Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 506 The king has awakened

"As expected of that hero, he didn't rely on the word spirit of the rule system, but only relied on simple elemental bursts to defeat the Nibelungs in one blow."

The perspective shifts beyond the Nibelungs.

At the edge of the Arctic, Angers stared blankly at the blue spreading in the distance.

That's heaven.

A cloudless sky.

The white cigarette was completely blown away at an acute angle of about 30 degrees. The blow that separated the world came from the remaining lines bombarded by the torrent of Noble Phantasm. It was caused by the magic sword of the heroic spirit contracted by Master Yue. .


And this old man who was over fifty years old had slowly withdrawn his sheath at this time.

The gray-silver two-handed sword was inserted into the black scabbard, and the lines overlapped, forming a dark but eye-catching magical charm like a curtain of night.

It is like the holy sword and the magic sword that are placed in the deepest part of a country's treasure house in myths and legends. Only in the dead of night, with the help of the wild rice moon wheel, can it bloom into a restrained holy sword after being washed away by the dust. meaning.

Looking carefully, the hilt of the sword is inlaid with an inconspicuous blue gem. After the Noble Phantasm was released, something like mist-shrouded ashes seemed to overflow from it, and the color was almost dusk.

Just now, under the command of Angers, Uesugi Yue synchronized his contracted heroic spirits, and immediately deployed his Noble Phantasm, and cooperated with the barrier weakness found based on zero basis, to directly defeat the Nibelungs from the outside world.

The opponent was destroyed without even being able to resist, and the aftermath of the sword energy even tore the sky apart.

According to common sense, the person who was fighting Fujimaru Ritsuka in the barrier at this time should also be affected.

". With such ability, maybe I should stay in the outside world and cooperate." Even Zero, who is usually silent, was a little shocked. Just because as a hybrid of dragon and human, she understands better than anyone else that she has just surpassed the master's synchronization. What does it mean to be a heroic spirit?

It is a heroic spirit that has turned the story of dragon into its own totem, whose name is almost equated with the word "dragon slaying", and who also has the highest level of popularity.

In this world, he is not the best.

But it is immeasurable.

overwhelming [strong]

decisive [strong]


Zero glanced at Uesugoshi vaguely, a little confused.

(What quality did that heroic spirit like in this person?)

"Indeed." At this time, Ange couldn't help but nodded in agreement, and said with a sour tone, "If I had known that this old boy had such power after synchronization, I should indeed adjust the personnel. No, but we don't Knowing that the opponent will unfold the Nibelungs of the composite structure is an afterthought."

".That's why I said I'm strong." Uesugi Yue defended after hearing this. "I can't show you the Noble Phantasm because it is too powerful. Even using it in such an open area is a problem, and because it has too many special attack mechanisms for hybrids and dragons. Just fighting seriously will cause damage to the surrounding areas. He suffered a lot, so he’s actually not very good at team fights.”


Because he's too strong, he can't take action recklessly?

Damn, what a hero of Asasi.

"You are totally unworthy of me." Angers made a gesture like a husky pointing at someone, pointing his fingertips at Uesugoshi, his eyes glaring and merciless.

Uesugoshi: "?"

Before he could refute, Angers turned around and changed the subject.

"But... this should be enough."

"Since there is no suppression from the Nibelungs, Ritsuka can also win in one-on-one, no, multiple-on-one situations." Although Angers said words of encouragement, his tone was still a bit overwhelming. worries.

On the other hand, it is much simpler for Master Yue.

Master Yue: "Of course!"

The old man said cheerfully.

Ange turned around and said with bitter teeth: "No, I'm Qualixiang, why are you so proud of me?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zero always felt a little inconsistent.

There's something wrong with it.

Although Zero knows better than anyone else, on the human side now, when Lu Mingze is in a coma, Fujimaru Ritsuka is indeed the strongest fighter. No, more than that, she is the strongest among the strongest.

She is a unique monster. Even if she fights the Dragon King head-on, she still has the conditions to win.


Odin started from the Arctic invasion and prepared a large number of snake-like Deadpools, Mutated Dragon Knights, Next Generations, Nibelungs, Ice Storm, and after entering, there was an army of Valkyries.

In order to solve these disasters, I and others spent a lot of time and energy to force the God King to take action.

He has prepared so much and done so much, really

Will he be defeated easily?

"But, speaking of which, if you were just half an hour later, I would have planned to forcefully break into the Nibelungen." Uesugoshi suddenly spoke to Zero, feeling somewhat emotional.

Zero reacted for a while, then nodded to express his understanding.

Before entering the Nibelungen, Fujimaru Ritsuka asked himself to send a message to Angers. If he and others did not come back within three hours, then he would completely hand over the management authority of the task to Principal Angers.

Whether they broke into the Nibelungen for rescue or returned to Kassel to find Leonardo da Vinci to renegotiate, it was their own responsibility.

The time that I and others stayed in Night City was almost three hours.

Whether it was fighting the Valkyrie's army, or Zero himself leading Caesar and others to escape from the Nibelungen, part of the time was consumed.

For caring people like Angers and Uesugoshi, being able to endure this kind of torture is indeed a sign of hard work. Although, from Zero's perspective, with the abilities of the two of them, it might be better to actually break into the Nibelungs.

