The battle started unexpectedly.

Because Lu Mingfei discovered that Akuko's location was in the back of the school, and before that, he was not sure that Fujimaru Ritsuka had been tricked. After confirming Akuko's fake identity, he planned to notify the academy, but was betrayed by Akuko. Zi's ​​strange ability interrupted communication.

Then, three seconds after the battle begins.

[The Valkyrie descends on the battlefield]

As a consumable force, the Valkyrie did not crush Cassel College in terms of strength, but it was enough to put the students into a safety crisis.

Although most of the inventory has been destroyed, as mentioned before——

【Dragon never dies】

If you want, you can draw out your troops at any time.

Yazi, when the Dragon Clan is really serious about targeting a race, it can be a killing machine.

Endless ants are endlessly resurrected. As long as they are not monster hybrids like Fujimaru Ritsuka who directly crush their spirits, the Dragon Clan will be immortal.

Unfortunately, this time, Caesar and Chu Zihang were completely separated from the battlefield over there, and were forced to face their respective enemies, unable to carry out rescue.

A battlefield that was forced to be divided.

And all this——

All within the expectations of Group A.

In Group A's plan, the worst-case scenario is to be surrounded by the entire Kassel force and be surrounded in the enemy's position.

Although it was bad, it was still safer than being on the ship and directly fighting Angers and Uesugi Etsu, who were able to attack with all their strength.

In the understanding of Group A, they should not try to fight directly with those two people.

Among the remaining students, those who need special attention are those who are heading to the ice sea operation.

Among the teachers, there were probably some mixed races headed by Bazett.

Members of Team A will use Wasabiko, Peronloncino, and Debit as combatants.

To be honest, unlike the other side left in Group A, the part of the battle with Fujimaru Ritsuka can basically be said to be Kirshtalia taking off the remaining ones alone.

Beryl and Kadok can be said to be unquestionably ordinary, the kind of dangerous elements who wouldn't even reach S-level in the Executive Directorate's files.

Although Ophelia's magic eye can help her go from being a mortal to a genius in one go, it really can't pick out the parts that are worthy of praise.

It is said that Team A is attacking Fujimaru Ritsuka, but in essence it is still a one-on-one battle between the captain and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Geniuses and geniuses.

On a battlefield that transcends common sense, there is no room for others to intervene.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that Kazuko and Peronloncino are the "abnormalities" that are superior to Ophelia, whether it is the leakage or Kazuko who is a lost fantasy species. Normally accessible existence.

Let’s postpone the introduction of other objects first, and let’s focus on Peronloncino’s threat.

The ability to connect all leaks symbolizes extraordinary observation.

In certain situations, this ability will shine.

For example - the master who is the commander from the rear.

As a Master, Peronloncino must be first-rate. The experience gained from his thousand years of life, his own excellent magic quality, or the additional blessings from the leakage all allow him to easily understand the demands and essence of his followers, and Communicate in a way that doesn’t feel off-putting.

Presumably, being with such a person as a partner will definitely make you feel at ease and comfortable.

And if we talk about the regular Holy Grail War, men can be said to be first-rate.

So at this time, as the Master, Peronloncino controls the ‘heroic spirit doll’ made by Odin——

It's just superb!

In a normal Holy Grail War, the so-called Master is generally just a decoration. In addition to helping the servants smooth their hair and feed them food, they are basically a burden on the frontal battlefield.

The only function is to use the command spell at critical moments.

But in Odin's master-slave system, the slaves are completely controlled by the master.

This is not a p1p2 two-player game.

It is a completely real-time strategy game with only one player!

The Master is real, the external brain of the Servant.

Therefore, the best way to play is not to use the human brain to control hundreds of servants at the same time to perform mechanical actions like Kirshtalia and others. Even if the servants can exert considerable strength relying on their own super-standard hardware, In terms of efficiency, it is too clumsy.

The real usage is like what Peronloncino does now——

A detachment controlled by a single person and composed of a few elite servants who are good at commanding.

boom! ! !

The building of the school infirmary is a white rectangular parallelepiped, with square edges rising from the ground, and the colors are divided into blocks, like a long column made of countless Rubik's cubes.

However, this brand-new medical building, which was built in less than a year and used for less than a year——

In the next moment, it was blown away.

Bang bang bang! ! !

A series of blasts started from one point outward, and the originally flat wall suddenly bulged to form a curved surface, and then stretched out countless small or rough cracks. At the last moment, it burst and splashed, and the suppressed firelight also escaped, burning the air red. .

Caesar's figure and Chu Zihang flew out from two different blasting sites at almost the same time.

To be honest, the gestures are all

Not exactly easy.

Kaka! ——

His body flew out like a cannonball. Caesar, who was still in mid-air, barely adjusted his balance. His hands penetrated deeply into the hard ground and he forced himself to slow down in this way. However, his body still slid backwards involuntarily, almost toppling over with the remaining force. .

At the same time, Caesar groaned in pain.

He lowered his head and scanned his chest. There were three penetrating wounds there!

