Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 510 You are the last person on this planet who should have the power of coordinates!

[Angers, what does your report mean? The interpretation of what the ice and sea copper pillars are has been completed, but the results cannot be made public. 】

"That's the literal meaning. Is your understanding so poor that you need me to provide additional explanations on this matter?"

In the familiar conference room, Angers impatiently controlled the micro terminal in his hand with both hands, as if he was sending a message to someone. In front of him was the school board, whose power had been gradually wiped out, but still held most of the half-blood power.

Angers' legs were spread out in an inelegant manner, and his feet in black leather shoes kept tapping the ground, looking quite irritable.

"Chen Motong fell into a state of frenzy after waking up and was unable to correctly inform any details about the Ice Sea Bronze Pillar. That's what I mean - are you satisfied?"

【Angers! Watch your attitude! 】

[What is a state of madness? Is it madness in the spiritual sense? Even the Flask Man, who was born as an omniscient being, couldn't accept the White King's method of resurrection? 】


Angers' typing hand paused for a moment and did not answer the question directly. After a while, he spoke.

"Over the years, our understanding of the dragon family has continued to deepen, but what Odin did and the battle of the Lord of Bronze and Fire were enough to tell us how terrifying the dragons on this planet really are."

"Absorbing the entire planet and reversing the history of mankind, they have the strength and power to destroy any civilization on this planet at any time."

"And the White King is superior to those two kings."

"Since we plan to use the White King against the Black King, we must be prepared for this from the beginning."

【.Do you mean that after losing the card of Chen Motong, humans have no way to fight against the Black King? 】

".No, what I mean is to give the girl some time. Our excellent psychiatrist Professor Toyama is trying to calm her emotions. After all-" Angers closed the terminal in his hand and was about to say something.

[After all, Fujimaru Ritsuka has already copied the electronic text of the Binghai Bronze Pillar, which means that as long as Chen Motong survives, she will have to interpret it many times. 】

[This is her obligation. 】

The speaker was Frost Gattuso.

In the past few days, the family has lost any trace of Pompeii Gattuso. To be honest, it is no different from usual times, but for some reason Frost feels a sense of crisis inexplicably.

Frost was also a dragon slayer when he was young, and he was an elite among the elite. After reaching a certain age, he forced himself to become a businessman for the benefit of his family, but this does not mean that he completely lost his past instincts.

He could feel that the wheel of destruction was riding human civilization towards its end.

And Chen Motong is the key.

as well as

Pompeii and Angers, they both hid something from themselves.

Therefore, he deliberately maintained his harsh persona of making things difficult for others, provoking Angers in an attempt to obtain information from the side.


After all, Angers has been at the negotiating table for most of his life. The cold light flashing in his eyes was extinguished in an instant. His expression was well hidden, and he slowly raised his head without anyone noticing.

"Chen Motong is my student."

"Whoever wants to do something to her must get through me first."

[On the eve of the imminent destruction of the world, do you still want to uphold the so-called human moral ethics? Have you forgotten how our ancestors allowed civilization to continue thousands of years ago? 】

"Now is different from before, and society and the times are progressing, right? We have passed the era of putting saints on crosses and burning them with fire." Ange changed the subject eloquently, "And, even if the world is really 's was destroyed because of this——"

The white-haired old man scanned the people in front of him with his sharp eyes.

Everyone was forced to look away, not daring to look at him. After confirming this, he slowly spoke.

"Then it will be us, the incompetent adults, who should bear the responsibility."

"The ones who should be ashamed are us 'big guys' sitting in high seats and gesticulating."


"Then, that's the end of today's treatment. Thank you for your hard work, classmate Chen Motong."

At this time, in a secret facility in Kassel that was as deep as an ice cellar, the girl was half-sitting on the hospital bed with her body curled up.

Her long red hair showed no signs of being taken care of. The usual softness and brightness were swallowed up by the darkness, mixed with dead wood and dryness. If you look closely, you will find that the part close to the scalp has even begun to turn a little white. .

The girl herself turned pale, her lips were close to the lavender color after being poisoned, and there were several deep marks on her face. It was obvious that her mental state had been pushed to the limit.

However, even so, she still spoke reluctantly, repeating what she said again and again.

"Where is Ritsuka? I can only talk to her next."

"Unfortunately, you are now the most important asset of the entire Kassel, no, the entire human world. After the mission is over, even Fujimaru Ritsuka needs to apply according to the process and complete all the procedures before he can come to see you." Professor Toyama put the information on his knees, considered his words, and said softly, "Even as an emergency responder, I have gone through a lot of procedures. Don't worry, Fujimaru, it shouldn't take much time. It is said that she also wants it very much." When I saw you, I looked very impatient and made quite a fuss outside."

"It's already the end of the world, do you still care about these procedural methods?"

I don't know whether it was with sarcasm or simply to vent her emotions, but Chen Motong said her first not-so-mechanical remarks after seeing a doctor today.

Professor Toyama was of course happy to see such a performance, but when faced with the problem itself he could only smile bitterly.

"Well, that's an interesting thing to say. If you want me to explain it-"

"After all, human beings are creatures with flaws. We cannot become perfect. We can only try our best to create perfect 'rules.' No matter how many problems are exposed in the years of implementation of these rules, we must at least abide by them. It, until the next revision, is what has to be done in order to reach the distant future."

"." Chen Motong looked at Professor Toyama and teased with a tired smile, "Teacher, you are surprisingly good at talking."

"What is an accident? I am your psychology professor!" Professor Toyama also complained with a smile.

After all, after spending a day, Chen Motong finally started trying to have a conversation.

When she first woke up, the girl's spirit was abnormal. She kept talking about topics such as the destruction of the world. In the worst cases, she even asked people around her for help and immediately killed herself.

However, in the entire Kassel, no one would choose to take action against their companions.

After making trouble for so long, Chen Motong finally gave up inciting others to commit suicide and started repeating one sentence over and over again.

【I want to see Fujimaru Ritsuka. 】

Unfortunately, for the reasons mentioned above, Fujimaru Ritsuka's consultation procedure will not be approved until tonight at the earliest.


I should have completed my mission as a psychology professor, right?

【Hello! You can’t force your way in here, you are——】

【Step aside. 】


[Get out of the way, I don’t want to say it a second time. 】

And just when Professor Toyama was thinking about this and that, the sound of people talking outside the door came.

One of them was the voice of the security guard left behind by the college, and the other was


Almost as soon as he heard the sound, Chen Motong lifted the quilt covering his body, and Professor Toyama also showed a helpless expression at the same time, "Oh, it will still turn out like this."

Logically speaking, he should inform his superiors, such as professors such as Guderian, who informed Principal Angers to deal with it.

But he didn't.

To be honest, although he also understood and explained the necessity of correct procedures.

But as far as his personal heart is concerned, it actually doesn't matter.

"Forget it, let her in." Professor Toyama said gently.

After all, that was Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Even if you report it to your superiors, you will only get the result of "allowed to pass" in the end, right?

It's just a little time difference

It does not matter.


No one can be perfect.

No one can avoid making mistakes.

The only thing that can make people approach perfection is the 'rules' created by the superposition of countless wisdoms.

Masashi Toyama will probably do it countless times in the coming years.

Thinking of the choices I made that day.

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