Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 358 [Crime and Punishment Scelus et poena] (three in one)

Hades, also translated as Hades, is the king of the underworld in ancient Greek mythology. Although often confused with Serapis, the god of death, in fact Hades's status as a god is even higher than that of the god of death in Greek mythology. If we insist on saying so, he is the manager, that is, Pluto, and at the same time, he is also the god of death. Representative of the plague.

In mythology, he once infected the city-state of Thebes with a deadly plague. The plague did not stop until two girls, Meteoch and Menipe, volunteered to sacrifice themselves.

In some versions, Hades is also one of the Twelve Gods of Olympus. He is the eldest son of Cronus and Rhea, the second generation of God King and Queen, and the eldest brother of Poseidon and Zeus.

In mythology, Hades is usually shown sitting in a chariot with four black horses, holding a double fork, and eradicating all obstacles in front of him. If he enters the Yang Realm, he will definitely lead the souls of the dead to Hades.

Of course, in this world, the concepts of Hades and Jormungandr are almost synonymous.

In the battle between Ritsuka and Jormungandr, the word spirit [Mingzhao] used by the opponent was explained at that time. The meaning of the word spirit itself was explained at that time. Its naming principle is based on the legend that "the deepest part of the underworld is absolute darkness". Because it is called "the candlelight of the underworld".

Even if there was a candle in the underworld, its light would be swallowed up by absolute darkness.

And Jormungandr, the God of Death, Hela, Hades, and other gods who merged into one, also possessed the Noble Phantasm [Hades' Helmet] in a very short period of time.

That is the invisible hat owned by Hades, the king of Hades.

There are classic "invisibility" treasure phantoms that can be followed both at home and abroad, and Hades's helmet is the pinnacle of this legend. When it comes to invisibility, no one's first reaction is this.

People wearing helmets cannot observe using magic and optical methods. This piece of cloth is woven in an extremely complex way. It is estimated that the direction of the weaving has reached at least the fifth dimension. It is absolutely impossible for humans to completely reproduce this piece of cloth.

The highest level of aura blocking, it was a darkness that even King Hassan's personal disciple, Fujimaru Ritsuka, could never detect.

But think about it carefully, where did this precious phantom come from?

Jörmungandr will never forge it herself. In view of her agreement with Constantine, it is difficult not to think that the Noble Phantasm was a gift from Constantine in the mythological understanding.

The true form of the second Noble Phantasm is even simpler.

The owner of the Noble Phantasm in history was named Medea.

She was a princess of Colchis in Greek mythology, her father was King Aeetes of Colchis. She is also a witch with great magical powers, magic, no, because she is from the age of the gods, she can also be said to be the master of magic.

It is learned from the goddess Hecate, who is the highest level magician and one of the magicians.

In Greek mythology, when the hero Jason visited her kingdom, Medea was shot by the arrow of the God of Love, couldn't help but fall in love with him, and successfully helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece smoothly. Medea eventually married Jason and returned to Greece with him.

When returning home, Colchis' fleet also followed. In order to stop the pursuers, Medea brutally killed her brother and threw his body into the sea, thus successfully stopping Colchis. Fleet pursuit.

Because of this crazy move, the hero Jason began to fear the existence of Medea, which kicked off a series of nightmares that followed.

Medea continued to commit "crimes", and finally cursed Jason's new wife to death for betraying her, then disfigured and disabled him, and finally killed her and Jason's two children, leaving Jason A Song spent his whole life alone under people's ridicule.

Since then, Medea has been wandering for a long time, carrying the name of "the betrayal witch".

Although most people will only sigh after reading the story of Medea once, the focus is not on the other person's experience, but on the level of magic that surpasses Greek mythology.

Even if you use the adjective "one of the best among human beings in Greek mythology", it probably won't exaggerate the existence of Medea.

Under the influence of Leonardo da Vinci, Norton once admitted that there are also individuals in human beings who are so outstanding that they surprise him, and Ritsuka Fujimaru made Norton further admit that there are overwhelming monsters among them.

Therefore, he is not stingy about using the Noble Phantasms developed by humans.

