Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 517 Shakespeare: A good game.

To be honest, from a common sense perspective, Hilbert Jean-Anger is the opponent Akuko wants to see the least in this academy.

Because Kazuko herself is not a member of Team A who is particularly good at fighting, if I had to say it, she should be regarded as the ornament of a beautiful girl with a mouthless literature.

She longs for a peaceful life and claims that she doesn't like fighting.

If I had to say what she was good at, it would probably be escaping.

With immortality that surpasses hybrids and even most dragon species, as well as low dependence on the body, Akuko can escape from most opponents.

For thousands of years, she has used this trick whenever she encounters a troublesome opponent.

Encounter, run, escape, hide, and then—

Wait for the other party to die of old age.

As expected of a woman who traveled to China and married a Chinese husband! You understand very well what "victory in martial arts" means!

However, there is also a situation where it can be troublesome.

It's just like Hilbert asked Angers to do this. When he wanted to run, he found that the opponent was incredibly fast, but when he compared his lifespan, he found that the opponent was still just a little kid to him, but it was not impossible to live for hundreds of years. Year.

Even Kazuko doesn't want to waste hundreds of years avoiding someone.

So, it's really troublesome.

Yes, at this time, maybe I should say this——

"My name is Yoshi Akuko, and my age is a secret."

On the mountain behind Kassel, Akuko slowly got up from the ground. She barely stood up straight from the ground and said hoarsely.

The woman remembered the anime she had watched with Kirshtalia and the members of Team A.

It was a boring afternoon. Kirshtalia got too many chips from Odin to prove their identity, most of which were the products of Odin's hunt for Norton.

Basically it can be summed up as a fourth-dimensional pocket.

Among them, there are many products related to future vision, but since looking at the future is an act of uncertainty, Kirshtalia, a genius, resolutely chose only the safest way.

【Watch movies and anime with future vision】

It was a meaningless act, and Akuko was forced to watch it together for a long time.

At present.

"My family lives in the military area of ​​Northern Siberia. I am married and have no children. I work at Hidden Man Co., Ltd. and I don't work overtime every day and I go home early.

No smoking, no drinking. Go to bed at 11 o'clock in the evening and sleep for 8 hours every day. Before going to bed, you must burn a stick of incense for the portrait of Lord Xiang Yu, then say a 20-minute condolence speech, go to bed, and fall asleep immediately. As soon as you wake up until dawn, never leave fatigue and stress until the next day. "

"what are you talking about?"

Angers stood there and frowned.

He originally suspected that this was a prelude chant for some kind of alchemy by the other party, but he had no idea what kind of alchemy would require the use of such a spell.

However, Akuko continued regardless.

To be honest, she loved this line from this character.

Although as far as the character itself is concerned, Akuko does not quite understand the other party's various behaviors, but whether it is "irrepressible instinct", "fundamentally different from others" or "does not want to fight, just wants to transform She couldn't agree more with the "vegetative" part.

In addition to not liking murder and hands, Akuko also felt that she and the other party had quite a common topic.

Especially, the next paragraph.

"It's easy to win a battle, but it's foolish to get caught up in the stress of waiting for the next battle to come. Fighting with others is both empty and never-ending. Behavior.

I don’t need crazy joy, and relatively I don’t have deep despair. I live a peaceful life with a heart like a plant. Such a stable life is my goal. Struggle is exactly the opposite of the stable life I pursue. , so I hate it. "

"I'm just so content. This is my outlook on life. Winning or losing, winning or losing, are not my favorite things to care about, because they will only bring me trouble and enemies. But"

Kazuo suddenly raised his head to look at Angre, his eyes flashed with blood-red stars, as bloody and tragic as a nightmare.

She declared.

"If I have to do it, I won't lose to anyone."

"You were beaten violently by my students just now, right?"

Ange answered immediately, and raised his hand to point at the other person's face, with an expression of "Haha, what are you talking about?"


Acupuncture's face instantly felt hot, and the blood-red aftermath spread out from her body, as if it was really Fujimaru Ritsuka's [Word Spirit Oracle] that erupted with corresponding ripples.

She is so anxious.


"Too weak." Ange touched the back of his neck and commented, "There is no way to compare with the newly awakened Ritsuka. After all, I am willing to watch you delaying time just to wait for your teammates, so what do you mean? reason?"

"Huh? Teammate? You don't really think that man can defeat Debit, do you?" Akuko asked with a stinking face.

Ah, it’s called Debit, Ange thought.

Isn't it too easy to get information out of this woman's mouth?

So Angers continued to explain.

"Whether we win or not, I don't think he can come here so quickly - but Valkyrie cannot stop Fingel and Zero. There is no doubt that my partner will come first."


Akuko fell into silence.

Could it be that this woman was really stalling for time just now, and she really just thought that her partner would come to help?

No way?

Angers didn't want such a violent and funny character in an organization that was secretly trying to subvert the world. It seemed ironic.

But in that case——

bass! ! !

The blade turned into a biting wind and rose up from the ground, penetrating through Kazuko's side like a white rainbow penetrating the sun.

Kazuko's pupils moved slowly, and the pain came slowly. The blood droplets splashing in the air hit her arm together with the lingering pain.

The crack in time was cut off in less than an instant.

And Ange, who was in front of Kazuko, didn't even seem to move - obviously, the speed of his knife at this moment was already too fast for non-Dragon King level beings to keep up!


