

Needless to say?

The spiritual element has been exhausted to the limit. If you want to compare it, it is like a drink in a plastic bottle. Although you have tilted your head and poured all the liquid into your mouth, there is still a little bit of water left on the wall of the plastic bottle.

The girl, on the other hand, covered her body with the last spiritual element in an invisible state to avoid sneak attacks, and clenched her fists without any hesitation.

Norton subconsciously used the surrounding elements to try to defend himself, but with the sound of breaking as heavy as steel, his arm instantly bent and completely became a twisted shape.

Fujimaru Ritsuka took a half-step toward Norton's front door with his right foot, stepped forward and pulled Norton's center of gravity down, while his elbow pressed against the opponent's lower ribs.

The ribs were shattered and the body's center of gravity was destroyed. In an instant, the difference between a "scientist" and a soldier was revealed to everyone.

it's over.

The arms were like snakes, jamming half of Norton's weakened body after being destroyed. After completing the restraint on important joints, Norton had lost the possibility of resistance.

And Norton seemed to understand this reality. The flow of elements that had gradually built up in his body was broken in an instant, and only the subtle fire element spurted towards Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The temperature that can melt steel is no different from the breeze blowing on the girl's face under the shell formed by covering the elements on the girl's surface. In an instant, it breaks into red star points.

Even the last resistance was eliminated.

The desperate gap does not come from pure destructive power, mobility, or other data.

Instead, there is a hopeless gap between the individuals named "Norton" and the individuals named "Fujimaru Ritsuka", which are composed of all elements including combat IQ, combat experience, and combat skills.

After confirming this reality again, at that moment, recognition of this reality flashed in Norton's always stern but calm eyes, a little lonely and...


Across the fire elements that were messy in the air like shards of glass, the two looked at each other, and Fujimaru Ritsuka also saw each other's eyes.

However, despite clearly defeating the "Dragon King recognized by Da Vinci" and achieving her original goal, the girl did not get the answer she wanted from the loneliness in her eyes.

On the contrary, it was a bit creepy.

So from now on, what is this intuition warning me about?

What is the source of that chill that spreads from the end of the spinal cord?

Even if the brain runs countless times, it cannot come up with an answer.

And just then————

"Sister!!! Be careful with Constantine!!!"

Without any warning, hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, a man's heart-rending shouts came through.

That was Lu Mingfei.

After being hit head-on by the Dragon King's quick attack, he flew away from the battlefield and shouted loudly to the girl in the center of the battlefield regardless of the dissuasion of others.

This seems to make no sense.

Both Ange and Chu Tianjiao were confused at that moment. Their brains were running rapidly while the two were running, but they still came to the logical conclusion - even if Lu Mingfei didn't remind him, Fujimaru Ritsuka would have forgotten this. Obvious enemy?

Indeed, all of them noticed Constantine's disappearance after the battle began.

However, why did they have to tell Fujimaru Ritsuka specifically about something they had all noticed.

However, thinking that Lu Mingfei did not know about the whole battle between Fujimaru Ritsuka and Fujimaru Ritsuka, Ange and Chu Tianjiao came to the answer. He just didn't know that Constantine and Fujimaru Ritsuka had fought fiercely. Girls who were familiar with each other would definitely Be prepared for this.

Constantine had been beaten to the point of death by the girl. Even if he woke up, he would not be able to fight. He could only make a sneak attack in a life-threatening manner. And even if he made a sneak attack, didn't the girl turn the spiritual elements into armor and wrap it around her body? ?

But why?

At that moment, Angers ran towards Norton and Ritsuka who were deadlocked in the center of the battlefield. Even without time zero, the physical ability brought by the third violent blood attack allowed him to easily break through the speed of sound. Every movement in the world was in front of him. Coming very slowly.

Ritsuka and Norton stood facing each other. Norton, who had just stepped over Ange, had his back turned to him and could not see his expression clearly. On the contrary, Ange could clearly see Ritsuka's expression at this time.


The pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a confused but frightened expression.

--Nobody knows.

No one knew what Fujimaru Ritsuka was thinking at that moment.

Except Norton.

He moved his lips slightly and mouthed to Fujimaru Ritsuka

【What you want to ask is】


【who is it? 】

At that moment, Lu Mingfei was extremely anxious.

He is not a smart being, but just now, he got a tip from Finn.

【The life scooped up by these hands, Uisce Beatha】

[Chewing Thumbs and the Fountain of Wisdom Fintan Finegas]

It should be said that he is a first-rate heroic spirit, one of the best heroes in Celtic mythology. Even if he was hit by the Dragon King head-on due to the host's immature fighting ability, he recovered instantly.

