Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 494 That’s the time for heroes (four-in-one, bgm: Exist)

"There's a problem here."

"Human beings have left many questions in the history of the Dragon Clan. Among them, there are a few that are called root problems."

1. What exactly is the Black King?

2. Why the Dragon Clan was born.

3. The birth of hybrids.

"The first two can already be explained by the power theory of the planet, but what emerges in this process is a completely new contradiction."

"Contradiction with the third doubt."

"In the earliest history of mankind, we define the starting point of hybrids as bloody and cruel, even disgusting, and a picture of moral decay."

"Humans sacrificed virgins with their own hands, and they stripped off the beautiful female clothes, leaving only the natural beauty of the creature."

"Humans capture four generations of weak dragons, then apply herbs with aphrodisiac effects on them, then put women and dragons in a cage and force them to have children."

".This is the original version of the story."

"But as someone who heard this story for the first time, I would raise the following questions."

[Why do humans think dragons can breed with humans? 】

Let’s not talk about whether dragons have that organ. Most dragons usually use dragon bodies to move around. It was not until the later stages of Odin’s war that dragons that became weak due to multiple deaths and reincarnations began to move with the help of human bodies. .


Isn't this strange?


When the dragon is weak—will it be in human form?


The one born first was obviously a dragon, right?

Why does it look like a 'human', or in other words

Are humans born imitating ‘dragons’?

"The original essence of life is imitation. Have you mentioned this many times? It is also often used in alchemy academics. There is even a saying in the biological field that intelligent creatures will try to rely on imitation to gradually filter out those close to themselves. I imagined a creature more powerful than myself.”

"If we explain the appearance of human beings as 'the natural creatures are constantly filtered, and the last remaining ones are humans with similar appearances to dragons', perhaps the above doubts can be explained."

This is to match the aesthetics of the dragon family, so that people have the conditions to be liked by the dragon from the beginning.

"But I still can't answer, why do humans 'know' this? Why do humans know that dragons look the same as them when they are weak? And then, the second question -"

[Why can human herbs work on dragons? 】

At that time, what humans could use were naturally flowers and plants bred by the environment of the Age of Gods. They were indeed more mysterious than the products today, but dragons were creatures that stood at the top of the mysterious side! Will such a being be affected by the grass picked by humans? Become a beast that only thinks about things! ?

After all, how to apply it? Find a dying dragon? But dragons are immortal. When they realize that their dignity will be trampled on, they can choose to self-destruct like Norton and resurrect in a cocoon. There is no need to play love games with humans.

"Then, the third question -"

[Why, can it be born? 】

"If dragon blood is really just genetically rich blood, forget it. If it is proven to be a 'fantasy substance', its material structure itself will become meaningless, and its mere existence will destroy pure human beings. How could a human body be suddenly born that can withstand dragon blood?"

"Even if it is really not a fantasy material, where has reproductive isolation gone? Where has the basic biological common sense gone? People will die immediately if blood of different blood types enters the body, not to mention the hybrid race where dragon blood and human blood coexist. ."

"And as fantasy material, it transfers."

——Is it really possible to use the method of ‘birth’?

Fertility may be passed on from 1 to 100.

But how to do it from 0 to 1?

"It's strange."

"It's quite unreasonable."

"Yes, the moment you think about [Planet Power Theory], the moment you realize the relationship between humans and dragons, the moment you know that Odin, that is, I have revised history, you have already felt a sense of disobedience, but ——”

"But I couldn't get an answer."

"Then give me one more hint."

The voice suddenly became confused and hoarse.

"I told you about the story about the man named Prometheus. He created the hope of life for mankind. It can be said that he spread the fire of salvation to the world."

"Then if we say he is the 'human Prometheus'."

"Where did the real Prometheus go?"

Myths are derived from real dragon records. In order to ensure the inheritance of mystery and to ensure that he can obtain the popularity bonus and mystery bonus of overlapping gods, Odin will rarely do too much to deepen the content. Revise.

At least, every mythical character should have its corresponding prototype.


What about Prometheus?

A god who attended the meeting as a defender of humanity and asked the gods not to destroy humanity.

The god who landed on the earth with the original fire and brought it to mankind.

The god who was given the most severe punishment by the God of Fire and Zeus.

He was at the end of the world, on an infinitely high mountain, bound by an iron chain that could never be broken.

