Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 359 [Transaction established] (three-in-one)

[Crime and Punishment Scelus et poena], this alchemical field comes from the weapons that Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, among the Four Monarchs, forged during the Kaiyuan Period to kill the other seven First Generations.

The King of Bronze and Fire, the highest-ranking alchemist in the world, has been connected with forging his entire life.

He created so many artifacts that the very concept of the Lord of Bronze and Fire includes the "alchemical civilization."

All artifacts and human artifacts.

And even among all the weapons, this set of weapons is Norton's pride.

The swords are all made of recycled metal. They are the strongest dragon-slaying tools. They appear to be made of exactly the same material, but each handle has different rigidity, toughness and unique properties. The blade is engraved with dragon and Latin characters, and the outer wall is engraved with ancient Greek inscriptions. Hebrew.

No one knows how Norton created these Noble Phantasms.

The alchemical technology used in casting the Seven Deadly Sins is beyond comprehension. This is the top alchemical technology, creating new substances purely according to one's own will. Any alchemy master in history can only look up to this metal.

It only belongs to the supreme master of alchemy among the four monarchs, the King of Bronze and Fire!

The number is seven.


The shape is an eight-sided Han sword, which symbolizes unwavering arrogance. The person holding this sword will use it as the center of the circle, and the domain will expand infinitely. All lives in the domain that are considered enemies will be judged. " sin".

The fewer enemies within range, the more severe the punishment will be.

The greater the "sin", the more severe the judgment will be.

Anyone will be unconditionally given negative effects such as physical weakness, magic dissipation, will depletion, etc., and any damage to the sword wielder will be reduced to 10%.

Noble Phantasm Level: EX


It looks like a sword and has the cutting power to cut in two. After the user fully expands a single Noble Phantasm field, he can ignore the distance. As long as the scene in the space can be embodied in the mind, he can use this Noble Phantasm to cut it and completely cross it. Space limitations.

Noble Phantasm Level:A++


Zhanma Dao, the Sword of Judgment, is an unreasonable violence. The user can theoretically crush everything after holding this treasure. The destructive power is only related to the user's own will. As long as the anger reaches a sufficient value, everything can be destroyed. cut.

Noble Phantasm Level: A+++


It looks like a samurai sword. Although it is called lazy, the holder of this sword can unconditionally improve his martial arts to the level of the gods, and is given the speed attribute that "absolutely dominates the enemy".

Noble Phantasm Level: A+


Similar to the Kramer long sword of the Scottish Highland people, the sucking sword can quickly rot the cells of the cut organisms. It can absorb the enemy's blood and eject it from the dragon head of the sword. The user can unconditionally deprive the opponent of their vitality and turn it into a weapon. own food intake.

As far as the situation is concerned, it can even deprive the beheaded of elements such as "fate", "destiny", "luck" and "lifespan", and the effect depends on the user's own mental strength.

Noble Phantasm Level: EX


The Atkan Long Knife is a metal knife full of pores, filled with poison of unknown composition. The moment it cuts into a dragon's body, it poisons it, as long as the poison resistance does not reach level A or above. , then death is unconditional.

Even with the highest level of poison resistance, the moment the skin is damaged, it will endure pain that is a hundred times more than the pain limit of ordinary people, and will be forced into a weak and dizzy state.

Noble Phantasm Level: A+.


Similar to the wakizashi, the most inconspicuous tearing sword among the Seven Deadly Sins, when cutting an object, the blade will vibrate with an extremely small amplitude, thus tearing the opponent apart. Although it does not have large-scale lethality, Lust has the properties of "unconditionally breaking the enemy's defense" and "giving a sure-hit effect within a certain range around itself".

No matter how small the damage is, it will continue to accumulate, and the material damaged by lust can never be restored to its complete state, which means it will cause damage that can never be reversed.

Noble Phantasm Level:A

There is no doubt that every artifact is enough to leave a name through the ages, or even a mythical supreme. Almost all of the seven deadly sins have the concept of "absolute".

The leap of space, the absolute speed, the defense breaking for no reason, the extraordinary damage

Every knife represents a kind of law-like power.

