Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 502 Fujimaru Kaihuang is angry!

Fujimaru Ritsuka, this girl actually has a certain inferiority complex towards Group A.

At the beginning of the salvation, regardless of the doctors, Leonardo da Vinci and Matthew, the employees of Chaldea more or less discussed such a topic behind their backs——

[Ah, why is it that an ordinary person who is not even a magician is responsible for saving the world? ! 】

[It would be great if the people in Group A were here at this time.]


Chaldea's employees probably didn't expect that in the shadows around the corner, Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his face with a rather embarrassed expression, and waited for the footsteps to fade away before running away dejectedly.

She didn't argue.

I felt a little bit aggrieved, but not angry.

Because she thinks it's true.

She didn't think she could be better than those big shots, and she found out from Da Vinci and the others just how awesome the so-called Group A was.

At the end of the day, he must be the top student of the Clock Tower, and he must have a few tricks and traits that are the best in the game. Compared with them, Fujimaru Ritsuka, whose specialty is making "my runny egg fried rice", is really short-changed.

Therefore, she does not hold grudges against the employees of Chaldea. After all, the more they interact with each other, the better they get to know each other. In the end, no one has the thought of "It would be great if it wasn't Fujimaru Ritsuka."

As a community with a shared future, they indeed persisted until the very end.

But, sure enough, that feeling of loneliness did not completely dissipate.

She couldn't help but think about it when she gained strength.

[I have, can I reach the heels of the seniors in Group A a little bit? 】

Have I become good?

Have you become able to let others pour their trust into you?

It is still unclear what answer the normal Fujimaru Ritsuka would give.

But if it is now

"Don't make things so troublesome~"

"After all~"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was clearly looking up at the members of Group A, but with his arrogant expression and body language, he was like a child holding a mineral water bottle, looking down at the ants crawling slowly on the ground.

"You guys look quite weak."


Hearing such provocative words, the first person who couldn't stand was the white-haired boy who looked a little sensitive and nervous like a hedgehog. There was a radiant flash of elements on his hand, which was probably a precursor to the activation of alchemy.

After all, alchemy is completely replaced in this World Magic Cup, and an excellent magician here is an excellent alchemist.



There was a flash of red light, and the ferocious smile at the corner of Fujimaru Ritsuka's mouth had not yet faded away. With just a sudden turn of his head and a glance, along with Kadok's embarrassed movements, the brilliance was already broken.

In front of the Word Spirit Oracle, let alone alchemy, even the Word Spirit can be [cancelled].

Unless he was a Dragon King-level being, he would be incredibly fragile in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Even if she wanted to, she could kill a magician like Kadok who was evaluated by the Fat Director as "a magician whose magic level is even lower than the average" with just a scratch, making "a true hero kills with his eyes."

But one is because she doesn't want to kill.

The second reason is because it cannot be killed.

[Cannot harm companions]

That was the iron rule given to Fujimaru Ritsuka before entering the 'evil' state.

And the good ones are immortal

In the concept of a girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka——

Group A is also a companion.

cut! (loudly)

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who behaved extremely rudely, smacked his lips in displeasure, feeling troubled and disgusted by the current situation.

This restriction was probably within Kirshtalia's expectation.

Double insurance.

You can't attack these people yourself.

Once violated.


Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly felt a burning sensation in the corner of his eyes and deep in his nose. It was the punishment mechanism for the violation of the [Oath], and there was a needle-like sting in his brain.

The girl raised her arm and twitched her eyes, only to find a bright red dotted on the back of her hand.

This was not caused by the attack on Kadoc just now, and it was not considered a violation of the oath to that extent.

That is

"The line of cause and effect that was cut just now is Ophelia's magic eye."

That's right.

Just now, when Fujimaru Ritsuka was about to kill Odin, the cause and effect of something was attached to Odin, and a death line completely overlapped with Odin's death line.

