Can an excellent hybrid race compare to God, the Dragon King, in terms of brain structure?

This is an interesting question, and many researchers in the field have received completely opposite answers.

Some people believe that hybrids are ultimately mixed with "human" inferior genes and cannot reach the end.

Some people believe that the science created by hybrids is already a major branch comparable to alchemy, and the fact that it has opened the way to civilization is enough to prove the purity of human beings, at least in terms of intelligence, they are not inferior to dragons.

However, no matter how much they argue, people's focus is still on the broad concepts of "comprehensive creativity" and "wisdom."

In any case, it will not be placed in areas such as computing power and spatial calculation capabilities.

Because everyone knows it.

Human beings may have inexplicable [creativity] that can be said to have unknown origins and cannot be demonstrated.

However, in terms of pure geometry and logical operations, it is absolutely, absolutely incomparable to dragons.

To understand the world, just by repeating this behavior means that dragons have to endure thousands of times more calculations than humans, and they are almost like walking supercomputers.

Therefore, only Odin, Norton, Jörmungandr, and a very small number of weirdos, such as Fujimaru Ritsuka and Lu Mingfei, can control hundreds of units like the Hall of Valor at the same time with extremely fine precision.

As for Group A, indeed, they are the top hybrids.


Even if the four of them worked together in separate modules, they could only barely contain Fujimaru Ritsuka.

To put it too much, a master like Kadok would be exhausted even if he could control five or six servants at the same time.

There should be pros and cons.

Odin, who was plotted by Fujimaru Ritsuka using Hydra's poison and the Oracle of Words, had to endure tremendous pain and physical exertion while operating all the heroic spirits. Correspondingly, he became more familiar with the heroic spirits and his operations became more sophisticated. .

The four captains shared the pressure of being masters, and while their physical exertion was reduced, they were unable to suppress Fujimaru Ritsuka's movements like Odin. The reason why they were able to intercept was purely because——

[Cannot harm companions]

This contract signed by Fujimaru Ritsuka himself brought the battle balance back. Because Fujimaru Ritsuka could not directly give a heart-wrenching package to the people in Group A like he did with Odin, so the efficiency also dropped.


That's just a short delay.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding? This woman is still accelerating!" Beryl Gat, the person who looks the least like a good person in Group A, is actually not a good person. He is called A black wolf, a man secretly evaluated by Fujimaru Ritsuka as a "monkey".

No, maybe this person will be more angry if he says "lost dog" than a monkey.

The man's twisted nature led him to join this war against humanity. There was no other reason, just - it would be more interesting here.

Beryl Gat is a strange man. He has no enemies and no companions. He is just a hungry wild dog looking for a target to kill. His sexual habit is to kill.

Such existences are not uncommon in the mysterious side. No matter which world it is, the existence of murderous ghosts is an unavoidable topic.

As luck would have it, Fujimaru Ritsuka thought she knew quite a few of them.

She has always been good at interacting with all kinds of people, and she can conquer even demons.


Even if she is like this——


[Speaking of it. 】

【There is such a person~】

While dodging the damage from the Noble Phantasm that surrounded him, equivalent to seven piercing rays, and the pressure of three curse-type magic eyes, Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind was still spinning at a high speed.

Alter Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn't like to think about human heights, nor does she like to think about philosophy. Her existence is to "release the emotions that Fujimaru Ritsuka usually suppresses, completely revealing her true self and immersed in joy."

The desire to fight is the most direct channel that can satisfy this monster.

A normal Fujimaru Ritsuka would definitely consider killing Odin first, but the blackened Ritsuka, or Kuroka for short, would not have such an idea.

【Beat Group A】

[Then dismember Odin]

In this way, we can fight more!

Rather than being a demon, he thinks more like a berserker, and he is swallowed up by arrogance and violence, turning into a mad and pure warrior.

What she gained in exchange for such thinking was combat ability.

[If there are two existences that are exactly the same regardless of posture, ability or strength. 】

[The party that becomes the king dominates the war, and the remaining party becomes a mount to increase its combat power. What is the difference between the two? 】

There is only one answer.


All the information in his mind was intertwined and mixed, and countless lines overlapped to reveal a twisted envelope.

Connect everything.

What was born in Fujimaru Ritsuka's brain was a puzzle called victory.

The final piece, the puzzle.

These are heroic spirits from different worlds. No matter how similar they are, there will be differences in the details of the battle. There will ultimately be subtle differences in the development of the word spirit and the noble phantom.

So, Fujimaru Ritsuka took some time.

To adapt.

to match.

Go figure.

The time is——

[6 minutes and 31 seconds]

Six minutes and thirty-one seconds.

The strongest hybrid species in mankind compared the information of all the heroic spirits it knew, completed algorithm adjustments and gap analysis, and adapted to the attack modes of all the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor.

To be precise - it is the control mode of several people in Group A.

Beryl and Ophelia can only be regarded as average, and Kadok is even more weak. Kirshtalia, who has shared most of the operations. For some reason, he has not shown any royal skills that match his alchemy talent. Main talent.

