Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 496: People go to the cinema after death

Who is Lu Mingze?

What is the relationship between Lu Mingze and himself?

What exactly is oneself?

Lu Mingfei had thought about these issues before.

But no answer can be found.

There is no way, even the eldest sister doesn't know about things, it is too much to embarrass him, Brother Sheng Miao, who has an average score in the class of Shilan Middle School.

But it doesn't matter.

Just like Fujimaru Ritsuka was willing to trust his partner, he also planned to put down the last trace of suspicion towards Lu Mingze and be on guard.

It's okay that he is a devil.

It’s okay that he is a dragon.

But the sadness in his eyes when he looked at him was not a lie. When the eldest sister was in danger, the madness in Lu Mingze's eyes was not a lie.

That's enough.


[Based on Lu Mingze’s intelligence capabilities, he must have known that he and others had returned to Night City, that he might be rescued, and that he might not be by Lu Mingfei’s side at the critical moment. 】

[He will definitely leave himself a backup plan. 】

At first, he thought it was Ling, who was closely related to Lu Mingze, carrying something.

But now it seems.

——After eliminating all impossible options, no matter how unbelievable the remaining answers are, they are also the truth~

Lu Mingfei thought of what Fujimaru Ritsuka, his eldest sister, often said.

That person really likes Sherlock Holmes.

Well, if you try to understand it with this sentence, there is only one solution left...


[I myself am Lu Mingze’s trump card]

[As long as I am about to die, some emergency effect will inevitably be triggered]


Lu Mingfei killed himself without hesitation.

And that moment

The devil on the other side sighed softly, and the sadness mixed in the wind was crushed, drifted and dissipated, with a little

Unperceivable relief.

[Transaction successful]


[Total transaction amount]


In that moment, the boy took back half of his rights.

At [25%], what Lu Mingfei gained was Constantine's physical combat ability, which was able to suppress the state of rage, and also mastered "power", as well as the authority to be almost immortal, and partial affinity to the elements.

He vaguely felt that his perspective on the world had increased, and he seemed to be vaguely aware of the perspective from which his eldest sister looked at the world.

And now.

That knowledge, those truths were forced into the boy's brain.

Can't get rid of it, can't refuse it.

As if it was meant to exist here.


(Does the eldest sister’s mind always spin so fast to try to understand this information?)

The elements of the world are the foundation of the world. Just observing this action means repeating the process of "understanding" countless times.

This is the dragon.

It’s also Fujimaru Ritsuka’s perspective.

And Lu Mingfei

At that moment, equal rights were obtained.

The instinct called the spirit of speech was also forced into his mind.

Facing thousands of troops, the Hall of Heroes, where even Lu Mingze's body would be forcibly suppressed, the boy stood alone in front, drawing a dividing line, with his back turned to the companions he wanted to protect.

Lu Mingfei's red-gold eyes scanned all the enemies and made a judgment in an instant.

Can't win.

Fifty percent of the transaction volume is completely unwinnable.

Although I have now surpassed most of these monsters, fighting these beings at the same time is tantamount to seeking death.

The Valkyrie's word-spirit combination can directly penetrate the continent.

And these monsters

It is already a god-killing weapon capable of destroying the world.


He couldn't attack on his own.

No need to attack.

Just think about protecting the people behind you.

Two minutes.

Just two minutes.

Bet everything on this short hundred seconds! !

【Yan Ling · Dustless Land】

【Yan Ling·Liu Li Brahma City】

The blood-red young man did not hesitate to fully deploy the defensive word spirit he had just comprehended. The scattered dust and the transparent field that was constantly expanding and contracting in an instant symbolized the young man's determination not to retreat.

Dust-free can also be called dirt-free.

As I said before, when the words and spirits are connected to a certain extent, the words and spirits will undergo a qualitative change.

No, it is not so much a qualitative change as it is a phenomenon that should exist, but the individual cannot deduce the spirit of speech to such a state.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, in history, these warriors from the Hall of Heroes standing in front of Lu Mingfei now are ancient hybrids.

They and the heroic spirits known by Fujimaru Ritsuka are of the same level in different worlds, but there is no concept of unfolding noble phantoms among the heroic spirits. However, the abilities they use and the way they kill enemies in battle are different from those of Fujimaru Ritsuka. The heroic spirits Xiang knew approached.

It was a word spirit, but it was also a noble phantom.

The same spirit of speech is deduced in its own way, changed, and heterogeneous, and that is the end of talent.

Word spirits that are supposed to be homogeneous will also show completely different effects.

Just like this moment.

Yan Ling’s real name changed.

[Yan Ling]

Dustless land——

[Yan Ling. Pure land without dirt]

[Bodhisattva Mahasattva's Second Land of Defilement, Bodhisattva lives here, and many of them are sage kings of reincarnation. 】

[In the same way, for countless hundreds of thousands of billions of nayutha kalpas, I have stayed away from jealousy, jealousy, and broken precepts, and have been pure and satisfied by giving alms and upholding the precepts. 】


It means that the area is like a Bodhisattva's residence, free from all evils.

That is the change that occurs when the Noble Phantasm is expanded to its limit.

Block out all attacks.

Lu Mingfei wanted to delay time, so naturally he could only gamble everything he gained after the transaction on this moment.

Two minutes.

Come and bear it.

bear the weight of human history.

Accept everything in the Hall of Valor that symbolizes the glory of mankind.

Through the transparent outer layer of the Pure Land, Lu Mingfei looked up at the magic disk spinning like a roulette formed by the brilliance of countless heroic spirits gathered in the sky.

That is not the Hall of Valor in the true sense.

It was just a remnant of the image that was created by Odin using despicable means and was severely injured by Lu Mingze.

