Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 503: With the appearance of an emperor


Ripple-like ripples appear on the mirror surface, spreading out from the center of the circle, just like a person putting his hand into the transparent water, touching it lightly with his fingertips, blending into it, and leaving a residual current.

Someone poked holes in the Nibelung's transparent film from the inside, and Zero's tired little face, which turned purple and blue, squeezed out.

Nibelungen, successful escape.

This was not by breaking the barrier, but by relying on the cheating magic eyes of his contracted servants to find the gap in the Nibelung roots, and then assisted with a fool-like carpet sweep, and finally passed through the "space" The coordinates moved beyond the scope of the Nibelungen and escaped.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a rope tied to one of her arms, which is connected to a huge sled board, with several people tied together lying on it.

Caesar and Chu Zihang hugged each other, and Fingel, who had a larger body, hugged the two of them with his hands, one on the left and one on the right. With his eyes rolled, the three of them fell into a deep sleep like a baby.

If this were an ancient tribe, it would be a signal for Lord Zero to capture these three handsome men and bring them back to the tribe for enjoyment. He must capture them and take them back as slaves!

But it's a pity.

The people here only have pure comradeship.

It would be better to say that Miss Ling, who arrived in the arctic cold in the extreme cold, dragged a petite Russian girl less than 1.6 meters tall and carried three of her friends back to the safe area with her companions who weighed no more than 400 kilograms in total. She was simply an angel on the battlefield. .

The moment she walked out of the Nibelungen, she was sure that she was heading in the right direction.

Because she had already seen the ship where Angers and the others were.


Around Kassel's ship, the ocean has been dyed blood red.

That's not an algae bloom, it's literally blood red.

Dragon scales, flesh and blood, half of the limbs that were simply floating on the ice, the entire passenger ship in Kassel was basically a brand new slaughterhouse, and the freshly baked corpses were preserved in a locker called the Arctic.

Corpse guard here is also literal.

After Fujimaru Ritsuka and others set out, encountered an ice storm and entered the Nibelungen, Angers and Uesugoshi were ready to break into the Nibelungen at any time.

But at the same time, Odin's arrangements also came.

Huge corpse guards surged from the depths of the sea. Although the next-generation giants were not enough to threaten Uesugi Yueke Anger in terms of safety, they were enough to threaten the ship itself.

Even with the additional reinforcements from Flamel and the Equipment Department, the ship would not turn into an alchemy tool and would be easily damaged by a frontal attack from the next-generation spirit.

In the Arctic where mobility is limited, this boat is more important than anything else.

Uesugi Goe and Ange released the true names of the heroic spirits they had contracted with, and began to fight.

In the end, it was this tragic scene.

Japan's Shadow King, the man known as the strongest man of an era, was standing shirtless on the sea at the moment.

The man was holding a long knife-shaped alchemy weapon. It was a mottled hand with bulging veins. The blade itself was plated with gray silver and looked like an inconspicuous two-handed sword.

But at this moment, the molten golden lines appeared on the blade again. Shen Xiong's roar shook the rain curtain, and Uesugi stabbed into the dragon's skull, instantly shattering the entire skull and tearing the flesh apart.

A large amount of spinal fluid was squeezed out and spurted out from the hilt, forming a splashing silver spring.

Master Yue raised his head and allowed the poisonous dragon's blood to bathe his body.

For a person of his purity, he can't die as long as he doesn't want to.

He is the true emperor.

In ancient times, he was the emperor who needed one person to carry the banner of salvation and fight with the Dragon King in a bloody battle.

The wasted time was gradually filled up. Uesugi slayed a dragon like a chicken, drew out his knife, jumped back to the deck, and shouted loudly.

"The last one!! 23! Where are you, old bastard!"

"Don't yell."

It was Anger who responded to Uesugoshi. Unlike Uesugoshi, whose body was covered with gangster tattoos and whose eight-pack abs were exposed naked, Angers, as the head of a school and the strongest educator in contemporary times, paid great attention to image management.

But at this time, he also looked wild and unusual. He unbuttoned his collarbone, and the white lining of his high-end suit was stretched into a clear posture by muscles. The man slowly wiped his beloved knife clean.

He only killed the eight-headed dragon, so he didn't speak.

Damn it, I am an assassin, why should I compete with this meat grinder for quantity?

Don't speak, don't speak and pretend to be an expert.

Angers carried out his thoughts, but he still glanced at Uesugoshi.

The man is not very tall, but at this moment he looks like an emperor sitting on a high place, looking down at the courtiers who are kneeling on the ground. His eyes are as calm as water, but there is a majestic wind and thunder hidden in the water.

In the sky, the black sun disk gradually disappeared.

Sure enough, Angers made the right choice.

Even if Uesugoshi only cares about his three biological children and Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is not related by blood but is more biological than his own, they still need to win over the fighting force.

He is ridiculously strong.