【Concept Arms】

Among the seven crowns of alchemy, Norton has never used it yet, but he has mastered the miracle no matter how hard he thinks about it.

The Noble Phantasm forged by incorporating "concepts" into weapons is literally exceptional.

A or A++ are even just a rough evaluation of this Noble Phantasm. As a battle-specialized Noble Phantasm, Norton's weapons have already reached the pinnacle that cannot be improved.

Odin's divine spear does not seem to be unusual among these treasures.

And that's not quite the case.

These weapons have never been named in history. No one knows that these seven weapons are not used separately, but need to turn the seven deadly sins into "one" as a whole.

That is the "whole" that can be formed by combining the seven top mythical artifacts into one.

The initials are a medieval Latin word 'saligia', meaning 'seven deadly sins'.

Sin, the Seven Deadly Sins, called the Seven Deadly Sins in Catholicism, belongs to the classification of human evil in Catholic teachings.

Evagrius Ponticus, a monk who was trained in ancient Greek theology and philosophy, defined eight evil behaviors that damage personal spirituality, namely gluttony, lust, greed, rage, sloth, melancholy, vanity and pride.

Pang Yifa observed that people at that time gradually became self-centered, especially arrogant. In the late sixth century, Pope Gregory I reduced those eight sins to seven, merging vanity with pride, melancholy with sloth, and adding envy.

Thus, the Seven Deadly Sins were completely finalized.

The most fundamental sin of mankind, the malice since birth.


It is the origin given by "God" to any life from the beginning of its birth.

Therefore - the seven deadly sins and seven swords can be used together to activate the most powerful alchemical field - crime and punishment.

The method of use is related to the ancient Hebrew text on the bronze Purgatory Seven Deadly Sins Sword Box.

Deniqueubierit sanguisagladioregis translates into Chinese characters as "The blood of all kings must end with the sword", which means that judgment will surely come.

Insert into the kneecap with lust and gluttony.

【You will repay your transgression with pain. 】

Use greed to cut off the dragon scales on the head, and use laziness to pierce the eyes and cut the bridge of the nose.

【You will repay your arrogance with your eyes】

Use arrogance and jealousy to cut off the root of Dragon Wing. Arrogance penetrates the bone spurs and nails him into the ground. Jealousy penetrates the back of the Dragon King's head, leaving only the handle of the knife outside.

【You will pay for your betrayal with your blood】

The sword that killed the horse broke into the dragon's back.

Reach out to the dragon and say the true name of the final judgment——

[On the day I return to the world, all disobedient ministers shall die]

This knife is meant to kill life, but it's actually not just for dragons.

say it again--

Those who can kill dragons must also be able to kill people.

The forearm was penetrated by Taotie. Even though Fujimaru Ritsuka had the highest level of poison-free physique, at that moment, his physical strength was severely damaged.

The reverberation of the Drum Tower bells kept swirling around in my mind, and my eyes were blurred and I couldn't get a trace of vision.

at the same time--


Chanting the true name, a single alchemical field unfolded. Because Constantine intentionally limited the size of the field, the alchemical field only acted in the center of the battlefield, that is, Angers, Chu Tianjiao, and a few others, causing unconditional negative effects on them. state.

Only these numbers could help Fujimaru Ritsuka share the "sin". At that moment, it was as if a mountain had fallen on his back, and he could not move even a centimeter. No, even more than that.

His internal organs seemed to be clenched tightly, and the feeling of pain and nausea emerged uncontrollably. A bad feeling that Fujimaru Ritsuka had never felt before began to cling to his brain, swallowing it up.

In the void, the shadow of the Blade of Judgment began to emerge.

The verdict came, but even Constantine had never seen a trial like that.

The hilt of the sword cannot be observed, and only about one-fifth of the blade can be seen? one seventh?

The clouds and mist were pushed aside, the star map was shattered, the entire planet's atmosphere was penetrated by the sword, and the membranes guarding the inside and outside seemed to tremble, even making people suspicious.

The girl's sin turned into a black giant sword that penetrated the world! And the size of this sword is almost comparable to the level of a planet? !