Their movements are so sluggish, just "instinct" driving their powers in life.

But still.

Dazzlingly terrifying.

Absolutely invincible.


want to be.

want to be

A hero who can protect others.

Only this one time.

That bad guy also wants to stand on the stage and bathe in the lights.

The torrent continued to approach, turning from dazzling to pure white. The roaring sound did not exist, because the moment the preparations for the attack in the Hall of Heroes were completed, Lu Mingfei's eardrums had been damaged by the vibration and could not hear the sound.

His repair ability is maintaining the same speed as the damage, but it is still not enough for him to receive information from the outside world.

Only the dazzling light keeps getting closer.

His eyes were destroyed and repaired, and he could vaguely detect that the aurora of destruction was constantly destroying everything within sight, and was about to penetrate his own speaking spirit.

After all, the heterogeneous speech spirit could only withstand a short period of ten seconds? Or how many seconds?


How long has passed?

Lu Mingfei felt numbness on his fingertips. He looked out of the corner of his eye sluggishly and realized that his fingertips had begun to melt from the high temperature.

As expected.

Even if you trade to 50%, you can't win.




Seeing the broken spirit, Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and opened his arms as much as possible.

last line of defense

Just use myself.

[Yan Ling]



So how long has it been?

The brain has completely stopped moving, and even the remaining energy for thinking has disappeared. All the life energy supply in the body is just to achieve this action of "not falling down".

And this is much more difficult than imagined.

The endless attacks of the heroic spirits were like a turbulent tide, covering themselves like a frenzy reaching the sky.

Yan Ling Baqi.

That is the highest speaking spirit in the White King's lineage.

The serial number is unknown.

Danger unknown.

No. The moment he used this ability, Lu Mingfei had clearly felt the terror of his newly acquired speech spirit.

Effect - Forcibly improve the bloodline, obtain a perfect body like Yamata no Orochi, and obtain a near-immortal body by manipulating the bloodline.

The never-exhausted regeneration ability seems to be just regeneration, but in fact it is the alienation of the physical body. In order to adapt to the metabolic speed, the physical body will rapidly expand into a steel body that surpasses the dragon, and multiply indefinitely.

That is the spirit of speech in mythology, and its power even exceeds judgment.

If ordinary people really get this ability, it can basically turn into natural disasters in an instant. Those gods and ghosts recorded in Japanese history must have come from this.

Combined with Lu Mingfei's "Don't Die", it seems like a high wall that cannot be destroyed.

The premise is that if you can hold on mentally,

For dragons, in order to react quickly from danger, their physical senses are infinitely developed, and even the slightest breeze can clearly feel its direction.

Stroke by stroke, it's so clear.


Every wound hurts like a broken finger or broken bone.

This was originally to stimulate the bloody nature of the dragons, but if the total amount of attacks exceeds the limit, things will be different.

Lu Mingfei's pain accumulation had already exceeded the limit.

Obviously just one attack is enough to make people cry and scream, lying on the ground like a worm twisting and begging for mercy. But the boy opened his arms, and his body was parasitized by Baqi and expanded into a twisted form, intercepting all attacks with a larger area.

The vertical and horizontal wounds scrape out the heart and blood and wipe them out.

There is a long ringing in the ears.

There is no brilliance that can be conceived in the brain, only darkness that lasts to the end.

The darkness split open, leaving pure white.

In that blank world, the young man sat gently on the sofa where he was the only one.

He put his hands on his knees, and his whole body seemed to be slowing down. He only realized it after a long time.


This is not darkness;


White light and shadow, and flowing images continued to play on the young man's dull face. Lu Mingfei, who was sitting alone in the cinema, stared blankly at the video played above.

[Wow~~ I just fell asleep for a while, why did Shilan Middle School become the Arc de Triomphe! 】

That was the first time I met my eldest sister.

[Lu Mingfei, get down! ! 】

That was probably when the senior brother blocked the Valkyrie's piercing for him, whom he had almost met for the first time.

Pictures like this kept playing, and only then did Lu Mingfei understand.

This is my own memory.

The fragments of my own life.

He had heard a saying that after death, people go to the cinema.

He didn't know if it was true or not, and he didn't know the reason, but if the movie was playing, his life would be really boring.

Be filled with help from others.


take care of.


And what I was born from this heart was only sadness, loneliness, timidity, cowardice, and dependence.

How annoying.


In the end, I became a man.

Although he was not like Caesar and his senior brother, who could be so handsome that he could form an army by one person, he did not kill even one of the opponent's people, he just blocked all the attacks miserably and used him as a meat pile.

But, that's enough.

This is the best I can do now.

Next, just leave it to others.

If you leave it to that person, there will definitely be no problem.

after all

Big sister head.

You will win.

"Ah~~I don't know whether I will win or not, but I promise you, Odin will definitely die~"

Not sure if it was the sound in the cinema or the misunderstanding caused by the noise in his ears, Lu Mingfei seemed to hear the girl's confident answer as always.

But this time, it seems a little more arrogant?

No, that's fine.

So the young man slowly closed his eyes, and the relaxed curves gently hung on his lips.


I'll go to bed first.


Good night, Mingfei.

At the end of that murmur, Lu Mingfei used the last bit of strength in his body to open his eyelids, and seemed to vaguely see the side face of his eldest sister.

Vaguely, but still so pretty and confident.



Will the hair be white?

Let me emphasize this point. Although it has been emphasized repeatedly in the article, let me say it again.

This is not a normal alter, because it has the influence of the abandoned hole. Fujimaru Ritsuka's alter is an unprecedented situation, and no one can predict it, including herself.

Chaos evil in the comics sense will not appear, otherwise it would be a comedy novel - well, but there will be some visual reference.

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