Finn knew that even if he came in his true form, he wouldn't be able to deal with Norton's spatial ability. He couldn't find a solution for a while and chose to borrow the ability.

【The life scooped up by these hands, Uisce Beatha】

The rumor that the water scooped up by Finn's hand has amazing healing power has turned into a Noble Phantasm itself.

Spring water or tap water, no matter what kind of water it is, will instantly turn into water with a healing effect if you scoop it up with both hands.

If humans use it, their wounds will heal, and the same applies to heroic spirits, and the poison will disappear.

Usually, Finn would scoop up water and put it in a water bag.

When Lu Mingfei was punished by Principal Ange to stand, he deliberately held a water glass on his head. This was also an allusion to the opponent's ability. He could recover his physical strength while standing.

After unwrapping the package and using this Noble Phantasm, Lu Mingfei's negative state quickly disappeared, and Finn immediately made a judgment. Knowing that he could not intervene in the battlefield, he immediately used the next Noble Phantasm.

[Chewing Thumbs and the Fountain of Wisdom Fintan Finegas]:

Grade: B

Type: Anti-Wisdom Noble Phantasm

Range: 0

Maximum capture: 1 person

The legend of the salmon that bestowed wisdom was transformed into a Noble Phantasm. If you lick the salmon fat on Finn's thumb, you will instantly gain great wisdom. In fact, the previous Noble Phantasm itself was based on this legend.

To put it simply, it is the ability to cheat by getting "revelation" instantly.

And strangely, Finn didn't get the results right away.

The expansion of the Noble Phantasm failed.

Although the invincible Noble Phantasm was broken, Finn, as a true hero, did not fall into the dilemma of having nothing to do.

Rather, it is a result that no result is obtained.

[The Noble Phantasm is covered. Those who can do this can only be of the same level or a higher level of mystery. 】

Norton's alchemy is equivalent to the most advanced magic, but even the magic of the Gods, according to what Finn knows, cannot completely block his own ability. Even if it can, it will take a lot of time to specifically target him.

Therefore, Finn prefers to think that-

Norton relies on some extremely mysterious ability to block any "detection ability" related to himself.

So, let’s try using the direct election method.

[Element replacement]

【Spiritual Recast】

【Concept Arms】

【Reverse flow of time】

【Space opening】

【Life Creation】

[Separation of cause and effect]

The Seven Crowns of Alchemy.

Among them, which ability can isolate any observation from the outside world?

This question is so simple that even outsiders who don't understand the concept of alchemy can answer it.

Answer: [Separation of Cause and Effect], as you can tell from the name, it is the ability to separate cause and effect.

You must know that most of the precognitive abilities in the world are based on Laplace's theory and analysis of the existing material state, that is, inferring the future "effect" through the current "cause".

Whether it's future vision, reasoning, or Finn's Noble Phantasm, they all have similar principles.

And if [cause] and [effect] are forcibly separated, the ability will naturally not be effective.

So far, it seems to just complete the information.

Bringing to the surface at least four of the crowns that Norton holds.

However, there is additional information in Lu Mingfei's memory.

Random words from the little devil——

——First of all, although Norton is indeed the best in alchemy among the Dragon Kings, he does not master all the extremes of alchemy. In fact, brother, you have also seen other beings who have mastered the miracles of alchemy.

——You mean Odin?

——Yes~ Being able to erase the existence of human beings from everyone's memory is one of the simplest and simplest applications of [Separation of Cause and Effect].

In that moment, everything seemed to connect.

The ability to separate cause and effect, this small branch under the alchemical tree trunk, is exactly the power Odin uses, the ability to drag the entire human world into the whirlpool of hypocrisy.

And Norton also has this ability.

Therefore, after watching all of Norton's actions, Finn did not fall into the joy of "the eldest sister is indeed the strongest" like Lu Mingfei. Instead, he suddenly showed a confused look.

Even with the Noble Phantasm reminder, Norton's special nature made it impossible for Finn to draw a direct conclusion.

However, Lu Mingfei seemed to realize something.

That's just a way of thinking similar to "brain hole".

The final results seemed to be absurd, making people think "how could there be a plan with that kind of fighting method?"

But even so, with the help of Finn, the little devil, Lu Mingfei, who had reached a certain "possibility", still roared with panic to the point of almost tearing his throat.

At the same time, the girl's brain seemed to make a sound of the membrane being pierced.

With a bang, countless messages began to be traced back.

It was as if some kind of rope holding the memory loosened.

——Compared with this, I am more curious about Norton as the King of Bronze and Fire, and as the pinnacle of alchemy. Is your use of alchemy limited to this?