[Rule Breaker, the talisman that breaks the rules of all things]

It is a treasure that has no lethality at all, but it is extremely practical.

The attribute that can destroy all magic is essentially the ability to destroy the flow structure of all world elements. It is like spontaneously and continuously emitting sound waves that destroy the surrounding environment, destroying all "word spirits" and "alchemy". damage.

Because it is a twisted dagger, it gives up the convenience of use, and even cannot touch the enemy in most cases.

Because no precious metal materials are used, it does not have inherent toughness.

And abandoning so many elements, a "weapon" was born that was not a "weapon".

When necessary -

Can completely turn the tide of the battle around.


The Oracle of Words and Spirits was completely destroyed, and the mystery did not cause enough crushing. The red armor instantly collapsed, and Ritsuka was directly stabbed through the back of the heart, and even the heart that pumped blood was damaged.

The Brave's Immortal Flower: Invalidates all attacks, but this effect will be negated against people with the "divine" skill of a certain level or above.

Constantine's absolute divinity, combined with the deployment of the Noble Phantasm that perfectly suited the moment, completely tore apart Fujimaru Ritsuka's supposedly foolproof defense line.

The girl's eyes widened slightly, with a look of surprise and astonishment that was completely invisible on her face. Blood flowed from his chest, and blood from the damaged organs overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

An absolutely perfect attack and killing has been completed. It is estimated that any warrior in the world will have difficulty escaping from such a trap.


It's not over yet.

Even though his heart was penetrated, even though it was a battle situation that he had never thought about, Fujimaru Ritsuka's reaction was worthy of being Chaldea's most trusted Master.

Her eyes narrowed, and she grabbed the blade of the Tiancongyun sword without fear, intending to stop the movement of the sword to avoid secondary damage, and at the same time, she hit Constantine's head with her elbow.

This wasn't the first time someone had his heart broken.

Although unlike when she was synchronized, she did not have Shuten Doji's upper body to help her "offset the damage", but the [Battle Continuation] was still enough for her to continue fighting.

Unfortunately, the initiative has been lost.

His gilded eyes were as hot as lava, almost exuding a scarlet color that made people kneel down and hold their breath. Faced with the girl's ridiculously fast reaction, Constantine actually took one step faster and thrust the blade towards her before the opponent could hold it. Pulling away, a piece of blood came out.

Then he raised his arm high to block his face, and while letting the opponent's elbow break the ulna of his arm, his body flew to the side at high speed.

1. Why pull the knife away instead of cutting it further to cause further damage?

Because Fujimaru Ritsuka must have tightened his muscles to clamp the blade, even if he had the upper hand, his head would be smashed by Fujimaru Ritsuka before splitting the opponent's body in half.

2. Why should you take this blow?

The answer is because, in this way, you can borrow the other party’s strength——

To attack the weaker "hostages" on the battlefield at this time.


After half a step, Fujimaru Ritsuka discovered this possibility.

"Zero!!" Fujimaru Ritsuka reminded urgently.

And just a few meters away from Fujimaru Ritsuka, Zero's body froze in place, because from just now, the situation was developing in a direction that he could not understand.

At the beginning, I anticipated that Norton might counterattack, so through the observation power brought about by the special nature of my speech spirit, I predicted the reverse direction of the next generation attack in advance and made a counterattack.

But after that, everything was out of control.

Norton regained his strength, Angers and Chu Tianjiao's interception failed, Norton took the initiative to die, and Fujimaru Ritsuka was directly stabbed in the heart by Constantine from behind in the shock caused by this incident.

It was obvious that he was always there.

It was obvious that he had adjusted his powers of observation to the limit.

Why not found?

Zero's reaction was not that she thought highly of herself. All of her self-confidence and doubts came from the girl's spirit of speech.

[Blood Source Engraving·Mirror Pupil]

Bloodline Origin: Black King Nidhogg

Danger level: extremely dangerous

It can be called the "ultimate" ability. It is difficult to imagine that any natural hybrid can possess this ability, because it is so strong that it can even challenge the Dragon King. The holder of the seal can copy the speaking spirit ability of the dragon or hybrid around him, or even the dragon king's speaking spirit, and the strength of the speaking spirit can be close to that of the copied body.

