Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 493 [The Birth of Evil]

Chapter 493 [The Birth of Evil]

"Na na na~~Honey, I mean teacher~ When will I be as strong as you~"

"I seem to have heard words that cannot be ignored. But unfortunately, it is the duty of a teacher to answer questions. Then again - Fujimaru, your question is a bit too broad, isn't it?"

That day was Chaldea's simulation exercise war room.

The white room is square and square. Just as the future Fujimaru Ritsuka said, Chaldea's training room is simply a replica of the Kassel training building. It is full of a kind of atmosphere that people in the 21st century cannot imagine what the future will be like. , but in short it is the science fiction flavor of imagination first.

The people in the room are the last Master of mankind and her beautiful, mature and reliable female teacher.

Miss Master was lying on the ground with the character "big" in her full shape. Chaldea couldn't see the sky, otherwise she would have watched the white clouds flying by in the sky, and guessed from the shape of the clouds what the master Emiya in the cafeteria was going to do today. vegetable.

As shown in the picture, this is after the fact

Oh, I mean, after training, this thing, is over.

As the saying goes, take a lunch break at noon. Scathach, as a Celtic, knows this well and responded with praise.

"You really should practice martial arts!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka:?

Then the experienced, experienced and capable woman tugged on the master's back collar, ignoring her crying screams, and walked into the training room with the pity and joy of all the heroic spirits in Celtic mythology.

On the first day, Fujimaru Ritsuka successfully used his stupid talent to make Mr. Scathach show a thoughtful expression, "This is my first time teaching something like this."

Although Scathach was said to be a mature woman, graceful and graceful, with an unassuming face, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was quite good at seeing through people's hearts, still saw the evaluation of herself in those wine-colored rose eyes.

Do it, so children shouldn’t know so much!

Fortunately, resilience is one of the few qualities of a girl, and she managed to persevere after that.

From basic physical training to basic weapon-holding postures, at least don't stagger around with a real sword.

Don’t tell me, it’s really heavy. Ritsuka thought that the trashy college students from Heisei couldn’t lift it, so it’s the Showa ones ()

This alone took her longer than she thought.

Originally, her journey to save the world was not very long. In less than a year, she would pull down the Demon King and beat him up.

No matter how talented a warrior is, I have never seen anyone become talented in just one year.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's transformation from an athletic girl gasping for breath for a thousand meters to an athletic student carrying a Heroic Spirit from east to west from the singularity can be said to be a benign mutation of genes in an extreme environment.

So most of what she absorbed was theoretical knowledge, that is, attending classes.

Although it was a class, basically Scathach used the gentlest force to beat Fujimaru Ritsuka from one end of the training room to the other. During this period, he tried hard to dodge, but more importantly, he observed the opponent's movements and tried to imitate and learn.

Sometimes, if I dodge too many attacks, Teacher Scathach will yell, "How can I understand the moves if I dodge them?"

Eh! Why are you so impatient, you old ladies? (frown)

Damn it.

Be brave and not afraid of difficulties!

After countless struggles, Scathach's bond was finally brushed to a certain level.

It's not that Scathach, who is full of bonds, can't bear to torture Fujimaru Ritsuka, but as long as Fujimaru Ritsuka hugs her arm or thigh and calls her "good sister, good sister, good sister", she will have a distorted face and be embarrassed to hit someone at the same time. .

Cú Chulainn was greatly shocked by the realization of this move. For some reason, his bond increased accordingly.

So, having said so much, it’s time to return to the original topic.

"The strength of Heroic Spirits varies from person to person. Some are just barely able to fight like me, while others are ineffective like Setante. Ultimately, they are divided into frontal battlefields, supply sides, researchers, and the like."

"Fujimaru, you are quite capable at the rear of the battlefield."

High emotional intelligence: You are relatively talented in the safe zone behind the battlefield.

Low EQ: You are a little in the way on the frontal battlefield.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's emotional intelligence is so high, I can understand this sentence.

