
Time returned to the outside world. When Uesugoshi, Anger and others speculated that "there is a time difference between the inner and outer worlds", what they naturally thought of was "Odin did not want Uesugoshi and Anger to enter the realm and interfere with himself and Fujimaru." Ritsuka’s battle”.

There was no reminder from Kirshtalia, and there was no information about the "field reversal" from Ritsuka Fujimaru.

Normal people would naturally be unable to detect such a plan as [Time Difference Reversal].

No, maybe Angers would be able to detect it on weekdays.

However, even though he was extremely concerned about the safety of Fujimaru Ritsuka, even the old man only had worries about Fujimaru Ritsuka in his brain at that moment.


They were so excited and relaxed when they saw Fujimaru Ritsuka emerging from the field.

There were bloodstains all over the girl's body. You could vaguely see wounds and faded bruises. There were a few sharp scratches on her cheeks. The bright red splattered on her long snow-white hair, making her as charming as a broken vase. And heartbreakingly charming.

Of course, no one cares about that kind of thing.

Both Angers and Uesugoshi immediately focused on the other's physical condition.

The first reaction was how the other party suddenly turned into long white hair.

And the second reaction is.

Now that Fujimaru Ritsuka has appeared and the realm in the North Pole has been shattered, it means...

[She won? 】


Zero couldn't help but let out a long breath, and finally relaxed his grip on his clothes.

At this time, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka' had also determined their position at high altitude.


A flash of sparks flashed past, and a red stream of light came instantly and landed on the plywood of the ship. The scattered spiritual elements turned into a crimson vortex, sweeping away the corners around the ship where the dragon's blood had been splashed.

Seeing the girl using the most familiar word spirit, several people subconsciously felt more relaxed.

Angers immediately stood up and asked.

"Ritsuka, how is the mission going?"

To be honest, Ange himself wanted to ask what happened to Ritsuka's long white hair, but after all, he was on a mission at this time. Ange's experienced mission experience and personal cultivation still allowed him to hold back his personal emotions. , give priority to asking Fujimaru Ritsuka about Odin.

However, Angers probably would not have thought of it at that moment.

At that moment, what kind of unexpected treatment he would encounter.

as well as


"Huh? You'll know just by looking at it."

The rude voice penetrated Angers ears in a rough way.

While the old man's pupils continued to dilate, the girl turned her head and looked at him with a smile.

Angers would never have thought that he would use this word to describe the way Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at him.



"It must have been slaughtered. There is no need to ask specifically."

At that moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Anger and replied with a "disgusted" expression.

Ah. Oh.. Kill it

Just kill it.



Ange thought he was having a conversation, but in fact, the moment he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes looking at him, he had already fallen into a sluggish state of mind, staring blankly at the other person. But beside him, whether it was Uesugi Koshi or Zero, they were actually both Watching this scene with the same stunned expression.

Yes, even Zero was so shocked that he opened his mouth and his lips trembled.

Uesugoshi had even turned from the ecstasy just now to a coward, his face turned a little purple, and he could even be said to be looking at the girl in front of him in fear.

"Ritsuka. You."

"Ah, anyway, you just want to ask about this hair, right? Alter. Tsk, it's so troublesome to explain. Just think of me as someone who was plotted against me by Odin, and my personality is reversed. After a while, you will be able to back to normal."


Angers' weak eyes recovered a little. He got a little guess about the literal meaning of this word, and immediately couldn't help but call Da Vinci.

During the mission, Da Vinci naturally provided real-time feedback.

The other party responded to the knowledge point of "alteration".

【Alternate? ! How could it be possible? No, that Odin guy. It’s a shame he can do it.]

Da Vinci was silent for a moment and explained.

[Anyway, just think of the current Fujimaru Ritsuka as, well, the exact opposite of him in normal times. 】

completely opposite

Angers turned his head and looked at the scene happening in front of him.

"Ah, and, old man, continue with this."

"Old man?!"

Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka calmly handing Lu Mingfei to Uesugoshi, the latter's face turned as white as plaster after being called an old man.

Angers took two steps back, but his expression relaxed a little.

A completely different Ritsuka?

This seems to make sense.


[Huhu, as expected, just like Kirshtalia said, Hinako is the most suitable person to play Fujimaru Ritsuka. 】

"Huh? What do you mean?"

[You see, as the only remaining fantasy species in this world, unlike the fantasy species of the dragon clan, the True Ancestor Physique allows you to freely manipulate the blood to create an effect similar to the movement of Fujimaru Ritsuka's spiritual elements. For humans who cannot perceive the elements, it is impossible to see the difference. 】

"Obviously it's completely different."

[For mortals, it’s all the same. That's why Kirshtalia will let you take the lead in using your abilities as soon as you appear, creating the impression of "using the oracle" on those people, so that they can first establish a sense of trust in you. 】

[What is more fortunate than anything else is that Fujimaru Ritsuka's alter state is indeed a reality. The alter state that has never appeared has also prevented Angers and Uesugoshi from revealing your conditions. 】

[The only people who can see through your disguise are probably the young man named Lu Mingfei, and Chu Zihang, who has the insight of a poor man. Fortunately, they have all fallen asleep. 】

"In other words, although I treated his wounds, this guy's wounds were worse than imagined. If it weren't for his special physique, he would have died ten thousand times."

"With such a physique, he shouldn't hinder our plan, right?"

[Hmm~~ There is an alchemy that can extend sleep for the time being, but who knows, Kirshtalia also said that the behavior of that boy is unpredictable. 】

[But it doesn’t matter~ After all, Hinako, your disguise is so perfect. 】

"Ha!?! That's why I wanted to ask from just now——"

In Kassel's cabin, he was alone in the room. He pressed his ear with one hand as if he was communicating with someone. He used the other hand to brush away the hair from his forehead and revealed Fujimaru Ritsuka's face. Kazuko, who had a fierce look on her face, said impatiently.

"That's it for you, Pepeloncino, and Kirschtalia! Why do you think I would be perfect playing the so-called alter of Fujimaru Ritsuka!"


On the other end of the communication, a man named Pepeloncino pretended to hesitate, then answered with a smile.

【.Because you are the opposite of Fujimaru Ritsuka, rough and impatient? 】


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