The longer you stay with the target, the more thorough your analysis becomes. For targets whose bloodline is weaker than your own, the power of the copied Word Spirit can even exceed that of the original.

The principle is super analytical ability, first perfect analysis, then perfect copy. It can also be used to analyze mechanical operations, complex circuits, tactical rules, etc., so the holder also has amazing learning abilities.

Just like what Zero once said during the volleyball match.

She is special.

Observation, analysis, calculation, and mirror eyes are just the auxiliary functions of the word spirit, which are enough to turn a hybrid into a superman, not to mention the ability to copy, which is "a must-have ability for the male protagonist of light novels."

In addition, in order for Zero to challenge Fujimaru Ritsuka in a high-profile manner, Lu Mingze untied the bloodline that had been modified by him and completely transformed him into an S-class hybrid realm that was difficult for ordinary humans to reach.

An S-class hybrid with super combat ability, combat experience, and the ability to speak spiritually.

Zero's hidden personal qualities are second only to an immortal like Angers even among the secret partisans.

However, even with the observation ability brought by the mirror pupil, Zero was completely unable to detect the appearance of Constantine. Hades's helmet is worthy of being the world's top hidden treasure. With the naked eye, analysis, reasoning, and judgment, All elements pale in comparison to this ability.

What was even more incomprehensible to Zero was Constantine's actions.

If Constantine has been activating the Noble Phantasm and staying with Fujimaru Ritsuka, it means that the other party watched the entire battle between Fujimaru Ritsuka and Norton, and watched Fujimaru Ritsuka "kill" Norton with his own eyes.

Yes, Zero didn't see Norton's specific actions. He didn't know if Norton did it intentionally. From an outsider's perspective, it was Fujimaru Ritsuka who just killed Norton while he was struggling.

And Constantine didn't know whether he had made such a judgment. The moment the other party reappeared, the atmosphere of the Dragon King changed.

Even if Zero saw Constantine in person for the first time, in the combat video, he could roughly glimpse the opponent's fighting style and the weakness from his heart.

Constantine has no desire to fight and has no fighting experience. If it weren't for his overly powerful power, he might have been defeated by Fujimaru Ritsuka in an instant.

But at this time, he who assassinated Fujimaru Ritsuka was completely different.

With perfect timing and sharp movements, he completed the assassination without any sloppiness, pulled away, and then got away.

After all, the reason why Norton didn't use Hades' helmet to personally assassinate Fujimaru Ritsuka with his own hands was because if there weren't the horrifyingly heavy and tedious steps ahead to consume her attention and mental energy, , even Hades' helmet cannot pose a threat to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Even if it consumes the girl's physical strength and perseverance, if it is a half-assed assassination, even with Hades's helmet, the girl will still be noticed the moment before it is completed.

But Constantine blended perfectly into the shadows, condensing murderous intent into the spark of the moment.

That was simply not what he could do before.

One of the Dragon King's twins holds power, and the other holds power. The latter seems to show a weak side mentally, and is different from the Dragon King's meekness.

But just like in the story of Attila, the whip of God, the emperor was poisoned to death, and the ferocious dragon broke through the deep earth and brought annihilation to mankind.

No matter how immature the king is, he will completely transform when his twin leaves.

It was as if the lost cruelty and cruelty of the Dragon King were regained in one breath.

Transformed into a vicious vengeful ghost.

The change in fighting style confirms the reason for Constantine's last move.

After being beaten away by Fujimaru Ritsuka, his body completed the force and deflection at the same time. He endured the hasty blow at the cost of one arm and flew towards Zero with the force.

Without hesitation, golden ripples enveloped the space where Zero was located with a range of 270 degrees.

After Zero confirmed that the situation was beyond his imagination, of course he wanted to leave in order not to be a burden, but Constantine moved one step faster. In desperation, the girl's mind was running fast, and she subconsciously used the one she copied before participating in the mission. Come Yan Ling.