Adako let out a dull pain, her face instantly darkened, and she stepped back with all her strength.

Then the moment his feet lifted off the ground——


Shrouded in vertical and horizontal white light, Kazuko used her ability to wrap around her body this time, but she was still cut off from the edge of her ankle, the inside of her knee, her wrist, and one of her eyes.

That was Angers' intention.

None of these injuries were fatal, but the purpose was to make Akuko unable to move, visually impaired, and unable to hold weapons.

After doing all this, he quickly stepped forward, tightening his thighs and exerting force. The strong wind of his forward body squeezed out the air, and a blast sounded across the sky. His legs turned into spears and pierced through, in the middle. Wasabi belly.

Her eyes bulged, followed by irresistible dizziness, and the sound of trees being broken by her body kept ringing in her ears. Even though the trees were taking off their strength, Akuko was still kicked and flew hundreds of meters away. distance.

But at that moment, apart from the anger of being beaten, Akuko did not feel any panic.

She was just used to being crushed by combat power.

On the contrary, she was more confused.

He was confused about what Pepeloncino said to him before starting this mission.

Peronloncino [Speaking of which - in the worst case scenario, Angers really catches up with this surprise attack, then you will probably be left alone to deal with him alone in the end, right? 】

Kazuko [Ha! ? ! Are you kidding, that’s not part of my job! 】

Peronloncino [Well, don't be so excited. After all, we are all partners, and we have to complete our assigned work~ And - although it is just my personal opinion, although you and Hilbert let Angers fight The compatibility is extremely poor, but]

[As a ‘human being’, you may have an overwhelming advantage. 】

[Besides, didn’t we leave you a servant to target him~]

Kazuko never understood the meaning of this sentence.

Until now.

The dust caused by the fallen trees gradually dissipated, and Ange approached Kazuo with his knife.

What makes him a little troublesome is that even after receiving injuries like his own, Akuko didn't seem to have any signs of difficulty moving.

Is this guy really worthy of death?

Faced with this doubt, it was Akuko who was the first to give the answer.

"Aren't you planning to chop off my head?" Kazuko covered her eyes, still wearing the world-weary look that displeased everyone, and looked at Angers coldly.

"Can you kill him by cutting him?" Angers asked, keeping a gentleman's smile on his face and raising the knife to signal.

"Haha, no matter whether I die or not, the top priority is to kill me directly, right?"

"The conversation just now is enough to prove that I am not Fujimaru Ritsuka, nor do I use techniques such as possession or spirit seduction."

S-level hybrids, especially emperor-level hybrids, are special by their very existence. Basically, hybrids of the same level can sense each other's presence across dozens of streets in a city.

To put it bluntly, substitute messengers will attract each other.

And if you directly come into contact with the other person's blood, you can clearly feel each other's existence and connection, just like when Uesugi met Kazama Ruri for the first time, he came to the conclusion that "blood is the highest fantasy substance". Seeing blood is enough to identify the other person's identity.

And Ange had just cut so many wounds. With his observation ability, he was naturally able to recognize that the person in front of him had nothing to do with Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Normally, that's the case.


He did not continue cutting.

"Is it because my face is shaped like hers?"


Akuzuko put her face in Fujimaru Ritsuka's face and said with a mocking smile.

"You are not willing to gamble on even the slightest possibility of being damaged, for fear that you will hurt Fujimaru Ritsuka?"

"It really doesn't look like the so-called 'rare revenge ghost', Hilbert Jean-Ange."


A flash of light flashed through his sharp eyes, and Ange tilted his neck and shrugged, making a helpless gesture.

"Well, since I said that, the next stab will be to chop the neck. Please don't avoid it. After all, I have great sympathy for beautiful women - even those who have plastic surgery."

Taking one step forward, Ange had already crossed more than ten meters to reach the mustard child in the next moment.

The blade is approaching, and at the moment when the neck is about to be cut——

throat! ! ! !

The blade was blocked from the side, Angers' eyes widened, and he looked in shock at the silver knight who blocked his attack.

Angers didn't know about the 'heroic spirit', but he could also sense that it was probably the superior existence of the Valkyrie.

But at that moment, he was not surprised by this incident.

But because


The folding knife was in a stalemate with the opponent's weapon, and Ange's pupils kept trembling.


The opponent's knife.


It was an ancient Turkish war knife. There was a saying in Europe that "you need to be brave like the Turks". Because the Turks once roamed the areas around the Mediterranean and established a Turkish Empire spanning three continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa. In addition to the human factor, this has something to do with their commonly used weapon - the Atkan sword.

There was nothing special about this knife, but when Angers saw the knife overlap with his own folding knife, the light and shadow were blurred for a moment, and he couldn't tell them apart at all.

A knife similar to his own.

That is--

The next moment, another silver-white knight fell from the sky.


[It’s time to start the performance, here’s to the thunderous applause (First Folio)]

The Noble Phantasm unfolds.

No, in this world, it should be said like this

【Yan Ling.Sen Luo】

As I said before, if I give a heroic spirit, I can let Fujimaru kill the dragon clan - including Shakespeare.

Fuck, the essence of romance novels, let each of us undergo a spiritual interrogation.

The enhanced version of Kazama Ruri is born ()

Even the Dragon King has to break my defenses. Do a group of sensitive children of thousands of years understand the value of my Sabi driving Joan of Arc crazy? ()

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