Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 518 The old man’s narrative

【Yan Ling.Sen Luo】

Theoretically speaking, this is a rare word spirit that can only be used by descendants of the White King. It uses its eyes to control the opponent's mind. The releaser can induce or even force the target to see any scene, including the burning hell or deceased relatives.

Everything can be seen at a glance, hence the name.

But in fact, descendants of the White King are not unique to Japan.

Not to mention that Japan also has records of outward migration. Now that the theory of "Planet Power" has been established, the bloodline of the White King can no longer be simply explained by the "Yamato Nation".

There is essentially no difference between the blood of the Four Dragon Kings and the blood of the White King. They are both the rights of the planet.

As I said before, what really differentiates them is the [spiritual element] that causes hybrids to have visions, or is psychic, attached to dragon blood, and belongs to the dragon type.

The reason why humans can only use the speech spirit of a certain dragon king is simply because they can only see that part of the spirit.

but if.

If someone has a super spiritual element and does not 'inherit the word spirit' through spiritual vision, but simply digs out the composition of [power] in the body and deduce the composition of the word spirit, then naturally he can use any kind of word spirit.

This situation is extremely rare and can even be said to be ‘only a theoretical possibility’

But Shakespeare did it.

He is probably on this planet——

The [spiritual element] that is most suitable for the White King is a human being composed of words and spirits.


Hilbert-Jean Angers rarely talked about his past.

There are many reasons, the most important ones are "don't want to say" and "can't say".

The former is because the old man, as an old monster who has lived for many years, really doesn't want to look for someone to remember the past with a shameful face. This makes him look very pretentious and does not look like the "world's strongest hybrid".

Angers has the baggage of an idol. Although he occasionally likes to argue and can even fit into Lu Mingfei's emotional circle, in general he still has his own gentlemanly demeanor and behavioral norms.

And ‘can’t say’ means——

[Simple, there is no one to whom I can say these words]

Angers didn't have many friends to begin with, half of them were Flamel, half of Pompeii, and half of Uesugi. Someone who was supposed to be working in North America now gave himself a shot in the back, and his name was Henkel. The old thing counts as half.


Can't seem to find it.

Hilbert Jean Angers, a man's life carries the main theme of loneliness and revenge, and film and television works have emphasized countless times that these two words are inseparable.

The Avenger is bound to live alone, even if he once had a partner - for details, please refer to Uchiha Sasuke and Kurapika.

All of his friendships are superficial. People will be deceived by the deep and wine-like atmosphere of these old people gathering together, thinking that they are actually keeping secrets. In fact, they know it in their hearts and recognize each other, but in fact——


To be honest, it's simply because the relationship can't go any further.

Each of them is an island of stubbornness. The relationship between Flamel and Angers is the most obvious. They both trust each other but doubt the other. They can entrust their lives but never touch the depths of each other.

Being able to commit one's life does not mean that their feelings are as deep as fire.

It just simply means that they don't regard their own lives as fate.

They have become twisted.

Very early on, very early on, when I was supposed to be a young man who was high-spirited and powerful, making the world tremble for me, trying to change the world with his hands, I was distorted by something.

Maybe it was the sudden death of the teacher.

Perhaps it was the farewell of relatives and friends without saying goodbye.


It's the burning castle and the endless rainy night.


In the autumn of 1900 AD, late at night, drizzle, the Port of Hamburg, Germany.

The lighthouse's gas lamp is like a brilliant sword, spinning and cutting through the darkness, cutting into the pier, cutting out a thin and straight silhouette. The young Count Menecke Cassel stood alone on the pier without an umbrella, with his hands in his pockets and the collar of his windbreaker tied up to resist the cold wind.

The hand hidden in his pocket gently touched the ancient silver ring on the index finger of his left hand. His golden eyes narrowed into a slit, and he looked at the sea through the lenses of his brown glasses. The calm sea in the past was now like a nest of water about to boil. Heaving restlessly.

This is a sign of the coming storm. Most of the ships have already entered the port. The sea in the distance is empty except for the circular spots burned by the pale lights.

Next to him is a man named Lu Shanyan.

An authentic Chinese, 25 years old, with dark eyes, soft and clear cheek lines, and a figure similar to Meineke. Lu Shanyan was wearing a dark poncho that covered his Qing Dynasty dress, and his thick braids were tied up and hidden in a top hat. With his head lowered behind Meineke, he was quiet.

That's where the story begins.

What happens next?

【Very simple. 】

The storm will bring a ship, and according to the plan, it should be the body of the dragon that the secret party has been waiting for for a long time, for research.

At that time, Menek Cassel, who was dubbed the mixed-race genius, had gradually realized the changes in the world structure. He attracted the best mixed-race people in the world, personally selected, screened, and recruited them personally.

He gathered those outstanding bloodlines around him, of course, not to support himself as an emperor.

But to [completely end the war between humans and dragons]

The advancement of science and technology has given them the reason and basis for doing so. If they can completely master the corpse of the pure-blood dragon, it means that they can unravel "the principle of dragon cocooning" and "the activation and principle of speech spirit" in one go. "Dragon body structure, dragon blood mechanism" and other factors.

Megnaccasel once tried to find relevant conclusions in history books, but in the end only the harsh words "lost" were left. The closest thing to the conclusion turned out to be the folklore about Leonardo da Vinci. The information book in the early years mentioned a little bit about it.

