Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 495 Odin: Here we go again! ? (2-in-1)

While Fujimaru Ritsuka was fighting Odin, Lu Mingfei was also fighting Sleipnir on the outside battlefield.

The opponent is a second-generation species of the same level as Hydra. It possesses the power of thunder and lightning and has been promoted to the apex of phantom beasts in mythology. Even if Lu Mingfei has become stronger, he should not be able to fight alone.

Mainly because--

He has no trump card.

He doesn't have the Noble Phantasm to deploy with one blow like Karna from Chu Zihang's contract, nor does he have the inherent barrier like Nero from Caesar's contract or Finn's god-killing shot.

When Finn was on him, he couldn't even launch a true [Invincible Purple Grass].

It seems that all he can do is really hone his fighting skills, fighting skills, and the power of [immortality].

It was precisely because of this that Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse, did not take Lu Mingfei to heart at first.


"If you can't kill me, keep killing me."

"There is no decisive move, just trade injuries with the opponent regardless of your own damage."

"Hands, feet, intestines, kidneys, heart"

"Everything is fine, I will crush and destroy everything for you, but accordingly, I will also kill you."

No matter the cost.

On top of the corpse called the phantom beast species, the boy was bathed in countless blood, including his own and that of the eight-legged horse.

The horse that was full of energy at first was now paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog. Ever since he took the initiative to jump into the opponent's mouth, and then smashed the opponent's stomach all the way, and cut open the opponent's stomach and tore it into pieces, he no longer had that kind of anger. A condescending smell.

No, that's natural.

After all, they are all dead.

Lu Mingfei killed his enemy in an almost cruel, disgusting and bloody way. After crawling out of his stomach, he didn't care that his clothes were in tatters due to being dissolved by the dragon's stomach acid and blood, so he planned to fight Fujimaru. The fragrance will be harmonious.

But...he couldn't find it.

[It's probably an inherent barrier. No, from what I've learned from the database in your world these days, it should be said to be a composite Nibelung expansion. 】

In Lu Mingfei's mind, Chiron helped him analyze.

After coming to this world and understanding Lu Mingfei's condition, Chiron could be said to have tried his best to help the young man grow up, both mentally and physically.

In addition, after understanding the seriousness of the situation, he also actively asked to read the information in an attempt to find out what he could do.

Chiron, as a Greek sage, of course reacted immediately. This is the so-called Nibelung root, which is rarer than the inherent barrier, the innate [power], the highest level, and the most mysterious realm.

Moreover, as a bystander knows, he also knows that at this time, it is best to destroy the opponent's barrier as quickly as possible.

[Fujimaru also said it - the entrance to the Nibelung is difficult to find, but correspondingly, the edge is not strong. When Fujimaru Ritsuka is imprisoned by the opponent, this matter can only be left to the Master. Too bad. 】

[It’s okay, don’t worry, if it’s Fujimaru’s child, there will be no problem. 】

"No, I'm not worried."

The gentle comfort of the Greek sage clearly came to his mind, but instead of accepting it, Lu Mingfei retorted while sensing the surrounding elements and running.

"The eldest sister is very powerful. Not only me, senior brother, Caesar, and even the principal, even Teacher Chiron, you trust her unconditionally."


"But even a big sister like that can get injured and die. Of course, she will not lose. No matter how desperate the battle situation is, she will win in the end."

"But it must be painful." Lu Mingfei muttered.

"I have lost a lot of things and faced a lot of pain that I don't understand. The strength I have now is the wealth I gained from the pain of the past."

That's enough.

After working so hard, unlike me, who has spent half my life being a rotten person who can't stand up to the wall, the eldest sister has already worked hard for her life more seriously than anyone else!

Then it’s time to enjoy your happiness, right? It's too vulgar for a story to be scarred by a dragon king who doesn't know where it came from! !

It took a lot of effort to stay, and finally became stronger——

This time I will definitely not be able to do anything, and I will definitely not be able to take half a step at night.

When the eldest sister needed companions, the senior brothers and the others fulfilled their responsibilities.

Then now.

It's my turn.

[Lu Mingfei’s 25% transaction volume did not bring him any power other than immortality]

【But accordingly】

[Sensitivity to elements has been greatly improved]

Lu Mingfei ignored Chiron's silence in his mind and quickly rushed to the point where he thought the barrier was weakest.

The Nibelungen is the [inside] world.