[The fewer enemies within the range, the more severe the judgment will be. 】

[And the greater the "sin", the more severe the judgment will be. 】

To the surprise of no one, including Constantine——

Among the seven deadly sins, Fujimaru Ritsuka's "sin" was actually so serious.

The moment the sword fell, the world turned pure white. The "judgment" of the Seven Deadly Sins did not work like the verbal and spiritual trial. It was a single ruling that only destroyed the person being judged. Logically speaking, it would only give the prisoner physical and spiritual power. Mental, soul destruction.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka seems to have become an exception. The huge sin directly caused the aftermath of the Sword of Damocles to sweep across the entire Japanese island. Most of them were borne by the girl herself, and only about 10,000 of them were borne. As soon as the remnant reaches it, it will penetrate the entire Akari River!

The island began to float, and the entire landmass where everyone was located was completely separated from Japan. The territory was destroyed in an instant, and huge heat gushes out from the gaps in the wound.

At that moment, everyone was left with only despair and crying. Even Ange could only feel the slight tremor in his throat, and the emotion that the old man had never felt in a hundred years.


Not death to oneself;

"Li Xiang."

He couldn't lift his hands, couldn't move his steps, and the judgment of sin also left traces on the old man. Even if it was a crime far inferior to Fujimaru, it was still enough to turn a regular S-class into ashes and disappear anywhere in the world.

If this were the case for me, what would happen to Ritsuka?

Obviously all these things were on his mind, but Ange couldn't take another step forward no matter what.

The realm of kings, the realm of words and spirits, the realm of sin.

Hilbert Jean Angers, the strongest hybrid in the world.

In the eyes of the furious Dragon King in his heyday, he was not even qualified to move.

Judgment for those who are also guilty of the "major sin".

Ah, here we go again.

Angers looked at the scene in the distance. Fear was like a cold hand, wrapping around the pipe connecting the heart and the man's already heavy legs.

He had to watch his important companion die in the hands of the Dragon King again.

The old man's eyes fell into darkness, and at that moment, what was the girl thinking about?


(It seems that there is no other way.)

Not only Ange, but even Fujimaru Ritsuka completely lost the ability to resist at that moment.

In the desperate state just now, the girl seized the only chance, which was to force Constantine to withdraw the talisman that broke the commandments of all things and the Tiancongyun sword that could completely destroy the spiritual elements.

Without the continuous destruction of that Noble Phantasm, the girl was able to use life force burning again to obtain very few spiritual elements.

However, because of the existence of the Amazong Cloud Sword, most of the spirit Fujimaru Ritsuka gained from burning his life has dissipated.

And the last resort, which was supposed to cause chaos, has no effect at all in the realm of crime and punishment.

It’s not that Ritsuka Fujimaru doesn’t understand why Constantine is willing to use crime and punishment at this moment. The answer is simple——

That is when Fujimaru Ritsuka was in her prime, she was able to compete in this field.

Regardless of any ability, [Word Spirit Oracle] can confront and modify inevitable reality.

That's why he had to use Tian Cong Yun Sword to pierce the girl's heart and completely destroy her spirit.

The remaining mental power is no longer enough to support Yanling against this field.

The girl figured everything out, but it was too late.

A poisonous blade that can directly carry out genocide?

——The protection called shield can resist.

A sword of judgment that can destroy any human will.

——Iron will can overcome it.

All, no problem.


Only the area called the Seven Deadly Sins cannot be fought against.

That already involves the law of "necessity".

When the realm expands, as long as the value of the spiritual element is not enough for the Word Spirit Oracle to destroy reality, he will not be able to resist.

At this time, even if all the lives were burned, it would not be enough to provide so much spiritual power.

This is the need to use countless methods to reduce one's physical and mental strength.

(.I am really yours, Lord of Bronze and Fire.)

Desperate situation.

A real desperate situation.

Whether it was Tokyo Tower or the Nibelungen on that rainy night, I was probably not as dangerous as this time.