He could never sleep, his tired knees could not bend, and there was a diamond nail hammered into his heaving chest.

【Helping Humanity】

【Spreading fire on the earth】

[Provoking the anger of the God King, he was hung on a high pillar and impaled on his body]

What is ‘tinder’?

If you combine the previously mentioned theory of planetary power and the contradictions in the secret text about the birth of hybrids, the answer is so obvious.

"Prometheus's real name is the White King."

The legend of the White King betraying the Black King and being hung on an icicle is the counterpart to Prometheus!

And this also explains why the times were so stable during the reign of the two kings, but the white king suddenly raised the banner of rebellion.

It explains why, as two equal kings, the White King would lose to the Black King.

"Only the pure white emperor is qualified to deliver that amount of mystery to mankind. Only the pure white emperor has the ability to directly [modify reality], and only with such an extraordinary ability can it be possible to directly Give [the power of the planet] to [human beings] and create a hybrid species among humans!”

"The original, half-breed!"


The ripples on the water spread and Odin stopped.

"In my plan, King Bai's ability is the key!!"

"Resuscitate the White King! Seize her power, not only to defeat the Black King, but also for the power itself!"

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

"That is a masterpiece that transcends everything! It can modify reality, tamper with the world, and even divide [power]!"

"The last piece of the puzzle of the world called 'Perfect'. I will fill it in with my own hands after killing the Black King."

【A world where everyone is equal】

"I will personally use the power of the White King to give everyone in this world [right] of equal value."

"Use toughness, use force! Give absolute fairness!"

That is the deepest secret of Odin's plan.

It was also the part where he ‘absolutely cannot tell Fujimaru Ritsuka’.

But at this time, he spoke so casually, manically and happily.


There may be only one reason.

At this time, the winter of Finbul has not dissipated, and the biting cold wind is wandering in the corners of the world, blowing up the wind and snow, holding it up to the sky, and then falling into the air, floating and dotted.

On the scarlet blood beach.

Odin covered the ferocious hole in his chest. It was obvious that he had suffered a fatal injury that even a dragon would not be comfortable with, but he never let go of his smile for a moment, just looking at the masterpiece in front of him infatuatedly.

The dense network is an intertwining of gold and silver, and the thin threads are like spider webs, but they are far more complex, more gorgeous, and denser than that.

The sacred words are engraved on the steel, and the stream of light slides down the surface of the metal. Little bits of light flicker, flowing downward, and the inscription resonates and emits a gentle trembling sound.

And at the center of it all is a girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka.

That existence that makes me extremely obsessed with.

The limbs are bound by a Noble Phantasm, no, it can be said to be an artifact of the level of a mythical classic, but that is not what really traps the girl, what really puts her in danger.

It's herself.

"The addition of evil attributes." Odin muttered to himself.

"The moment I got this solution, I wasn't really sure."

"After all, to be honest, I don't think you will fall for this trick. You are the most perfect and beautiful person I have ever seen, whether in body, spirit, or soul."

"You have no obvious 'flaws', so you can only exploit the 'shortcomings'."

"I saw the [Judgment] that penetrated the planet during the battle between Norton and you - I have dealt with Norton so many times, so I naturally know what the size of that sword means, and I know it."

"This is my only chance to defeat you."

"Use the presence of heroic spirits to ensure that your spirit is reduced to the limit. The unprecedented soul fluctuations, anger, and transcendent fury will make you relax in an instant, and the behavior of subconsciously resisting the addition of evil attributes will make you Further into trouble.”

"Then, just stir up the [evil] and [sin] in your body that were born from nowhere."

Odin introduced his ideas gently, looking quite intoxicated and...


"Even at Norton's time, it's clear that as long as you give up a certain partner, give up those civilians."

"It's the same now. It's obvious that you don't need other people's help at all. As long as you allow a little sacrifice, you can do better than anyone else - you have this and that ability."

"I can't kill you, I can defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka"

"It's always just you"


Odin approached the girl who was bound by the chain, and slowly raised his hand sadly, just when his fingertips were only a few centimeters away from the girl.

".Are you done talking nonsense?"

The girl suddenly opened her eyes and glanced up at Odin.


A long and twisted scream came from the depths of the God King's throat.

Odin looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

woke up? !