That's right, she has probably never had the opportunity to be in the limelight on a frontal battlefield in her entire life.

However, even so, she could only cover her mouth and cry in a rather pretentious manner, get into Scathach's arms and ask for comfort, and rub her soft limbs against the fragrant wind.

"Cry and cry~Mr. Scathach comforts me~~"

"Fujimaru, you"

In the end, what Fujimaru Ritsuka gained was what no one knew - the feel and smell of Scathach-sensei's tights.


Hidden under the optimist's appearance is the twisted obsession with thoughts such as "becoming stronger" and "definitely not being held back".

And now, she was born again, with the talent to stand on that starting point.

She became stronger, and at the same time, she was born——

It’s the anticipation of meeting again.

When I see you again.

What kind of expression will you show for me?

[By the way, Fujimaru. 】

In his memory, the warm touch of his fingers still lingered on his forehead, and the mentor's words also drifted in his ears.

[I haven’t finished the topic I just talked about. 】



Talk about it.

Mr. Scathach is the last one.

What did you say to me?


[The end of the spider silk, spider silk fruit, A+++]

As far as the information Fujimaru Ritsuka knows, there are not many people with this ability, and one of them is James Moriarty, a man known as the "Napoleon of Crime".

The essence of this skill is the ability to plan evil.

Destroying order and destroying goodness will not lead to retribution and punishment for oneself.

Like a web spun by a spider, it captures and degrades its opponents.

The effect is to assist the power of other Noble Phantasms, and to forcibly give evil attributes to others.

Its A+++ gold content is naturally not worth elaborating on.

Although the heroic spirit's panel is often said to be filled randomly, the general characteristics, strength, and other attributes, as well as the level of inherent skills and noble phantoms, can generally play their due role in specific situations.

For example, now.

For a typical human good like Fujimaru Ritsuka, the ability to forcibly give the [evil] attribute can arouse the opponent's resistance to the greatest extent. Therefore, the burst of this skill in an instant will reach the theoretical upper limit or even exceed it. Self-effect.

If that's all, it's not enough.

Using the corpse of a heroic spirit to provoke Ritsuka Fujimaru is probably an evil act that will never be repeated in the world, and the effect is indeed gratifying.

The girl in front of her has been swallowed up by anger, and there is no trace of reason in her eyes. That is—


One of the seven deadly sins.

It is also one of the most widespread sins.

Titsuka Fujimaru, who is swallowed by such evil, even if she is pure in nature, her psychological defenses will become extremely fragile at this moment, and the A+++ skill effect will greedily swallow up the last trace of the girl's spirit.

This is Odin's plan.

The path that no one dares to take is the path that Herzog once tried.

It was not the combat power that defeated Fujimaru Ritsuka.

But to break the opponent's spirit.

Once upon a time, Herzog paid the price for his arrogance, but Odin

Do better.


Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes flickered, and the golden pupils swallowed by blood flashed and struggled in an instant, obviously being affected by the skill.

But her movements were not sluggish, and she quickly scanned the surroundings to confirm the information.

Sleipnir and the Sky Lock.

If you get caught by something like that——

She planned to pull out the hand embedded in Odin's chest, but Odin's desperate resistance came from her arm, as if he wanted to lock Fujimaru Ritsuka to death on the spot regardless of his life.

His face was distorted, as if covered in severe pain and fear, but he still didn't intend to let go.

Ah, he must have realized that now is the best opportunity.

A chance to defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka, this overly powerful monster in one fell swoop!


"Who cares about you?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly exerted force, and Odin's fingers turned blue and were broken by the overwhelming brute force. The moment he pulled out his hand, accompanied by the scream of the God King, all ten fingers holding Fujimaru Ritsuka were broken by brute force. Broken, a large amount of blood in the chest was forcibly dug out and vented, dyeing the atmosphere red!

Odin's brute strength could not stop the furious monster even for a moment.

And that monster's decision at that moment was——

Flee the scene?


In this short period of time, Odin was indeed killed!