——Who knows, I use it all the time.

Always in use.

At that moment, the hairs all over Fujimaru Ritsuka's body stood up, and he burst out the remaining spiritual elements without leaving any room.

The spiritual element becomes substance, even a wave.

[Battle continuation] It works to the limit, no, it’s not enough.

Going one step further——

[Express vitality into spiritual power].

That was the trump card in the trump card. Once in the Time Crown Temple, with the help of the ritual, he had successfully accomplished the feat of burning his life in exchange for abilities, and once allowed his mortal body to reach the passing line in battle.

At this time, if you use the method you were best at to burn the life span of your body and soul, you can give back your abilities.

The hybrid body can provide enough data to put the girl in a safe zone!

The spiritual elements regrouped, and the girl began to observe any breath around her with absolute caution. However, she did not apply the ability to her whole body immediately, and was still confirming all possible accidents.


Even when he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka showing his trump card again, Norton's expression did not change.

What he was waiting for was this moment.

[The separation of cause and effect cannot break through the highest level of mystery such as the Oracle of the Spirit. 】

[However, because you consumed your physical energy countless times and exhausted your mental power to the weakest state, you were introduced to the Nibelungen by me. 】

[Under the world-destroying word spirit, no matter how powerful you are, you will still put 100% of your attention on the Nibelung, that is, the confrontation in the field. 】

[And even if the verbal spirit confrontation failed, it was enough for me to use [Causal Separation] to invade part of your memory. 】

[It doesn’t take much, just erase Constantine’s existence]

[Because you were suddenly told the truth, because of Constantine’s existence, you will briefly take your attention away from me]

【Zero point zero zero zero one second is enough】

The thought that "she has restrained Norton" was planted in Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind, so she just had to take advantage of it.

As a result, the balance of victory was tipped by Norton.

At a completely unexpected moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's body shook, and her hand was pulled by Norton.

Originally that was impossible.

Even if he lost his mind, Norton should not break free from the restraints of Fujimaru Ritsuka's joint skills.


That was not pushing Fujimaru Ritsuka away, but pulling him towards him.

That was a possibility that even Fujimaru Ritsuka had not considered.

Norton was not trying to break free from himself, nor was he trying to get rid of himself, nor was he even trying to attack himself. The most advanced Noble Phantasm he was holding in his twisted hand began to move under the influence of force——

Pierced Norton's heart.


It doesn't matter if there is no moment of distraction and relaxation.

Rich blood began to ooze from the chest, and the Dragon King's life was approaching the final countdown at that time. At the same time, Norton blocked Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand.

And with death——

Just like Fujimaru Ritsuka can use the life span of his body to burn out spiritual elements, Norton also condenses the final fire element by "sacrifice his body".

simply put.


Fujimaru Ritsuka understood instantly.

Why is the other person wondering?

Damn it, that's not all I missed.

I also misread a key piece of information——

That is.

[The Dragon King will never die. 】

To be more precise, the Dragon King will not truly face death.

Unless Fujimaru Ritsuka uses his own monster-level spiritual elements to crush its spirit, or uses the most advanced alchemy tools aimed at destroying the spirit, the dragon will be reincarnated indefinitely.

At that moment, Norton killed "himself".

——Before Fujimaru Ritsuka!

The dagger used is a dagger that can definitely kill "creatures".

In addition to being sharp, it is also extremely poisonous.

Instant death, but at the same time——

The [Spirit] cannot be killed.

That is to say——

Norton also achieved two benefits: "suicide and turning his body into the last element to threaten Fujimaru Ritsuka" and "he will not die, but can be resurrected from the position of his cocoon and move his position."

Kill two birds with one stone.

The hand of God.

And this is also the last step to death.

Under the threat of the opponent's self-destruction, Fujimaru Ritsuka had to turn the spiritual power gushing out of his body into armor to wrap his whole body, using all the spiritual elements that burst out for defense rather than detection.

And this is exactly what Norton expected.

(The Word Spirit Oracle is really a troublesome Word Spirit.)

(Cover your soul with spiritual elements that modify reality, making your memory and cause and effect almost impossible to tamper with.)

(Use countless methods to exhaust your physical strength to the limit, and push your mind and body to the limit.)

(Use the lives of those around you to force your attention.)

(The moment I send you to the Nibelungen, I also separate you from Constantine, creating an opportunity for me to use [Causal Separation].)

(Similarly, because - the Dragon King will not die unless you use a large amount of spiritual elements to destroy Constantine's spirit, but you cannot use that level of spiritual elements knowing that you are going to fight me next, And at the same time - if you don't use spiritual elements but simply destroy the Dragon King's vital signs, because you don't know the location of Constantine's cocoon, it will be more gain than loss.)

