Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 516 I am super, old woman!

"I understand the situation. I'll go over now."

In the conference room in Kassel, by the time Angers received the news, it was already ten minutes after the battle started.

It's not that Kassel's internal information is blocked, but that the other party's attack was too sudden, and the fact that the rebel was Fujimaru Ritsuka himself caused the entire Kassel to fall into a state of information stagnation.

Those who got the news even began to doubt their ears, or whether the person who passed on their information was a Skrull spy.

Fujimaru Ritsuka rebelled?

Even if you rebelled against Fujimaru Ritsuka, it would be impossible for you to rebel! (refer to)

And after all, as a human leader, what reason does she have to rebel? If she rebels————

What else are we struggling with?

There were so many reasons, so many that Angers himself was shocked on the spot and couldn't recover for a long time.

But as a dragon slayer who had lived for a hundred years, he still forced himself to cheer up and confirm the situation.

The first thing to suspect is undoubtedly [Fujimaru Ritsuka is a disguised existence].

On the premise of this guess, some of the inconsistent parts seem to have been answered. In any case,

He wanted to see it for himself.

After getting rid of the obstruction of the school board of directors and politely but forcefully rejecting nonsense such as "stay here to ensure the safety of the school board members", Angers immediately walked out of the building where the conference room was located and quickly headed into the hall. search.

Along the way, he encountered numerous battle scenes between Valkyries and students.

【Time Zero】

Instant kill.

Complete the first kill without mercy, efficiently chop all passing enemies into pieces, and it takes less than a split second.

The assassin of that time is back again, and the ghostly Death echoes everywhere on the Kassel campus, as if as long as the swords and halberds of the battle are chiming, the folding knife in his hand will act as the baton for the performance. Start a scarlet craze.

Speed ​​up, chop down, kill.

After being synchronized with the heroic spirit, Angers already has speed beyond common sense, as well as endurance to match.

【Iron Will】

The accomplice provided him with such assistance.

Although Angers already possesses similar skills, as a living person, he still has no way to transform such traits into real skills to help him recover his physical strength.

This alone is not enough. Time Zero is the ability that consumes the most energy and soul. In the past, Anger Light would feel that it had reached the limit of the body after turning on [Fifty Times Speed] for a few minutes. It was enough for regular dragons, but for Those above the second generation seem very reluctant.

For the Dragon King, he needs to be careful and rely on his own experience and wisdom to make up for the gap.

However, I don't know when it will start.

Hilbert made Angers' body become stronger than the one he had had in Japan.

As early as in the Arctic, it was revealed that his dressing style had gradually become casual and his fighting methods had become more barbaric.

Just like a certain Japanese ramen guy.

Probably because the man contracted a new heroic spirit.

The compatibility between the heroic spirit inherited by the Beowulf family and Angers himself can only be considered barely good.

But it doesn't matter.

For Angers, just get the most obvious skill.

【Dragon Slayer】

Special attack against dragon, the most useful skill in the world.

Basically, it can be said that this skill is transformation for hybrids.

In a nutshell, Ange’s state of mind at the moment——

[I will not lose to anyone now]

Ah, this is a bit subtle.

All in all, in the black and white world, the old man kept accelerating his body, and the Valkyries passing by were decapitated in an instant or had their necks cut off with a folding knife. Their blood flowed like water, and their heads flew into the air, spinning three times before landing on the ground.




The results continued to accumulate, but Ange's heart did not calm down.

On the contrary.

(Why haven’t you found those strange hybrids mentioned in the report just now?)

Angers knew about the existence of Debit and the others, and also received the report of the appearance symbol. Originally, he planned to kill the attackers as quickly as possible, and then go to see Fujimaru Ritsuka's situation in person.

But from now on, he has not found his target.

Not only that

Chu Zihang and Caesar were also missing.

Just when Ange kept comforting himself that with the strength of those two people, there would be no problem even if he was not there——

Angers could not accept the news, but at this time came.

【Caesar Gattuso】

【Chu Zihang】

[The two were determined to be defeated, and the enemy left the battlefield after being injured]


【Just one person】

After briefly withdrawing from the realm of Time Zero, Angers looked at the information he got from Norma, and his whole body fell into shock.

Caesar and Chu Zihang

Those two people would actually lose?

It wasn't that Angers was making a fuss, on the contrary, it was because he had extremely correctly assessed the strength of Caesar and Chu Zihang.

The former has an ability of coordination and adaptability that is not inferior to his own. He is a natural commander and a general. He also uses his unique talent to coordinate Finn and Nero at the same time. His strength is undoubtedly the top among hybrids in the Gods. Mad Lai can completely destroy modern countries by himself.

The latter is the strongest firepower output in Kassel today, including himself. As the top divine heroic spirit, Karna, paired with the most suitable master, their understanding of the fire element has reached a close level. At the level of the Dragon King, one can even forge a Noble Phantasm without learning any forging knowledge, and complete such a large-scale coverage of gods and kingdoms.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone is his proud student.

And they actually lost like this?

Despite being shocked, Angers quickly understood the situation.

(The wounds from the previous battle, as well as the venue factors, the timing was too bad.)

Even so, it was a powerful enemy that could defeat Caesar and Chu Zihang head-on.

Now that both Fingel and Zero have been assigned to deal with the Valkyrie, in this Cassel, only he has the ability to solve it.

