Those people were very familiar to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

To be honest, when she saw those figures for the first time, the thought that came into the girl's mind was unexpectedly not surprise or shock, but surprise.

"I also said that you guys can go anywhere. Is that true?"

"When I saw the structure of Night City, no, when I heard about the future that Odin enjoys, I became more or less convinced."

Fujimaru Ritsuka had an inexplicable tone. Ever since she transformed into Alter, the expression on her face had become unique and rich. At this time, she tilted her head and slanted her face, twisting her beautiful little face wildly and wantonly. Face, taunting the "enemy" in the distance.

"Captain~ Are you hanging out with Odin this time?"

"If you change the main god or something, Mr. Zeus will be jealous~"

The girl spread her hands in a grandiose manner to provoke her, obviously intending to say something disgusting on purpose, but unfortunately, the person being disgusted seemed to have no consciousness at all.

Kirshtalia’s name is too long, so I’ll just call him captain from now on.

The captain just smiled lightly when faced with Fujimaru Ritsuka's ridicule. If this smile were placed in comics or animations, it would probably be the final boss suddenly appearing when the protagonist group is nearing the end, with an evil charm displayed by absolute evil and malice.

But for this man, this smile only means one thing.

"What? What Zeus?"

Simple confusion.

I don't know him.

The man who was as beautiful as a blond sister looked puzzled with clear eyes, then put a white glove on his chin and thought for a moment.

"So, is this a matter of 'me' in another world?" Kirshtalia seemed to find it interesting and chuckled relaxedly. "Zeus. If that's the case, it seems that I am indeed destined to be a god."

"But let's put these aside for now."

He regained his composure and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka again.

In the center of the battlefield.

In this battle between humans and dragons, which symbolizes the dividing point in history, both sides have revealed their trump cards.

And at the moment when the winner was about to be announced, the climax of the story was actually fixed in the center of the picture.

A conversation between a man and a girl.

The first one to speak was Kirshtalia.

"Finally—see you."

"I have always been curious. As the destined heir to the White King."

"At the same time, as a traveler in another world, I am an 'acquaintance'."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, I have been looking forward to a meeting like this for too long."

The man was quite friendly, which was unexpected, no, not really unexpected at all.

The girl with orange and white hair roughly pressed her scalp with her fingers and let out a rough sigh.

"Really~ I guessed that I would see you - but I didn't expect it at all~"

If it was a normal Fujimaru Ritsuka, he would probably communicate in a friendly manner at this time.

It's a pity that what's here now is someone who chokes on ten sentences even if others say three words. Her S attribute explodes, and her behavior has transformed from a female high school student to a thirty-year-old alter Ritsuka who is a social beast and a ghostly uncle.

She didn't cater to the captain's words, but smacked her lips in displeasure, which was so vulgar.


She had already guessed it.

Although there is little communication, she is Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Haven't I already roughly realized this man's nature?

Precisely because of his "original intention", he and he would meet here no matter what.

However, the timing is really bad.

"Let's reminisce about old times and wait for the other 'me' to come back~ Now I just want to fly over and kill that old boy Odin and make soup." Fujimaru Ritsuka put his hand on the side of his neck and squeezed it a little, and said casually, "It's all your fault for being in the way, otherwise I should have fast forwarded to the process of preparing the sand tea sauce."

"Then I'm really sorry~"

Unlike most of the other members of Group A, whose eyes were extremely bad, the only ones who could express their composure to these arrogant words were Pepe, the three-no-one man, and the captain himself.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows the situation at this moment.

When Odin's body was severely damaged, the Hall of Valor was unable to exert 100% of its strength.

Someone who can stop Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"But unfortunately, I can't let you pass from here."

Only a few people from Group A are standing here.



Is this still the result?

Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand paused slightly, then slowly lowered it from his neck. He raised his eyes, and his dark golden eyes swept across the people in front of him.

She knew from the beginning that Captain, no, Kirshtalia's goal.

The moment he saw the other person, Hakuo's instinct allowed Fujimaru Ritsuka to forcibly recall his memory.

The time of memory advances from the desperate situation of the Dead Sea to the end of the Olympus Mountains.

That is, the death of the man in front of me.

In that Lostbelt, I heard the other party's explanation of his ideals.

[Plan for All Humanity to Become Gods]

Fujimaru Ritsuka was not the only one working hard on the road called saving humanity. The captain told the answer directly.

I won’t go into details about the principle, but in terms of the results, it can make all human beings become gods and realize a world where there is no longer inequality between people.

The reason for implementing this plan is to recognize the fragility of human beings and the shortness of life, and it means that not only Matthew, but also the protagonist, and even all mankind can benefit.