As if distracted by something

But unfortunately.

At that moment.

Victory and defeat are divided.

"Haha! I caught you!!!"

With a mad smile, in an instant, starting from the girl's hand, the spiritual element turned into a flame as pure as silk, trembling, howling in the wind, and wrapping around her body like a crimson cloak.

The strong sense of excitement was like a real spiritual substance that penetrated into the girl's already excited brain. It was no longer known how many times of violent bloodshed the body of a monster once again burst out with extraordinary violence that exceeded the peak!

The lightning penetrated extremely quickly, and the girl's body turned into an afterimage that even the heroic spirits and members of Team A could not catch. She pierced the heroic spirits surrounding her through half of her body, then threw them away, bending her spine in an unnatural way.

The shining electric light neighed through the atmosphere, and the flourishing holy flames melted the ground and exploded instantly!


The impact visible to the naked eye briefly knocked everyone around away. At the same time, the imaginary kingship was frozen in the sky, forming an attraction effect like a black hole, adding a layer of temporary freeze to the body of the heroic spirit.

"Damn it!"

Beryl Gart didn't know why he suddenly felt a chill directed at him. He wanted to retreat, but was restrained by the next attack that followed.

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

[Simulation Command Spell]

【Full expansion】

[Action object, all]

Once upon a time, Fujimaru Ritsuka witnessed his own abandoned hole, and used the legacy left to him by the White King and the observation of the universe caused by his epiphany to gain a brief period of invincibility.

In that short period of time, she was able to stop the thinking of all mankind for 0.2 seconds.

Now, her ability is naturally not that magical, but it is transcendent enough to disdain all spiritual abilities.

If we talk about Odin, he probably has a counter-mechanism to his ability.


"You don't have one~ Berit!"

With a wanton smile, Fujimaru Ritsuka penetrated all defenses and flashed in front of Bell.

The man was frightened into a cold sweat, but he still managed to speak with a smile.

".It's scary, but your restraints-"

"Ah~ you don't have to worry about this."

The man's retort was interrupted.

In mid-air, the girl stared at the man in front of her, grinning.

"I have never considered you a partner."


Beryl's face was completely frozen.

In the past, Fujimaru Ritsuka had heard of it.

A man named Beryl once entered Matthew's infirmary privately.

He broke Mashu's finger bones, listened to her screams, and abnormally called his actions love.

As a result, the doctor found out and kicked him out with fists and locked him up.


[Fujimaru Ritsuka can accept all pleasures from all people]

[That’s because she is not qualified to judge others]


[If you want to hinder my pleasure, or even hurt my important people.]

Then, I won't be able to talk to you properly.

As for "will the nature of men change in different parallel worlds"?

"Can I use the guilt of other world lines to punish the person in front of me now?"


Who cares about that kind of thing.

It's you who wants to stand in front of me~

Moreover, now, my ‘eyes’ can see it.

Beryl, you are still the same

(very nice.)

The girl, whose mind was already excited, suddenly stretched out her hand, quickly passed over Beryl's chest, and pushed forward gently, as if gently, trying to help the man who wanted to retreat and leave.

But at the same time, Kirshtalia's expression changed drastically in an instant.

He immediately gave up control of the heroic spirit and planned to make some move.


Suddenly, the man suddenly twitched his brows, and Kirshtalia's eyes dimmed for a moment, as if her brain had suffered some kind of heavy blow and she was unable to move freely.

(The wounds from the barrier haven’t healed yet!——)


That's too late.

The next second.

boom! ! ——.! ! ! !

It was as if chicken blood was stored in a hydrogen balloon and then exploded with a kick, the sound suddenly amplified and erupted.

Light and shadow continued to flicker and mix, and after the shock that seemed to open up the world, everything settled into dust.

It was crimson madness.

Large blood stains covered everything on the other side of Fujimaru Ritsuka's palm, and the sputtering blood formed a frantic painting.

And the girl just clicked the ground gently, naturally.


Tick ​​tock.

on the other side of her hand.

Nothing exists anymore.

This time the girl turned her head and looked at Kadok, who was obviously unable to hold himself tight and his face turned a little pale, Ophelia, who also looked ugly, and Kirshtalia, who finally stopped even her slight smile. .

Not because of fear, Kirshtalia rarely showed such emotions to others.

He just didn't want to believe it.

[Fujimaru Ritsuka, killed someone with his own hands]

That girl who, even in her debut mission to the underworld, could only knock people unconscious at most.

Without hesitation, he took action.

[There is a gap in my calculations]


The girl asked in a long voice, tilting her head.

"who is the next?"

I don’t understand why all the members of Group A seem to cue Beryl in their information, as if they are still good partners, but just a little weird? ?

Is there something wrong with the magician's sensibility? ! ?

Actually, I personally don’t really want to bring out Group A because I don’t understand the plot of the second part well enough.

But the so-called fate is a theme that must be faced no matter which world. Fujimaru Ritsuka once fought against Group A, so now the world here will definitely meet again.

It's very disturbing to write, but I will try not to make the people in group A too inferior - Beryl is not included.

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