This sealed the possibility of Fujimaru Ritsuka completely killing Constantine.

Next step--

(Erase the memory of Constantine from your mind.)

(In order to do this, this ability is not targeted at everyone in the world, but only deletes Constantine from your memory.)

(Through "limitation of scope", "intensity of effect" is exchanged.)

(In the Nibelungs, as the master of the domain, the damage suffered by Constantine and the sum of the lost elements will continue to be restored. It is always me who delays the time during the conversation.)

(While maintaining a high-intensity battle, constantly playing cards that are unexpected to you, forcing you to be unable to think about the inconsistent feeling of Constantine's existence in your memory.)

For this, Wang spent almost everything.

And the last step——

[My own death and the damage caused by the close-range explosion of the fire element force you to focus all your attention on defense and give up observation. 】

【Only that moment——】

[You have to rely on the power called the Oracle of Words. 】

The figure of the boy in white appeared at that moment, emerging from the darkness without even Fujimaru Ritsuka noticing.

His eyes are as brilliant as gold, and his long black hair is swaying in the wind like brocade. He wears a pure black helmet that looks extremely inconspicuous. The blade in his hand is short but twisted, like an alien twisted under high temperature. Like lightning.

The moment the blade approached, Fujimaru Ritsuka recognized the true form of the Noble Phantasm with just one glance.

That is such a familiar treasure.

Unless the effect is actively canceled, it is a helmet that can hide everything with "regular necessity".

[Hades' Helmet]

This surpasses Fujimaru Ritsuka's powers of observation.

as well as

The only one that can "break" all the magic of the target stabbed with the blade is the super special attack item at this moment.

[Rule Breaker, the talisman that breaks the rules of all things]

Abandoning its offensive nature, its only function is to break the flow of all elements and destroy all the spirit-talking techniques themselves, as well as the special attack weapons composed of alchemy.

Forcibly interrupt the speaking spirit in use and pierce into the body at the same time, causing continuous destruction of elements in the body.

Destruction of elemental protection, complete.

However, the dagger itself does not have the function of destroying the enemy's body or reducing the health bar. It can only defeat the "defense" but cannot "kill" it.

At best, he can be regarded as a key deputy.

Constantine's real killing move has always existed close at hand for everyone to see.

The doubt that was born in everyone's mind as early as above the sea?

[Why take the risk to devour the remains of the White King? 】

Constantine and Norton, who have future vision, can easily answer this question.

Because, in order to kill the strongest hybrid in the world, this is a necessary condition.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's spiritual element and spiritual oracle are enough to rival the arrival of the real White King, and that spiritual king is second only to the Black King in the entire world.

There is already a level of difference between the four dragon kings and the white king.

Therefore, in order to kill Fujimaru Ritsuka, what is needed——

It is the White King himself.

【Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi】

The sharpest sword in the world, and at the same time——

It is also a sword conceived by the King of Spiritual Elements' own body, which is specially designed to attack "spiritual elements".

The unconditional suppression of the White King's bloodline and the unconditional destruction of spiritual elements.

Alchemical field: unknown.

Ancillary effects, one.

——[Forcibly defeat all concepts of "defense", causing zero damage to the attack target's spirit, and a divine sword that can cut everything. 】

The condition for killing the Dragon King is the bullet forged from the "Philosopher's Stone", which is the destruction of the spiritual element.

The essence of the Tiancongyun Sword is the Philosopher's Stone with exceptional purity, hardness, ductility, and all specifications.

The Blade of Destruction has existed since the birth of the planet.

That means——

As a member of the White King's bloodline, Fujimaru Ritsuka also focused all his mental power on "using spiritual elements" to defend himself. That supposed to symbolize absolute defense was torn apart by a blade in an instant.

The membrane of the spiritual element instantly collapsed under the Talisman-Breaking Blade, while the long white spine pierced the flesh without any hindrance.

The sharp blade penetrated the girl's back.

Scarlet covered his vision and stained the pure white tip of the sword.

Blood beads like flowers.

ps: neta, all neta.

But in order to achieve the effect of the famous scene of neta's spell, I laid the groundwork for a whole volume and thought for a lot of time before I figured out how Norton could achieve such an ending.

It's not over yet, but it's almost over.

Finally, my favorite scene in this volume is here.

The plot finally reaches its climax~~~

Ah, yes, the road ahead is paved.

There is also a lot of foreshadowing in the foreshadowing settings, foreshadowing details. The next step is to finish the foreshadowing and raise the force in one breath.

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