"Tsk, if I had known better, I shouldn't have thrown Uesugoshi away!"

At this critical juncture, Uesugoshi himself left the army because he was asked to perform additional secret missions.

Angers had the authority to view the content of that mission, and he also knew that it was extremely urgent and could not be relaxed. Apart from Fujimaru Ritsuka, only Uesugi Koshi could complete the mission.

The other party must also be aiming at this.

Damn Odin.

But it's not all bad news from Norma.

[After modeling analysis, I tracked the movement trajectory of Commissioner Lu Mingfei and found that the signal was lost after entering the mountain behind the college. I suspected that it was maliciously blocked by the enemy. 】


Angers set off without hesitation, flying at lightning speed, and with his speed, he crossed the entire Kassel almost in an instant.

boom! ! !

He jumped high and jumped over the fence surrounding the college complex in Kassel. He turned on the blood without hesitation, and some fine red lines spread out from the corners of his eyes.

Ange's eyes swept across the entire back mountain in an instant. The dragon clan's strength gave him excellent observation, and he discovered the location of the enemy almost instantly.

And there, there were students he was familiar with.


A student named Lu Mingfei, and a certain man in a jacket who seemed to be confronting him in front of him.

Time Zero opened instantly, Angers quickly flew towards the enemy's back, the blade turned into a cold light and flickered in the air——

【Um? 】

However, a sense of dislocation immediately came.

In the still space and time of Angers, the attacker named Debit suddenly turned his eyes to look at Angers. The expressionless face from beginning to end showed a rare hint of surprise and urgency, and he turned sideways at an extremely slow speed.

boom! ! !

The blade passed across Debit's neck, but no red was seen. Instead, there was a heavy sound of swords and halberds, and fire was everywhere.

(What blocked it!)

Anger, who sensed something was wrong, quickly retreated to Lu Mingfei's side. When he sensed the principal's arrival, the young man showed an expression of surprise.

"Sorry principal! I couldn't stop that guy! The impostor just ran inside. With your speed, you can definitely catch up! Leave it to me here!"

".and you--"

"I can handle it."

".I know." Angers nodded slightly, glanced at Debit for the last time, then turned around and accelerated, leaving the battlefield in an instant.

To be honest, Angers could feel the sense of disobedience in the man named Debit. The man was able to block his almost fatal attack, and there seemed to be something around him.

A presence similar to that of Odin protected him.

But at this moment, his only choice is to believe in his students.

Lu Mingfei, who was left behind, stared at Debit in front of him and couldn't help but look up and down.

Just now, Lu Mingfei and Kazuko tried to fight.

Then Lu Mingfei beat up the opponent.

Lu Mingfei, who had 50% of the trading quota, was already approaching the level of Fujimaru Ritsuka in terms of combat power. It only took thirty seconds for Akuko to go from angry to expressionless.

Then he was beaten away like a sandbag. That scene made Lu Mingfei hallucinate his respected master, Miss Jörmungandr.

Oh, no disrespect to Master Ye, don’t talk nonsense.

The stronger Lu Mingfei became, the more he noticed the superb level of martial arts that Teacher Daye showed and his eldest sister.

He's still far from it.

Having said that, there is no problem in beating Kazuko away. However, just when Lu Mingfei was about to blow the opponent up with one punch, the person in front of him followed closely.

The conversation between Lu Mingfei and Debit only consisted of two simple sentences.

[Where are senior brothers and Caesar? 】

【Solved. 】

Only then did Lu Mingfei observe the other party carefully.

An ordinary cool handsome guy is not as cool as his eldest sister.

That senior brother and Caesar were defeated by this kind of guy! (snarling with side face)

Let’s stop here for the fun.

To be honest——

I can feel it clearly too

That piercing sense of threat.

Rather than emanating from this man, it is better to say that it emanates from his side, or 'around'.

This man seems to be able to attract "abnormalities".

Lu Mingfei touched his still painful ribs.

The wound carved by the Hall of Heroes that day was still aching.

It has nothing to do with the physical body, it is purely a mental scar that has not recovered yet.

How bad——

At the same time, Angers had caught up with the so-called fake.

At this time, 'Fujimaru Ritsuka' still maintained that beautiful face, but there was no trace of the calmness and warmth of the past on her face, leaving only a vicious and irritable look as if she was about to menstruate.

Ange thought to himself that the opponent's observation skills were also very poor, and he didn't realize his presence until he was about to catch up and was close to a few tens of meters.

Normally, he would choose to chop the enemy's neck first, but

Looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka's face, he hesitated a little.

[What if this is a possession-type ability? 】

I don't know if he was deceiving himself or for other reasons, Angers did not attack directly, but arrived in front of Kazuko at a ghostly speed, forcing the opponent to stop.

boom! ! ! ! !

The hill behind the college is covered with dense woods. The trees were broken and shattered by the falling heavy objects. The aftermath of Ange's landing knocked the running mustard child away, and he was forced to stop his escape. Chen Motong behind him also fell. next to.

The flying tree dust stopped in the air, and Ange and Kazuko looked at each other.

Kazuko, whose eyes were covered with blood, smacked her lips at that moment.

Come again? !

Oh shit!

Kill you, you stinky old man! ! (dry)

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