The heart and spine have been destroyed by myself with the evil eye of death, and the next one is the brain!

The life of the dragon, especially Odin, should have used some means to become an undead species that surpasses the true ancestor. It cannot be ended with the sword of the Direct Death Demon Eye, but

A few more knives.

Even a dragon will die!

One second?


0.00001 seconds.

As long as there is less time than this, he can kill the God King in front of him.

And at that moment, what flashed through Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind was...

[I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, why I’m dead why why why why why why why why why why why why]

【Help me, help me! 】

【You are the one who killed me! ! ! It's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you.

In my mind, those familiar voices sounded again.

【Abandoned hole】

There are several reasons and guilt for the destruction of the world.

A disaster that humans cannot bear.

(Did that Odin guy plan to use the psychological loophole caused by my momentary lapse to detonate his unique skill, the waste hole, in one go?)

(No time to reflect.)

(The problem is how to kill Odin quickly. There is no doubt that he is the real body. Just when he was about to penetrate the heart and crush the spine, the opponent reacted and reversed the position of the 'core' and used the elements to protect his spirit. The super acceleration of Momo and Time Zero is undoubtedly the [limit speed] that cannot be surpassed in the world)


I can do it.

The girl's eyes narrowed.

(If this attack misses, you will have to fight the heroic spirit)

(With that number, there is no doubt that it was the entire army that defeated Lu Mingze!)

That's what was said before

[Absolutely winning trump card]

Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka thinks he still has the strength to fight, it will only increase too many risks.


She didn't want to fight.

So, there is only one chance.

Now, kill Odin!

Time gradually fades away color, and the world turns into black and white. This is a realm where only creatures that accelerate to the limit can stop.

Transcend, override.

Above the King of Sky and Wind!

The enemy in front of you——

The moment Fujimaru Ritsuka was about to stab forward with the knife again, he appeared in front of her.

It's the man's face.

The face that he thought about day and night and thought he would never see again just followed the God King's will in a dull manner and took a gentle step in the direction of his attack.

And this step is eternity.

[Wait for me, doctor, I will definitely save you this time! 】

[——Save Humanity, defeat Mr. Gai, and redeem you and Fufu! 】

I will, I will.

The girl's hands trembled slightly. As long as she moved forward a few meters, as long as her body took another step forward in the direction of the force, and penetrated the puppet who was not a doctor at all along with Odin, she would be her victory.

This is what a girl swallowed by rage and murderous intent should have done.


Even if you are swallowed up by the most extreme emotions in the world.

Even if he is filled with murderous intent and anger, the deepest part of his soul still longs for release.

even if


【Bon Voyage】

That sweet and clear voice echoed in the girl's ears.

Countless lights and shadows overlap and flicker.

The past of less than a year flows back in the deepest part of my eyes, like rain falling in a violent stream, swallowing up everything.

All the pictures, frame by frame, covered the girl's brain.

After countless struggles, the girl's eyes finally

Close slowly.

She could predict everything that would happen next.


You did something that you must never do, Odin.

At the same time, the two chains behind her pierced the ground, causing a huge explosion.

Submerge the figure.


No abuse.

No abuse.

No abuse.

Although this article is full of neta about curses, I will not directly reproduce the plot of Shibuya.

[Fujimaru Ritsuka will not be sealed]

Yazi, this is a starting point novel and it is not a Japanese black and dark cartoon. I have sealed Ritsuka and I am afraid that readers will abandon it directly.

What happens next, the title hints at multiple times.

I can’t code today. I’ll try to get a four-in-one version tomorrow.

I try my best.

And once again, this article is about the dragon world where Xingyue originated, so these "corpses" are essentially the bodies of the heroic spirits in this world.

That's why Ritsuka is quite angry. Rather than being angry, it's better to say *【PI——】

There was a scene in the original work where "the dead hybrid was used as a corpse guard to hunt down Lu Mingfei", so this is not even a pure creation.

I am only responsible for the series connection, the pot is not mine. (serious)

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