As the last "old human being", he will watch everyone except him enter a new era and become new gods. This is his "god-breaking plan".

This is the Kirshtalia I know.

A good old man is also a person who has goals and a great soul, and is willing to put his long-cherished wishes into practice, care about his partners, care about mankind, and move forward straight on his own path.

And he is like this.

There's no reason to give up on Odin's path.

Utilize the characteristics of [Ouroboros] to achieve unlimited energy.

Use the method of [equal rights for all mankind] to achieve equality for everyone.

The so-called equal rights, to put it bluntly

All humans can obtain the same amount of dragon blood, which is the right to the planet——

[All mankind sublimated into dragons]

Damn, it’s just the original design that has been slightly repaired! ?

This man, the captain of this world, has no reason not to take the bait.

His crown designation.

His wish is based on the premise that human beings can get rid of their current mortal body.


And never cause harm to the planet.

Searching for answers for nearly eternity.

And this time——

Kirshtalia didn't even need to sacrifice anyone.

Be it pan-human history.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is also good.

Not bad for himself either.

No one needs to sacrifice.

"It's my idea to use Mr. Moriarty's psychic ability to turn you maliciously."

Suddenly, the captain interrupted.

The man's face was still warm, with an eager smile.

"Odin always thought that the essence of this plan was to [break Fujimaru Ritsuka's spirit to defeat her], but in fact that's not what I meant."

"I have seen your battle scenes and all the records of your life."

"I think——Fujimaru Ritsuka will not lose to Odin."

"Mental wounds may make you fall into madness in an instant, but they are not fatal, because the deeper the wound, the more it will remind you not to completely fall into madness and anger - you have this ability."

"Therefore - I had only one purpose from the beginning."

Odin's plans for Valhalla cannot be undone.

People like the captain, Team A, etc. are just outstanding people and non-humans that Odin found in modern times.

Even before meeting the captain, Odin had already completed most of the Hall of Heroes, and was constantly improving his own Heroic Spirit Control Matrix, the development and modification of Odin's mask.

He would never let go of such a powerful trump card.

Have you ever seen Gundam Chef take apart a Gundam and smash it with his own hands because he heard that his parents might dislike his figures?

Kirshtalia, who knew she could not stop Odin, immediately thought of——

[As long as the Hall of Valor exists, Fujimaru Ritsuka will never approve of Odin’s plan. No matter how reasonable it is, she will not listen to it]


"I can only tell it to you who is not 'Fujimaru Ritsuka'."

"It's different from before it was reversed. To you, the Hall of Valor controlled by Odin is just a piece of meat for action. The reason why you want to kill Odin now is just because he offended your friends and was against you. Malice on your part."

"Simply put - your anger can be calmed."

"but me--"

Kirshtalia concluded and extended her hand.

"Then I will be responsible for delaying the time until you are willing to listen to my plan."

"Come on, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"Accept all your wrath, and then—become our companions."

"I will listen to the parts of Odin's plan that you think are not perfect - and tell you the plan on top of it."

At that moment, there was no lion in the man's eyes, but there was enough brilliance to illuminate the world.

Pure as glass.


Fujimaru Ritsuka listened to the whole thing.

Then using her little finger rather ungracefully——

Insert into your own ear hole.


When pulling it out, I blew lightly on my fingertips that unfortunately had no earwax.

After completing the action, she looked at the enemy in front of her.


"Sorry~ I don't quite understand what you are talking about~" The girl laughed twice, "Look, don't all the blackened servants feel that they are not very smart? I am in that situation. ~~"

"Compared to that, are you done with it? I'm going to fight after that~"

The girl hooked her hands with an excited smile on her face.

"I'm quite interested in who is stronger among us now."

"Who among you will go first?"

Kirshtalia: "."

Upon hearing this, which could be said to be an inexplicable provocation, the man's pupils widened subtly and almost unobservably.

I talk to you about the justice of the world, but you talk to me about the order of fighting?

After a while, he slowly turned his head and looked at his companion with pure eyes and pointed at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"Haha! Too bad, I didn't expect this situation."

other people:"."

ps: Today I recommend the song "heaven is a place on earth". I suddenly heard it unexpectedly, and it can be said that my memory was flooded.

It sounds good in the first place, but it left such a deep impression because of Mad, the gun sister of Dark Cat back then. Really, go watch it! It doesn’t look good, chop me up!

It was because I saw the love these creators had for their works that I couldn't help but get into fan fiction, wanting to see the continuation of stories that could not be continued, and wanting to find like-minded people who liked this work.

The results were all over the place. I can only say that it was not the same as expected.

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