Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 507 The star falls! ! ! !

".Time zero?"

At an unknown time, in the realm of the Nibelungs, Fujimaru Ritsuka was confronting Kirshtalia in front of him.

Just now, the man revealed all his plans, including the use of "jet lag" to prevent Angers and Uesugi from entering the realm.

To be honest, with Fujimaru Ritsuka's current IQ, there is no problem in understanding.

Mainly because I don’t want to hear it.

"So, what does it have to do with me~"

"Whether the principal comes or not, you all have to lie here for me today, and I will kill Odin too."

Ten minutes in Angers is equivalent to an hour here.

so what?

Isn't that just right?

Then you will have enough time to beat up these bastards in front of you.


Kirshtalia: "."

At that moment, Kirshtalia felt a little regretful.

Because in his imagination, Fujimaru Ritsuka should have noticed his plan at the moment he said it, no, before that. However, the chaotic girl who was swallowed by desire was completely unwilling to pursue this plan. of deeper thinking.

This also made Kirshtalia lose the pleasure of confronting the wise men.


This was the original plan, so shouldn’t we be disappointed?

Kirshtalia reassured herself and continued.

"Indeed, if you follow the explanation just now, the battle between you and me is just a moment to the outside world. Although this prevents Mr. Angers and Mr. Uesugoshi from helping out, it - it means nothing to you at all. Influence."

"But Fujimaru, you seem to have forgotten something."

"The anger and lust swallowed up your reason and made you forget what happened at the first moment when you entered this Nibelung."

Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to vaguely see in the other person's eyes a little bit of the sincere heart of an elementary school teacher instructing students. This made her eyes more dangerous, but she also subconsciously began to use her brain impatiently.

Entering the Nibelungen?

Are you talking about Fimbull Winter?

No, no, the birth of the time difference did not start from that moment, but the ice storm, or rather

【Night City】begins.

What happened at that moment?

The birth of Ice Storm, the confrontation, the collision between his own realm and Odin's, and...



How did Odin pull himself and others into the Night City when he was at a disadvantage against his own domain?

Suddenly, scorching lightning flashed past the back of his head, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

She finally remembered.

At that time, she had the upper hand in the confrontation in the field, which she interpreted as the center point of the other side's Nibelungen as Northern Siberia, a thin membrane caused by overexpansion.

But, it seems there's more to it than that.

At that moment, Odin borrowed his own thinking, because he subconsciously had the idea that "Odin's tricks are all to imprison himself and others in the Nibelungs."

She missed a step.

【Field reversal】

The technique Odin used when he imprisoned everyone in Night City!

That was not, or rather, just to imprison Fujimaru Ritsuka into this world! !

At the same time, it is also to expand the scope of the domain from Night City to the world "beyond Night City"! !


Just try to think about it.

【Time Zero】

【Field reversal】

The realm of time zero has no boundaries.

When the user turns it on, in a sense, the target is the whole world.


[What if it’s a different world? 】

The domain is a world independent of the world, so Time Zero, which has a scope of effect all over the world, will be forcibly divided into a gap in the coordinates.

Therefore, Odin can

To the entire world outside of the current realm

Perform time zero acceleration! ? !

No, it’s not possible—

But he has already started! !

[No, it will take forty minutes for the things outside to end. 】

Kirshtalia's smile remained the same, but the words he once said suddenly flashed through Fujimaru Ritsuka's mind.

forty minutes

Forty minutes on your own.

How long is it from the outside world?

damn it!

Fujimaru Ritsuka understood instantly——

These bastards never thought about sealing or defeating themselves! ! Rather, just pick yourself out alone!

"How dare you do it!~"

Accompanied by violent explosions, the ground was trampled into dust, and the girl had already jumped up, intending to pass through the few people who intercepted her, move to the edge of the field by force, and directly break the cage of this world.

Not a single second can be delayed.

God knows how much time has passed in the outside world where he is not around.

However, this time, Kirshtalia also responded.

"Initially, the [Extended] field was not used, but Time Zero was deployed in the [Inclosed] field. It was to stop Mr. Angers and Uesugi Koshi. This action was not carried out by Odin, but by the rest of the team. A high-level second generation species that has inherited the bloodline of the King of Sky and Wind."

"But even if all the troops are expended and targeted at this city, it seems that they can only achieve an acceleration of about fifty to one, which is almost the same as Mr. Angers under normal conditions. This is enough to prove how powerful that man is. excellent."

"However, the field of [extension] has always been handled by Odin himself."

"Every minute and every second he is fighting you, he is using the world as the object to expand his spiritual spirit. The ratio is-"


"Expand internal time 200 times."

"As long as you are trapped for forty minutes or even an hour, the outside world will pass for nearly a week."

"This time is enough for Chen Motong to wake up and make the secret of the Bronze Sea Pillar known to the public."

"But before humanity gets that information - we will usurp it."

"As you can see, Fujimaru, you have indeed completed your mission in this contest, but at the same time-"

"We also succeeded in trapping you in this world."

And this is everything Odin wants to achieve.