How can it be? ! !

Letting out a tragic scream, Odin suddenly retreated and distanced himself. His movements were so fast that it could not be caught with the naked eye. There was no doubt that he used the dual spirit of Setsuna and Time Zero.

What an extreme reaction.

There is also a long section of self-speech just now.

For some reason, this scene even gave the girl a sense of déjà vu.

Just like the doctor.

". It should be said that you are the one who encouraged him. What the doctor said, the feeling of sympathy and sympathy felt in you, Bondarev, is really not fake~" The girl tried to twist her body a little, but she could only Feeling the powerlessness caused by her body being restrained by chains, and the sound of chains colliding next to her, the girl smacked her lips in displeasure.

The chain that bound the world-destroying ferocious wolf, and the artifact that even Tiamat could lock for an instant. And it was more binding than I realized. Was it Norton's work?

a bit troublesome

But, not a problem.

The worst is [Abandoned Hole].

Although it is said that after awakening to the status of a semi-awakened person, one has been able to recognize the existence of the abandoned hole, but it is absolutely impossible to burn it.

Even if the current self is directly contaminated by the waste holes of the riot, will it become like this?

On top of this, the binding type of Noble Phantasm, and

The Ouroboros matrix that was originally used to comfort Lu Mingze, no, the alchemical seal of the entire Arctic, has now transferred its target to me.

Odin had long expected that Lu Mingze would be rescued by him.

Therefore, he deliberately let him go.

Just to keep the formation eye, which is the core of the sealing matrix, to myself.

Tsk, so insidious

While the girl was sighing with emotion, Odin slowly spoke with some stuttering.

".I.I am indeed very sorry for Herzog's death. To be honest, he shouldn't have been the man to stop here. It's a pity that he met you." Odin, no, Pompeii dragged his steps slowly, cautiously. At the same time, he looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka with an almost suspicious look.

"It's you. Under the attack of that planet-level [Sin], you were hit by Grapnir and Sky Lock at the same time. Why. Why can you still maintain consciousness?!"

"Who knows~" The girl didn't answer, showing a provocative smile.

Pompeii felt that panic seized his heart for a moment, but after gritting his teeth for a moment, he hesitated and relaxed again.

".No! Just showing off!"

"There is nothing wrong with my plan. You are indeed entangled in your own [sin] now, and you will not be able to break free in a short time. And this period of time is enough for me to add multiple layers of seals to you!"

Odin impatiently took out a mask from the ripples in space.

That's Odin's mask.

"The alchemy tool that can absolutely deprive people of their consciousness. I coaxed Norton into making something. Its binding power comes from [Contract and Oath], that is, the [Value] that the user is willing to give to form a bond."

"And the [value] I use is enough to absolutely deprive anyone in the world of their consciousness - even you, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Finally, Odin revealed all his intentions.

The muscles on Gattuso's handsome face kept trembling, showing a flush of excitement, and he spoke exaggeratedly.

"Finally, I can finally own the strongest chess piece in the world! Hahahahahahaha!!! This is a masterpiece that surpasses any previous work!!"

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, how are you feeling now!!"

The girl with her hands tied curled her lips indifferently.

"I think it's terrible. The last boss of the world turned out to be a crazy person with a figurine addiction. You'd better go and learn from Medea, otherwise you will only be scolded as a two-dimensional person."

"Jörmungandr is a stay-at-home guy, you are a figurine guy, Norton is a social tech guy, and you Dragon King are quite versatile."

".Whatever you say."

Odin paused for half a second.

"I have won the final victory and you-"

Odin looked at the flawless work in front of him with pure appreciation of art and said softly.

"After listening to what I just said, do you plan to reconcile?"

"Ha! ~Don't you know the answer?"

The girl sneered and said calmly.

Indeed, she temporarily listened to what Odin said.

It was a very powerful and exquisite thinking, even Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little moved.

This deus ex machina ending is the only way to reach the happy end.

No, in the final analysis, the White King's abilities have been foreshadowed, and all doubts have been answered. This is not even a deus ex machina, but a solution that already exists on this planet.



"The moment you dare to do something like that to my friend, there will be no possibility of peace between you and me."

"I'm just" the girl said in a rare cold tone. When she raised her head, the emotion revealed in her golden eyes made Odin feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"I want to kill you."