Cold sweat fell down the side of his face, and Fujimaru Ritsuka made a decision that would have been so crazy and scary in his previous life.

The pupils contracted and the body completely gave up resistance.

At that moment, all talents, thinking, and remaining abilities were condensed into "one possibility."

(Definitely, we have to catch up————

bass! ! ! !

Blood splattered in countless desperate sights.

The miracle didn't happen.

Constantine was just stunned for a moment by Fujimaru Ritsuka's sin, and then regained his cruel coldness and raised his hands.

There was no hesitation at all.

In the golden ripples, all the remaining seven deadly sins appeared.

Appeared directly on the girl's body surface.

The next moment, blood spattered out as if it was free of money.

The left arm was pierced by Taotie, the right arm was pierced by laziness, and the aorta on the left and right thighs were pierced by greed and jealousy respectively and connected to the ground.

The sword pierced the back, opening a huge mouth like a full moon. The next moment the spine was torn, she turned over and stood still. Fury pierced the girl's shoulder and then penetrated the heart. At the same time, lust stabbed in the opposite direction. Wear around the shoulders and neck.

Finally, there is the ancient Han Bafang sword named "Arrogance".

It penetrated from the center of the chest from the front and nailed the prisoner into the ground.

Seven divine weapons to crucify sinners.

The realm of [Crime and Punishment Scelus et poena] is only completed at this moment.

Its real function——

Crime and punishment, symbolizing the judgment on the origin of life, reach the criminal across the concepts of space, speed, or defense, and sacrifice and let go of all seven single alchemical fields. The effect obtained is——

[Must hit and kill]

This is not any exaggeration.

[Definitely hitting the enemy]

[It will definitely be killed]

This is just a literal meaning.

When the realm of crime and punishment is complete, then all resistance is in vain.

Even the Oracle of Words and Spirits would never be able to offset the judgment of Constantine's Seven Deadly Sins in a state of rage unless he produced spiritual elements that surpassed the level of the White King.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka, let alone...

Blood spurted out from all parts of the body, the body was completely destroyed, and the spirit that should have transcended the norm also collapsed in an instant.

The gold-plated eyes dimmed and became empty in an instant, and the body lost any support.

Brilliant like a shooting star, but it will eventually burn out.

Looking at the girl who was still trying to fight at the last moment of her life, Constantine calmly got the result.

Dragons can see through all lies and observe the world from a higher perspective.

If you are not careless enough to just listen to the heartbeat or glance at it, but carefully observe the existence of the spirit, then pretending to die is useless in front of them.

And at that moment, Constantine was convinced.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's consciousness has completely disappeared.

All that's left is the mental debris left here.

The blades of the Seven Deadly Sins turned into golden dust and dissipated, drifting to the ground along the lines of the wind. The girl's body lost its support and fell facing the sky.

The hair swayed in the air, and the world seemed to slow down and dim, mourning and crying for what happened. The moment it touched the ground, blood burst out with the girl's body as the center.

Like a water balloon falling to the ground from a high altitude, the blood spreads and swims along the cracks in the ground, like the blood vessels of nerves, and more like a bright but dazzling flower from the other side.

The suffocatingly beautiful face was now only abnormally pale. The orange hair was stained with scarlet blood and stuck to the surface of the skin. The golden eyes that should have been majestic and majestic like a king, even the last A piece of luster was also plundered by darkness.

Perhaps for some people, it is a picture that is simply insanely beautiful.

But for the boy, what he saw at that moment was like a rusty hatchet piercing his heart.

Lu Mingfei couldn't close his eyes, but his body also lost all strength in movement.

In that moment, there was no sadness, no anger, no tension, no pain.

Some, I just can’t understand.


Unable to agree.

And Bai Bai who occupies every space in his brain.

The world seemed to become silent, and the colors were wiped out like an oil painting that had been splashed with water.

Only those eyes remain.

Those dazzling eyes that were always bright, looking straight at the future, as if reflecting a star map.

She always looks ahead, but occasionally looks towards herself, with care and tolerance, hugs her with a smile, and leads people like herself to the future she sees.

Such a gentle and kind person.