As the starlight penetrated from the sky to the earth, Fujimaru Ritsuka was forcibly blocked by the wall in front of him that was so rich that it could be described as abnormal.

That is

"Having said that, there is still one last step to go."

"A simple Hall of Valor cannot stop you. You are different from [that existence]."

The Hall of Heroes was the army that once defeated Lu Mingze, so there is no doubt about its power.

However, all of that is the result of the combination of the [Complete Hall of Valor], [Odin's full control] and the Night City hybrids, and the gathering of various factors.

On this basis, two more important points are -

"He had to protect a Russian girl, and as a king, unlike Odin, he didn't bother to dodge any attacks at all."

"While protecting people and completing a head-on fire fight, even under such conditions, it still destroyed half of the Hall of Valor. It was really a heart-stopping battle--well, but personally, compared to the high-spirited and arrogant Kazuko King, I’m more afraid of starting a war with someone like you, Fujimaru.”

Even so, the man named Kirshtalia stood here.

"Moreover, as humans, we cannot control hundreds of individuals at the same time like Odin. Under this condition, the enchantment I extended to the edge of the North Pole was broken by your companions."

The destruction of the mental image world will directly affect the caster. The time when Uesugoshi, Ange and others break the barrier in the outside world is basically the same as the time when Group A and others first appear in the inner world.

This is why Kirshtalia has been in poor condition during the battle just now. He has been fighting injured from the beginning.

"So I judge that it is not enough to just rely on the Hall of Valor. We also need to present the plan like this to forcefully attract your attention."


"The last moment is up to me."

Facing Fujimaru Ritsuka, Kirshtalia took a gentle step.

That is the most important and most difficult part of this plan.

With a single body, he blocked Fujimaru Ritsuka forcefully.

The main point of this mission is to be completed by Kirshtalia alone.

Once upon a time, there was such a man.

As a human body, he has established a major system of magic that can defeat Servants.

Before the earth was wiped out, because his magic system belonged to the celestial sciences, he was considered "a genius, but in the end it was just talk on paper and not practical", so he was not considered a dangerous person.

However, during that journey, only Fujimaru Ritsuka knew how much trouble this genius had caused him.

He is dangerous.


"Do you want to use those eyes? Eyes that can kill everything." The captain pointed to his eyes gently and said with a smile.

"After all, the condition that you can't hurt me is too partial. With those eyes, you can even kill [Contract and Oath], right?"

"The following conversation must be fair and conducted by us who are risking our lives."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was extremely convinced that everything he said was true.

This man means what he says.



There was joy and madness on her face. When the girl opened her mouth, there was no worry about her partner or panic about the current situation at all on her wanton and frantic face.

The other party has been delaying for about ten minutes.

To the outside world, it is the past.

A day or so?

Then, it's still too late.

"Captain~~ You don't really think you can hold me back for forty minutes, do you?" The girl showed a sinister smile, and her originally light golden eyes were finally filled with red gold.

The ground cracked, and the torrent of heaven and earth outlined a long pillar of elements as tall as a giant tower. It continued to rotate with Fujimaru Ritsuka as the axis, like a storm, dragging everything in sight into the realm of tearing and destruction.

Beside her, the red spiritual element wrapped around the four conventional elements, and instantly melted into a plasma-like state, like lightning entwining and a god coming to the world.

At the same time, the [string] engraved in my mind was disconnected.

[Cannot hurt accomplices]

However, in this oath, one thing is not mentioned.

The definition of a partner, is it Fujimaru Ritsuka or the other party? Or is it given by both parties?

This is an obvious flaw.

After all, hundreds of restraints were engraved in two minutes, and even Fujimaru Ritsuka himself never thought about it at the time.

"The person I consider a partner will take the initiative to let her untie the shackles of no harm."

But at this time, the captain's words can also be interpreted in his mind as "Fujimaru Ritsuka and Kirshtalia are not partners for the time being"

Before this blow, not yet.

That is——

【Battle established】

She doesn't care what the outside world is like.

Because, that "she" has already arranged it.


Now she just wants to rub the golden retriever's energy in front of her hard!

So the girl expanded her spiritual realm and provoked without restraint.

"Don't say forty minutes~~~I want you to cry and call me Ritsuka-nee within five minutes!!!"

"Really? I'm looking forward to it." For some reason, the man actually responded with an expectant expression.



Kirshtalia raised her finger.

【Shape of Universe (Cosmos)】

For some reason, there was a little warmth on his face that he was not even aware of.


【My Shape (Animus)】

Of course, it didn't mean that he was enthusiastic about calling a little girl who was younger than him who knows how many years "a barrier".

[The celestial body is the Antrum]

Rather, it was the expectation he had for the "destined Master" in front of him that he had always been curious about.

[The void is the void (Unbirth)]

Use everything that collides with each other as communication.

"Let's talk."

"Fujimaru Ritsuka."

The man's eyes shone.

【Anima, Animusphere】

[Ring the bell for change. 】

"Grand Order/Anima Animusphere"

That moment.

The star sinks.

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