【Yan Ling · Dustless Land】

"The Avatamsaka Sutra" says: "Bodhisattva Mahasattva's Second Land of Defilement, Bodhisattva lives here, and many of them are sage kings."

It means that the realm is like a Bodhisattva's residence, protected from all evils. The releaser forms a huge force field with himself as the center. High-speed air flows on the surface of the force field, forming something similar to a "barrier".

As the releaser's ability improves, this barrier will not only be able to withstand bullet fire and flames, but can even jump from a skyscraper without dying. The air flow will provide him with enough buffer.

If an S-class hybrid deploys this word spirit, its defense power is enough to stop large-yield missiles and escape intact.

But at this time, Zero just wanted to fight for a moment's chance.

Her super high calculation ability and observation ability worked at the same time, and she captured the tiny loopholes in the unfolding of Constantine's Noble Phantasm in an instant.

As long as you sacrifice an arm or a leg, you can run out, then turn in the direction of Ange and Chu Tianjiao, and try to stay as far away from the battlefield as possible——

The plan was constructed in an instant, but was instantly defeated by despair.

Because unlike Zero's expectation, Constantine didn't even chant the power of [Cancel], but directly smashed the outer shell of the Dustless Land!

The flow formed by the gathering of wind elements is like a veil in the realm of the King of Bronze and Fire, without even a moment's pause.

At the same time, Constantine pulled out an alchemical weapon shaped like an Atkan sword from the golden ripples. The front of the scimitar's blade was slightly curved upward, with glass-like Sanskrit engraved on it.

No, those are not words or patterns, but countless dense pores. This is a knife with pores all over the metal. Zero has studied it in the alchemy tool class. This kind of knife is basically for Poison is injected into the hole and it is specially designed to be like this. The skill of the Lord of Bronze and Fire can be said to be miraculous in the literal sense. Even if it is forged into such a structure, it will not make the blade fragile at all. On the contrary, it has additional features that can make it The characteristic of dragons dying instantly from poison.

By the way, it's not just for dragons.

But since it is a sword that can kill even dragons, then no other creature in the world can survive.

This is a killing blow.

Zero held her breath at that moment. She thought she was not afraid of death, but even though her expression remained unchanged, when the murderous intent that rushed toward her face swept over her, the girl couldn't help but start beating her heart faster.

The iron slag in the alchemical field gathered into a tornado of steel, wrapped in a dazzling electric arc.

Constantine held the knife in his backhand and swung it down suddenly.

Death was already approaching the tip of the girl's nose, but in that situation, someone still responded on her behalf.

If the flying feet like meteors can surpass the violent flow of Noble Phantasms like a volley of thousands of arrows, then there is no reason to be late.

Fujimaru Ritsuka will probably never be able to experience the pain of an American comic hero who "hurries over, only to watch his companions die at the hands of the villain."

She couldn't sacrifice her partner because the girl was too smart and moved too fast.

But corresponding to——

"As expected." Constantine whispered to himself.

She needs to pay the price.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart stopped beating due to fright at that moment.

A numbness spread all over the scalp, cold sweat oozed from the back, and a sharp pain like needle pricks began to play on the side of the head.

The moment before Constantine's blade stabbed Zero, Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand was almost touching the back of Constantine's head. At this time, gilded ripples appeared in the space in front of the boy, and the knife penetrated into the water. Emerge from another coordinate.

【Space Development】The simplest coordinate application.

The entrance and exit can be adjusted at will!

This ability should not have made any achievements in actual combat, because unlike automated reflection, changing the [space opening] of the entrance and exit requires the user's own time to calculate the spatial coordinates.

It would be fine if the enemy was at Caesar's level, but if he were to fight Fujimaru Ritsuka, he would be far unable to keep up with her movement speed.


It would be fine if this coordinate was not calculated on-site at all, but was calculated in the past three seconds ago——

And he just lured Fujimaru Ritsuka to this coordinate?

Then the situation would be completely different.

Constantine deliberately attacked Zero, of course, so that Fujimaru Ritsuka could rush to block the knife. This girl's nature did not allow her to abandon her companions.