"do not die"

It's gone. I've lost my most important thing.

"do not die"


"do not die"

This is all I have

"Don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die!!!!"

For humans, when something extremely important is shattered in a very short period of time, anger cannot be generated.

Because sadness transcends anger, pain and disbelief will overwhelm all emotions, whether it is hysteria or crying, the overflowing grievance and despair must be vented.

People often digest that emotion only after a long, long time, after painful and long torture, maybe it is a lifelong nightmare, or it may turn into a vengeful ghost.

Lu Mingfei should have been such an ordinary boy.

But, someone is angry.

Someone is taking his place to taste the sadness as heavy as a tsunami that overwhelms the world, and someone is taking his place to nurture the anger that seems to burn the world.

【elder brother. 】

The devil is the bearer of sin, so when "arrogance" unfolds, he even loses the right to contact his employer.

Even though he struggled to break free, the self-proclaimed noblest devil in the world still watched his beloved die in front of him.

[Don't die], this simple word already contains the law given to the employer by the devil. It is the first word in the world, a decree that can restore life to any object unconditionally.

But...it's no use.

The supreme Noble Phantasm of the King of Bronze and Fire has a death-defying effect that surpasses any resurrection or restoration Noble Phantasm in the world.

The crushing of mystery.

Forced to enter the [death] state.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka herself seems to have no signs of triggering any resurrection-type Noble Phantasm, because with her talent, she probably knows that even if such a Noble Phantasm is triggered, it will be wiped out by the continuous damage of the Seven Deadly Sins.

That is indeed [a sure hit and a sure kill]

Give judgment to the sinners without reservation.

The insurance you set up is of no use.

Being trampled on.

Feelings cannot be described in words.

The black ink is filled with rotating whirlpools, and countless coils intermingle and vibrate, dyeing the deepest parts of the soul with a disgusting color.

At that moment, not even a word of dialogue was needed.

I was a step slower.

They should have exchanged it the moment they knew that Constantine had a back-up plan.

why not?

Because Lu Mingfei subconsciously felt that exchange was something that should never be done.

Because what would you lose? Something far more important than your own life.

However, isn’t the life of the eldest sister more precious than my life?

Why don't you exchange it yourself?

Because of.

[Trust me, Mingfei. 】

Big sister head.

You liar.


Lu Mingfei pulled his hands out of the muddy ground, and those empty eyes bloomed with an aurora that had never been seen before in the entire history of human hybrids.

As bright as the sun.


[Transaction established]

ps: The Seven Deadly Sins are the top "Noble Phantasms" in the original work, so I set them to have an exceptional effect.

Too strong?

You are right, but this is Norton. HP has all the restoration and resurrection treasures in the history of alchemy. As a dragon king, he will never die and is alive. The starting armor is Sun Armor, which is immune to damage and can stack unlimited shields. The magic resistance is also unlimited. hero.

There is a Noble Phantasm that is sure to hit and kill, it has the law of cause and effect, and it can also travel through space and sneak around. There is Royal Discipline for control, and there is even no cooldown time at all. When changing postures, you can even refresh the field expansion, which is the CD of Nibelungen. One blow can deal continental level damage. Relying on the complete mastery of the alchemical civilization, there are no restrictions and will never be harmed by the Noble Phantasm in turn. Unlike Gilgamesh, it can target all heroic spirits with the true name of the Noble Phantasm. Those who are killed by the sword will use the sword. If you die due to poison, use poison. If you die of old age, use the time flow rate within the unit to deal real damage. Then, after the output is increased, you can also get the blessing of future vision. Before fighting, you have at least seen thousands of possible futures. If you can't defeat it, there will be a stand-in doll. If necessary, you can sacrifice yourself to summon the furious version of Constantine Plus to fight for you, and then The seven deadly sins are ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

How to win?

That’s right!

This is interesting! !

So, how many elements are left to defeat the "impossible" opponent within limited resources?

The foreshadowing was given before.

Dragon blood.

Fantasy material.


The strange behavior of the White King.

The three elements are emphasized countless times.

This is not a systematic article!

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