Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 509 I’m ashamed to say that I b [beep]

Chapter 509 I’m ashamed to say that I b [beep——]

Kirshtalia's plan has come to light.

In the beginning, during the original cooperation with Odin, Odin thought that as long as he used the Hall of Valor, it would be enough to defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka.

However, in fact, he had no idea that Fujimaru Ritsuka, under full power, had transcended the boundaries between humans and dragons. His strength was infinitely close to that of the Dragon King in his prime. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was at the pinnacle of fantasy species.

Even looking at the entire planet, she is the top life form.

The backbone of this plan is an [evil attribute] attack.

Win by defeating Fujimaru Ritsuka's spirit and annex the opponent as part of his own heroic spirit army.

However, this one also failed.

Fujimaru Ritsuka took the initiative to accept that evil should not be said, and even because of Lu Mingfei's variable, she had time to make restrictions and vows for herself, so that she would not turn into a murderous madman or monster in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, Odin's plans fell apart across the board.

And his backhand's backhand

It's not impossible, but Odin doesn't want to use it.

It can only be handed over to Kirshtalia.

Unlike Odin, Kirshtalia had expected Fujimaru Ritsuka to show abilities beyond their imagination from the very beginning. So he had always just planned to delay time through Odin and himself, the time difference created by the reversal of the field.

The key point in the subsequent plan lies in Akuko's disguise plan.

Kazuko, in this world, she seems to be defined as a "remaining fantasy species". As mentioned before, fantasy species that are different from dragons once existed in this world, and they even established a civilization beyond human beings. in the past, but were eventually destroyed by Nidhogg.

The mustard child is the remnant of the destroyed civilization.

Ahem, to be honest, this person is always so lonely no matter which world he is in.

Then again, Akuko has both the personal ability to disguise spiritual elements, and the personality that is quite suitable for playing Fujimaru alter.

That’s why Kirshtalia made the current plan.

After all, it would be too dangerous to consider abducting Chen Motong forcefully.

In a head-on battle with Angers and Uesugi, whether he can win or not is not yet said. The point is that he is afraid that if the human hybrid is pushed into a hurry, the other party may discover that "Odin's goal has always been Chen Motong", which will lead to human The mixed-breed Fang Gou jumped over the wall and killed Chen Motong directly.

No one wants to see that kind of scene.

Naturally, entering Kassel as "Fujimaru Ritsuka" is the best strategy.

Because the people in Cassel had a distorted and absolute trust in Fujimaru Ritsuka, they could not imagine the possibility of Fujimaru Ritsuka's defeat.

In fact, she was not defeated, she was just delayed.

But Akubeko appeared with Lu Mingfei's real body, and with the impression Fujimaru Ritsuka left on everyone that "you must protect your partners even if you die," they would not doubt Akubeko's disguise.

This is a disguise that seems bold and crude, but is extremely difficult to see through.

Kazuko herself is carefree, and her irritable and irritable personality makes people think, "Even if I have to pretend, I should at least find someone with better acting skills, right?"

Therefore, A mustard child has the opportunity to take Chen Motong away at any time.

In the worst case scenario, that is, if Chen Motong still hasn't woken up after four days - then the only option is to take him away by force.

In this case, it can at least be guaranteed to "obtain Chen Motong's status and escape Kassel" rather than "directly snatch Chen Motong from Angers and Uesugi Koshi".

[Snatch away] and [Escape after being kidnapped]

The difficulty is greatly reduced.

At that time, even if there will be an armed conflict.

Debit will take action.

Overall, it's a pretty complete solution.

To say there is something wrong

(Can that Kirshtalia guy really last that long?)

This is the only worry that Akuko, disguised as Fujimaru Ritsuka, has in her heart these past few days.

To be honest, although she is impatient with humans and has an indifferent attitude towards most things, for the time being, she does approve of Kirshtalia as a human being.

After all, if I have to say it, Kazuko is not a "friend" without human species.

She understood Kirshtalia's long-cherished wish, as well as his terrifying talents.

She doesn't care about the former. After all, unlike Kirshtalia and even the others in Group A, she has no interest in humans or the world.

If human beings are destroyed, then destroy them.

None of my business.

I just want to see [someone] again.

Get [that person] back from that piece of shit Odin

Akuko cooperates with Kirshtalia and Odin out of selfish desires. She had no doubt about the last part of the two people's plan, which was the part of [delaying Fujimaru Ritsuka].

After all, it was Kirshtalia and Odin, as well as the entire Hall of Valor.

If they were tied together, let alone dragging down one person, destroying the world would be like overkill.


These were all thoughts before seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka.

In that Finbul winter, when Akuko saw that girl with her own eyes for the first time.

Ashamed to say


bobe afraid.

Different from the "human" perspective, as a fantasy species, the moment I saw that life, I knew an extremely obvious fact.

【If we get closer...】

【will die】

For the monster named Fujimaru Ritsuka, let alone a fantasy species, an alchemy genius, or a dragon king, they are all things whose heads can be pulled off.

She began to have doubts and doubts.

I doubt whether Kirshtalia can hold Fujimaru Ritsuka off for an hour or forty minutes.

If she is released.

All the plans and everything are over.

At that point, all we can do is accept our fate.


【Do not worry. 】

【Just leave it to me. 】

That, the confident and calm smile of the blond man flashed through his mind.

never mind.

It’s useless to think so much.

Kazuko sighed helplessly.

She doesn't like humans, she even hates them. Occasionally, really occasionally.

Will also try to give trust to humans.

And what surprised her was...

The day to recover this foreshadowing arrived earlier than imagined.


After Akuko disguised herself as Fujimaru Ritsuka and delivered Lu Mingfei to the ship, everyone in Kassel naturally started transportation work non-stop in an attempt to return Chen Motong to safety in Kassel as soon as possible.

After arriving at the northern border of Russia, he was immediately transferred by helicopter to Principal Angers' personal plane and arrived in Kassel almost on the same day.

Lu Mingfei and others were sent for treatment, while Chen Motong was placed in the deepest layer of Kassel close to the ice cellar for protection.

If there are no accidents, this is a tug of war over time.

How long will it take for Fujimaru Ritsuka to kill the Nibelungs in the Arctic?

Or how long can Kirshtalia trap that girl?

This was supposed to be the collision of two of the world's most dazzling talents.

However, this victory was completely defeated by unexpected factors.


Beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, it was expected that it would take at least four days for Chen Motong to wake up.

On the second day after arriving in Kassel——

woke up.

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