(It surprised me that.)

(After synchronizing with that heroic spirit, this old guy became so strong)

"Hey! Angers, the little girl named Ling seems to be back!——"


After hearing Uesugoshi's words, Ange relaxed his attention, crossed the dead sea, and found Zero in the distance.


Angers was a little surprised when he discovered that Ling had finally returned, because he found that the girl was really fierce, with Chen Motong hanging on her back, a little boy in her arms, and a rope wrapped around the wrist of her other hand. The links are three big men lying dead.

Wait, are you subtly too nice to that little boy?

It turned out that Miss Zero, who was not one for three, but five for five, received hurried attention from Uesugoshi and Anger.

Ange was in a daze when he saw Lu Mingze's face, but he quickly adjusted his mood, turned around and untied the ropes that tied Chu Zihang and Fingel, and then put the people in place.

Simply speaking, none of these people had any fatal injuries, let alone serious injuries. They were simply exhausted.


(How many obstacles are there to make these people exhausted.)

While feeling gratified for his student, Angers also efficiently exchanged information with Zero.

Night City, Next Generation, Odin, Valkyrie, he couldn't help but be surprised to learn that so many things happened after the signal was interrupted.

"We originally planned to launch an attack on the Nibelungen immediately after the timeout. Fortunately, you have escaped Fujimaru now."

"When I left, Fujimaru and Lu Mingfei stayed behind to fight Odin. After that, it took me a while to reach the Arctic border. If normal, the battle should be over by now."

Odin and Fujimaru?

Angers was a little worried, but didn't show it.

Uesugi was a little worried and said something straightforward.

"Then what are you waiting for! Since Odin's true form has really appeared, then don't worry about anything else and just use all your combat power to kill that old boy! You say so, Angers!"

Uesugi, who didn't know when he put on his shirt, pushed Anger's shoulder.


If Uesugi was his student, Angers would scold him for being reckless.

It's a pity that Uesugi Yue is not, and the problem is that after truly seeing Uesugi Yue's strength on the dragon battlefield, Angers was actually a little moved.

Ignore others

According to Uesugoshi, the heroic spirit in him can indeed help Fujimaru Ritsuka.

So, do you want to take action?


"Zero, you said that what is covering the North Pole now is the Nibelungs above the Nibelungs, right?"

"If this is really the case, it would be too strange. Since Fujimaru has encountered Odin, it will inevitably develop into a domain confrontation. But at this time, the outer Nibelungen did not sense anything. A change in nature.”

"Either Fujimaru Ritsuka did not expand the field, or this field was not Odin's from the beginning, and this also shows that Odin has monster-level helpers who can help him and expand the Nibelungs."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka is likely fighting more than one enemy at the same time."

Angers quickly made a judgment on the current intelligence and situation.

The man has always been so calm and experienced.

During the Tokyo battlefield, he also cooperated with Fujimaru Ritsuka to use Time Zero to intercept the Noble Phantasm Uryu without any communication.

A full year of shared mission experience with Fujimaru Ritsuka was enough for him to immediately react to the current optimal solution.

He held Uesugoshi down to stop his impulsive thoughts.

"But unfortunately we can't fight back directly."

"There are so many wounded here. It's impossible to take people back to a battlefield like that. There must be combat power left here, and Zero's physical exhaustion is equally serious. It would be troublesome if we try to transfer the tiger away from the mountain."

"Our three real-time combat forces cannot be separated. This is the most basic thing."

"Therefore, the optimal solution now is——"

Ange pointed forward, his eyes sharp.

"Relying on the information you gave me, Zero, and the magic eye of your synchronized heroic spirit, tell Uesugi the most vulnerable 'point' of the Nibelungs, and then—break it! Reduce the pressure on Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Normally, the outside of a Nibelung is 'fragile', as explained before, the larger it is, the thinner the border.

But even so, if you want to directly crush the space like Fujimaru Ritsuka, you need to have the same domain, or a direct interference ability like [Oracle].

There is zero.

[Magic Eye of Perspective: D]

With Balor as its source, it is a degenerated evil eye with a different system than the evil eye of direct death.

The ability does not belong to Anastasia, but to the demon named 'Ve', who can break all barriers and occasionally even find the weaknesses of the city.

As long as you have this ability specifically for enchantment, combined with some kind of explosive damage that can defeat the space in one go.

The Nibelungs can also be destroyed.

And it just so happens——

Uesugi has this ability.

The heroic spirit in him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best solution to any enemy and any situation in this world!

Zero was a little surprised by Ange's fiery eyes. She followed his gaze and looked at Uesugoshi, this unshaven 'middle-aged man' who looked ordinary except for his good looks, and felt doubtful.


Oh, I'm not wondering why he has the ability to break the barrier, but I'm wondering


Is he going to wear a sexy halter top?

ps: Siegfried cannot hide the weakness on his back (probably)

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