Unfortunately, there is no way to verify it.

Of course Cassel is aware of the problems here, but all he can do is face the unknown enemy and do everything he can.

The people gathered in this castle are all the best hybrids in the world. S-class is just the foundation here. Each of them is enough to leave a name in history. If we want to use the word "heroic spirit" to summarize, then all the hybrids here have that general qualifications.

World changer.

They had hoped that they would become that kind of existence.


[There are betrayers]

[Next, the storm will indeed bring the corpses of dragons, but not the so-called ordinary pure-blood dragons. 】

[What was sent was a dragon king]

[A dragon king directly passed through all the alchemical defenses we set up and awakened directly inside Kassel Manor. 】

The gap between humans and dragon kings is huge, especially in modern times.

But even at the end of the Age of Gods, the so-called Holy City of Camelot was resisting the existence of the Dragon King from the outside. There had never been a case of a human city being directly disintegrated from the inside.

Even if it was the peak of an era, a group of the best people.

Nor could they ignite a spark of victory.

The world turned the page, and the sound of raindrops never stopped, dense, dense, and in the end it simply turned into a flushing sound with no intervals, as if someone had dug a hole in the sky.

It was like the tears of the world, the bloody tears of pain when the chest was forcibly torn open.

Angers stood in the rain, his whole body was wet, staring at everything in front of him.

That friend whom I knew so well, missed so much, and loved so much, turned into dust like a delicate, frozen painting.

The wheel of the world, the cruelty called time, began to push against his back.

Come to the next screen.


"Soot! Ghost!"

In the rain, a man named Lu Shanyan shouted loudly.

The time at this time was less than half an hour after the Dragon King woke up.

The situation has reached the brink of crisis. Menekcasel needs to escort the goods in the castle out, and the remaining people must stop the resurrected Dragon King.

Soot, ghosts, and Lu Shanyan.

These are the names of the three people left behind.

Very good, they are all excellent hybrids. In today's executive board, they will become partners of people like Chu Tianjiao.

However, it was almost impossible for the three of them to stop this dragon. Even so, they won with extremely exquisite cooperation, and presented a wonderful decisive battle like a three-person dance on this long rainy night.

The "scythes and weasels" were dancing wildly in the air. These monsters living in the void collected every bit of information around them and brought it back to Lu Shanyan's ears. But there is a circular space that they dare not enter. When the sickles and weasels hit the boundary of this inviolable area, they will only make a "hissing" sound like a piece of light paper being burned by fire, and then the sickles and weasels will Just disappeared.

The "King Domain" is only available to the first generation species. These dragon princes, known as the "Four Monarchs", have far stronger spirits than ordinary dragons. Even if they do not use the spirit of speech, the surging spiritual power will naturally form around them. A small area. At that time, their spiritual flames and the power of ordinary speech spirits fell on the flame like moths to the flame.

Both Norton and Odin have demonstrated this before. Only monsters like Fujimaru Ritsuka can face them.

For mortals, just breathing has become a luxury.

Blood, tears, and the roar of gunfire, Ange silently watched this period of fighting that he was not able to witness with his own eyes, watching his beloved friend try his best to touch the Dragon King with all his wisdom, mind, and soul.

At the end of his life, the man tightly grasped the dragon's wings. With his weak hands as a human being, he was determined not to let go even if his hand bones were shattered. He wanted to keep the dragon for one second, one second. The clock is enough, trying to buy time for the partner to use the Philosopher's Stone.

But the existence he placed his hope on had already been penetrated by the Dragon King through his throat.

He waited for hope that would never come, but never put down the candle in his hand.


There was a deafening explosion in the distance, and the flames illuminated half of the sky and disappeared in an instant.

The story reaches its final chapter.

The dragon sat silently on the steps, with his wings spread out behind him, like a barrier to his throne.

And in front of him, a genius named Meniek Cassel finally stepped onto the stage.

But unfortunately, Shakespeare said that tragedy touches people's soul more than comedy, and all the elegant scripts end in tragedy.

Meineke is the protagonist.

A protagonist who is destined to die.

Angre's lips trembled as he watched everything, including the last conversation between him and Lu Shanyan, including the scene where he looked up at the noble dragon species and pulled out the sharp blade from his waist.

His last dance was undoubtedly bloody.

Blooming in madness, putting oneself to death, dancing desperately, facing the gods with a human body.

At that moment, the blade's glow was bone-piercingly cold, like the bright moon in the winter sky, and the naturally formed patterns on the blade when it was cast were clearly visible.

I can't forget it.

That's Meineke's knife.

My friend's knife.


"Thank you so much for being able to do it."

Crazy rainy night, roaring thunder.

The rain wetted the white hair, and the hair wax made no difference in the violent rain. It was blown down by the strong wind and beaten by the cold rain. Anger's hair was scattered, and the ever-elegant lion had never been so embarrassed.

The veins on his fists were like coiled snakes, and every muscle had stretched the knife to its limit. He clenched his palms tightly, and the blood and rain mixed together, turning into a dirty and turbid liquid that slid down the lines of his palms.

The old man's clouds collapsed, heavy rain poured down, the world was lonely and desolate, and ghosts and gods split the mountains and rivers ferociously.

Will update tomorrow. (concise and concise)

By the way, the prequel to Dragon Clan is better than the main sequel ()

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