The wound on his chest continued to hurt, and Odin gritted his teeth and roared.

".Really? But now it's your defeat. Know your position, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"Haha." The girl hummed softly, smiling and saying with a calm look even though her hands were locked.

"Have you forgotten that I am not the only one left on this battlefield?"

"Lu Mingfei?"

After a moment of silence, Odin asked calmly.

"You don't really think that boy has any commendable charm, do you?"

"Beyond any dragon race, the power called [Immortality], the natural affinity to the elements, and the exceptional martial arts talent, all of these are just the legacy left to him by the great Supreme."

"And now, after you pull out Gangnir's physical body, that being will inevitably fall into a deep sleep for a short time and cannot continue trading. What can he do to the extent that he has shown it now."

"He can't kill even Sleipnir."

"Lu Mingfei, after losing the favor of that cheating machine, he is just an ordinary, even mediocre mortal."

"Although I can probably see that you are trying to train Lu Mingfei and those Cassel students as your heirs, but..."

Odin approached Fujimaru Ritsuka and said seriously.

"It's a pity." Odin gently raised his hand.

He carefully raised his visor with both hands and aimed it at Fujimaru Ritsuka's face.

In the dead silence, the only ones watching this scene were the heroic spirits standing here like cold corpses.

Silent wind and snow, dead silence.

Only Odin's whisper remained.

"None of them can ever be you."

No one can be you.

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but lower his head.


this kind of thing

She knows it too.

The girl trembled her lips lightly as she answered, and when Odin saw this, he finally couldn't help but taunted her.

"Compared to this, do you think I can't see what you are doing? To delay time, you want to solve the problem of checking and balancing the [Hollow] and [Evil Attribute] in the body, right? Unfortunately, I don't plan to give you this time. "

Odin had already seen through the girl's intention and spoke indifferently.

"You can sleep here, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Go to sleep?


That's it again.

Is it going to be like this again, "being restrained by the enemy relying on intelligence", and finally being restrained by one's own waste hole, and forced to lose?

I have done my best no matter what.

The enemy is too bad.

But is it necessary to be satisfied like this?


of course not.

【I won’t lose again. 】

Fujimaru Ritsuka never lies.

Even now——

She also has a plan to turn defeat into victory.


(The addition of the evil attribute is fine if it is just this, but if I add the waste hole, what will happen to me if I use 'that'?)

Just like Odin didn't want to completely annoy Fujimaru Ritsuka with the Hall of Valor card.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's trump card is also quite risky.

Especially now.

If you use [that].

If it doesn't work well.

She will destroy the world before Odin does.


Rationally speaking, if I acquiesce to Odin using a mask to turn myself into a puppet at this time, then the defeat of the human forces will basically be certain - there will be no worse result than this.

And emotionally speaking.

Myself, never more than now.

I even want to kill the god in front of me.

Conversation, talking, stalling, fighting.

All actions are based on Fujimaru Ritsuka's strong rationality and iron will to restrain herself.

However, her heart was actually consumed by anger.

Killing the enemy in front of you is the only correct solution.


【Word Spirit.Oracle】

Without any warning, the girl finished singing!


Odin suddenly felt panicked, and dense cracks began to appear on his chest where the wound had stopped, blooming like a flower from the other side!

Suddenly, it bloomed like a raging fire!

"Woo! This is! Delayed triggering of the Word Spirit?! You will use the Word Spirit Oracle. No! This is it!"

"Hydra's poison!"

Odin suddenly screamed.

"Use the Word Spirit Oracle to transform my form into harmless blood, mix it into my wounds, and then wait until I repair the wounds and relax, then transform my form back!?"

This damn woman! ! !

Odin was distraught, but he did not completely lose his mind and gave the order directly.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka!!!!!"

boom! ! !

The scarlet spear passed through the air and grazed the edge of Fujimaru Ritsuka's cheek.

A bloody trace was cut open, and red beads oozed out from the flat wound, and then slid down along the edge of the gun tip.

This attack did not come from Odin;

The girl raised her head and looked up at the heroic spirit in front of her expressionlessly. Her face, which was always laughing and joking, only left a chilling calm at the moment. In front of her, the warrior from the Hall of Heroes thrust his spear straight through the side of the girl's face as a warning.

He also wears Odin's visor, so his face cannot be seen clearly.