What can do this is the ability of the causal system, in addition to the fact that the other party also has the magic eye of death to observe the line of death.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and the woman with long brown hair looked at each other with dangerous eyes.

Ophelia is one of the seven members of Team A among the 48 master candidates in Chaldea. A wizard of seance. Possessing special magic eyes, the figure wearing an eyepatch is also very eye-catching in Chaldea.

Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn't hate her.

Because judging from the chat with Mash, this girl is one of the few magicians who treats Mash Kyrielet as a human being.

Moreover, such a serious top student is quite rare, and she is very enthusiastic when teasing her, so I quite like her.

But under the current circumstances, it seems there is no way to think about that.

This woman is quite troublesome as an enemy.

The opponent’s magic eye——[The Magic Eye of Delay]

The so-called magic eye is to turn one's own eyeballs into magic circuits, transforming the passive function of receiving external information into the ability to actively influence external things.

The artificial magic eye only has the ability to enchant and suggest at best. Binding, coercion, contracts, burning, hallucinations, bad luck, as well as the petrification of Medusa, direct death, etc. are all special cases in the devil's eye.

These powerful magic eyes are limited to the abilities you are born with, and are "superpowers" that cannot be reproduced by magic.

And Ophelia’s magic eye——

The level is [Gem]

It can already be said to be the most advanced.

Because almost no one has observed the [Rainbow Level] Demonic Eye above this.

The function of the Demonic Eye of Delay is to observe possibilities, which can be classified as future vision.

It can fix things that have been observed once, and the effect of using it is probably to delay the possibility of bad things happening, but in fact, if the effect is taken to the extreme, it can even be classified as "modifying the future and turning it to one's own advantage."

Just now, Ophelia passed countless screenings and covered Odin with a layer of film created by alchemy. At the same time, she constantly used her magic eyes to observe the future and found a "transparent magic layer that completely coincides with Odin's death line." ” of the future and then fix it.

A bold idea like a genius.

And it did come true.


What Fujimaru Ritsuka observed at that moment was not just Ophelia's alchemy, but also the causal effect of the opponent's magic eye on the alchemy itself.

She cut off the thing along with it.

And the consequence of this is that for the Demonic Eye that actively changes reality, having its extended tentacles cut off by the Demonic Eye of Direct Death is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death.


"Ophelia, how is the situation?" Seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka was finally hurt by the backlash of the oath as planned, Kirshtalia turned to ask Ophelia.

And Ophelia gently pressed her eyes that were covered by the blindfold, and spoke in an inexplicably weak and hoarse voice.

"Fortunately, it was prepared in advance, so there was no severe pain, but the magic eye can no longer be used."


Just to stop Fujimaru Ritsuka's attack, Ophelia had already given her talent as a genius.

This is indeed an unbearable loss, but.

It is also a necessary sacrifice.

"Sorry, Odin can't die here yet."

"I know," Ophelia replied softly.

"This is necessary for the future of humanity."

It's just to respond to the captain's expectations.

Fujimaru Ritsuka curled her lips and was reluctantly forced to eavesdrop on their conversation. In her eyes, except for the captain, several members of Team A were more down-to-earth mortals with less lofty dreams.

No matter in the previous life or now, he was just responding to Kirshtalia's wish.

Kirshtalia. You turned people into ghosts!

You are the Chaldean Succubus! It’s time to wash away the daily stigma!

Fortunately, the succubus does not intend to continue to rely on words to delay time.

Whether Odin can run away, he certainly can't heal Fujimaru Ritsuka with words. If he wants to stop Fujimaru, the barbarian now, he can do it.

There is only fighting.

"Hinako, Debit, and Pepelongino-san, please leave first."

"Leave this place to me and the rest."

The captain gave the order, and the "intellectual" literary girl wearing glasses nodded slightly. The man named Pepe smiled with some pity and said: "Unfortunately~ I also want to try to communicate with that kid Fujimaru Ritsuka. Tried."