And Constantine is extremely convinced that if it is Fujimaru Ritsuka, then no matter what, he can react in the shortest time, surpass his own speed, and block his own attack while protecting himself and Zero.

So, go deeper.

Constantine did not give Fujimaru Ritsuka time to buffer. The knife that stabbed Zero was itself a bait. It appeared on Fujimaru Ritsuka's movement path after a layer of spatial calculation, because the girl wanted to save people as quickly as possible, and the girl wanted to save people as quickly as possible. The speed is the fastest in the world, which means——

It is equivalent to Fujimaru Ritsuka hitting the sword at the highest speed in the world created by himself.

In an instant, countless layers of traps and layouts were completed.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka took a few tenths of a second to reach the other side of this thought.

And of course.

That's too late.

His face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he could only quickly put his hand in front of his body, his forearm as if the shield and the Atkan sword were colliding.

Although Fujimaru Ritsuka no longer has the protection of the Word Spirit Oracle at this time, his physical ability is still at the outer level, not to mention the violent blood technique, which is far harder than ordinary alchemy tools.

But the speed of moving towards each other is fast enough to overturn a residential building with the aftermath. At such a speed, no matter how hard the material is, it can hardly be said to be safe.

And, it's more than that.

That Atkan sword is definitely not a mortal thing. The outer scales that Fujimaru Ritsuka relied on the violent blood to condense on the epidermis were melted without even a "blocking" process. The poisonous knife penetrated completely in an instant. Girl's forearm.

This is the most top-notch alchemy item, at least a divinely-made weapon of A level or above!

Fujimaru Ritsuka endured the burning sensation caused by the poison on the handle of the knife. The girl's constitution meant that she was not cold to the poison, so she simply went out of her way and let the blade penetrate her without braking at all. The ninja was in severe pain and would be killed by the knife. The penetrating hand was thrown aside, and the silver-white spear in the other hand turned into a meteor and hit the moon.


"Without the oracle, do you think there is much difference between you and Hilbert Jean Angers?"

Ripples in space appeared again, and the girl's attack completely failed.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, you are very strong, stronger than me."

"But the root of it all is-"

"You just got the ability of my clan by luck."

Constantine's voice has never been so cold, nor so sad.

Immediately, endless, invisible pressure came from all directions, and the power of dragons was compressing the fields of all surrounding elements. Zero soon felt that the elements in his body stopped completely, and his attempt to stop Constantine by chanting the spirit of words was interrupted.

Those elements seemed to be frightened. They no longer dared to fly far, but flew disorderly in an increasingly smaller area, like a group of bats trapped in a cage.

At this time, thousands of bats were screaming in terror!

The elements seemed to have gained life and absorbed the emotion called "fear".

They tried to escape from Constantine's control, and they had a premonition that disaster was coming. The terrifying "king's domain" on the dragon is strengthening. His domain has covered the entire battlefield and is even spreading.

The high-pitched and majestic chant came from the depths of Constantine's throat. This time he chanted as majestic as a military order, and his petite body spit out a sound that shook the air.

He is pronouncing the verdict.

He is shouting judgment.

That's not any kind of spirit.

But it is more terrifying than any other spirit.

Constantine looked at the blade that pierced Fujimaru Ritsuka's forearm and moved the chess piece indifferently.

At that moment, it was over.


The next moment, the invisible realm was completely completed.

The elemental iron wall rose rapidly, like a tornado rising. The higher it got, the denser it became, and the tornado became thinner. When it reached its peak, the elemental dance collapsed into countless fragments.

The wind was violent and the rain was fierce. The iron-blue membrane wings of the dragons opened like a fan. The roar of the ancient dragon clan vibrated in the air, like a bell announcing the end of the world, making everyone cry like crazy.

That melody, no need for explanation, was forced into everyone's mind.

Its name is——

Noble Phantasm unfolds

Bronze Purgatory·Seven Deadly Sins.

【Alchemy Field】

【Crime and PunishmentScelus et poena】

ps: When I raised Norton's character to this level, you should have thought about how far the seven deadly sins in the original work, which had more scenes than Norton, would be upgraded.

Write slowly.

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