The scarlet spear looked so familiar that it dazzled the girl.

Odin roared loudly! !

"Use the Word Spirit Oracle to convert Hydra's blood into a non-toxic state for me! Otherwise, I will directly let the heroic spirit kill you!! Do you want to be killed by your most cherished companion!!"

Hydra's status is the top second generation species, and this level can already be compared with the Dragon King who is in poor condition.

In mythology, the poison that could kill even Hercules exploded directly in the heart.

Even Odin would have a hard time.

Odin shouted like a madman.

Also, for him who cherishes his life, the scene in front of him is unacceptable.

No, no, no, for an undead species, this is too embarrassing, right?

It's almost like

Really afraid of death.

Sure enough, Odin still hides some secrets.

But now.

"You just used despicable means along the way. You don't really think that you can control them."

The girl's face could almost be said to be one of extreme disgust. She tilted her face and croaked with disdain and anger.

"Go to sleep?"

"Ah, it's time for me to sleep. But -"

The girl quietly raised her head, took her eyes away from Odin, and looked at the heroic spirit in front of her.

The gold in his eyes was as hot as fire, and he was so calm that he even spoke with a coldness.

"Is it time for you to wake up?"

"When do you want to sleep?"

"Cu Chulainn!"

At the moment when her real name was called, I don't know if it was an illusion, but there seemed to be a subtle tremor at the end of the spear on the side of the girl's face.

Odin clenched his fists irritably and shouted loudly.

"Enough! Stop doing these boring struggles! These are not the heroic spirits you know, and they are useless, I told you! This visor is absolutely——"


Before Odin could finish speaking.

The scarlet full moon drew in the sky.

Symbolizing the bloodthirsty sea demon forged by the Queen, the scarlet divine spear that is sure to hit and kill goes around the entire circle and finally freezes.

The heroic spirit completed the movements of his hands in silence.

And this time.

The tip of the spear was aimed at the heroic spirit's own heart.

Then, use more direct and precise movements than the previous attack.



Odin trembled so much that he opened his mouth.

Before his mind could react to this reality, the smile was transferred to the face of the person who deserved it.

Instead, it was Fujimaru Ritsuka's sinister smile.

"That's right. The field expands!——"

The girl who lowered her head suddenly shouted loudly.


Without warning - the inherent barrier.

The instantaneous, chant-free barrier made the God King, who was seriously injured at this time, unable to react, but Odin's reaction at that moment was not one of panic.

But doubt?

Where did she get the strength to carry out the second expansion?

as well as

What's the point?

The moment Odin thought this—

Chaldeas was broken for the second time.


Fujimaru Ritsuka spoke again without wavering and said——

"The field expands——"



The third expansion.

boom! ! !

Once again, the boundaries of the realm collided, making a heart-stopping collision sound!

"What?!" Odin never imagined this scene in his dreams, and his expression was completely distorted.

After the battle with Norton, Fujimaru Ritsuka hid his abilities, his almost flawless elemental operation efficiency, and his iron will that didn't care about the psychological impact after the domain was destroyed.

Without caring about herself or caring about the advice given by Leonardo da Vinci to "restrain the use of the oracle," she unbridledly spoke about the oracle——

upper limit.


Blood flowed from the corners of her eyes. Under the girl's arrogant smile, the violent air flow surged out from the ground like a well, blowing away the heroic spirits and Odin. Even Yu Lan scraped the ground with criss-crossing wounds and rifted valleys. !



Countless thick and chaotic lines intertwine, and the colors and shapes of the world are distorted.

It was like a red nightmare, born here.

Throw away your own safety.

Throw away the stability of the world.

Fujimaru Ritsuka after being completely freed from restraints.

(The addition of evil attributes conflicts with my own will and the abandoned hole?)


(Am I going to break this balance a little bit?)

【Accept.Evil! 】

Odin felt infinite malice from the girl's smile, and his instincts kept sending out sharp alarms, warning him——

【Escape quickly】

[Fujimaru Ritsuka is untying what should not exist in the world]

Once successful, there is no doubt

Odin will die.

But at the same time.

The world itself, and Fujimaru Ritsuka personally, will also be in an extremely dangerous state.

But at this time, it was a helpless choice.

[I want to kill Odin here. 】

An impending decision, a thousandth of a second of question and answer.