Just a few cents.

It’s really just a few centimeters difference, and you’ll die!

"Huh - what the hell is that!"

As soon as he landed, Caesar couldn't help but yelled angrily.

He couldn't believe what he just saw.

Monsters of the same level as Nero and others in his body actually appeared in front of him in such a majestic manner.

Still, several people showed up at once!

The aftermath of the released Noble Phantasm was enough to penetrate from the east to the west of Kassel. If Caesar hadn't forcibly used the inherent barrier to send everyone in the infirmary out of this dangerous zone, there would have been countless casualties.

No, the other party is aiming at this!

These guys are not only not afraid that Kassel is the home ground of Caesar and others, but are actually happy about it!

Similar to the battle of the Valkyrie Army, the advantage of blending into the enemy's position is that "the enemy himself will have to control the output to avoid accidentally injuring friendly forces."

But Odin could care less about the Valkyrie's life.

You can’t wait for others!

Kassel's students are a new generation of strength trained to face the dragon army, not to fight monsters like heroic spirits right from the start!

As the president of the student union, Caesar also knows what his responsibilities are, so he must constantly use Nero's inherent barrier to bring the surrounding students into the realm to protect them.

The reason why I didn’t choose to ‘imprison Peronloncino, the heroic spirit, and myself in the realm’ was because——

Caesar was sure that Peronloncino was not the only enemy.

Caesar must fight and find a way to save everyone.

And this means that Nero's most important skill, inherent barrier, is directly sealed!

He is already powerful, and this is the enemy he meets for the first time, let alone fighting with injuries and restraints.

On the other side, Chu Zihang's situation is not optimistic at all.

Caesar took the time to glance at Chu Zihang next to him. He was now kneeling on the ground with his Japanese sword deeply inserted into the ground. There were countless scratches on his face, and the bandage on his chest that had not yet been removed was already oozing with blood.

He did not suffer any new wounds like himself, so he must not have been crushed. Instead, he fought the enemy on an equal footing, or even suppressed the opponent.

But, it's not enough.

Just by suppressing the opponent, it was still Chu Zihang who lost in the end.

Yes, both Caesar and Chu Zihang are essentially injured.

During the head-to-head confrontation with the Valkyrie, both of them were attacked by self-destructions from the opposite side. Their wounds had not been fully treated, and the mental exhaustion was too late to deal with.

They are weak at the moment.

At this time, as the fog from the explosion mouth dissipated, Peronloncino, the man with an exaggerated and coquettish face, was once again exposed to Caesar's sight.

The man put his hands on his hips, still wearing a mysterious smile that couldn't be called provocative or hearty.

"Well, it's expected that my side is in a deadlock, but Debite~ your efficiency is a bit strange." Peronloncino turned his head and teased Debite who appeared beside him at some unknown time.


The brown-haired man answered directly. The servant beside him couldn't see his figure clearly. He just stood quietly side by side with Peronloncino, overlooking the opponent below, which was Chu Zihang.

The clothes on his body were burned with several holes, and the sassy attitude he had just appeared on the scene had begun to melt away, but even so, the purple circled eyes still showed little emotion.

"It's more troublesome than I thought."

Debit finally spoke.

"The heroic spirit has taken over the body, and its affinity is too high. During the battle in the Arctic, it probably improved its mastery of the elements."

"Oh~~" Pepe raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Is it really true that a heroic spirit has such high growth potential~~ Then it will be troublesome to let him continue to fight. What should I do? Can you do it in a short time? ?”

"Yeah." Debit didn't nod, but just agreed calmly, "His wound is open. Although his ability cannot be suppressed, the consumption speed will make him collapse in a short time."

"Okay~ Then let's spread out. If the two of us continue to talk, the boy named Caesar will probably soon try to use the instantaneous barrier to cast the target, killing the two of us and the entire Kassel academy. An exchange has been carried out. What a good brain~" Peronloncino smiled and waved to Caesar below, but the latter knew that the plan was exposed the moment he saw the other person's eyes, and his face became more and more gloomy.

"The time is a little tight, and it's a bit dangerous for Wasabi to be alone." Peronloncino took the time to look at the terminal, and suddenly couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh. As if he saw something interesting, he handed the screen to Debit. .

[Akuko: Help. 】

Debit: "."

While Peronloncino couldn't help but type a reply, he said to Debit with high emotional intelligence, "If you can, Debit, after you deal with these two people, go deal with Lu Mingfei. Only you among us have that ability~ Can you handle it alone?"

"Yeah." Debit said expressionlessly. "Their condition is worse than expected."

Peronloncino smiled and added, "And there are too many restrictions. The heroic spirit in Chu Zihang can't even deploy the Noble Phantasm in the academy, so I can rest assured and leave it to you. I will deal with the more dangerous one."

"Hilbert Jean Angers?"


Peronloncino smiled and shook his head, looking towards the buildings deeper in Kassel.

The black monument stands exaggeratedly deep in Kassel, the safest location.

That's the new equipment building.

"It's more troublesome than that~"

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