Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 497 Fujimaru Ritsuka alter

".How can it be"

In the center of the battlefield, Odin held Gangnir tightly, his voice sounding more like trance than anger.

He couldn't accept the current result.

He tried his best to seize what was probably Fujimaru Titsuka's only remaining weakness, and successfully sealed the opponent. At the moment when his plan was about to be realized, he was kicked over by a mortal whom he had never looked down on.

He didn't change his view of Lu Mingfei because of this incident. What he did have was only stronger contempt and anger.

He is just a mortal who has gained honor because of his birth.

This view has not changed to this day.

Two minutes - Lu Mingfei's plan was to use the word spirit Baqi, the word spirit, and the defense-type word spirits such as Wuchen Land to forcefully hold back the heroic spirits in the Hall of Heroes for two minutes.

It seems like a short time, but it is a feat that few people in this world can achieve.

No matter how high the authority of Baqi and [Immortal] is, the ultra-high-level word spirit performed by hundreds of heroic spirits at the same time is enough to burn through his defense with one blow.

The problem is that Odin cannot kill Lu Mingfei.

As mentioned before, if Lu Mingfei died, a more terrifying mechanism would be triggered. Lu Mingfei knew this, so he stood in front of him unscrupulously.

It can't be killed, so we can only use the most brutal method.

Continuously causing harm to the opponent until the opponent's spirit is completely broken.

Mental attacks, soul attacks, and the physical body were destroyed to almost the limit.

Odin originally thought that this method was enough to completely defeat Lu Mingfei, making the coward who could only complain endlessly cry and beg for mercy.


He just endured it.

It was just sharing one percent of the pain, but it was enough to shock someone to death, and one person endured it silently.

And now.

Two minutes are up.

The wall built by Yan Ling Baqi and Lu Mingfei's blood and flesh finally collapsed. The beam penetrated the ferocious curtain of blood and shot into the darkness. Odin finally saw what the battlefield really looked like after the boy fell.

It's an arc.

With Lu Mingfei as the tip of the arc, it spread to all sides around him, with muddy red everywhere.

The ferocious and bloody traces were like ink splashed on the ground, sketching out a chilling and terrifying picture. It was as if the young man's blood was equal to the number of dead souls on the battlefield, and the blood flow was flowing.

In the middle of this corpse pool, which was almost equivalent to purgatory, Lu Mingfei stood unconscious.

And behind him, there was the only clean circle that was not covered by blood.

The moment the young man fell backward, someone supported his back.

The girl put one hand against Lu Mingfei's not-so-generous back, and casually laid the "human figure" that could no longer be described as bruised and bruised flat on the ground.

Slowly, she stepped over Lu Mingfei's body.

This time, she stood back where she should have been.

For everyone, ahead.

"Hey~Long time no see."

Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to say hello quite easily, and the movement was even a little playful. It was not a wave, but a neat wave like a salute.

Just like on a campus where maple leaves fall to the ground, the breeze stirs up the ripples of youth, and the girl smiles at her classmates.

It also has a touch of poetry and painting.


"What did you do to your hair and eyes?"

Odin hesitated and the alarm bells rang in his head. He looked at the girl in front of him, and the panic in his heart gradually overflowed, flowing from the edge of the cup wall into his internal organs. Even his mouth and tongue seemed to feel dry.

That's right, in front of him, the girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka had such a big change.

The long orange hair that should have been youthful, beautiful, and as smooth as buds turned white at some point. It was not a transparent and thin silvery white like Zero, but a pale white with a colder color.

And her skin seems to have lost part of its color. The skin that should have been white and rosy can now be vaguely seen with some green lines, small and winding, dotted on the skin, like roses in full bloom.

And her eyes.

The red-gold golden pupils turned dark gold at this moment.

That is by no means bleak;

It was as if the anger and despair in daily life were crushed into pieces and used as firewood to hit the flames heavily. Sparks flew everywhere and the fireworks were extinguished in a short period of time, but they never stopped burning.


Burn forever.

Of course, the change in appearance was not enough to make Odin feel this tension.

What he was really afraid of was the girl's look and atmosphere.

The leadership quality that makes people happy, relaxed, and people can't help but follow has changed.

No longer friendly.

No longer soft.

It can even make people feel scared and depressed.

But even so, she still had such a strong gravitational pull that forced people to focus all their attention on her.

That was definitely not Fujimaru Ritsuka.

But it could only be her.

There was only one possibility like this.

That was a phenomenon that Odin had only heard of.

Some heroic spirits will undergo completely different changes after death than they did during life.

Because heroic spirits are the continuation of "death", they also carry the possibility of "life", so based on the theory of parallel worlds, completely different individuals may be born, or in other words, distorted.

Even though the noble king had never fallen into evil ways even once during her lifetime, confusion and entanglement, dissatisfaction with herself and sighs about worldly affairs still existed in her heart.

Even if the saint had never hated the people or felt regret for her fate during her lifetime, she must have experienced anger and powerlessness in her heart during the time when she was burned and tortured by the fire.

Therefore, the birth of some heroic spirits will be different from their previous lives.

The gesture is caused by the erosion of the curse, which makes these feelings superficial and reverses thoughts. The purpose and ideal itself have not changed, but means that ordinary heroic spirits would never perform have become possible.

For example, before his fall, the noble King Arthur kept himself pure for his ideals. The reversed Arturia believes that even tyranny is a feasible means to achieve her ideals.

That's the difference.

This phenomenon is also called

【Inversion Alter】

Odin finally woke up to what Fujimaru Ritsuka had done.

He almost screamed, screaming in disbelief!

"You didn't resist the gift of [Evil Attribute], but accepted it?!"


Odin's plan can be said to be quite rigorous. In the case of using mental attacks, the mutual resistance of [Evil Attribute], [Abandoned Hole] and [Normal Personality] will be formed in Fujimaru Ritsuka's body no matter what.

In order to resolve this impasse, the girl’s choice is——

accept [evil]

Accept your own inversion.

This was the first plan that came to mind.

If Lu Mingfei didn't come, Fujimaru Ritsuka would do it right away. The reason why he was a little reluctant was just because if he completely accepted [evil], Fujimaru Ritsuka himself didn't know what he would become.

The situation of alter is very complicated.

Some simply change their course of action, while others will simply go to "blackening" and degenerate in the true sense.

And Tessumaru Ritsuka also has a very special "abandoned hole" as an interference.

If you really allow yourself to ‘reverse’.

Fujimaru Ritsuka had a premonition.

That would be.

Beyond the existence of Odin, the greatest disaster is newly born in this world.

But the two minutes that Lu Mingfei fought for were enough for Fujimaru Ritsuka to set limits on his brain to prevent him from being devoured by [evil] without any principles.

Oaths and restrictions.

Then there is freedom.

Give everything to


"Hahaha!! This is really new!~"

The girl grinned, and her face could usually be called "pure and soft", but now it should be described as "gorgeous".

As charming as a flower.

As charming as frost.

That frown, smile, and every move no longer contained warmth, but only spontaneity and arrogance.

It is similar to the state affected by madness, but more extreme.

Something you have to say.

"I actually set a restriction like [no indiscriminate killing] in my mind. How much does "I" distrust me~"

"Isn't this guy not even planning to kill Odin?"

The girl patted her head roughly.


The girl glanced at everything in front of her and said with a sunny smile.

"I'm different~"


【Confirm display】

Pah, pah, pah, pah.

New character appears ()

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