At this time, the North Pole is located [outside] of [inside] and [inside] of [outside].

It's a mouthful, but it's not difficult to understand. What Lu Mingfei wants to find is the traces left by Fujimaru Ritsuka when he first invaded Night City.

(If you are the eldest sister.)

(Even if you are really forced into danger, you will definitely have a backup plan.)

(Even in Norton's case, she didn't really lose.)

(So, if that's any sign --)

Red light flashes.

At that moment, as if confirming the young man's thoughts, a red light flashed in the sky, like a beacon in the night sky pointing the way forward.

Extraordinarily dazzling.


"What?! The inherent barrier! Why do you still have the physical strength to unfold the inherent barrier!?!"

In the Winter of Fimbul, Odin is completely unable to keep up with the current state of affairs.

Didn't he use the triple barrier so painstakingly just to defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka's own ability to expand the field?

The shattered barrier is different from simply closing it after use. It will directly cause mental trauma to the user. This fact can not only seal Fujimaru Ritsuka's field, but also make her more vulnerable to the [Abandoned Hole]. .

It is an extremely important part of Odin's plan.


Why? !

Why do you still have physical strength? ?

Being entangled by that kind of planet-level [evil], can you still maintain your consciousness and develop your abilities in this situation? ! !

"Stop kidding me!!!!"

Odin angrily pulled out Gangnir, and the god's spear, which symbolized victory, turned into a meteor and flew past, exploding towards Lu Mingfei! !

Nothing matters anymore!

Even if Lu Mingfei, a mortal with no collection value, really killed Sleipnir, it would be useless to come to this battlefield!

Compared with himself, who holds a sure-shot gun in his hand, the opponent, unlike Fujimaru Ritsuka, has no chance of winning at all!


bass! !

The boy who fell from the sky faced the stream of light that shot towards him. Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and collided head-on with the blow that could penetrate the building complex! ! !

The palm was penetrated, and the spear penetrated Lu Mingfei's palm and shattered the bones of his hand. It broke the ulna and shattered almost half of his body.


not dead.

【do not die】

Regular power.

It's not just Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Lu Mingfei is also a monster who is beyond the rules of this world.

Half of his body was reduced to a state close to flesh, drooping and limp, with blood splattering everywhere. The young man, who was like a rag swept up in the air by a typhoon, was by no means sassy, ​​but ferocious and stubborn, making people moved and frightened.

The boy gritted his teeth and threw Finn's spear, borrowed from Caesar, in his other hand towards the ground.

The layers of wind and mountains were defeated, and the moment it was thrown, the weapon changed from the glorious treasure of the great Celtic hero to a flying prop, carrying wind pressure and the instinct of destruction throughout the world.

Odin, who was forced to be in a low state, had to retreat to avoid it. Now he was dragged down by Hydra's poison and the huge wound on his chest, and he did not intend to take the blow head-on.

It wasn't that he couldn't take it, but that instinct that was cautious to the point of morbidity drove him to act subconsciously.


boom! ! !

The spear fell to the ground and kicked up a cloud of dust, and the boy landed in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka only a few seconds later.

"Handsome! Handsome Mingfei!" The girl couldn't help but cheer. She praised without hesitation, and even forced herself to wipe away the cold expression just now, and showed a cheerful smile for her companions who came to rescue her.

It's just that, combined with the posture of being tied up with chains, it's a bit embarrassing.

Lu Mingfei glanced back, ignoring the compliments from his eldest sister that he cherished so much, and asked quickly.

"Sister, are you okay? Odin didn't do anything to you! Also, can you break free of that chain?"

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay~ Even though it's a very powerful Noble Phantasm, the problem is not here. It's just that there's something wrong with me elsewhere. I probably won't be able to move it for a short time."

No, it can still move.

The girl lied.

She does have a way to make a comeback.

Just now, she almost used [that method].


She didn't want to do that unless she had to.

She didn't know what the consequences would be.

But now.

When Ming is not present at the scene——

Two minutes, just two minutes.

You don't have to take such huge risks.


Even if Lu Mingfei is mature enough, he wants to hold down the entire Hall of Heroes for two minutes?

That kind of thing is simply forcing someone to do something difficult.


"Sister, how long do you have to wait?"

"Two minutes!"

Quick answer.

The two completed the exchange quickly, without even a second of hesitation, and without any hiding.

It was only at the end that Fujimaru Ritsuka added a sentence.