[There are two reasons why Angers and Uesugoshi were not allowed to enter the Arctic from the beginning]

[1. I don’t want Odin to be too cautious about his own combat power, so I separated Angers, the strongest person in the pre-modern era, from Ritsuka in the hope that the other party could relax their mental vigilance]

[2. As mentioned before, in order to protect Kassel’s ship from being blown up by Odin, once the ship was destroyed, Odin might not show up at all, but directly try to trap a few people in the North Pole. Unable to move. 】

The idea is correct, but as far as the actual situation is concerned, the best approach is actually [not to let Angers and Uesugi go into the North Pole first] - [let Angers and Uesugi leave immediately after confirming the appearance of Odin's true form 】

After all, as long as you can ensure that you can kill Odin's true body, whether the ship is a ship or not is the next best thing.

At worst, swim back!

Unfortunately, Odin also knew this, so in order to prevent Angers and Uesugi from interfering, he used the Nibelung to disconnect the communication between the two parties.

Angers and Uesugoshi, uncharacteristically, waited outside for several hours and did not break in without knowing the information.

It's a half-good-half-bad choice, Zero thought.

However, at this moment——

"Yes." Angers answered casually.

"Making you wait for half an hour is the same as killing the sow you have raised for three years. It almost makes you do bad things."

Uesugi Koshikoshi glanced at him, "Can you rely on me? It's like you don't want to go in!"

"Yuezi, the difference between man and beast is that he can think." Angers sighed with his hands behind his hands.

"Who did Yuezi call?!"


The two quarreled, but Zero was stunned because of the content of the conversation.


"How long did you say you were waiting here? Wasn't it about five or six hours?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?——"

Uesugoshi suddenly turned his head, as if he had seen a penguin in the North Pole, and looked at Zero dumbfounded.

"If it had really been five hours, I would have blown up the North Pole! Didn't you only go in for less than three hours after disconnecting communication!?!"

In an instant, both Zero and Ange, who noticed the change in the other person's expression, changed their expressions.



Almost instantly, Zero remembered the trajectory of the ice storm at the last moment when he entered the Nibelungen, the City of Night.


【Odin's Domain】

The world that imprisoned Fujimaru Ritsuka and others has been dividing the world into two parts: "except for the North Pole" and the North Pole since Night City!

Why do this?

Just to isolate communication?

Just to use the domain to suppress Fujimaru and others?

No. The function is.

【jet lag】

The ability to accelerate the time of the target within a certain area

Lord of the sky and wind.

The most mysterious and proud ability

【Time Zero】

Odin will conquer everything in the arctic world! Accelerated? !

From the very beginning - Master Angers and Master Yue were unable to intervene on the battlefield, which was what he expected!

Because the hours that people like Zero experience internally may only be a fraction of the time to the outside world!



Then now.

What is Odin's purpose?


How much time has passed for Fujimaru Ritsuka in the field?

And she hasn't come out yet

Before Uesugi could react, Ange and Zero, who looked pale, made a move in an instant, almost subconsciously, and turned around to return to the North Pole.

If the time in the North Pole is really different from the outside world, then the time that has passed here is enough to determine the winner in the internal realm.

Fujimaru Ritsuka hasn't come out yet, so there is only one possibility.

Did she lose?

However, just when everyone had this idea——


boom! ! ! !

In the center of the North Pole, there was a sound like a shattering mirror.

Then, came the hurricane.

The Arctic ice fog stagnated in an instant, and then was swept up and condensed in a terrifying manner, forming a twisted state like the eye of a whirlpool, constantly spiraling and rising into the sky!

Immediately, a hand opened the curtain.

The girl with long white hair slowly walked out of the transparent film built by tearing the barrier.

She was far different from the Fujimaru Ritsuka that everyone knew. Her expression showed a lack of interest. She held a bloody boy with both hands and looked down at the people on the boat.

"Well, I don't know what you were talking about just now, but..." Uesugi pointed at the girl in the sky.

"Isn't this a win?"

[Night City Escape: Five hours and fifteen minutes]

[Observation of Fujimaru Ritsuka's return to the human world]




at the same time


Transparent bubbles formed fragile circles and floated upward from the dark depths.

Countless thin tubes crisscrossed each other, like entangled tree roots, or like dense nests built by spiders, interlaced, binding a material that looked like a cocoon.




Everything is wrapped in a button shell similar to a mental hospital tight-fitting suit.

Only the mouth is connected to a ventilator-like device, and some bubbles float out of it.

Thousands of meters of deep sea.

Absolute darkness beneath the icy ocean.

The Arctic Circle comes with the remaining alchemical diagram that once sealed the White King.

Even with so many elements, this imprisoned prisoner was still imprisoned in such a cruel and brutal way.

Only when all these elements are gathered together can human beings be able to rest assured.

Because that was the Dragon King who once pulled the world into his own desires and successfully usurped the results.

At this time, one of the most dangerous lives in the world.

In the past, it would respect the contract with a certain girl and fall into a deep sleep of its own accord.

But that moment.

[Odin seals the matrix of the North Pole]

[Used on Fujimaru Ritsuka alone]


Inlaid with an eye patch that was so complicated that it was almost painted in pure black, countless alchemical matrices fell off and melted, and the enchantment and alchemical structures that could have bound any next-generation species to immortality were instantly destroyed.

The mask slowly slipped off, swirled half a circle around the man's face, and then sank into the water.

And that exists.

Opened his eyes.

ps: The image of Norton being imprisoned refers to Liu Daogui ()

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