"Will have the opportunity next time."

The captain first responded with a chuckle, and finally looked at Debit who was looking at him.

Although Debit did not speak, anyone with a discerning eye could probably guess the meaning in his eyes at this moment——

Don't you need me?

"Ah, there is no point in staying. Even if we are tied together, it will be difficult to defeat the current Fujimaru Ritsuka. If we want to win this battle, we can only rely on strategy."

"You are needed more on the battlefield outside."

Hearing this, Debit neither nodded nor shook his head, but turned around silently after listening.

The captain looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and whispered the secret text of alchemy.


At the moment when the curtain came to an end, something changed in this space.

They are those heroic spirits who were originally stationary because of Odin's departure!

His body suddenly twitched, and then the extinguished gold in his eyes lit up again!


Fujimaru Ritsuka observed the surroundings with interest.

Beyond all expectations——

Odin gave Kirshtalia the authority to control heroic spirits? !

【Oath and Restriction】

Did you sign some absolutely mandatory legal document that I don't know about, so you dare to do this?

Group A, the remaining four people.

The situation suddenly evolved into the most troublesome state.


She is still laughing.

"Will four people be the masters and control the entire Hall of Valor? Ha,~ and then, are you the main attacker?"

To be honest, this should be considered a weakened version of the Hall of Valor.

What is really difficult to deal with is these guys themselves.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the captain and deliberately provoked him.

"Just because I can't do anything to you, I'm going to kick you in the face~~Don't think of me as that gentle guy~For me, stripping your clothes off, taking pictures, and posting them on Chaldean Moments is like this At best, it’s a prank rather than an injury. If you dare to plot against me—then make me aware of it!”

Hearing this, Ophelia and Kadok changed their expressions instantly, but Beryl Gat and the captain did not react at all.

"Please show mercy." The captain responded with a gentle smile. "Oh, but in this case you can't let go and fight."

The man waved his arm, and the light of alchemy was entangled in it. At the moment when Fujimaru Ritsuka thought that the other party was planning to attack her and smiled ferociously, she suddenly felt a wave of space fluctuations beside her.

[Space replacement]?

But for what.!


By the time Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was slow to react, realized what was behind him, it was already too late.

"Well, after the alter, will even the persistent concern for your partners disappear? No, after you have completely reversed the [evil] attribute, you can still have a concept of the existence of your partners, which is enough to prove your own true intentions. ”

"However, it is indeed different from usual times. You have relaxed your attention on Lu Mingfei."

Under Fujimaru Ritsuka's angry gaze, Kirshtalia held her arms——

It was Lu Mingfei, whose breath was extremely weak.

The so-called alterization can have a profound impact on individuals.

The noble king who once refused to punish his subordinates who committed crimes against the king may turn into a cruel king who casually kills his subordinates after being transformed.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is the same way.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to hurt him, nor do I intend to use hostage tactics. Although it is just a matter of personal interests and preferences, I don't really want to communicate with you in this way."

Kirshtalia handed Lu Mingfei to the other people in Group A beside him and said with a smile.

"I have some use for Lu Mingfei, and if you don't remove him, you won't be able to fight with peace of mind."

".How dare you say it~"

Whatever the reason.

All Fujimaru Ritsuka Alter knew was that he had been kicked off by the other party as soon as he came up.

And she was too lazy to praise the other person.

"It's decided~~~"

The girl's expression was distorted, veins popped out, and the gold in her eyes became even more burning.

"I will definitely take off your clothes and put them on display in Chaldea's circle of friends!"

"Please let me refuse." Kirshtalia waved her hand.

But at the same time, he was thinking in his mind.

(What a terrifying oppression.)

(Then, I have to work hard, but... I'm sorry for this battle. For us, the victory condition is not to defeat you, but to survive and delay it for an hour or forty minutes.)

(after that.)

(This is our victory.)

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