"Can it be done?"

"Yes." Lu Mingfei looked at the gradually gathering army of heroic spirits. He was a little nervous, but still said firmly, "It's difficult, but it's probably possible."

".Then it's up to you."

Fujimaru Ritsuka breathed a sigh of relief.

She did not doubt Lu Mingfei.

Unreserved trust.

In the past, she had given such privileges to those friends who stayed with her.

And this characteristic.

Even in this world, nothing has changed.

It's just giving your life to others for safekeeping.

Absolutely, nothing to be afraid of.

Feeling that the breath behind him became completely stable, Lu Mingfei's body also tensed up.

The smoke caused by the throwing of the Noble Phantasm gradually dissipated. He stared at Odin in front of him, and the other party returned the same burning gaze.

Just now, although the exchange lasted only a few seconds, Odin did not take action.

Not because I want to give face, but because

"Sure enough, you don't have the aura of the Supreme Being in your body. In other words, are you really just a mortal who arrived at this battlefield?"

After confirming again and getting an answer he didn't like, Odin spoke a little irritably.

"It really makes me worry for nothing."

Just now, Odin didn't take action, and he was worried about two things.

First, because Fujimaru Ritsuka opened a big hole in his chest, Hydera's poison continued to attack under the catalysis of the Word Spirit Oracle. Even Odin couldn't stand it, and he needed to focus his mental power on resisting the poison, instead of Sora goes to control the heroic spirit to fight.

The second reason is that he is a little afraid.

At that moment, his first reaction was not the same as Fujimaru Ritsuka's, believing that Lu Mingfei relied on his own strength to break through the outer layer of the Nibelung. Instead, he subconsciously felt that he had borrowed Lu Mingze's power. .

Odin was able to kill Lu Mingze alone, but in the process almost half of the Hall of Heroes was consumed, which resulted in only a hundred people.

Moreover, Lu Mingze and Lu Mingfei can only exert their true power when they are together.

Odin had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but when he really confirmed it, he found that

Lu Mingfei really just went to the meeting alone.

Are you serious?

".What a waste of time."

Odin had a splitting headache, and everything in his heart was filled with anger and regret.

"I'm not interested in you, but you took the initiative to send me here. But don't worry, I won't kill you." At this time, Odin still didn't put on his mask, and therefore, he did it without any scruples. Lu Mingfei showed his face as Pompeii Gattuso in front of him.

At this time, the handsome man's face was stained with an abnormal lavender color due to blood loss and poisonous infection. The scratches on the face that were originally as tough as a knife became more profound, as if he had aged dozens of times out of thin air. Year old.

The bohemianness and unrestrainedness in daily life have been fed to the dogs, leaving only the madness of obsession.

"Because I don't know how the Supreme will react if you die, so I won't kill you. Thank you for your origin."

That's Odin's reasoning.

Just like the reason why he didn't try to take Fujimaru Ritsuka's parents or anyone else as hostages.

This is a psychological game.

The so-called hostages only make sense if they are used at the most critical moment.

The hostages are not to be killed, but to be left motionless like a nuclear deterrent.


Odin is not the only person who knows this.

"Ah, although I don't know who I am, and I don't know who Lu Mingze is, after all, I can indeed feel that he is my younger brother, and he is indeed very powerful."

"You can reach this point only by receiving the favor of others. This sentence is correct."


Lu Mingfei looked at the gathering of heroic spirits and took a deep breath.

(I hope Chiron and I are not wrong in our guesses)

(No, there is nothing you can do if you make a mistake. Anyway, the result will not be worse than now. In the worst case, it will be okay)

(Just die once.)

Lu Mingfei stood here, not thinking about anything.

If he wanted to fight against the Heroic Spirit Army on his own, he knew that he couldn't do it.


Facing the desperate armies of heaven and earth, the young man raised his hand in the shape of a bird's beak.

Odin looked at that scene and felt a little flustered for some reason.

It's just the starting position of Chinese martial arts. Why does it feel like this?

For some reason, the fear he felt was like...

Seeing the heroic spirit named Cu Chulainn piercing his heart just now was so terrifying and inexplicable.

(As Odin said.)

Lu Mingze was not around, so Lu Mingfei was not a threat.

But the only thing that can possibly change this situation is...

【Lu Mingfei's death】

without hesitation.

Under Odin's gaping gaze.

The boy penetrated his heart.

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