Just when Odin and Fujimaru Ritsuka are about to decide the winner————


The silence of the world was covered by a sudden explosion.


At this point, the prospect has to be looked back.

Let’s mention – the essence of the Nibelungs.

Odin's idea is quite clever.

【Triple Domain】

【Triple Nibelung】

But there is a single weakness in this design.

The unknown territory remains at the outermost edge of this space as C.

The realm of Night City remains on the innermost side as A.

In the middle is the realm [Finbul Winter] where Odin consciously controls the size.

In a normal confrontation, Fujimaru Ritsuka would be attacked by the three and crushed.

But at first, when Odin tried to disperse everyone using the spatial characteristics of the Nibelungs, he was counterattacked by Ritsuka Fujimaru, leaving behind Ritsuka Fujimaru himself in the Nibelungs of [Night City]. Traces of the field.

Normally, as long as Fujimaru Ritsuka deploys his [Chaldeas] again, he will have a chance to link to [Night City] and directly connect the two realms!

This seems pointless.

However, the structure formed by Night City and the Unknown Realm is similar to a ring formed by two concentric circles, and the original formed by Odin in the ring does not fill the entire gap.

Therefore, as long as Fujimaru Ritsuka can expand the domain to cover most of Night City, it may have an effect.

The connection between Chaldeas and the realm of Night City.

The Winter of Finbul and the Realm of Chaldeas.

There is an overlap in coordinates between the two.

over there--

There will be space for outsiders to intervene.

That is -


Just like a mirror falling to the ground from a high place, the moment the reaction force reaches the interior, the structure deflects and breaks, causing an instant scream.

Like weeping songs, like neighing.

Sharp and manic.


Furious and arrogant roars fell from the sky.

boom! ! ! ! ——————

Neither Fujimaru Ritsuka nor Odin had expected that existence.

Beyond all human possibility, appear here.

The brief fragmentation turned into continuous fragmentation. A blood-red shadow dissolved the ice. Lightning flashed across the void. On top of the insurmountable high wall that stood on top of the barrier of the world, the young man kicked the barrier to pieces.

The young man who shone like a shooting star broke through all barriers and arrived here.

Lu Mingfei's body was covered with horrific wounds, as if he had just had the most primitive and bloody fight with a wild beast. Even his artistic little face that could usually be called a "sickly beautiful boy" was now distorted by anger and ferocity. It didn't look like a human being, and it was like a picture of hell with the blood splattered on it.

It was a little devil, just a devil that was mad with rage.

That is


Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was ready to release his own restrictions, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the ferocious young man falling from the sky. His thoughts were forcibly pulled in an instant and returned to the original starting point.

It's not exactly a sign of consternation.



[By the way, Fujimaru. 】

His thoughts were enveloped in pure white light.

[I haven’t finished the topic I just talked about. 】

Mr. Scathach was there that day.

The last words I said that day in the training room

[Although I am very confident in my judgment, you do not have the qualifications for a frontal battlefield for the time being, but——]

[The so-called teacher is someone who is always ready to be surpassed by his disciples. 】

【And if that day comes.】

The burgundy woman gently put her hand on her head, with a rare "tender" emotion in her smile.

[That means you go beyond common sense——]

[The moment to become a ‘hero’. 】

The fragments of the sky stopped in mid-air, frozen next to the young man.


The movement of the figure continued to slow down. Fujimaru Ritsuka looked up and couldn't help but smile with relief and relief.

The murderous intention that devoured the world was temporarily stagnated and weakened because the girl saw herself as the "source" of [mortality].



Odin was right.

Lu Mingfei...is a mortal.


I just chose him.

The demon turned into a bloodthirsty hero. A young man named Lu Mingfei surpassed common sense and came screaming with blood mist, his eyes like burning fire.

“Get your dirty hands!!!—move away from my eldest sister!!!!”

ps: Pa Chi Pa Chi Pa Chi.

This is the anger and ferocity of the king descending from the sky! ! ()

The BGM uses exist (the psychic one) because the original plot I planned was that Fujimaru Ritsuka was forgotten by everyone, and Lu Mingfei drove the BGM alone to save the scene.

But writing it that way felt too scary, and it was similar to the original work, so I just thought about it in my head.

As I said before, I like to highlight the original characters, although I don’t know how to give them highlights.

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